MTL - Reborn As a System-Chapter 87 The world of Qin desert (six)

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The world of Qin desert (six)

Shi Qing was awakened. He had a nightmare. In his dream, he was like a madman, trying his best to kill Qin.

And Qin Mo is still moving...

When the heart was pinned, Shi Qing opened his eyes and found himself in a completely strange place, black and lacquered, like a cave.

He couldn't take care of the situation around him, only looking around.

Qin Mo... Qin Mo?

Qin Mo is not here.

The heart panicked, and Shi Qing quickly jumped from the well-prepared jade bed and rushed toward the front door.

He has to find Qin Mo, he wants to see Qin Mo.

The scared hands shook, and when the Qing was stiff, his head was snarky, he couldn’t think of anything, just want to know one thing, Qin Mo, Qin Mo, where is he!

Just out of the door, I met a hard chest, and the clear breath instantly surrounded him. When Qing Qing looked up, she saw the familiar face.

Even in the dark caves, it is still a dazzling man.

Qin Mo... his host.

The heart fell back into the chest, and Qing looked at him, then wrapped around his neck and forced him up.

Scared to death, his heart is almost stopped, fortunately, just a dream.

How could he face the Qin Mo sword? How could he hurt Qin Mo? Impossible, absolutely impossible.

The clumsy kiss succeeded in exchange for a fierce response. The lips were red and swollen because of the intense friction. The tip of the tongue was numb, but Qing didn’t want to loose it. He wanted Qin to kiss him, like before. Every time, rude, enthusiastic, with a strong possessive and non-stop request.

He even went crazy and wanted to let Qin Mojin enter into this completely strange and completely unknown place, and possess him...

It seems that only this way can the horrible nightmare be swept away from the brain.

However, the host stopped him, hugged the boy who was still trembling in his arms, and gently kissed his nose and said: "Don't worry, I will take you to a place."

When Shi Qing looked at him, his eyes did not move away from his face from beginning to end. When he heard the words of Qin Mo, he nodded slyly.

Qin Mo distressed and touched his lips again, locked the soul mirror to lock the soul, Shi Qing should have no memory, but it seems that there are still some bad impressions.

Appeasefully caressing his back, Qin Mo was very patient and waited for Qing to calm down, and then in order to distract him, took his hand out of this small ear pier.

I didn't use the technique, but walked slowly with hands. After about three or four minutes, they turned into another passage. All the way, the surrounding spar felt like echoing, gradually rising and softening. Soft warm yellow glow.

If it is normal, Shi Qing has long looked at it, and he was very curious, but now he has no mood at all.

He felt that it was not enough to hold the hand of Qin Mo, and his heart was still uneasy and uneasy.

But Qin Mo wants to take him to a place, he must follow.

Passing through the passage, there is a huge stone door. Under the illuminating light of the spar, the black stone door reflects the faint white light. When you look at it carefully, you can see the numerous fine lines on it. Wrapped around the entire stone gate, it is dense and dense, and it is far from clear, but it is too close, so people can't help but scalp numbness, too close, and there is still a strong **** suffocation.

When Shi Qing frowned slightly, the stone door was already open.

He always felt that the blood in the lines was blood, but because it disappeared too quickly, it was not certain.

What he didn't know was that it was all blood, and all the blood flowing in Lu Jiuyuan's body was here.

The stone gate opened, and the scene inside made Shi Qing completely stunned.

Although there is some psychological preparation, I really see the piles of treasures, the god-level refining equipment that shines brightly, the best stone that has been thrown into the ground like a stone, and one that is about to be piled up into a mountain. The elixir of the elixir box... Shi Qing was still shocked.

Too... too much!

But the next moment, he knew, this... probably Lu Jiuyuan's treasure land.

Then, in his heart, there was a burst of excitement.

An unspeakable emotion came up. He had a sore nose, turned and hugged Qin Mo, and buried his face in his arms.

His host never cares about these things, and if it is not for him, he will never remember this place.

Although Lu Jiuyuan is dead, it is still very difficult to open this kind of mystery! But when he was sleepless, Qin Mo had done so much.

Think again about the inferiority of Qin Mo: Take you to a place.

In fact, I want to surprise him.

I don’t care how precious things are, and it’s this mind that makes Shi Qing’s incomparable movements.

His host, his snake sperm host, would do this for him.

Thinking this way, Shi Qing’s nose is getting sour, and he is crying out of nowhere.

Was so full of heart, Qin Mo slightly stunned, I feel that the people in my arms are shaking, still afraid? Can't these things distract him?

Qin Mo slightly frowned, stroked his back and whispered, "I don't like it?"

