MTL - Reborn To The Start Of The Apocalypse To Farm-Chapter 150 Another lunatic?

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Some noisy and explosive sounds penetrated into his ears, Wei Xuan opened his eyes a little reluctantly, suddenly, before he could see the appearance of the person in front of him clearly, he felt a feeling of heart palpitations!

Yes, it was the feeling of heart palpitations, a sense of uneasiness lingering in his heart, so that at this moment he could only hear the sound of his own heartbeat coming from his eardrum.

This feeling has a sense of familiarity, it seems... It's the feeling when I met that little girl's zombie last time!

Wei Xuan was startled, his body shook suddenly, then he almost subconsciously held his breath and grabbed Du Hang's arm, staring at him as well, and after a long while, he slowly let out a cloudy breath, Breathe in the air slowly.

Du Hang lowered his head to look at Wei Xuan after he woke up, as if he was deaf to the movement coming from outside the window. But at this time, he was a little different from usual. Usually, when he found Wei Xuan facing him and looking at him like this, he would kiss him, but now he just looked at him.

After adjusting his breathing a few times, Wei Xuan noticed some differences—although he also felt palpitations today, the strong sense of oppression and fear was not as strong as last time.

Maybe it's because it was the first time I encountered this kind of situation last time, so I can feel that kind of fear, and now I just get used to it a little?

Or maybe it's because I'm a little far away from the little girl's zombie this time, and the feeling is not as strong as last time?

Or maybe... In fact, what I felt this time is not the same zombie as last time?

Thinking of this, Wei Xuan frowned suddenly. If there are more than one zombie like that little girl in this city... then can he and Du Hang be safe in the future?

After this thought arose in his heart, he actually gradually eliminated his previous anxiety and uneasiness. He frowned and thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and got up from Du Hang's arms, and whispered to him: " Don't move around, don't poke your head!"

After all, he didn't care whether Du Hang could understand or not, or whether he would do what he said, so he bowed his body and crawled to the window quietly.

Many windows in this building have already been broken and damaged, because the weather is hot now, so Wei Xuan did not deliberately choose rooms with intact windows, not to mention that such windows are easier for people to escape if they are in danger. — Like now.

There was no window, and the light in the room was relatively dark. In addition, after careful identification at this time, he confirmed that the palpitations this time were not as serious as last time. Therefore, Wei Xuan at this time felt that even if he looked around, it should not be too serious. What a big problem.

Quietly straightened up at the corner by the window and looked out, Wei Xuan saw that the road not far in front of the factory compound was already in chaos. Survivors, the other wave is unsurprisingly zombies!

Wei Xuan was not surprised to see a team of supernatural beings clashing with zombies, he could tell from the noise and explosion just now. What is strange to him now is - why didn't he see a special zombie like the little girl's zombie?

Wei Xuan seems to have a special feeling for that kind of zombies. Even if they are inconspicuous in appearance, he can definitely recognize them at a glance, but now after he hastily scanned around, he only saw a group of zombies that were not abnormal. Surround that team and fight those people to the death.

Frowning slightly, Wei Xuan glanced at both ends of the street, and then turned his attention to the direction of another office building that was almost parallel to his building and ten meters away.

The location where those zombies fought with that group of people was not on the road leading out of the building where the two of Wei Xuan lived, but rather to the west, just outside the office building of another factory. If there are special leader-like zombies that can command the zombies, then maybe they will hide somewhere and secretly command other zombies like humans.

After all, whenever the real leader is unless the force value is over the table, most of them are commanding from the rear.

Thinking of this, Wei Xuan's expression became even uglier. He is not in the farthest room now, and if he wants to see the situation in the next building clearly, he has to stick his head and upper body out of the window. But he didn't want to make trouble now, and he didn't want to be discovered by any special zombies. So he would rather hide for a while longer and make sure of the situation outside before acting.

The battle on the road outside continued. The violent explosions, the abilities thrown by the supernatural beings, and the stray bullets fired by guns and ammunition accidentally hit the courtyard where Wei Xuan and Du Hang were hiding. middle. Fortunately, no ammunition flew to the window where Wei Xuan was hiding, otherwise, maybe he would miss the auxiliary vehicle, and even if he suffered some minor injuries, he could only sigh and die.

Just when Wei Xuan had spent more than half of his energy in the factory next door, suddenly there were several loud shouts and the roar of cars starting from the road below. When the zombies almost surrounded the team to death, unexpectedly A car escaped with a few lucky people, and the car swayed and flicked, leaving their companions and a large group of zombies behind.

