MTL - Reincarnation of a Superstar-Chapter 8 Start reading

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Before the general idol dramas are released, they will be broadcast to the media and started to be promoted.

Then, during the shooting process, from time to time, some gossip or explosive news came out, attracting the attention and expectations of the audience, causing an effect! Get a good audience rating for the premiere.

But ESE did the opposite this time.

Du Yunxiu's "Legacy" was shot in a very low-key and extremely confidential manner.

Such a cautious attitude once made Wei Yifei and Fujisawa a little bit stunned. When they ate privately, they quietly discussed whether ESE wanted to focus on them or did they have any other plans?

Du Yunxiu did not comment on this.

And as calm as he is, Chu Feng.

When Du Yunxiu saw Chu Feng at first sight, his heart shook.

so similar!

The eyes with evil spirits, the indifferent look when evoke the corners of the lips, and even the arrogant way of speaking ... It is so much like Xie Yi!

Coupled with that similar appearance, he also had to agree that Chu Feng was called "Xie Yi No. 2" or "Little Xie Yi" was affordable.

People with such looks were beside him, and Du Yunxiu was really disturbed at the beginning, and his mood was quite calm.

Occasionally, when Chu Feng smiled at him, even though the other party was just unintentional, Du Yunxiu still felt faintly. It seems that Xie Yi walked into his life after rebirth and filmed with him ...

Du Yunxiu wants to surpass Xie Yi.

But he wasn't ready yet, and was ... at a loss.

Many things just have a vague outline in my mind.

What degree he wants to achieve, what kind of career development he wants, how many works he has completed in a few years, and what awards he hopes to get.

These reborn life plans may have consequences.

Du Yunxiu didn't think about it.

It is just that the changes in the world, such as the river, are changing rapidly. Some things that are said well are dreams, but not good, that is, low-handedness and unrealistic expectations ...

However, this moodiness changed after the filming of TheLegacy.

Although they also have training courses in acting skills in the training, simulated practice plots or clips, but that is without a camera.

In the real setting, the camera swings, the light shines, the reflector hits, and the recording rod strikes.

Under the heavy shooting equipment, it is difficult for the newcomer to find the feeling at once.

Although Chu Feng has always shown self-confidence, every move is very starlike. But after all, it was the first time to shoot a TV series, and sometimes it was shot a dozen times, and was constantly directed by NG.

In the play, he played a very crazy character, a wealthy family who did not fear the collapse of the world.

In reality, it is a young couple who is often criticized by the director for inexperienced positions.

This kind of drop outside the play makes Chu Feng very unbearable.

If it weren't for accidental encounters, Du Yunxiu would not have discovered this.

At that time, Chu Feng had lunch in the lounge alone, and half of it suddenly threw the box lunch on the ground! Then vented a growl ...

Du Yunxiu quickly exited silently, pretending not to see anything.

Then he understood.

Chu Feng is also an ambitious person who looks wild and unruly, but also quite knows how to manage the upper management.

More importantly-it is quite tolerable.

However, Xie Yi is more calm and calm than he is, he has worked harder, and knows how to use all opportunities.

When they filmed for the first time, Xie Yi quickly entered the situation. Xie Yi made a note of the mistakes made by other newcomers. When it was his turn to play, he never repeated those mistakes.

In this world, Xie Yi, there really is only one.

It was only a few days after the killing, and the four had not yet panted.

Amanda brought a surprising and exciting news-Sunday's popular talk show under ESE.

This talk show has a very high audience rating. Since the show started, all the big names have been invited.

The two moderators are humorous, quick-minded, and can be combined with current hotspots. For the audience, this conversation really struck the "itch" in their hearts, satisfying their voyeurism and understanding of idols. Every time after watching it, I am very satisfied, and post countless comments on the forum.

It is indeed very topical.

So this time, ESE made use of privileges to let them interview Du Yunxiu and they had to do it for two full hours. What's more important is to take this opportunity to officially play the first wave of "TheLegacy"! This is the first time for the audience!

Such a request, even the two battle-hardened moderators are a bit inaccurate.

Because the four actors are completely unfamiliar to the audience, not to mention "TheLegacy", I have not heard any wind before, and even the plot briefs have been available these days.


Du Yunxiu they jumped and worried.

And Amanda is non-stop, constantly communicating with the production host.

What should the four artists do when they are on the show? What kind of clothing do you choose? How to shoot, how to allocate the lens of each person's lens, and how much time?

On the day of the shooting, he was in person at the scene.

"The Most Mysterious Flower Man in History"-This show uses a very gimmicky title.

The two hosts were still a solid and funny opening, and then asked Du Yunxiu to play one by one, Chu Feng first, and Du Yunxiu followed.

