MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 6 Ascend to the emperor (2)

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Qin Mo gently stroked him: "Will you die?"

"Of course not!" Although they are bound by contracts, they only cooperate with each other and share the relationship. It is not that they all fall together.

"What are you worried about?"

"But you are dead, I have to wait another five hundred years to meet the next host, five hundred years, will kill people!" The mouth quickly said the facts, when the Qing could not help but some annoyed... said so fast What are you doing? Such a chance to brush up the feelings is easy to waste. He should have expressed the feelings of the Virgin, and he told Qin Snake that he was a good person. He is a good person who will care about his life and death, and then achieve the effect of moving him and guiding him to be positive.

It is a pity that the water that was poured out when it was said that it could not be returned.

However, when it was unexpected, Qin Mo seemed very satisfied with his answer, and the corner of his mouth actually evoked a pleasant arc...

Shi Qing couldn't understand what he was happy with, but happiness was better than anger. The most important thing is that Qin Mo finally stopped turning over the **** herbal book!

He held the jade in one hand, closed the book, stood up, and said calmly: "Reassure, you will not be killed."

Shi Qing: ... don't always make mistakes!


The tulle is light and scented, and the sculpted dressing table is filled with exquisite and luxurious jewellery. Next to a yellow and clear bronze mirror, it reflects a soft and beautiful face, apricot eyes and lips, bright and affectionate. There are shallow lines at the corner of the eye that expose the traces of the years.

Li Yan eyes staring at the mirror without hesitation, pushing it away with a sullen sigh, and pushing the mirror away, but it can't wipe the wrinkles on his face.

She is now 37 years old, and she can't compare her care with her. The gloss of the skin is getting worse and worse, and the color of the skin is also dull. In recent days, a few fine lines have appeared in the corners of the eyes, which is simply unbearable.

Especially in these few days, the emperor did not come to Qi Bigong, but also made her mood bored, an uncontrollable evil fire straight up, and looked around the more dissatisfied: "People! Where are you going to die?"

The lady who had been waiting outside, Yu Xiang, quickly opened the bead curtain, walked in a small step, respectful salute: "Mother, dressing?"

Li Wei didn't look at her with a good look: "nonsense."

Yuxiang has a low-browed eyebrow, and her movements are light and numb. She has been taking care of her, and naturally knows her preferences. The powder was painted, and everything was done. After a while, she saw Li Yan's wrinkled eyebrows stretched out, revealing a satisfactory look.

But because of this casual smile, the lines of the corners of the eyes appeared again, and Li Li immediately changed his face.

Yuxiang had just breathed a sigh of relief, and Li Wei never listened to her advice. She knew her temper and naturally did not dare to speak more, but only she was here to serve herself. If it was not heard, 80% would still be angered. . In the heart of Yuxiang’s heart, he quickly said: “The maiden, Mrs. Li’s wife is already waiting in the temple.”

Her transfer topic, and sure enough, Li Wei stood up, quite a chest, took a look of grace and grace, said: "Go."

Mrs. Li Er is the brother-in-law of Li Xin’s family. The Li family was also a big family in the Daqing dynasty. In the same year, Li’s father had the merits of the dragon. Although it was passed down for five generations, the generation was worse than the one generation, and there was no such thing as a name. But the reputation is here, and now Li is favored, and their family is also in the limelight. both.

Mrs. Li Er is a younger brother and sister of Li Wei, but her birth is not high. The origin of the Huang Shang is not enough to see in the eyes of Li Wei. However, the wealth of Mrs. Li’s family is also real, and it’s so small that it’s impossible to do big things. Therefore, although she is not in the eyes of Mrs. Li, she is still pretty good.

Another point is that Mrs. Li Er is very fascinating because her family is an emperor. Li Wei is a favorite, not ordinary about the common property, but it is extremely valued, and cares about some maintenance things.

Last time, Mrs. Li Er brought some fat-dissolving cream, which was said to have been obtained from overseas. It is very rare and rare. The effect of using it is also very good. Li Wei used a comfortable heart and praised her a few words. Mrs. Li’s wife will come. Recently, I was still secretly looking for such things, and I wanted to talk about Li Huan.

Li Yan met with Mrs. Li Er, received her gift, and then asked a few questions about the family. Mrs. Li’s mouth will speak quickly and come back and forth a few words, and she will be happy.

Seeing Li Yan's eyebrows, Mrs. Li Er moved the highlight of today.

"Odd girl, it is really your blessing, and the courtier can find such a baby." She said as she carefully took out a slap-sized brocade box, the box was simple, but the shape was very atmospheric.

Li Wei will cast a line of sight. Mrs. Li immediately opened the brocade box, which was covered with red silk. She was covered with a brown medicinal herb. It was round and smooth, and it had a refreshing scent. This is a must-have. good stuff.

Li Lan came to the interest and asked, "What is this?"

Mrs. Li Er came over and tightened up. The opening was: "This is not easy to get. The younger brother of the courtiers has abolished the great work, from the Su Jinzhou..."