Shi Qing’s voice is stuffy: “”

Qin Mo's lips: "Don't hurry to receive space?"

Shi Qing really had a little itchy, he looked up, his eyes were red, but it was very bright, and he pulled down Qin Mo, and he looked at it: "Qin Mo."


Shi Qing looked at him and shouted: "I love you!"

There is a clear smile in the eyes of Qin Mo: "Well."

"Really really love you!"

"it is good."

“Very very, very loving you!”

"I know."

"Love you forever and ever... oh..." Very good, the mouth was finally completely blocked.

A passionate kiss, Shi Qing felt that the uneasiness seemed to have disappeared. He never thought that he could love someone so much, as if a whole heart was filled.

Very satisfied, with this person around, he has everything.

Kissing and holding hands, some of them were not honest. When Shi Qing pulled the clothes of Qin Mo, they were stopped by Qin Mo. Although they did not tear apart the cumbersome clothes, they were slightly messy because of pulling.

When Shi Qing’s eyes slammed, the whole person froze.

The black robes, the neckline was loosened by pulling, and a white scar appeared on the neck.

When Shi Qing’s eyes were deep, he shot coldly and, with a little effort, completely shredded the clothes.

The large chests came out, all of them were intricate knife marks, one by one, like a fierce beast, and suddenly bite the heart of Shi Qing.

He looked at him slyly, and the sharp pain from the heart was full of the whole body. The fragments that were deliberately erased were like a flood, and the face of Shi Qing was so white that he couldn’t control the trembling. The lips are almost transparent: "Yes...I did it."

Not a dream, those are not dreams, he really did, he wants to kill Qin Mo like a madman, he even stabbed his sword to his heart!

He turned out to be... he turned out to be...

The great despair clamped his spirit, and the whole person was sluggish.

Qin Momei micro-lock, when Qing did not wake up, he could not return to the system space, naturally can not exchange drugs, although taking the drug to stop the blood, make up the aura, but these scars can not be removed in a short time, However, with the cultivation of Shi Qing, the blind eye can't beat him.

"Qing Qing." Qin Mo took him into his arms and hugged him hard. His voice was soft. "Nothing, nothing."

The person in his arms could not stop shaking, Qin Mo touched his neck, and the coldness of the cold made his pupil tighten.

In the next moment, he violently pulled him away, and sure enough... the aura ran away!

Nowadays, Qing is the 9th stage of Yuan Ying, a level that needs to be broken, and Yi Ran also cultivates to the sixth. At this critical moment, the mind is fluctuating and huge, and it is the easiest to get rid of.

Too late to think, Qin Mo immediately released the knowledge of God, unobstructed into the body of the Qing, seeing the sea of ​​consciousness of the aura of arrogance.

Fortunately, the repair of Qin Mo is much higher than that of Shi Qing, and it was discovered in time that although the aura has different sources, it is good that Shi Qing is very familiar with the knowledge of Qin Mo, and there is no rejection, even very obedient, in him. Under the guidance of the combing, the frenzied Dan Tianhai, which was smashed by the aura, finally calmed down.

When the gods of the Qin desert were evacuated, the empty eyes of Shiqing gradually focused.

In the moment of seeing the Qin desert, the big eyes quickly gathered a lot of tears, there was no sound, but the tears were a big drop of a drop, and it fell straight down.

He looked at Qin Mo, his lips were still shaking, but he tried to make a sound: "I'm sorry... Sorry... Sorry, Qin Mo, I'm sorry!"

Qin Mo slightly bowed and looked at him, his eyes were more gentle than ever: "I know, you will not leave me."

Shi Qing nodded hard.

"you belong to Me."

Shi Qing nodded hard.

"you love Me."

Shi Qing bit his lip, can't speak, can only keep nodding.

Qin Mo touched his white neck and smiled slightly: "Look, I believe you so, why don't you believe me?"

When Qing was stunned.

Qin Mo lifted his chin, kissed the red and swollen lips, tasted the bitterness of tears, but unexpectedly felt very delicious, deepened the kiss, caressing this soft body, Qin desert heart is extremely satisfied.

Believe me, even if you really leave, betrayed, abandoned, it doesn't matter, I will take you over and stay with me forever.

The kiss gradually slowed down, the atmosphere gradually smashed, the shattered kiss crossed the **** clavicle, the white chest, the flat belly, little by little, very patient and very careful, with a thick gentle, delicate and soothing , teasing this body that belongs to him.

Until the deep force of the top, Qin Mo was fascinated to look at him, the deep black, full of explicit desire.

Qingqing, my Qingqing, don't apologize, because you will never have such an opportunity.

The author has something to say: stupid authors are stunned, forget to update, Khan 2k novel reading network