MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 805 Change your identity and return to China (big

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   Chapter 805 Returning to China with a different identity (big chapter)

   "It's not a loss for you to travel this time! Now the Kitty Eagle Group not only reimbursed you for your expenses, but also gave you tens of thousands of extra dollars."

   The leader laughed and joked, but his tone was full of envy.

  10,000 US dollars was not a small sum of money in 2003. He was the team leader, proficient in Russian, and how much did he get for a month.

  Han Xiaodan pursed her lips and said nothing, although she didn't quite understand why her mother said that the bonus was only ten thousand dollars.

   But she wasn't stupid, and didn't say it in public.

   Mom's eyes narrowed into a slit of laughter, and she pretended to be modest: "The child is lucky, good luck."

   This is almost the end of the matter. After all, people who can travel abroad are really not poor.

   Everyone is envious and envious, and maybe they will discuss a few words in private, but at least on the surface, no one keeps asking about this matter.

   This is also where Han Xiaodan's mother is clever, she deliberately said very little about the bonus.

   If the truth is true, if you say the amount of one million, it is estimated that everyone will not react like this...


  Han Xiaodan and the others stayed in Moscow for three days, then set off for Petersburg, where they would stay for three days, and finally went to Crimea.

  Finally return to Moscow from Crimei, stay one night and fly back home.

  The total itinerary includes the time on the road, a total of half a month.

   During these three days in Moscow, they naturally stayed at the Kitty Eagle Hotel all the time, which meant that they lived at the "foot" of Wang Ye.

   But in addition to the arrangement behind Han Xiaodan who won a big prize and "send" her a million dollars.

  Wang Ye did not contact Han Xiaodan at all, not even an "accidental" meeting, because he knew that this would be good for Han Xiaodan.

   Even if you go up and get to know her, how can you do it? What will you do next?

   Not to mention that Han Xiaodan doesn't know him at all, even if the two know each other from now on, can he bring her any luck?

  Wang Ye thinks not necessarily!

   In this life, both he and Han Xiaodan have the right to make a second choice.

  Wang Ye is a man and has ambitions, so he is unwilling to be mediocre and embarked on the path of oligarchs!

   This road is full of "flowers and applause", it looks very honorable.

   But only when you are in it can you understand its danger.

   If one is not good, then the family will be destroyed!

   And there are already girls such as Agelina, Katya, Rosiana, Nalan Yaqi, etc. to accompany him on this road, so Wang Ye hopes that Han Xiaodan can live her happy life quietly.

  Sometimes, being mediocre may be a kind of happiness. With his own secret care, Han Xiaodan should not be short of money in the future.

   This is Wang Ye’s compensation for the wrong things he did in his previous life…


   Three days later, in the early morning, Han Xiaodan and the group left Moscow.

   stood behind the window in the room and watched the luxury bus slowly drive away from the hotel, then turned to the street and gradually disappeared.

  Wang Ye felt a little melancholy, just smoking a cigarette in silence, not knowing what he was thinking.

   Looking at the scenery outside the window, Nalan Yaqi came out of the bedroom.

   She had just woken up, wearing a thin silk pajamas, her hair was disheveled, and her eyes were still a little hazy.

   came over and hugged Wang Ye's waist from behind, and said lazily:

   "Misha, I don't think you seem to be busy these days. It just so happens that it is during the summer vacation. Why don't we go back to China to play for a while, and you can relax too."

   It is the end of July now, and Wang Ye is really not that busy in August.

   These two months are also the most leisurely time of the year for the Duma, and many deputies have gone abroad for vacation.

   Even a busy person like Wang Ye suddenly became idle.

The only thing    might be busy with is the faction's pre-election campaign, but he left those things to Rosiana.

  As a result, Rosiana has been so busy recently that she has no time to "harass" him...

   In the past few days, Nalan Yaqi has been "cheaper", and Katya is also busy with the construction of the Russian Automobile Group, so no one has come to "rob" Wang Ye with her.


   patted Nalan Yaqi's hand, and after she let go, Wang Ye turned around.

   looked at her and said with a smile: "Want to go back to China? Then come back, even if I go back, I won't be able to stay for long. Besides, I have to think about what identity I use to go back..."