Seeing that she had to make great achievements, Li Lan puts her hand in her hand: "I have done it, and what is this, can you still remember your good?"

Mrs. Li Er smiled and cut a half of her stomach, and finally said the key point: "This is called Yan Dan, Dan is as famous, taking it not only can restore youth but also face forever!"

As soon as I heard this effect, Li Yan’s eyes suddenly lit up and even asked: “Can it be true?”

Mrs. Li’s wife hurriedly said: “Really, really, really true. If you want to say good luck to the maiden, this medicinal medicine has one and only one, which is for the maiden.”

Li Xin was heart-warming, but although her IQ was born to owe money, she had grown up in the palace for more than 20 years, and she has grown a lot. Although she is heart-warming, she will not be able to eat immediately.

So she cautiously asked: "This source, can rest assured?"

Mrs. Li Er quickly said: "People have already investigated it, no problem, just for the sake of prevention."

Li Yan nodded with satisfaction, and asked like a random question: "This person is alone?"

Mrs. Li Er understands, immediately added: "There are old and small, a family of six, and a newborn big fat son... all look after the courtiers."

After listening to Mrs. Li Er’s saying, Li Wei only let go of her heart. This person dared to testify with the whole family, and he thought it would be somewhat tolerant.

She asked Mrs. Li Er to put down the medicinal herbs and said, "I took it, I used it, and I will reward you."

Mrs. Li Er suddenly opened her eyes and smiled. When she left, she did not forget the loyalty: "As long as the goddess is good, our family will be fine..."

When the person left, she immediately called Yuxiang and told her to hurry to invite Wang Tai.

Although the old man of this pharmaceutical man is in her hands, she still has some concerns. First, please ask the doctor to see the ingredients of the medicine in order to really let go.

When the doctor came, he took the pill and smelled it, and he cautiously said: "Return to the goddess, the smell of this medicine is bright, according to the smell, it can be distinguished from the inside, white, Ejiao..."

Lily was very patient and listened to his whispers, and quickly asked: "What harm can you take if you take it?"

Wang Tai doctor carefully smelled and smelled, and this said: "There is no serious problem, it is a drug that nourishes yin and qi. If the mother is not at ease, she can let the maiden take it first. After the observation effect, take it again."

Li Yan wrinkled her eyebrows, this resident Yan Dan is one of them, where can the palace lady take it... If it is really effective, then she can only regret it?

Retired from Wang Tai’s doctor, Li Lan sat in the house staring at the pill, and her heart was very tangled...

East Palace.

Shi Qing is in tears...

Oh! This table dish, spiced chicken, salted pork tenderloin, red oil duck, spicy mouth, tomato trotters, oily mushroom, pepper oil fungus... and crispy golden cake roll, soft bean cake, white Lotus seed cake and pea yellow of yellow orange orange!

Shi Qing said that his saliva is flowing backwards into the river.

Tragically, as a jade, he can only see and hear, but what he can't eat is!

Qin Mozheng really refused to put him down wherever he went, and he always held it in his hand. Even when he was eating this life, he took him... Shiqing qaq, no matter what, he is determined to give himself an appetite. Good body, he must enjoy life, eat a good time, and eat all the things that have not been eaten in my life.

Under the eyes of Shi Qing’s envious and hateful eyes, Qin Mo used his evening meal leisurely. When he moved to the study room, Shi Qing returned from the smell of rice.

He already knows the plan of Qin Mo, and he understands that he has already begun planning after crossing the world. Even the original review of herbal medicines is a picture.

Although the Qin desert has been repaired as a loss, he is not the arrogant son of Lingyun, and the wide range of hunting is astounding. At that time, he not only cultivated a very high level, but also made great achievements in the alchemy refining system.

Although the high-end alchemy technique also needs to be repaired, some low-level, less effective ones do not need to be repaired at all. As long as the formula is known, the effect can be achieved.

Qin desert looked at the herbal book to verify whether the world's herbs were the same as he understood. After the verification, he took some time to equip with a medicinal herb.

Although Qin Mo did not say anything to Shi Qing, but Shi Qing was on the lookout and knew a 7788. When it was empty, he could not help but ask: "When that medicine, will Lie eat?"

Qin Mo is practicing the word. He didn't even look at him when he heard it. He only stared at the rice paper. His hand holding the pen was steady and his posture was elegant and leisurely. However, the pen was broken and the hair was running, and the walk was like a cloud.

When Shi Qing was distracted, he made a hard work and turned over, just to see the words he wrote.

If you are flying dragon and phoenix dance, you can see the two big characters leaping on the paper, hate not to take off.

"Shi Qing." Qin Mo gripped Yu Pei, gently rubbing, "is a good name."

Shi Qing looked at his name and only thought that the words were very good, but let him fine-tune, he could not find anything. Going back to God, he wants to revisit the question just now, but unfortunately Qin Mo ignored him...

Shi Qing sighed, how could his host communicate so badly!

So, Lili Niangni... Did you eat it? Xiaosheng is very anxious. 2k novel reading network