MTL - Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God-Chapter 1583 Broken Sword

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The collapse of the field spread, and the Skyhawks’ actions on the spot dropped sharply.

The guardian knight’s ridiculous one-handed axe fell on the body of Shifeng, and suddenly stopped and could not advance half a minute.

I saw the silver-white one-handed axe in the hands of the ridiculously easily resisted by a cyan sword.

"This is...the field is suppressed!" The ridiculous feeling of the decline of its own attributes, some incredible look at the pinnacle wearing a black cloak.

The skills of domain suppression are completely rare in the current divine domain.

If it's just a general domain repression skill, it's a good idea, but his current attribute declines by more than 30%, but only those high-level magic scrolls can do.

But from the beginning to the end, he did not see any magic scrolls used by Shifeng...

But in the ridiculous moment of surprise, the eagle has already circled the right side of the pinnacle, and the black broken blade in his hand has already been thrown out.


After more than a dozen black smudges blocked the pinnacle's evasive route, and flew toward the defensive corner.

At the same time, the priest Mokun in the rear also manipulated the glow of the soul from the sky above Shifeng, and slammed it from all sides.

"Good combination!"

The crowd looked at the sky's light blade, and the attack of the Skyhawk and the Murray could be said to be almost synchronous, leaving no dead ends at all.

Even if the master player faced such an attack, in addition to using a strong life-saving skills, it could not stop.

Seeing all the attacks falling, in contrast, Shifeng did not mean to resist, the abyss in the hand is a black sword against the Skyhawk.

"He doesn't want to die?" Skyhawk looked at the oncoming Jianguang, and his heart was very surprised.

Others don't know how strong he is using. He himself is very clear, even if his attributes are suppressed, but so many swords attack, even if the same level of mt is hit, even if If you don't get disabled, your health will drop a lot, not to mention the ink hunting in the distance.


The blade collides and the fire is shining.

The attack of the Skyhawks only came to an abrupt end.

Amazing scenes emerged when everyone thought that the pinnacle would be killed by the siege and magic of the surrounding.

Either Jianqi or Magic Flying Blades, all disappeared less than half a yard away from Shifeng, as if they have never appeared before...

"This... What's going on? Invincible skills?"

"Is he npc?"

The crowd is looking at the mouth.

All the people in the room are masters. I don’t know how many skills and magic I have seen. I also know about the invincible skills. But the invincible skills will form a layer of sacred protection on the whole body, which is very eye-catching, but in There is no such phenomenon in the whole body of Shifeng, but the magic skill attack of the two eagle and the ink hunting has become invalid, which is incredible.

"Defense skills?" Skyhawk is still relatively calm, and immediately watched Shifeng sneer, "How long can you last this skill? And if you face this trick?"

After the footsteps of the Athenian eagle changed, the black-black broken blade in the hand began to condense the black energy of horror, and it would be cut down against the stone peak.

The black energy of the dark edge of the broken blade creates a black blade on the blade of the broken blade, and even the space seems to be able to be opened.

The ruling of the guardian knight is also attacking at the same time, and the shield suddenly slams into the pinnacle.

The Revenge Shield!

With the effect of just roaring, if Shifeng does not target him, his power and attack speed will double.

At this time, the dark edge of the eagle's hand was turned into five, and the five black shadows were like a venomous snake, biting the defensive corner of Shifeng.

High-level combat snake bite!

"The eagle they are also serious?" The spirit of the distant view is a slight frown.

The eagle is not only a monster level in the technical level, but also has a black and white broken blade in the hand. There is no quality display, and the displayed attributes have only extraordinary attack power, and no basic attributes are added at all.

But this black and white blade has two powerful effects.

The first one is the magic rebound.

The second is the invalidation of the magic, even if the other side uses the skills of invincible, it can be directly destroyed.

It can be said that it is a magic killer, just like the name of this dark blade.

Broken sword!

In the face of the attack of the eagle, any defensive magic and skills used by the player have no effect, and the melee uses the skill to attack the eagle. If it is accidentally, it will be bounced back by the magic of the eagle, causing a counter effect.

Because of this, Skyhawk is the most difficult one among the seven leaders.

Want to win the Skyhawk can only be on the technical level or the basic attribute, but the Skyhawk is a monster in general, whether it is a technical level or a basic attribute.

In the face of such an offensive, she can only open and disappear, resist the ridiculous attack, and then stay away from the Skyhawk and face the two, there is no chance of winning.

"Sword of Broken Devil?" Shifeng glanced at the black-stained broken blade of the Eagle in his hand, slightly envious.

The head of the flower of the seven sins is in the realm of the last world, but no one knows no one, just like the presidents of the super guilds. As for the signature weapons and equipment of these heads, it can be said that they are not cooked.

The Skyhawk's Broken Sword is a weapon of countless Berserkers and Swordsmen.

When the attack of the eagle and the absurd came, Shifeng did not intend to resist it. He used the shadow step directly and suddenly turned into an eleven figure, which was distributed around the skyhawk and the absurd. .

Now he is in a state of weakness, although the time of the weak effect is not as long as it used to be, but the basic attribute is still reduced by 80%, and there is no stronger than the basic attributes of the Skyhawk and the absurd who are suppressed by the basic attributes. In the face of the attack of the two without dead ends and weaknesses, he could not fully resist.


The moment the sword of the Devil in the hands of the Tianying crossed the peak of Shifeng, and then he turned to use the whirlwind, and did not give Shifeng the opportunity to counterattack by using the avatar.

And absurdity also uses dedication skills to directly cover the surrounding.

Although some avatars are invincible, the naked eye can't judge the authenticity, but in the face of range damage, the avatar is fine, but the player will be hurt, so that you can recognize who is the real body at a glance.

"This..." After being ridiculous, using the dedication skills that were only effective for the enemy, he was dumbfounded.

The eleventh figure didn’t hurt at all...

"Is it all fake?" Skyhawk is also staring at eleven pinnacles at this time, ready to launch an offensive against the real body, but eleven figures are not hurting, and he is not allowed for a time. Know what to do.

And this moment of meditation, Shifeng suddenly appeared in front of the absurd body, directly using the ring of the ring of the ring, the hands of the double sword into a ray of light blooms.

Second-order ban on instant!

Although the ridiculousness has already reacted, in the face of the peak of the attack speed of 500%, the absurdity of its own body has fallen by as much as 40%, the body has no time to respond, and even the life-saving skills can not be used.

You can only watch the sacred swords and the abyss in the hands of Shi Feng slash down, and draw them again and again.

The Skyhawks on the side did not have time to rescue, and the 30,000-year-old life value of the guardian knight was directly returned to zero, and crashed to the ground...