   Indeed, the first thing Wang Ye has to consider when he returns to China is which identity to use!

   If the identity of "King Ye" is used, it means that "Mikhail" suddenly disappeared in Moscow...

  It’s fine for a day or two, but once it’s a long time, there’s nothing to hide it.

   After all, Mikhail's status is there, it is impossible not to appear for several days in a row, if it really disappears, it will definitely be a major political sensation!

   But if you use the identity of "Mikhail" to go to China, there is also a problem.

   Or because of his status, Deputy Speaker of the Duma, this level is really not low.

   With this identity, it is not called "returning to China", but "visiting"!

   Without a reasonable excuse, it’s really not good to go out…

Nalan Yaqi also knew this, she frowned and muttered: "Who made you to be such a big official, you are not free at all. If you can only be the chairman of those groups, it will be very convenient to go abroad. …”

  Don't say it, her complaint actually inspired Wang Ye.

His eyes lit up and he blurted out: "Yes! I am the chairman of the Yukos Group! Now the Yukos Group has a huge business relationship with China. On this basis, he plans to continue to increase investment and expand business in China. The scope. I can visit this time as the chairman of the Yukos Group to discuss the investment with the relevant domestic departments.”

   There are indeed many benefits to using this identity.

   First, you can go to China openly as "Mikhail", and it will not cause confusion and suspicion from others. The reasons for conducting group business are very reasonable.

  Secondly, there is no need for "reciprocal reception" in China, and it can be treated as an ordinary business visit.

  The domestic department responsible for reception does not need to use the prefix "country". It only needs companies such as PetroChina and Sinopec to come forward. In fact, it is also much more convenient for Wangye.

   is half public and half private!

  Wang Ye has not been back for a long time. I have been relatively free during this time. Just a few days ago, Zhang Xiaoxi called to say that the palace he bought was almost finished, and this time I went back to take a look.

   Wang Ye had not even looked at the yard since it was purchased until now.

  Nalan Yaqi is naturally more interested in this yard. According to her, it is the yard of her "ancestor"!

  This time, when she returns to China, she will stay there for two days to "experience" it...


  Just do what he said, Wang Ye soon got Yukos Group to contact the Chinese partner, and sent an official document to say that he intends to establish a branch in China, conduct business inspections, and possibly invest…

   This received a positive response from the Chinese partners immediately, and Chairman Mikhail is welcome to visit.

   After going back and forth, I found a reasonable "excuse" to return to China!

  Since I went to China for official business, the accompanying people were naturally indispensable.

  Wang Ye instructed his right-hand man in Yukos Group, Ivan, who used to be the vice president of New Sun Group, and now he is the assistant to the chairman of Wang Ye in Yukos, and quickly formed a team.

The    argument is naturally to invest in China, set up a branch, and plan to expand the oil refining and refined oil business there.

  On August 2, Wang Ye led a professional team of Yukos Group, took the group's special business plane, set off from Moscow, and flew towards the capital...

   In addition to the people from the group company, Wang Ye took Nalan Yaqi back with him.

   The assistants of Irina Nova have work to do, and they are not involved in the Yukos Group, so naturally they don't need to be brought along.

   As for Rosiana, she still needs to stay and watch the faction's campaign and propaganda, and she didn't travel with Wang Ye.

  Katya is also very busy. The production base of the Russian Automobile Group has entered the acceptance stage, assembly line installation, hiring experts, staff, coordinating the work of various departments, etc. It is no exaggeration to say that she is busier than Wang Ye during this time.

   Nalan Yaqi is also a big idler. This time she is returning to China. Of course, she has to keep up...

   "Boss, I did some research in advance regarding the situation over there.

  I think the refined oil business is very marketable.

   In recent years, their economy has developed very rapidly, a large number of factories have been built, and a large amount of goods and raw materials need to be circulated, so they need transportation!

   And transportation, it is absolutely inseparable from refined oil.

  According to our estimation, there will soon usher in the market outbreak of refined oil.

