MTL - Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter-Chapter 773 General's Pillow

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The head of the bed was close to the brazier, and Ye Han stayed in touch.

He Danggui was awakened by an unusual movement outside, and it was already dawn when he woke up. At first she didn't pay much attention and concentrated on doing her own thing.

Washing and dressing, making tea porridge, beading, embroidering the sleeves, and repairing the wear on Meng Yue's robes.

Meng Yue said that she was going to take her to see Baodinghou, the father-in-law. It was not good to go empty-handed, so she wrote a gift list mainly on nourishing herbs, and planned to prepare the gift in Xiancheng. Also, yesterday, the "punishment" rain and mist retreat in Meng Yue's mouth could only be completed with the help of Bai Yibai.

After writing the gift list and clearing up the pen and ink, on the desk of Meng Yue's handling of military affairs, the letter of a letter was different in paper and caught her attention. There was a huge doubt in my heart, and I wanted to ask Meng Yue immediately to find out. I found that Meng Yue's pillows and quilts had not been moved. I didn't return to sleep last night!

At this time, the movement outside the account was still wave after wave, not the sound of normal drills in the military. She went out in her cloak, trying to see what happened, and almost collided with the oncoming person.

Not others, but the little Tao she rescued yesterday. A lush green dress with dots of gouache underneath is the usual dress of a girl, carrying a bag in her arms.

Xiao Tao saw her, her face became weird, but she still came up and respectfully performed a squatting ceremony, thanking her, "Thank you Princess for helping yesterday, otherwise the evil woman will be defeated! I did not expect her to be so cruel and wanted to treat me To death! "

He Angelica asked her to be rude, looked at her dress, and then said, "It's all right, you still have injuries. There are so many inconveniences in healing here. I happened to be in the city today and I will take you with me. Army There are rude men everywhere. It's not very good for us to come here. If it's more conspicuous, it's hard to guarantee that it won't cause any trouble. "

Xiao Tao hesitated and asked, "Enter the city? Take me to ... where?" The bag in his arms tightened.

He Danggui said gently: "Listen to Mencius, you are no longer the maid of Guanfu, and you have nowhere else to go. You happen to have a few industries in the city, restaurants, inns, theaters, drug stores, clothes. There are both shops and jewelry shops. Xiao Tao, you were a good helper of Mrs. Song, it is definitely a good skill. If you are willing to help me manage the industry, I will not treat you badly. Apart from wages and subsidies, Meals are arranged, much more free than being a maid. "

This kind of statement is polite enough. Although Xiao Tao didn't say it clearly, he was stunned by Guanfu and there must be a story in it. Under normal circumstances, there will no longer be any big family who would use her as a girl again, which means that the road is broken. He Danggui first asked her for advice, and asked if she would like to come to the shop to help, and the treatment was excellent.

The reasoning is much stronger than that of being a girl-in-law in the past. You do n’t need to sign a contract to sell, you are a free person. Rich and free, what else?

But Xiao Tao was disappointed. Despite his efforts to hide, he did not escape He Danggui's eyes.

Xiao Tao bowed her head and said gently: "I'm just a maid, I don't have any skill, I only know how to serve the master. I don't know the work in the shop that the princess said, and I dare not go. The princess sent a compassion and let Xiao Tao follow Meng ... follow you, continue to be a maid. "

After a pause, He Danggui smiled: "Mint Chan is not around, I really lack people, but Xiangshi said that I killed the tough people, but did not overcome Meng Yue, but the people below. In addition to mint Chan Yi, other people's results are not very good, the loss of life, missteps, and missteps really hurt my heart. If Xiao Tao has this ambition, I am not overly advised, but I want you to consider again . "

"But, I ..." Xiao Tao blushed and regretted his previous misrepresentation.

The person she wanted to talk to was General Meng. Even if you say it, you shouldn't say to He Danggui, you should talk to General Meng in private.

He Angelica is not a tolerant person at first glance. What's wrong with maid? I did not expect it to be worse than Song Zhihua!

