MTL - Reborn Mistress’ Scumbag Manual-Chapter 266 should stay away (second more)

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  Chapter 266 should stay away (second update)

Wang Zhiheng shook his head and said helplessly: "You know my temperament, I can't sit still since I was a child. Once my father took me to visit the Lu family, I ran out secretly and met a child from the Lu family. I Invited him to play with me, the child actually said that he had to finish his homework. I was very curious, the child was younger than me, I thought that he was older than him anyway, and I should be able to help him with his homework, so I followed him to see done his homework."

When he said this, it seemed that his memory was really terrifying. He drank a sip of tea to subdue his shock, and said to Song Qingcheng, "Guess what? I found out that the child was reciting "Yong Ci", and he had already finished more than half of it. That's me." He's only twelve or thirteen, that kid is younger than me, you can imagine how frightened I was!"

  Song Qingcheng's expression also slowly calmed down.

   "Yong Ci" is an argument written by a very outstanding counselor in the previous dynasty. Not to mention the tediousness and complexity, it is also extremely long, covering several large volumes.

  Song Qingcheng was talented enough to be an evildoer, and he didn't touch "Yong Ci" until he was seven or eight years old.

  According to Wang Zhiheng, that child is almost as good as Song Qingcheng.

  But if such talent could be so common, Song Qingcheng's name of genius would not have been praised for so long.

Wang Zhiheng still felt that the shock was not big enough, and continued: "This is not the thing that frightened me the most. I was frightened at the time, because of you, I have heard a little about Jice, even though I hadn't learned "Yongci" at that time. , but I also know that that age is not for ordinary people to learn. I asked him if his teacher assigned the wrong homework. But he replied that the teacher did not assign the wrong homework. This homework has been assigned for almost a month. The slowest learner here. The Lu family’s school is set up in their own home, and there are only children of the Lu family in it. Children who are about ten years old memorize "Yong Ci", and they are still the worst in the Lu family. Do you miss me How frightened were you by his words?"

"Fortunately, I was frightened there at the time, and I heard the process of the child reciting "Mediocrity", which made me feel better. He recited very bluntly, stumbling, similar to me, not like you. But even so, he is superior to most people. If I were me, even if I was a few years older, I would not be able to memorize "Yong Ci" to death, regardless of whether his husband arranged it or not. But he did When I was young, my self-control and perseverance far surpassed me."

   It was the first time Song Qingcheng heard these things from Wang Zhiheng. He said: "If all the children of the Lu family are like this, you think there is still a place for us in the court today."

Wang Zhiheng shook the fan in his hand, and said: "This is the second thing I want to talk about. After meeting that child, I have been to Lu's house several times. Because of that time, I started to pay special attention to Lu's house. Is the child of the Lu family really as good as the child said. But the Lu family’s children are very strict, and they spend most of their time in school, and I haven’t been able to meet them since then. But I noticed another thing.”

   "What?" Song Qingcheng asked. He had only been to Lu's house twice, and had never been there before meeting Lu Lan. To know the details of the Lu family, one can only rely on what Wang Zhiheng saw in the past.

   "Their servants are all surnamed Lu."

   "What do you mean?" Song Qingcheng guessed the meaning of his words, but couldn't believe it.

"That's what it means. I can't believe it, right? Who would have thought that the branches of the Lu family could only become servants? After all, they are all blood relatives. Even if they can't share the glory together, there is no family that would let the branches directly become servants." .But the Lu family is."

"It was the first time I heard a little doll over two or three years old call Uncle Three to the boy who was holding him. I saw you again in a few days. The boy was dressed in the clothes of a servant, just like other servants. After that, he quietly I overheard a steward admonishing his daughter, saying that a branch is a branch, you can only serve as a servant, and don't go to imitate the daughter of the direct line. At that time, I was sure."

"The scary thing is that those branches of the Lu family didn't complain at all about becoming servants, and even thought it was a matter of course. After this, I never went to the Lu family with my father again. Now that I think about it, I still I feel weird and scary, and I never dared to tell others what I discovered, not even my father. You were the first one to tell me."

   When it came to these secrets, Wang Zhiheng retreated early, leaving only him and Song Qingcheng in the room.

   Song Qingcheng heard these remarks for the first time, but he quickly thought of the housekeeper in front of Lu Lan, the little girl he saw today, and the boy who sent him out of the house.

  Everything Wang Zhiheng said is true.

  But these things are impossible for the outside world to know, and only the exception of Wang Zhiheng accidentally learned of them.

  The status of the Lu family is so high that few people from the Lian Jun and Song families can visit. And the Lu family never held any banquets and invited people from other clans to attend. The only ones who had the opportunity to visit frequently were the princes.

  The princes who will visit the Lu family are mostly busy, who will bring the children? Only Wang Zhiheng took him to the Lu family because he lost his mother when he was young and his father loved him very much. It also gave him the opportunity to run around and discover these special things.

  Song Qingcheng fell into deep thought.

Wang Zhiheng shook his fan and sighed: "Qingcheng, you are actually arrogant. Well, although you should be arrogant, after all, there are very few evil people like you in the world. But as a friend, I still don't want you to be arrogant. There is such a mistake. You look down on the Lu family and think they are trying to gain fame. But if you think about it carefully, you have seen a Lu family in Wang Quanxungui, the children of the aristocratic families who are full of crimes in the imperial city? They have never seen a Lu family like you. People who are so outstanding are too stable, right?"

  Song Qingcheng smiled and said slowly: "Indeed, thank you for reminding me."

   "There is no need to say thanks between you and me." Wang Zhiheng shook his hand, touched a piece of pastry and threw it into his mouth, then he heard Song Qingcheng ask: "Why did you tell me all of a sudden today, after you kept it a secret for so long?"

  Wang Zhiheng said: "Because you are going to go out with the army."

He put down the fan in his hand, with a serious and serious expression: "Qingcheng, Mrs. Song is looking for me. She has already guessed that you like His Highness. In order to keep you from being obsessed, please let me persuade you. I thought about it again Thinking, I really don’t know how to speak, but I have to do what Mrs. Song told me. Besides, you really shouldn’t think about it. I took you to see the spirit girl, and I didn’t expect that someone as smart as you would I suddenly became confused. Today I came here to tell you these things. When you go out to fight with the spirit girl in the future, remember to pay attention, and you will know that her Lu family is different from ordinary people."

   "We mortals, it's better to stay away from them. You should also see clearly as soon as possible."

   The structure of the Lu family is actually very terrifying, if there is such a family in the world.

   (Also...I just posted it and came back to read it, and found...I mistyped the number of chapters again...It should be 266, not 267...I don’t know how to save my memory and IQ, crying)



  (end of this chapter)