MTL - Red Moscow-Chapter 20 Three-Three System Assault Tactics

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  Chapter 20 Three-Three System Assault Tactics

  The disheartened Bukov and Leskov returned to the fortifications on Gogol Avenue with their respective troops. As soon as Bukov saw Ivan staying in the fortification, he yelled loudly: "Comrade Battalion Commander, no way, we can't go up, the German firepower is too fierce."

  The second company commander, Leskov, walked straight up to Lin Hua, wiped the sweat off his brow, and asked, "Misha, look at the Germans' firepower, how should we fight?"

  Bukov was astonished when he saw Leskov running to ask Lin Hua for advice. What surprised him even more was that the battalion commander, Major Ivan, ran up to Lin Hua and asked with a smile on his face, "Misha, how do you think we can take down this church?"

Seeing that Ivan was also asking Lin Hua for advice, Bukov suddenly remembered that the reason why the troops were able to successfully take down Gogol Street was because of Sokov's "break the wall and open the way" tactics. Can you think of any good way to let your troops take this church occupied by the German army.

Thinking of this, Bukov also leaned over and said to Lin Hua: "Misha, since you were able to come up with the tactic of 'breaking the wall and opening the way' when capturing Gogol Street, how about the church we are attacking? , can you think of any good way?"

  In fact, Lin Hua, who was hiding in the barricades, began to think about how to take down the church as early as when the First Company and the Second Company suffered setbacks. The church is surrounded by unobstructed open land, and the tactic of breaking the wall and opening the road is obviously useless; although it is possible to use tunnel operations to approach the enemy's position, it is winter now, the temperature is too low, and the land has long been destroyed. Being frozen hard, even if the Germans did not open fire and let the Soviet army dig trenches, the tools in the hands of the soldiers could not dig out the frozen soil at all.

  At this moment, seeing Ivan and the other two company commanders surrounding him, asking him to advise them, Lin Hua also felt very headache. The firepower of the German army in the church is too strong. If you can't effectively suppress it, even if you are as resourceful as Zhuge Liang, you can come up with countless schemes by patting your head, but can the flesh and blood of the commanders and fighters block the German bullets?

But after thinking about it, if you don't come up with a good countermeasure, the tactics of using human lives to fill in the first and second companies will soon wipe out the troops, and the offensive task at that time should fall to your own third company. on the head.

  Lin Hua looked at Ivan and asked, "Comrade Battalion Commander, how many light and heavy machine guns can be concentrated in the battalion?"

  When Ivan heard this question, he didn't answer immediately, but turned his gaze to the two company commanders next to him. Bukov first replied: "Our company has two light machine guns."

   "We even have two." As soon as Bukov finished speaking, Leskov also replied.

   After the two company commanders finished reporting, Ivan went on to say: "There is still one heavy machine gun and three light machine guns left in the machine gun platoon in the battalion. I can transfer them all over immediately."

  Lin Hua calculated silently in his mind, and with the light machine gun in his company, there were one heavy machine gun and eight light machine guns in total. If they were lined up on the street, it would look a bit crowded. He looked around, observed the surrounding environment, and said to Ivan: "Comrade battalion commander, please order someone to blow up a few holes in the side walls of the left and right buildings, put two light machine guns on each, and put the rest on the ground." On the streets. When the offensive resumes, use this machine gun fire to suppress the enemy."

   After arranging for manpower to blow up the wall and move the heavy machine gun, Ivan then asked, "Is there anything else to add?"

"I think the offensive formation also needs to be adjusted." Lin Hua thought that in the attack just now, the formation of the Soviet army seemed to be queuing up to die, so he decisively put forward his opinion: "I think if we still use The formation attack just now, under the intensive firepower of the German army, will still cause heavy casualties."

   After hearing what Lin Hua said, Ivan shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "Misha, you may not be aware that we have always used this offensive formation when we attack. Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, Comrade Battalion Commander." Lin Hua knew very well in his heart that if he still used the current formation to attack, even with the cover of machine gun fire, the troops would still suffer heavy casualties, so he had to tell Ivan to change the offensive formation: "The multi-layer advancing formation of skirmishers we are using now makes it difficult to use firepower when attacking. I think we should adopt a three-three assault tactic."

   "Three-three system assault tactics?!" The three of them had confused expressions on their faces when they heard Lin Hua say this. Ivan frowned and asked, "Misha, can you explain to me what is the three-three system assault tactic?"

Lin Hua nodded, and began to introduce to the three Soviet commanders the tactics of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, which is invincible all over the world: "The three-three system of assault tactics refers to dividing the squad into three combat groups. Three people, in order to facilitate mutual support, generally lined up in three echelons.

  The three-man combat team forms a triangular offensive formation, and each soldier has a clear division of labor, which is responsible for attack, cover and support. The squad leader, deputy squad leader, and team leader each lead a combat team to act. When the combat team attacks, two fighters are in front, and the team leader is behind, forming a triangle formation. Three combat teams form a combat squad, and three combat squads form a combat group. When attacking, they form a "skirmish line" formation. "

  After hearing what Lin Hua said, Ivan looked at the two company commanders on the left and right, and said with a smile: "Company commanders, this is the first time I've heard of this tactic, how about you?"

   "It's the first time we've heard of it." After Leskov finished speaking, he immediately asked Lin Hua, "Misha, is there any advantage to this three-three system assault tactic?"

"The characteristics of the three-three system assault tactics are evacuation formation, unit coordination, and small group assault." Seeing that the tactics he mentioned aroused Leskov's interest, Lin Hua continued with great interest: " In terms of firepower distribution, the echelons are distinct and coordinated with each other. It is a perfect offensive and defensive formation, which can overcome the shortcomings of our army's skirmishers who are difficult to exert firepower when advancing in multiple layers. The interval between each battle group is kept at a reasonable distance. This avoids the problem of excessive losses when encountering artillery coverage."

  When Lin Hua said this, he deliberately paused to see everyone's reaction. Ivan raised his chin towards him, and said encouragingly: "That's a good point, keep talking."

"According to my calculations, a mortar shell falling into the attack formation can only cause one casualty; a shell of a 152 howitzer can only destroy two groups at most." When citing this set of data, Lin Hua couldn't help blushing, and continued: "Even if you encounter the most terrifying side shot from a machine gun, two combat squads will not be injured or injured, while the casualties of ordinary skirmishers under the same situation are usually between dozens of people." many."

   "This three-three system assault tactic sounds very good." As soon as Lin Hua finished speaking, Bukov, who had been silent for a while, interrupted and said, "I think we can try it in the next attack."

After thinking about it for a while, Ivan felt that he could try the tactic Lin Hua mentioned, and quickly ordered Bukov and Leskov: "You call all the squad leaders here immediately, and ask Misha to report to him. They teach this new tactic."

   While the two company commanders were going to summon the squad leader, Ivan still asked Lin Hua worriedly: "Misha, your new tactic sounds good, but are there any shortcomings?"

Lin Hua hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "Although this tactic has many advantages, it has a fatal shortcoming. The perfect cooperation between various combat teams requires years of accumulated experience and continuous training. The Eighth Guards Division During the battles of these months, due to the large number of recruits from other troops, the familiarity between the commanders and fighters of each army is low. In addition, this is what I came up with on the spur of the moment. Whether the soldiers can master the new tactics is still a problem. I am worried that the soldiers will not be able to use this tactic familiarly during the official offensive, which will increase unnecessary casualties."

   "Misha, don't have any psychological burden." As soon as Lin Hua finished speaking, Ivan waved his hands to comfort him: "We are going to use this battle to test whether this new tactic is applicable."

  (end of this chapter)

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