   So this time, if I can talk about it, my suggestion is to support the refining base, sales qualifications, and gas stations. The three links in this one-stop process can be opened as much as possible! "

   Ivan held a thick folder in his hand, and sat across from Wang Ye, earnestly reporting his work.

   This past visit was too rushed, Wang Ye just gave an order, and the rest was left to Ivan to prepare.

  The boss can be a little more casual, but a senior wage earner like Ivan must show his value at this time!

  So, Ivan almost slept three or four hours a day these days.

   Assemble people, collect information, hold meetings to discuss, make plans…

   In time for today's departure, he finally came up with a relatively mature business plan.

   After reporting to Wang Ye on the plane, after landing and meeting with the Chinese partner, the boss can negotiate with the other party according to this plan.

   Wang Ye nodded with satisfaction, Ivan's judgment was very accurate, and it matched his previous life memory.

   It seems that the million-dollar annual salary offered by the group company to Ivan is not wasted...

   "Very well, then let's talk about it. Has the budget been made, and if it includes the oil refinery and gas station, how much does it cost in total?" Wang Ye asked.

  Ivan frowned and thought about it before answering:

   "It depends on what scale we can talk about, but I estimate that even if the other party is willing to open up part of the market, it is impossible for us to conduct business without restrictions.

   As far as I know, the market there is currently monopolized by state-owned enterprises, and no foreign-funded enterprises have entered.

   It should be that the market in this area has not been released, so I think the biggest difficulty is here, the other party is very likely not willing to let us share this market! "

   Wang Ye was stunned for a moment, but he hadn't thought about it, nor paid attention to it.

   Hasn't China already joined the WTO? The market in this regard should be liberalized with restrictions.

   Is it not time yet?

   But he didn't care too much, because of his special status, no matter what, the Chinese side should give him some face.

   is nothing more than to allow yourself to invest in a limited amount, or not to allow yourself to build an oil refining base, only to open up a few areas and let yourself open a gas station...

   But even so, that's not bad, you know, for a long time, the gas station is the cash cow!

  If you can open tens of thousands of gas stations in the southern coastal areas, the amount of money earned in that year will not be underestimated!

  The profit is also enough to support the branches established by the Yukos Group in China, and there is still room to continue to invest in other aspects of the business.

   Step back ten thousand steps, if the Chinese side is really unwilling to allow itself to enter this market and delay things indefinitely, then Wang Ye doesn’t care.

  You must know that this so-called business visit was just an excuse for him to return to China...

   It’s good to be able to talk about it, but it’s okay to not be able to talk about it.

   At that time, he asked Ivan to take someone to go to the quarrel with the Chinese partner, and he took Nalan Yaqi to "check and accept" the palace garden mansion!


So Wang Ye waved his hand and said with a smile: "Let's talk to the Chinese partner later on this matter. It's fine to listen to the destiny as much as possible. After all, we already have a good foundation for cooperation with the other party, as long as it is beneficial to both parties. things, I think we can always talk about it.”

  He is just playing an official tongue, no matter what the result is, no one can say anything about him.

  It's good to work hard...

   Seeing what the boss said, Ivan naturally wouldn't say anything more. Anyway, he was not leading the team during this visit. The boss was in charge of everything, so of course there was no pressure on him.

   The Yukos Group's business jet was converted from a Boeing 737. It is a medium-sized civil airliner, not too big or too small. Before the conversion, it can take about 120 passengers.

   However, the group business plane does not need so many seats, so after the modification, it can only take about 30 people, so as to ensure that each passenger has enough space.

  The special plane also has supporting facilities such as conference rooms, and even a separate lounge, where you can take a bath and sleep!

   After talking with Ivan about work, there were still a few hours left on the journey, Wang Ye stood up and stretched, and went into the lounge to get ready to sleep.

  Nalan Yaqi went into the lounge after taking off from the plane. She will be lying there watching a movie.

   After Wang Ye entered, he closed the door with his backhand. No one knew what happened behind him.

   Anyway, before they come out, no one will bother them with their eyes open...

   (end of this chapter)