MTL - Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God-Chapter 1178 Promotion to Samsung Association

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Sudden system prompts let Shifeng linger for a long time.

It’s just a remodeling of the intermediate town and 28, the guild’s popularity has soared 200,000 points...

Be aware that the one-star guild is promoted to the two-star guild, but it is only 30,000, and the two-star promotion to the Samsung guild is 100,000.

The guild visibility becomes more and more, and the slower the earning rate.

When a guild is a guild, members of the guild will have a low chance of gaining the visibility of the guild as long as they complete the ordinary tasks in the guild. With the number of guilds, the guild missions completed every day are very numerous, and the 30,000 affiliation is quickly established. The rare place to be promoted to the two-star guild is the guild promotion order.

But after the guild has reached the second star, the guild members will almost never get the guild's popularity when they complete the guild's ordinary tasks. Only when they complete the advanced tasks, but the guild's high-level tasks are rare, so the two-star guild wants to reach 100,000. .

Even a super guild takes a long time.

The Zero Wing Guild has accumulated a reputation for the Association because of various reasons. The speed of the accumulated popularity is not lost to the Super Guild. According to Shifeng’s estimation, it will take at least a month.

There is a direct increase of 200,000 in popularity, which fully satisfies the 100,000 popularity required for the promotion of the Samsung Association.

"Bronze-level guild promotion order?" Shifeng looked at a bronze diamond-shaped token that suddenly appeared in his backpack. The token exudes a faint golden glow, which is higher than the promotion of the silver guild station he received before. too much.

Bronze-level guild promotion order, in the guild to meet the required popularity, the guild can be promoted to a star, the highest does not exceed the four-star guild.

"Awesome guild promotion order!"

As far as Shifeng is concerned, the promotion orders of the guilds are all graded. Different guild promotion orders are used for promotion of different stars. It is like a one-star guild to promote a two-star guild. You need to get a two-star promotion order and promote. The Samsung Association needs the same promotion as the Samsung, but the Bronze Guild Promotion Order allows a guild to go straight to the level of a guild, and does not need the guild to deliberately brush that level of promotion.

Looking at the Bronze Guild Promotion Order, Shifeng wanted to wait for the guild to be promoted to Samsung when it was promoted to four stars.

In the sacred domain, the guild promotion order is not so good, except that a few guild promotion orders can also be taken in the wild or opened in the treasure chest. Normal access requires the guild to take some copies of some large team copies. Falling, the chances of the subsequent guild dropping the guild promotion order through the copy of that large team... less than 1%...

This is one of the reasons why major guilds have to fight for the first copy of a large team.

In addition to improving the influence and popularity of the guild, winning the first pass can also improve the guild star rating faster. If it is taken away by other guilds, it will be difficult to get it.

In particular, the Samsung Guild Promotion Order.

This requires a large copy of the 50-level Hell-level difficulty team, and such a 50-level large team copy is not like the previous two-star guild promotion order, there is one in each big city, after the arrival of Samsung, several Even a dozen large cities have such a large copy of the team. If they get the first pass by a guild, more than a dozen cities in the surrounding area can only continuously brush the large team copy...

So the promotion of the Samsung Guild has made the competition between the guild more intense, extending to the battle between the city and the city, rather than simply a guild battle in the city.

As for the promotion of the four-star guild, it is even more horrible. Only one or two large team copies are dropped in a kingdom. The empire is slightly more, but it is also very limited.

"Hello, I want to promote the Zero Wing Guild!" Shi Feng thought about it, or directly took out the bronze guild promotion order and handed it over to the deacon of the association.

The reason why the guild is a guild is because the guild has the benefit of envy of free agents, which makes it easier for guild members to upgrade and improve their strength. Therefore, the sooner the guild is promoted, the better.

"Dear guardian adults, don't know if you want to promote that guild station to Samsung station?" The association's deacon asked after receiving the promotion order.

"The guild station of Baihe City!" Shifeng said simply.

Baihe City is the base camp of the Zero Wing Guild. It is very safe in the big city of npc, and it will not take long for Baihe City to follow the promotion level, which will bring a lot of benefits to the players. Naturally, it will be promoted to the Samsung Association. Residents, as far as Shilin Township and other places like Lake City, are slowing down.

"Okay, but the two-star guild station to be promoted to the Samsung guild resident needs a reconstruction fee of five thousand gold." The association's deacon said, "As a guardian, the association can make a 20% discount for you, only pay four thousand gold. Just fine."

Shifeng gave four thousand gold to him without saying anything.

After the tall and handsome association deacon confirmed it, there was a systematic announcement in the ear of Shifeng’s ear.

Xingyue Kingdom Regional Announcement: Congratulations to the Zero Wings Association for the first time to have a Samsung Guild Resident, to reward the Association’s emblem to the Bronze level, to reward the Guild’s primary defense magic array, to reward the Guild Guild’s funds of 1,500 gold, and to reward the Association’s employment establishment. Make one.

Baihe City Regional Notice: Congratulations to the Zero Wing Association for the first time to have a Samsung Guild Resident, and to award a promotion to the Guild Training Room.

The system announcement rang three times and echoed in everyone's ear.


"Samsung resident?"

"Impossible. Now a lot of guilds have been promoted to two-star stations. How did the Zero Wing Association be promoted to Samsung?"

"The zero-wing is too powerful. It is really the first guild of the Xingyue Kingdom. The welfare of the Samsung Association is so cool!"


The players of the entire Xingyue Kingdom were frightened by the rewards of the system announcements, especially the members of the major guilds, who are almost envious of the Zero Wing Guild.

The emblem of the guild is directly promoted to the bronze level!

The emblem of the guild is not only a symbol of the guild, but also an emblem of life, with some functions, but the ordinary guild emblem does not have any function, but once the guild emblem reaches the bronze level, it has some functions.

The bronze guild emblem has two functions.

The first function is the transfer function. Even if there is no guild to transfer the reel, it can be directly sent to any guild station. It is not necessary to go to the guild station to buy it, and only one piece can be purchased at a time, which is very inconvenient.

The second function is the increase of the membership of the guild. As long as the number of guild members in the 100 yards exceeds 20, the maximum value of the members wearing the emblem is increased by 3%, and the attack power is increased by 1%. This can be said that the guild members are the largest. Welfare.

Don't look at the increase in health and attack power, but when the player's attributes are high, even 1% is a big improvement, which can have a big advantage for the team copy.

In less than a minute after the announcement of the system, the news that the Zero Wing Association was promoted to the Samsung Guild also spread like a virus. In less than ten minutes, the Xingyue Kingdom is also a neighboring kingdom. The guild meeting was urgently held with the Imperial Association.

The major guilds that exchanged rare items in dark auctions also received a piece of information at this time.

"What? The Wings Guild has just been promoted to the Samsung Guild!" Feng Qianyu looked at the news from the screen, and he couldn’t believe it was true. "How is this possible!" To be continued.)