MTL - Reborn: Super God of War-Chapter 652 Reincarnation vs. non-sky

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"How can there be such a powerful skill?" The reincarnation of the heavens is also incredible, "This is just the power of pure skills? If a skill that doesn't require any skills has such great power, what value does that skill have? ? "

At this time, the faith in the reincarnation of the heavens was shaken!

Huaxia E-sports League, as one of the strongest organizations in the world, has very strict requirements for the people who join the organization. It must have at least several nine skills to be eligible to enter it! Moreover, the internal members are a hard exercise, and the use of the nine skills is in full swing! They exclude players who use ‘equipment’ and ‘skills’ as their primary combat power, arguing that only skill is orthodox.

现在 Now, the reincarnation of the heavens finds that under his own henchmen, the most powerful people in the Huaxia E-sports Alliance have actually been beaten by the ‘unorthodox’ temple, which focuses on its own skills and exclusive equipment!

"Very surprised? The power of the skill is so high against the sky?" A low voice sounded from behind. Lin Jie was already standing behind the reincarnation of the heavens, holding his arms, and said, "I and your manpower have After contact, Falcon. White clothes, Charm Emperor ... all fell into my hands. Their biggest weakness is that they are too self-confident and value skills! The ancient sword gave the hero a saying, if you follow the idea, why should the hero Sword? How handsome is it to pry the earth with a broken stick. "

The heavens reincarnate in silence. The extremely arrogant ghost was silent at this time. After a while, he muttered to himself, "Is it really wrong, is the skill going to fade?"

"No, the skills are equally powerful! If you have a hundred pounds of strength, you can use the skills to exert two hundred pounds, three hundred pounds. Even a thousand pounds of strength!" Lin Jie said.

"But! If my fist is only one pound, it will only be ten pounds if I die, right?" Muttered the reincarnation. "We are living so comfortably! What equipment do we need, there is a complete set of equipment. I do n’t know, since these equipments can be manufactured in sets, how can they be rare? Plus the development of the differences between the two continents. And the development of the game to this day, the influence of equipment and skills is far from comparable, and no longer It can't be easily ignored. Haha, it is ridiculous that my reincarnation has been immersed in e-sports for several years, and I am actually obsessed with it. I can't see even such simple and shallow truth! "

Lin Jie took a deep breath and looked at the reincarnation of the heavens who laughed in front of them. Somewkward inside. What he said today is bound to open the heart knot of the reincarnation of the heavens, and his strength will leap again. I only hope that he can converge after this battle.

"What you said made me suddenly bright. But I don't want to thank you, what should I do?" Zhu Tianhuan, in his eyes, was magnificent, and formulated a series of plans for the exploration and equipment of the China E-sports League. He licked his lips, looked at Lin Jie with a smile, and showed extreme trembling.

Lin Jie said lightly, "People, there should be pride, but there should be no pride."

The smile of the reincarnation of Zhu Tian was stuck on his face, and gradually converged. After half a ring, he bowed and spit out two words, "Thank you!"

"This battle, the top three, I don't think it can be overwhelmed, but the first and second runners up, we still have to take it down." Lin Jie glanced at the platform, the defeat is settled!

Exchanged a look with Zhutian Samsara, and after receiving a slightly nodded reply from the other side, he yelled, "Feiyue, 魍 魉, giant crocodile, jump off the ring and admit defeat!"

"What! Give up?" Feiyue clenched her silver teeth, "No talk!"

"I don't agree."

"I'm not convinced!" 魍 魉, the crocodile yelled.

"For victory." Lin Jie shouted loudly, with momentum like a sword, like a knife, directly oppressing the three.

Feiyue was startled. Is this guy crazy? Actually pressure yourself at this time? She was shaking her fists fiercely. After a long time, she punched her on the ground and jumped off the ring. "My old lady concedes! Floating, you must give me an explanation when you meet, otherwise, hum!"

"Large crocodile, 魍 魉, come down." Zhutian reincarnation stood side by side with Lin Jie, said.

"Boss ... yes"

The two looked at each other and jumped off the platform to admit defeat.

"Not heaven, victory!" The round knight looked at the two meaningfully and announced loudly, "At this point, there are only four winners, floating, heaven reincarnation, non-sky, scorching hot! Temple of War, you will decide The top four! The country where the first place is located gains control of 50% of the sea area in addition to the fixed area! The second place is 25%, the third place is 15%, and the fourth place is 10%! "

"Next game, the reincarnation of the heavens, against the sky!"

Xun Zhutian smiled indifferently, "It's me, I'll knock him out."

"Don't take it lightly," Lin Jie said.

"Um." The reincarnation of the heavens replied indifferently, and slowly walked over to the ring. Still the novice shirt, novice shorts, plain.

Feitian sat holding eight avatars, hooked his fingers, and turned the corpse of 'Blood Eye' into the avatar sitting under his butt, and laughed, "The first person in Huaxia E-sports, the reincarnation of the heavens, is a long-known name! I remember There is a sentence from Huaxia called 'Meeting is better known'. I wonder if you should answer this sentence? "

The heavens rebirth looked cold, the opponent's words were obviously provocative!

