MTL - Reborn Russia As An Oligarch-Chapter 806 Joint Venture Program (Large

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  Chapter 806 Joint Venture Plan (Da Zhang asks for a monthly pass)

   A few hours later, after a long flight, the plane landed at the Capital International Airport.

After    landed smoothly, Wang Ye and Nalan Yaqi also walked out of the rest room refreshed.

   The entourage has already contacted the Chinese side before departure, and someone will come to pick them up after landing.

   Sure enough, there were already several minibuses parked there on the tarmac.

  The staff of the Ministry of Commerce and PetroChina were responsible for receiving Wang Ye and his party.

   This time is naturally not as grand as the last time I came here. After all, Wang Ye came here on a business visit under the name of "Yukos Group", and it is not easy to use the official name for high-level reception here in China.

   So it seems a lot more low-key.

  Deputy Li of the Ministry of Commerce and President Chen of PetroChina have known Wang Ye when they visited last time, so they are not unfamiliar.

   After a brief greeting, they boarded the minibus under their leadership and went out through the diplomatic green channel.

   In the car, Vice Minister Li warmly said that he welcomes friends from Yukos Group to invest in and build factories in China. As long as it complies with domestic laws and regulations, the Ministry of Commerce will definitely support it.

  Obviously, his attitude revealed friendliness.

   First, it is pointed out that Yukos Group is a "friend" of China.

   Thanks to Wang Ye's promotion of the long-term cooperative relationship between China and Russia on oil and natural gas, Yukos Group has now become China's largest oil supplier!

  Secondly, he also implicitly told Wang Ye that as long as the requirements were not too excessive, the Chinese side would try to satisfy him as much as possible.

   Of course, the prerequisite is legal compliance!

  Wang Ye is not a hairy guy either. He deals with the elites of both political and business circles all day long, and he is used to this way of speaking.

   It can even be said that he is very good at this kind of communication...

With a slight smile, Wang Ye also responded: "Yukos and you already have a good foundation for cooperation. As the price of oil and gas in the international market continues to rise, you will become more and more aware of the preciousness of that super contract in the future. !

   Of course, we have energy, you have the market, our cooperation is a win-win situation.

   This time, I came here with sincerity. Don’t forget, the Chinese people are also my old friends. How could I hurt the interests of my friends just to make money. "

  With the gradual recovery of the international economy, in the second half of 2003, the international crude oil price was indeed gradually rising.

   And when China and Russia signed that super contract, the international energy price was the lowest!

   At that time, there were still many objections within the Chinese side, who believed that the price in the contract was a bit high, and the Chinese side suffered a loss.

  But if you look back now, you will understand who really took advantage of that contract!

   As for the phrase "old friend" said by Wang Ye, it has two meanings, but I don't know if Deputy Li can understand the second meaning...

   Because only those who understand Wang Ye's "true identity" can understand what he means.


   Deputy Li had a smile on his face and did not respond to Wang Ye immediately.

   However, CNPC Chen, who was next to him, said with a hearty smile:

  “I welcome Yukos to invest in China both from the perspective of our company and the market.

   Large oil refining bases require huge capital investment. Now the domestic market is developing too fast, relying on our own strength, it is indeed a little bit unable to keep up with the development of the times.

   Therefore, it is imperative to introduce foreign capital accordingly.

  Since it is about to introduce foreign capital, why not give priority to Yukos, which has a good foundation for cooperation with us.

   I heard that some companies are negotiating with some BP company to bring BP into China! "

   From his words, Wang Ye learned a new situation.

   That is, there are already "peers" ahead of Yukos and want to enter the domestic market!

  BP is also a European energy giant and an enterprise in the British peninsula. Indeed, BP's full name is "British Petroleum"...

   The strength is indeed not inferior to Yukos Group!

  Wang Ye also has an impression of BP, because he has been working and living in Pengcheng in his previous life, and there are many BP gas stations there.

   And old drivers say that the quality of gasoline at BP gas stations will be better.

   At the same time, he also knew that the joint oil refinery established by BP and a domestic petrochemical company was located in a certain city in western Guangdong.

  For this reason, BP's gas stations are basically built within the borders of Guangdong Province.

   Listening to the meaning of Mr. Chen's words, it should be that their company's "old enemy" is in contact with BP Oil Company, so they came to contact Yukos, which can be regarded as a friendly competition.