After turning around, Xiao Tao looked up and said, "In fact, I saved General Meng once in Yangzhou. This time, I have no relatives to vote for. I only thought of coming to the general. I want to ask for favor and ask the general to help me."

He smiled slowly, and He Danggui said: "It's strange, Meng Xun told me that he saved you, Xiao Tao, but you said that you saved Meng Xun. It seems that the reason inside is twisty enough to make the parties so ambiguous. "Xiao Tao blushed, opened his eyes and wanted to say something, and went back again.

Then He Danggui said, "Why not go out without a friend? Mrs. Song's maid is also my old knowledge. Since it is the old knowledge of our husband and wife, Xiao Tao, what can you do for us? "

This is probably her best help in recent years, because Song Zhihua might have harmed her rather than her old knowledge. Song Zhihua kicked out the girl, regardless of what she thinks it has nothing to do with her.

But Xiao Tao still didn't appreciate much, and bowed his head and replied, "There is nothing to talk about, just to run away ... Yes, why don't you see the general?"

"Meng Yue is busy these two days, and I'm looking for him."

"He ... isn't in the army?"

"Well, it should still be there. I didn't hear him say yesterday that he was leaving the camp during the day. Girl Tao was anxious to find him?"

Xiao Tao's eyes turned twice and said, "If it wasn't for the general's timely rescue, Xiao Tao would have been wronged and died unjustly. In any case, thank you in person for your help.

"Oh," He Danggui nodded, and walked around Xiao Tao. "I will accept your thanks for the time being, and thank you in person when you see him next time. Regarding the proposal to help in the shop, You can think about it for two more days, I think it's pretty good, it's better than selling people. "

At this point, Xiao Tao thought what he was thinking, and what he couldn't guess was a fool.

Yesterday's rescue of Xiao Tao and Li Bao Xiao Tao from the bottom of the Zixiao whip, all from the beginning to the end, Angelica is one person, but Meng Wei was too late to draw a period for the conflict. Because of this, He Danggui returned to Meng Xun's "heavy punishment." In terms of emotion and reason, Xiao Tao should be thanked in person.

The so-called unclear person, the so-called Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf, are you talking about this situation?

Rescue Xiao Tao, Xiao Tao En will run in revenge-grab men.

He Angelica walked away first, Xiao Tao hesitated, followed her, and automatically entered the role of maidservant, "Isn't the princess used to have breakfast? My skills are okay, Yangzhou's hometown dishes, the princess can call I'll do all the famous ones. I don't know what the princess wants to eat? "

"Don't go to work if you are injured, go back to the tent to heal yourself."

He Danggui stood still, glanced at Xiao Tao ’s pretty dress, and also had pink cheeks and red chubby lips, adding coolly, "The Yanzhou cavalry is famous for its discipline, but it was originally under the hands of King Yan. At that time, now that he was in charge of Meng Yue, it caused his randomness, and there were many more satyrs ... There are many tents and corners here. I do n’t know where to put a hand to drag people, Xiao Tao Be careful. "

Xiao Tao was stiff, and his back was covered with crispness and coldness, but he had not been scared away.

She followed He Danggui for a while, and she asked Ai Ai: "The Meng family is a big family. There must be many people, right? I heard that the count is incomparable to Guanfu."

He Danggui said in a homely tone: "It is true that there are ten brothers in Meng Yue who are all of similar age. The youngest Meng Yu is only four years younger than Meng Yue. The three girls in the family have also reached the time of marriage. To put it this way, the younger generation divided 14 branches, and each one gave birth to two or three babies, and it was an endless situation. "At this point, she laughed and laughed a little bit." In the future, when the children grow up, there will be thirty boys and girls of almost the same age, and the scene of noisy together is fun to think about. "

Xiao Tao hurriedly asked, "Does General Meng have children?"

"He? No."

"General ... It's too hard to be busy with military affairs. I wonder if the people who serve on weekdays are uncomfortable?"