Four people wore black shirts of the same color and different styles: Chu Feng's front was wide open, revealing a **** honey-colored chest, and a strong masculinity revealed some uninhibited; Du Yunxiu was also a black shirt, neat and clean, but with a college jacket Windy white vest, elegant and elegant; Fujisawa only has a V-shaped neckline that is white, which looks like a woman's favorite; The collar of Wei Yifei's shirt is different from the other three, and it is a white lapel that lined the whole He is as good as his brother next door.

Four people are worthy of being chosen by ESE.

Coupled with the late training and the rendering of brand-name clothing, it was screaming to raise a hand and be handsome, but just sitting there, the studio suddenly had a bright illusion.

Even the hostess joked: "Oh my God! I'm surrounded by handsome guys! I'm surrounded by a handsome guy who is so happy to die, now it's exactly four! Four! Hey, you can't cooperate to make stars Does Gongyue look like that? "

Chu Feng Du Yunxiu and they stood up with a smile and surrounded the petite hostess, who made a queen-like gesture.

The camera in front of the studio cut in and specially made a close-up of the four handsome faces again.

The male host on the side was depressed: "What am I?"

The hostess took a deliberate look and said, "Okay, you are also a star. But compared to them, you are the farthest and most dim."

The male host calmly said, "I decided to leave the galaxy. =="

The atmosphere of the conversation warmed up.

The male host immediately went up: "It is said that this time ESE sees you as the most mysterious Huamei, and even female fans are not allowed to visit the class when shooting, saying that once the class is visited, traffic jams will happen. Is this true?"

Unlike the female host's lively occasional nonsense style, the male host speaks very softly every time, and the speed of speech is not fast, but it is this speed that makes people pay more attention to what he is asking.

Du Yunxiu and others glanced.

Chu Feng said with a smile: "It's not as serious as a blockage. But at that time, I was going to take a picture in a restaurant. After the photo was taken, the waiters inside came to us for signature."

Chu Feng's hair is slightly longer than others, with a flamboyant linen color. When he laughs, he has a bit of a domineering man, and a little boy is lively.

The hostess exaggerated: "So it's not really a traffic jam, but the entire restaurant waiters are on strike ?!"

After that, make a gesture of throwing the tray backwards: "I'm going to quit my job! Go and find them to sign. When signing, please sign that I'm one of the four big beautiful men in Gongyue."

Several people laughed again.

After the atmosphere eased a bit, the male host said, "Then we will see what kind of film has kept ESE secret to this day? What film is it that will make the waiter in the restaurant stop working and watch them film? ? "

The screen cuts in.

Two cars appeared on the flat road.

One is the latest Porsche, with a soft-top convertible, black and bright, condensing an unparalleled luxury, and the other is a limited-size Lamborghini, a silver-white body, with every corner and every line incomparable. Perfect, super pull!

Two high-end luxury cars are soaring with extreme speed! !! !!

With the bloodthirsty music, you chase after me and give up. In a blink of an eye, the effort disappeared at the end of the road, leaving only two flying fumes in the air ...

Fujisawa and Wei Yifei stepped out of the car gracefully, and the servant behind them immediately respectfully handed them their textbooks.

"I win this time!" Masahiro Fujisawa smiled, and she took off the pure white gloves on her hands and threw them back without looking. The exquisitely crafted snow-white gloves crossed a beautiful arc in the air and fell into the servant's hands accurately.

"But I may not be the last one." Wei Yifei shrugged his shoulders helplessly, made a cute and screaming expression, and then looked at PatekPhilippe on his wrist. Closed. Chu Feng won't be late ...? "

Fujisawa snapped his fingers: "I bet-no."

The ending didn't fall, and a huge airstream immediately set off over several people, blowing everyone's hair and horns.

Then came the roar of the propeller.

I saw a luxurious private helicopter appearing above them, with the intricate coat of arms of the Chu Shi family engraved on the fuselage, mysterious and noble.

The private helicopter hovered over Fujisawa and Wei Yifei, but did not land directly. Instead, it intentionally showed off in a circle in the air, just like the bad and arrogant temper of the helicopter owner.

And inside the plane--

The driver wearing the Chu Shi family's special uniform turned his head and said humblely, "Master, has already arrived at the college."

At this point, the lens gave a close-up.

A long, flecked linen-colored hair, each with a healthy sheen, but with a messy hairstyle.

The lens goes down.

The lines of the lips are perfect and sexy, and the slight curvature of the corners of the lips is just right, just like the artwork of a great European master sculpture.

The angle and time of the shooting are controlled by the photographer like fire.

As cute as thick and silky chocolate, any girl can't help holding her breath when she sees this shot, but she keeps getting crazy, but she keeps getting crazy: "Oh, good, good," "Oh, so sexy!" !!!!!! ''

The camera slowly moves upwards, a tall and handsome nose bridge, no flaw can be found no matter from which angle.

Then the photographer pulled a whole body.