   So from the position of PetroChina, Mr. Chen should hope to facilitate this cooperation.

  Since this is the case, then Wang Ye has a bottom line in his heart.

  Compared to BP, Yukos has a huge advantage!

   If nothing else, Yukos has a huge advantage over the crude oil issue.

   It is said that after the refinery base is built, there must be crude oil materials. Where does the crude oil from BP come from?

   And Yukos can be transported directly through the pipeline under construction, and the cost is extremely low!

   But in this way, it is estimated that the oil refining base can only be built on the northeast side, because the pipeline interface is there.

   If you want to pull it to the south, it will increase a lot of transportation costs, but it is not very cost-effective.

  As far as Wangye knows, the transportation radius of finished gasoline is about 1,000 kilometers. If it is farther, considering the safety and cost, it is not suitable.

  If the oil refining base is located in Liao Province, it can also cover the entire Northeast and North China.

   However, Wang Ye is more optimistic about the southern market, especially at the beginning of the century, there are basically no emerging industries in the north, perhaps the entire Northeast and North China, the demand for refined gasoline is not as good as a South China market…

   Did he just watch BP take away the southern market?

  Wangye is of course unwilling. If it is a state-owned enterprise that monopolizes the southern market, that's all.

   But let the Englishman make this kind of money, he feels uncomfortable...

   However, the cost of Yukos' own crude oil to "deliver" to the south is indeed higher.

  Then how to solve this problem, Wang Ye thought for a while and came up with a solution.

   However, this still requires the cooperation of PetroChina. When the formal negotiation comes, you can bring it up to see the reaction of the other party!


  Wang Ye sat down with Vice Minister Li and President Chen to talk about work.

   And Nalan Yaqi also took the same minibus with him, but she sat in the back and was accompanied by a female staff member.

  The girl is also in her twenties, slightly older than Nalan Yaqi, but she is too experienced in speaking and doing things.

   In front of her, Nalan Yaqi was just a young college student.

"Hello, Miss Nalan, my name is Wang Xueqing, I work in the Ministry of Commerce. This time I am in charge of the translator and guide for Mr. Mikhail's life. If you have any needs, you can tell me." The girl Said to Nalan Yaqi generously.

   speaks Chinese, obviously she understands Nalan Yaqi's identity background.

   Actually, Nalan Yaqi didn't know that Wang Xueqing and Wang Ye knew each other. When Wang Ye came to visit with the delegation last time, Wang Xueqing acted as his translator.

   Of course, in addition to her identity as a translator, Wang Xueqing also has a secret identity, that is, a national security officer!

   She told it frankly in front of Wang Ye, but in front of Nalan Yaqi, she didn't mention it, she just said that she was a staff member of the Ministry of Commerce.

  Nalan Yaqi did not see the outside world, and said with a smile: "You are polite, in fact, I am also from the old capital. My home is here, and I am familiar with this place. Oh, I am Mr. Mikhail's... assistant."

   She was too embarrassed to say her true relationship with Wang Ye, so she vaguely said she was an assistant.

   After all, she's a girl, so she's a little less open in front of outsiders.

  Wang Xueqing naturally knew the true relationship between Nalan Yaqi and Wang Ye. Since Nalan Yaqi didn't admit it, she certainly wouldn't reveal it. It had nothing to do with her work.

  Wang Ye's private life is chaotic, so what? People have this qualification...

   She is Wang Ye's "connector" in China, so this time Wang Ye returned to China, and the unit sent her over again.

The    status was temporarily linked to the Ministry of Commerce, which made it easier for her to start her work.


   Several minibuses passed through the street in a low-key manner and came to the State Guest House.

  Although Wang Ye did not visit in the name of "Deputy Speaker of the Duma" this time, and the Chinese side did not send out a concierge team to greet him, it was clear that the place where he lived should not be sloppy.

   State Guest House Building No. 18 is still arranged!

   This is the same small building where Wang Ye lived last time.

   After sending Wang Ye and others to Building No. 18, Deputy Li and President Chen left first, and made an appointment with Wang Ye to hold a welcome dinner at the hotel at six o'clock in the evening.

   This meeting was only around 3:00 pm, so it was just time for Wang Ye and his group to wash up and rest first.

   After flying for six or seven hours, everyone was very tired.

   In fact, there are not many Wang Ye and the others, there are only a dozen or so in total. Everyone has a room, each go back to repair, and wait for the dinner party to come.