"Well, I never asked him if he was satisfied or dissatisfied with me, and I'll be free next time."

Xiao Tao was surprised: "The princess serves the general in person ?! Does the general have no one to serve?"

He Danggui thought about it: "Yi Tong is not here, so there is only one Yi Ming left. The person who is making up now, Meng Zheng is very picky, and it will be a few days before. I also rarely do laundry and cook, and my hands are all born. "

Xiao Tao thought for a while and persuaded: "How can the princess's body be able to do the rough work. The general is hard, and he should find a special waiter to take care of his clothes and food, otherwise one would be unconscious and sick. We looked anxiously. "

"That makes sense." He Danggui looked loose and nodded.

Xiao Tao had a happy heart.

I only listened to He Danggui: "Just as I entered the city today, I asked the two aunts in Meng Hui's family which one he preferred, so that he could come and serve him. One was the maid of the Yushi family, and the other was the daughter of the grandfather outside, although not The materials that are born to serve others, after all, are not my gold, and I have become a princess unknowingly. Xiao Jun's body, washing clothes and wiping weapons for the husband should not feel wronged. "

"Since they are also grandmothers, they are not used to serving people ..." Xiao Tao guided unwillingly. "Large work, let those who are accustomed to do it, the generals are also comfortable."

"Mrs. General is here!"

A thick voice suddenly shouted, scaring Xiao Tao's neck shrinking and hiding behind He Danggui.

Just now Xiao Tao's thoughts were all about convincing He Danggui, not even the biggest riot here. A group of firemen in charge of cooking, holding a spatula and a pot, oil and salt rice noodles, stood in front of a dark red tent casually, pointing and saying something. As soon as He Danggui approached, someone shouted, let everyone see her and cover her mouth.

"So lively?" He Danggui asked with a grin, "Isn't breakfast done yet? Don't you be so hungry?"

Those who look at me, I see you, a leader looks up and says, "If you return to Madam, I'm going to slaughter the chickens and ducks. Unexpectedly, the few beasts made their lives and all fled."

"Where did you go?" He Danggui asked knowingly.

Seeing these people enclosing the red tent, a pair of eyes looked at the posture of the tent, it is probably here. But a group of big masters made it this way to catch a few chickens. It felt weird no matter how they looked, unless they meant to be drunk.

As if echoing her thoughts, she only listened to the lead chef saying, "I waited to catch the chickens and ducks before they reached the account. The chickens and ducks disappeared. I must have gotten into them. I didn't dare to come in. My wife is here, just for us It's up to you! "

"Who lives inside?"

"Girl Xiaoxiao."

"Oh." He Danggui nodded solemnly. "Okay, I do what I do, you go in and catch her when you tell her."

"But ... it's not just she who sleeps in it, there's also one."

"Is there anyone else? Who are you? Don't worry about it, masters, can you make it clear once?"

The chef was a little cramped by He Danggui. Don't look away, and blushed, "In fact, when Wuchangtian was in the sky, Girl Zixiao's tent ordered a pot of sake chicken soup, saying that ... Meng Meng would drink. Many of us have seen that Zixiao is not sleeping alone, and a man's shadow is cast on the account. "At the end," I'm afraid to wait to get in. "

Hearing that, Xiao Tao's face was white, tears fell down, and he shook his head sternly and said, "Impossible, General, he even told the woman ..."

He Danggui was also embarrassed, and looked at the cook's face coldly, seeing that the other side was extremely uncomfortable.

A few firemen came to persuade, "The wife of the general is angry, and the girl Xiaoxiao is the general's pillow. Everyone has seen you before you come."

"Yeah, yeah, General Meng is a young hero, and it's common sense to have more beauties, haha!"

"Ma'am, look at the chicken, do you catch or not?" One asked daringly.

He Danggui looked back at the chef and sneered and asked, "Say, how much money did you receive for Zixiao? How dare you tell her such a big lie and discredit the general's reputation." 2k novel reading network