MTL - Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm-Chapter 149 adjust

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Wei Xuan thinks that the weather is pretty good recently. Although the temperature during the day is already hot, so far it doesn’t feel stuffy. Even if you wear long-sleeved trousers when you go out, you won’t sweat much. It seems to be better than the same period last year. few.

But at that time, I was busy every day making various preparations for the early doomsday, and I had to devote part of my mind to the survivors who had not yet left the urban area, so it seemed that I was more relaxed and worry-free than those days at that time. It is also very normal.

After one night, Wei Xuan brought Du Hang to the hospital in the early morning of the next day, and found the address and target given by the other party—the very sophisticated foreign imported equipment in the advanced clinic in a certain high-end building of the hospital.

Wei Xuan had never seen this set before, let alone heard of it.

And he has never lived in the advanced ward in this building. Of course, he was strong and healthy before the end of the world, and he would not be hospitalized even if he went to see a doctor. Fortunately, when the boss of the company I worked for was sick, I went to visit with some colleagues, but even that time, the ward I went to didn't seem to look as good as the room here.

Sighing a little at the grandeur of the various facilities in the hospital, Wei Xuan stood in front of the instrument with a frown. Things are not big, but the weight is not light. Wei Xuan is not sure if this thing is afraid of moving? After all, it is best not to have even slight vibrations in some of the more sophisticated facilities.

But Wei Xuan stood here worrying for a long time before he came back to his senses—even if he tried his best to transport the things carefully, so what? Do those two guys look like people who can handle things carefully?

Anyway, it's good to help them find this thing by themselves, and Wei Xuan has no intention of doing it to the end and sending it to the villa area for them, so let those two guys worry about this problem.

No, no, the two of them don't know how to think about these issues.

Thinking of the walking pattern of the fire girl flying around and shooting fire bombs all over the sky, and the **** walking style of the healing man among the zombies, Wei Xuan guessed that the people in the villa area should have seen them like this with their own eyes, so if If the other party's mind is still clear, they should not entrust these two with particularly delicate work. But if they're out of their wits...that's none of their business anyway.

Thinking clearly about these defenders, Xuan is not polite, he walked around the thing that was 50 to 60 centimeters square and placed on a one-meter-high table, unplugged the charging device, removed the various tools that extended from it, and stuffed it into it. In the bag, I moved this thing down and wrapped it with anti-collision plastic foam and other things, and tied it to Du Hang's back with a rope.

Wandering around the hospital again to collect some commonly used drugs, alcohol and other things, the two of them came to Wei Xuan in the hospital compound before turning to look at Du Hang: "How about we go home directly?"

When Du Hang heard the word "go home", he immediately took a step forward, bending over to hug someone. Wei Xuan was about to leave just like that when he suddenly remembered something and took a step back: "Night! Jump back at night!"

Obviously, I was so cautious about going out at night before, how can I put this matter aside just because I succeeded in finding the needed supplies for a while?

Du Hang was obviously disappointed for a moment, but once he returned home, there were so many zombies messing around, it seemed that it would be good to be alone outside?

As a result, his sense of loss disappeared in an instant.

Although Du Hang's fleeting mood was very fast, how could Wei Xuan not feel it because he was with him for a long time and the distance between them was so close?

So Wei Xuan, who felt that he owed his zombies in his heart, took him back to the office building where the two of them had rested for the night before, with apologies. After unloading his things, he took the initiative to sit in Du Hang's arms to comfort him.

Unexpectedly, the pleasant aura of Du Hang, who had enjoyed all kinds of comfort from the people in his arms, emerged again, and he sat quietly by the wall with Wei Xuan in his arms, enjoying the intimacy between the two.


A month passed by in a hurry, Wei Xuan had a pretty good life recently, taking care of the flowers and plants at home, feeding the zombie boys in the community, and occasionally taking Du Hang out to find supplies for those two guys. Go to the shop where you usually exchange diaries, and don't live too leisurely.

In June and July, the weather has entered midsummer again. I don't know if it is an illusion, but Wei Xuan always feels that this summer is obviously not as hot as last year. No, the sunlight outside is still very strong and dazzling, but it seems that the heat is not as fierce as last year. As long as the fan is turned on in the bedroom at home, it is not at all hot and dry like last year when I wanted to turn on the air conditioner.

This may also be a special benefit brought about by his improved physical fitness after the end of the world, but Wei Xuan remembered that he did not seem to have this feeling in his previous life, and he still felt hot and uncomfortable in midsummer.

Of course, even if he didn't think the weather was too hot, Wei Xuan would not let go of the benefit of cooling down and sleeping with Du Hang in his arms.