  Wang Ye and Nalan Yaqi naturally lived in the largest suite. After entering the room, Wang Ye first went to wash and change into clean clothes.

   And Nalan Yaqi first called her mother. After all, her mother is in the capital, so she can't even say hello when she comes back.

   Looking back and waiting for Wang Ye to return, Nalan Yaqi has to go home and stay with her mother for a while.

   Of course, before Wang Ye went back, Nalan Yaqi would be here to accompany him, never leaving...

   It's hard to have time for the two of them to be alone, without being disturbed by outsiders, of course she will cherish it.

"You bastard! You've already returned to the capital, but you still haven't come home to live? Why did Wang Ye come back? He should come to the company to have a look. By the way, his private asset management company is also here. You can't just take a look at it."

  Nalan Yaqi's mother Liu Mei scolded with a smile.

   Her mood is a bit complicated, she clearly knows that Wang Ye's boy is a bit "fascinated", from the perspective of her mother, she naturally doesn't want her daughter to fall into it.

   On the other hand, she admires and even admires Wang Ye's ability and talent, as well as his current status and wealth!

   This is still when Liu Mei doesn't know enough about Wang Ye.

   If she completely knew Wang Ye's current situation, I don't know what kind of reaction she would have...

  Nalan Yaqi didn't tell her mother everything about Wang Ye, she also understood that Wang Ye's true identity was a bit sensitive, and some things could not be said anywhere.

   Even if it is his own mother, there is no need to let her know.

  So, she answered vaguely:

"This time, Wang Ye has an investment project negotiating with a domestic partner. The project is not small, and it is estimated that the negotiation will take several days. I also came back as his assistant. I have a lot of work. Just go home to see you.

   On your side, I reckon that even if Wang Ye wants to go, he will have to wait until things are done here. I will contact you then.

   Well, let’s not talk about it, I have to wash and change clothes later, and I will attend the welcome banquet in the evening. "


After Wang Ye finished washing and changing his clothes, Nalan Yaqi said with a smile: "I just called my mother, and she asked if you would go to the branch to inspect. You are her boss, if you If she wants to go there, I guess she has to prepare in advance."

   The "branch" she said refers to the domestic branch of the Kitty Eagle Group. Liu Mei is the general manager and is solely responsible for the business of the Kitty Eagle Group in China.

  The office is located in the second phase of International Trade, which is the floor that Wang Ye bought privately.

   In addition, the asset company managed by Zhang Xiaoxi is also opened there.

If   Wang Ye passed by, then the two companies must have gone to inspect together.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Ye said simply: "I'll go back and have a look. After the discussion here, I guess it will be almost the same day tomorrow. After the general intention is determined, the specific details will be handed over to Ivan and the others to discuss. Alright. The two of us will have time to stroll around, and then we will go to the Wangfu Garden first, and then to the company."

  Wang Ye is very clear that through the information disclosed by Deputy Li and President Chen on the way, this investment should not be a problem.

   What we will talk about tomorrow is nothing more than the scale of investment and the scope of market access.

   It shouldn't be difficult to talk about, the other party should already have a set bottom line, and they are also considered "own people", they won't do Tai Chi in front of them, and the bottom line will tell themselves.

   Then there is nothing to talk about, how big the market is, and you can eat it yourself.

   In terms of funds, Yukos Group is not empty, as for BP, let it play!


   It did not exceed Wang Ye's expectations. During the negotiation on the second day, Vice Minister Li and President Chen were very sincere and did not play tricks at all.

  Wang Ye took the lead in stating his plan, which is to establish two large oil refining bases in Liao and Guangdong provinces. According to regulations, it is necessary to establish joint ventures with relevant domestic enterprises and cannot invest alone.

   Then there is no hesitation, Mr. Chen of PetroChina came here just for this, and there is no need to choose it.

  Since it is a joint venture company, it is not difficult to obtain the sales qualification.

   The only tricky thing is that Yukos wants to open its own gas station and retail refined oil products.

   This has no precedent in China.

   However, Deputy Li did not refuse, but cautiously said that the matter of opening the gas station needs to go back and report to the superior, and see what the above says.

   However, the refining base and sales qualifications proposed by Wang Ye should be no problem, and we can discuss the next step in detail.

   It's the end of the month, let's clear your monthly pass



   (end of this chapter)