There were screams and curses from several people below, and Wei Xuan's pupils shrank slightly, and he could clearly see that when the car almost ran out of sight, the zombies who seemed a little clumsy before were rushing towards the car. The remaining group of people were surrounded to death, and their movements became fierce and sensitive in an instant!

camouflage! They are actually pretending!

Suddenly, I remembered the news I heard when I was in the base in my previous life. At that time, some people said that the zombies in the urban area would actually set traps to catch people, and their combat effectiveness became extremely amazing!

In the past, I thought it was just a rumor, and because zombies would not take the initiative to attack me, even zombies with explosive combat power would not show it to me, so I didn't pay much attention to it. But now... those rumors seem to be true.

But why did they deliberately let some people go?

Just as this question arose in his mind, Wei Xuan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated a few beats. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the left wall. It was in that building...something was about to come out!

There were several screams from the inner circle surrounded by zombies. Some people died directly, and some people completely lost their fighting power.

Wei Xuan shrunk his body back again, but suddenly bumped into a familiar "thing" and turned his head. As expected, Du Hang was right behind him, looking down at him.

Wei Xuan blinked, and suddenly his heart calmed down a bit. He just leaned his head on his chest and looked out again. He has Du Hang around, if they are in danger...then they will run, run immediately!

Even though among the zombies downstairs there were zombies that were jumping fast, he also subconsciously felt that Du Hang's speed was beyond the reach of ordinary zombies.

The only thing he was worried about at this time was - there were such horrible zombies in city t, what about other cities? If it is impossible to stay here any longer, then... where else can he and Du Hang live in peace?

Just when such a thought came into Wei Xuan's mind, suddenly, a figure ran out from the building next door, crossed the flat ground in front of the office building next door, and rushed to the front of the group of zombies. At this time, Wei Xuan discovered that the group of zombies had actually captured several living people who had completely lost their combat effectiveness, and threw them into the open space at the gate of the factory, but the zombies took a few steps back and stood obediently Outside the gate!

Facing the living humans, the zombies didn't pounce on them and gnaw two bites? !

Wei Xuan only felt his scalp tingling for a while. Although he already thought that his Du Hang was very good before, he would not take the initiative to attack humans if he stopped him. But now... he actually saw that a group of zombies could control their instincts and not eat people!

At the same time that Wei Xuan was startled, he found that the figure who rushed out of the office building was behaving very strangely. That guy danced and let out a nervous laugh. Jumping and jumping next to the person.

Although the office building where Wei Xuan and Du Hang were located was some distance away, they could still hear the man's crazy laughter, and he could even hear the man talking excitedly.

right! He was talking, but the distance was a little far away, Wei Xuan couldn't hear clearly.

At this time, his pupils had shrunk quite a bit, and he stared at that person in surprise. Although that person was not a guy exuding that kind of weird aura, what this guy showed at this time made Wei Xuan feel even more worried. A faint sense of unease—man, that guy should be an ordinary person!

No, real ordinary people don't mix with zombies, and zombies don't seem to take the initiative to hurt him. Just like myself, the fire girl and the healer, like the people in the villa base, I and these people are to some extent the same kind of people, even if Wei Xuan has never seen the people in the villa base, he can roughly judge Their situation should be similar to that of the fire girls.

But this guy is absolutely not!

He may be similar to himself, and has the ability not to be actively harmed by zombies, but his actions are absolutely different from his own - although he has been by Du Hang's side all the time, he has never brought him with him no matter before or after the end of the world. Du Hang took the initiative to attack humans.

On the one hand, I don't want Du Hang to eat human flesh, and on the other hand, I don't want to take the initiative to hurt the same kind. Even in the previous life, I encountered people who were taken as bait and abandoned by people who went out with my partner. Of course, I fought back and killed those guys with ulterior motives. But never before had he vented his distorted emotions so excitedly after cooperating with a large group of zombies to ambush the survivors like the man below.

Seeing the man kicking one of the people who was powerless to fight anymore, and stepping **** the man's face, Wei Xuan frowned slightly and stopped looking at him, but focused on the person who passed by when he came out. In the open space—a group of figures, whether they were people or zombies, came out of the adjacent building one after another.

In the lead was a group of men and women who seemed to be strong and strong-zombies. Behind and directly behind this group of zombies walked out two zombies.

A man and a woman, the male zombie is slightly chubby, and on its neck sits an eleven or twelve-year-old...little girl zombie.

" really is it."