Zhang Feng, who was mad and lazy, filled out his slender fingers, casually pulled down his blindfold, and yawned, "How come here so soon! I want to sleep more ..."

"So, I'm the number one, and I'm willing to bet on losing. Toble for Noble will be paid by you tonight."

"... Not necessarily." Wei Yifei glanced at the cherry blossom forest that could not be seen far away. "It seems that Yun Xiu has already arrived."

The camera turns.

The pink cherry blossoms in the sky are soft and transparent, and the crystalline sunlight is sprinkled on the layers of cherry blossoms, forming a dreamlike aperture, as if the best time is flowing on the cherry blossom petals.

The breeze came, and a light cherry blossom danced ...

"Master Yun, I, I like you ..." A beautiful girl blushed, and dared to confess.

The expression on Du Yunxiu's face was very light, but his eyes were as gentle as cherry blossoms.

The wind blew softly over his forehead.

The white school uniform is like the thin ice of winter and early spring under the sun, shining with soft and elegant shimmer.

"Sorry, I can't accept ..."

The girl failed to confess.

Friends on the side quickly came to comfort: "Don't cry, don't cry, many girls have failed, don't be sad."

"I, I ..." The girl still blushed with a small voice, "I didn't cry. It was Yun Xuechang, who is so gentle ..."

"Although it was rejected, I got this-it was stacked by Mr. Yun Xueyun ..."

The girl opened her hands cautiously, holding her beloved treasure.

In the shattered golden sunlight, there is a small thousand paper crane in the palm, slender and beautiful ...


This is a classic setting for idol dramas.

It's just that ESE has invested more money, more money, expensive sports cars, exquisite academy uniforms, classic style castles ... plus the beautiful and delicate Korean style, every detail of each scene is shot. Impeccable.

The market it targets is obvious-the target audience is young girls around the age of 11-22.

And this is also the main force to form Du Yunxiu's four fans in the future.

Then the plot speeded up.

A one-meter-high cardboard box was delivered to Chu Feng's villa. Chu Feng opened it and turned out to be a girl!

This girl has a savage tendency and has a fascinating identity, but she holds a letter from Chu Feng's mother. She wants to live in Chu Feng and even transfer to the school where Chu Feng is.

Chu Feng was not right with her everywhere. The two often stirred their mouths, but sometimes they were in a good mood.

And Yun Xiu, when she was the first actress alone, gave her a pink thousand paper crane ...

The hostess, like the other girls, also carefully treasured it.

Then, the plot changes.

The hostess quarreled with Chu Feng and left sadly.

Yun Xiu accompanied her all night and taught the heroine to fold a thousand paper cranes under the sky and sky.

In the lens, Yun Xiu's fingers are slender, and the knuckles are as beautiful as jade sanding. His fingertips are lightly shiny, extremely beautiful and extremely beautiful.

His movements are light and elegant, with smart fingertip folds.

In the dark, velvet-like night, Du Yunxiu just quietly folded thousands of paper cranes there, but he had a more beautiful beauty than the silver moonlight ...

One thousand paper cranes were folded in Du Yunxiu's hands.

When folding these little paper cranes, his eyes were sometimes tender enough to make people cry, sometimes elegant enough to keep his eyes away, and sometimes looking at these little paper cranes, his feelings of sadness and unhappiness would calm down. ...

However, as the camera turned around, the music suddenly became violently gloomy.

Someone secretly instructed other forces to frequently and fiercely attack the Chu Shi family. Although the tone was still soft, every order was right in the heart of Chu Feng!

A small black paper crane was thrown in a dark corner.

Moonlight was cold.


That's it for the first trailer.

It seems that the person who appeared last is a suspense, but from his voice, the little black paper crane, everyone can guess that that person will be Yun Xiu.

This is exactly what the director is good at.

He just let the audience guess that the person was Yun Xiu, but he couldn't be 100% sure.

Even if I am sure, I want to know more-why is Yun Xiu? Why does Yun Xiu target Chu Feng? Aren't they good friends?

This contrast raises bigger questions, and bigger questions will make the audience more interested in this idol drama.

But although ESE has invested a lot of money.

But four people are new, after all, no matter how handsome they are, they may not attract the audience.

At the end of the show.

The hostess and the hostess are also not sure about the ratings. In case of a categorical high, the results are not good, and they will offend the production of the idol dramas and actors during the same period.

Therefore, it is just a funny help to promote: "This idol drama is very exciting, the beautiful male is even more handsome and drooling, everyone must remember to watch on time! Especially when you meet them in the restaurant in the future, you must sign them quickly. ! Otherwise, you will be led by the waiter! "

Both have been in the entertainment industry for many years.

Although he often plays funny, gags, and seems to be unbridled, in fact, every sentence goes through the brain.

The more moderators there are, the more people they will deal with.

The more precise the scale of speech, the more important it is to know the importance. Not only lose their own personality, but also have the smoothness of the dark place.