"If you want to anger me, then your purpose has been achieved, and you will die very hard next time." Zhu Tian said coldly.

"Yo, is there still time to get angry?" Just as the mocking sound penetrated into the ears, a pair of huge golden palms were photographed on the forehead of the samsara at the same time! It turned out that, when Tiantian deliberately performed those insulting actions and angered him, on the other side, he had quietly sent an avatar to touch the backs of the heavens and sneak attacks while they were angry and distracted.

Snapped! -

1! (2451 immunity)

"Uh?" Fei Tian was startled and stood up sharply. All the avatars rushed up immediately. The eight major avatars blasted out several attacks, and the offensive was intensive. The reincarnation of the heavens retreated, and the body bent down like a break, and the attack was scattered all over the body!

In Lin Jie's eyes. It can be clearly seen that there is a mass of worm-like things under the surface layer of the reincarnation of the heavens, and the cortex muscles swell up. When the blood is about to burst, the non-celestial attack is just right.

Attack and body, the two forces counteracted, not only did the samsara reincarnation not be harmed, but the juice of this mass of cell flesh also flowed out.

"This is. Flesh armor!" Lin Jie was taken aback, only to see that the sap and blood plasma of the reincarnation of the heavens hardened in the wind, as if the magma generally solidified quickly, condensed into a thick armor on the body surface! This armor became crystal clear, just like Tianjing.



The reincarnation of the heavens reincarnates itself and dances into the shadow of Man Tian Quan. This is the martial arts skill ‘Hundred Boxing’, as the name implies. Instantly punched in many directions and angles to match the power of the space he possessed. The whole area was banged, and flew out in a row! When he stood up, he was no longer the lazy and decadent appearance, a celestial battle armor, the light was refracted, and turned into wings behind him. Just like the gods!


He screamed loudly, squeezed into pieces, turned into crystals, marbles, and fell down one after another. Turned into a crystal clear knife! This chopped sword has dark gold at best, but it fits him very high!

"Sculpture of worms." Feitian smiled coldly and turned into a golden buddha. He yelled, and his whole body of gold powder instantly fell off. He outlined a huge formation on the ground with a total of nine origins. This is the formation! More advanced than the rune array of hard-working pants!

The eighth avatars immediately stood on the formation, and the formation of the formation was a masterpiece. A brahma sang passed out, as if the Buddhas came to life!

[Zhufo Fan array]: The formation method requires at least one primary formation to be activated and at least two secondary formations to be activated, weakening the maximum attribute of the specified unit X% (depending on the formation number) within 1 second, and ignoring the resurrection Immune skills with damage.

"Shrink the ground into an inch!" The heavens reincarnate in one step, the land seems to quickly gather with his feet as the center of the circle, take another step, the teleportation is normal, has stood in front of the heavens!

Tick! Tick!

He Feitian raised his head, and in front of him was the hazy face! Suddenly, the sweat was cold, and the golden light was dim. However, Fei Tian is the fierce character in the first place of the Temple of War. How strong is it? His right hand continued to hold India to maintain the blessing attribute of the avatar, and his left hand found three props, one of which was the 'Sugi Lake Turtle Shell' that he had used in seven nights. In addition, there are two beads! One of them was shot by him and blasted into the array.

Send silver beads! Like the heart of the ocean, it can teleport between two points. He disappeared in an instant and was transferred to the formation! Suddenly, this huge formation was detached from the ground, rotated horizontally, emitting a dazzling light! This light is like Sumiyama, suppressed down.

The attributes of the reincarnation of the heavens have been suppressed to the extreme. If the Buddha Brahma assembles ten avatars and exerts all the effects, it can suppress the player attributes to 1%. Although there are only nine people, the effect is as high as 90%! The reincarnation of the heavens is covered with Buddha light, the attributes are greatly reduced, even a novice! Immediately following ~ ~ is a heavenly attack!

Reincarnation of the heavens, now is the paper tiger, die at the touch!

"Reincarnation fists!"

At the last moment, the moment the finger sword was about to fall, the reincarnation tossed the emptying sword towards the sky, earning a breath of time for itself, two fists and a base, and two completely different breaths rose up. On the right is the dark **** of death wearing a black robe dancing the sickle, but on the left is the white goddess of life with a strong life robe!

Left to live, right to die! Double fists revolve, reversing life and death! The most powerful trick of the reincarnation of the heavens is to use extreme space forces to forcibly transfer the death that is about to arrive to another position, and turn the life and death!

"Floating life!" At this time, the reincarnation of the heavens suddenly yelled, "I reincarnation of the heavens, and return your love! From now on, we don't owe each other. Look!"

His voice just fell, and the surging offensive has already fallen on him, but it disappeared into a circle of ripples disappearing, in a blink of an eye, appeared on the heads of many avatars! Blast down! Suddenly, the bodies of all the avatars seemed to be as waxy as they encountered high temperatures, and collapsed to the ground! (To be continued ...)