Wei Xuan, who came back from the meeting place again, leaned on Du Hang's chest, which was used as a mat and a backrest for him, and flipped through the diary he brought back from there.

Recently, he went there quite diligently. He ran three times in the past month, and each time he took back the items marked on the list and sent them there directly.

No way, every time Du Hang brought him back, it happened to be midnight, and it happened to be late at night, and it was so dark that Wei Xuan felt that if he didn't take this opportunity to send the things directly, it would be very annoying to have to bother the next night , so when he returned to his community, he had to trouble Du Hang for another lap.

Fortunately, Du Hang didn't have any opinion on the issue of one more extra exercise. Anyway, as long as he could jump around with Wei Xuan in his arms, he would be fine even if he jumped to the end of the world, so he completed the task perfectly every time.

In this way, Wei Xuan can just bring back the extra diaries that are left over there at any time. Although it was not easy to turn on the lights in the middle of the night to search for things when we were there, but after going there many times, Wei Xuan could roughly distinguish the habits of the two people who usually put things away, as well as the arrangement of things in that room.

As long as he avoided the things he put here, it was quite easy to find the diary that the two of them had just put in the darkness. It's just that it's a bit troublesome to leave a message for the two of them every time, but Wei Xuan can take a new notebook and write it at home, can't he? Just like these two people.

Flipping through the latest diary I got, it contained the two people's unique convulsions, and their unique narrative style of talking wherever they thought. In the past month or so, the two of them actually only went to the villa base once, and brought some supplies that the other party needed. It seems that because the equipment that Wei Xuan helped find is a bit big, the zombies don't think it's a problem to carry it, but if the two of them are really allowed to carry it...God knows how many zombies will be provoked along the way?

Carrying equipment may also reduce their mobility, which is very likely to happen-even if their things can be brought over, they will also be brought over, and a large group of zombies will surround the base...

And the most important thing is, maybe the things they are carrying will be dragged down by the entangled zombies on the way, not to mention throwing away things, and even provoke a large group of zombies in the past.

It can be seen that although there is something wrong with the two of their brains, their general logical thinking is still online.

Judging from the descriptions of the two in the diary, although the people at the villa base do need these things, they are not in too much of a hurry right now. Especially this time when the two of them passed by, they moved a lot of the special medicine and chemicals from a certain laboratory that the other party had mentioned earlier, so the other party was not particularly anxious for the time being.

But Wei Xuan was very skeptical, how much could the number be based on those two guys carrying things over? How long is it enough for the people in that base to toss?

Although he didn't know what those things were used for, but judging from the cycle-like names written on the list, he probably didn't make food-related things, right? It's almost like doing a chemistry experiment.

Thinking of the chemical experiment, Wei Xuan remembered what happened to him in his last life before he died. Maybe it was because of this that he didn't want to have any direct contact with that base at all, even if he couldn't get what he needed, he didn't want to get involved.

"The two of them will go there again in a few days... I hope they can get back new energy conversion things next time." Wei Xuan closed his notebook—because he went there more frequently recently, so even if the two Keep the latest diary, the content in it is not too much.

Du Hang didn't know what Wei Xuan was tossing about or what he was talking about. He saw Wei Xuan put down the notebook in his hand and stretched his waist as if he was about to rest, so he leaned over and kissed him.

Undoubtedly, the feedback given by Wei Xuan was naturally to raise his arms and wrap them around his lover's neck, indulging in this kind of tenderness.

The next day, before the sun became vicious, Wei Xuan went out with Du Hang again. After reducing the number of potatoes and carrots grown this year and collecting all the necessary things, Wei Xuan's life has indeed become a little more relaxed and casual.

So, he decided to follow the few goals he selected on the list as a good way to pass his spare time.

After all, it is not healthy to play games at home every day, and Du Hang seems to like to go out alone with him, so Wei Xuan decided to take this trip as a little fun for himself and Du Hang to go out on a date.

Taking Du Hang around the broken section of the road together, it took another two full days of trekking to reach a street further away. This place is already very close to the outskirts of city t, and the nearby roads are full of factories that are far apart. Wei Xuan came here today not only for the things in a warehouse, but also to go to a nearby paper factory to get some toilet paper back.

After searching left and right, he chose an office building in front of a factory to live in before the sun set. He planned to walk the last bit of the road early tomorrow and go to the warehouse to see the situation.

After a whole night's rest, the sun had just risen in the east, and the bright light shone on the face of Wei Xuan who was holding Du Hang as a cold water bag on the sofa. He frowned, his eyelids twitched a few times and suddenly opened: "What's the sound?"