MTL - Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God-Chapter 1810 Contraindications

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"How can field magic be so strong?" The black shark looked at his own falling attributes and was surprised.

At this time, his attributes have dropped by at least 20%. Both the speed of movement and the speed of response are significantly slower. What is even more incredible is that the dark world he uses cannot suppress the field magic.

The dark world is stronger than the field magic, because the boundaries are self-contained and the field cannot compete.

But now not only does not suppress, but even let their attributes drop by as much as 20%.

While the black shark does not know, the field magic that Shifeng took out is somewhat special. It belongs to the weather magic and can change the climate of one side. Although it is also field magic, its effect is closer to the boundary, and the frost cold **** itself is also four. The magic of the field, so it will have such a good effect.

Now because of the relationship between frost and hell, the strength of the two teams of dark hunters and shadow claws has been greatly reduced. Although the existence of the dark world, more than 300 players have become stronger than the original. Less, but in the face of the main members of the three major guilds, there is no big advantage, because the players who have not changed are much less powerful.

There is no sigh of relief for those who do not destroy the war and Feng Qianyu.

They came to help the copy of the team under the Zero Wing Guild. They didn’t carry any powerful items in their hands, especially the magic scrolls that are very important to the team battle. This is only during the War of the Great Guild or Things that will be carried when the Raiders are important bosses.

Fortunately, because Shifeng has a magic scroll of the field, or the result is unimaginable.

"Black Shark! Are you still planning to lay down? Now your ace has been tempered, and our combat powers are similar. It is not necessary to win who wins in the end." The shark said.

"I have a little bit of you, but do you think I only have this trump card?" The black shark sneered. "I originally wanted to use it on a more suitable stage. Let me feel it in advance."

Therefore, in addition to the players who can be transformed, the members of the other dark hunters were taken out of the backpack with a bottle of dark blue pharmacy, and all of them were poured directly, and the roar of excitement was not allowed.

I saw that the skin of these players became dark blue, and each one grew hard scales and turned into the eyes of the beast. It was not so much a player, but a dragon.

Looking at each player became a dragon, and suddenly the whole zero-wing, Longfengge, and the members of the three major guilds were stunned.

I can't believe there will be such a thing!

"What's going on? They..." Feng Qianyu looked at the players who had a tail and couldn't tell the surprise.

This kind of thing is even the first time she met the owner of the Dragon and Phoenix Pavilion.

The player who becomes a dragon man feels like a real beast. The whole body is full of violent atmosphere. In addition to the improvement of the attributes, there is also a gap from the level of life.

From the player to the monster, this can be explained by the dark transfer. After all, the dark player also has the path of the dark player, but let a player live into a dragon, this pharmacy has never heard of it.

"Everyone! But when you kill each other, the items you drop are owned by you!" The black shark raised the old bow and shouted.

The dark hunters heard the black sharks say that they were all crazy in one eyelid, and they scattered to the members of the zero wing and the soulless soul without saying anything, while the shadow claws on the other side were not willing. Behind, he took out a third-order reel, which directly caused the property of the whole group to soar, which offset the property of the suppression of the field, but the action was affected by some, and all of them were killed to the members of Longfengge.

The two sides were originally less than 200 yards apart. Even if they had the influence of Frost and Cold, the two sides would soon start to fight.

The magic and arrows fly together at a time, and an explosion and roar sounds in the air.

A short-lived fight, even if the three major guilds are superior in the power of magic, but the difference in numbers leads to the three major guilds can only barely defend.

If it’s just an ordinary player’s attack, it’s easy for everyone in the room to dodge, but the people sent by both sides are all masters, even if it’s just a long-range attack, it’s hard to dodge, only hard. Pick up.

And after becoming a member of the Dark Hunter after the Dragon Man, the defensive power is greatly increased, even if the second-order magic of the second-order profession is on the body, it will cause seven or eight thousand points of damage, and the magic attack of the Dragon Man Can cause five or six thousand damage to the members of the three major guilds, and there is no lower than the second-order occupation, and because of the quantitative advantage, the three guild members have lost more blood...

"Primary Dragon Man Medicament?" Shifeng looked at the strength of the dragons after the transformation, and the heart could not help but be shocked. "How can dark hunters have such contraindications? Is it that some of them will already Making this potion?"

It’s not quite sure before, but seeing the increase in the defensive and attacking power of the Dragonman’s player can already be identified as a junior dragon man.

Dragon Man Medicant is a kind of medicine that can turn human into a dragon. The higher the concentration of the medicine, the closer it is to the real dragon. It is a very rare medicine.

The primary dragon pharmacy has a small increase in the number of attributes, which is 10%-15%. The dragon scales appear throughout the body, but the reaction, dynamic vision, defense, and attack power will be greatly improved.

The intermediate dragon medicine is even more powerful. If you increase your body size, you will focus on the improvement of the attribute, which is 25%-30%. It can be said that it is a very powerful medicine.

But human beings are human beings after all, and they can't bear the power of this violent. They can only be considered a contraindication if they die 100% after half an hour of drinking.

If the player drinks, it will also die, but the player is not dead, and the experience of losing the natural dragon medicinal death is only 50%, so many crazy players like this pharmacy. .

Shifeng didn't think that the dark hunter had so many junior dragon pharmacies. What was even more unexpected was that these people did not hesitate to drink.

Because of the powerful defense and attack power of the Dragon Man, even if it is a melee match, three or five people can entangle a second-order master, and it is very difficult to kill any one person in a short time. Plus three hundred players who turned into monsters, the attack is very different, making people very bad defense, including more than 20 second-order professional monsters.

It’s just a moment of confrontation, letting the zero wing and the soul of the war fall into a complete downwind, and has been killed by several people. In contrast, the members of the dark hunter have only died more than a dozen people, and all are first-class occupations.

"Good! Priority killing treatment and legal system! Never let them break through the surrounding net!" The black shark looked at the dark hunter members who had begun to be close to the coffers, and repeatedly commanded.

When the ancient bow in his hand is drawn into a full moon, he will release nine arrows and directly shoot at a zero-wing shield warrior who is facing the battle. Each of the nine arrows has the power to surpass the second-order and is accurate. The defensive corner of the shield warrior, if the shield warrior moves the shield to withstand the arrow attack, it will be hit by several dragons in front of him, the result is as tragic.

Looking at the nine arrows, you will shoot this shield warrior, and you will see a white light flashing. It seems that a barrier to light generally blocks nine arrows and does not say that several first steps are hit by the barrier of light. The dragon player also instantly zeros the value of life and turns it into white light.

"How come?!" The black shark looked at the first-order member who was killed by the moment, and his face could not help but sink.

He is too aware of the defense and life value of the first-order dragon man. Even if he can't do a trick, he can easily get rid of the first-order members who are turned into dragons. ...

Not waiting for the black shark to react, a golden light flashing, just look at a shadow appeared in front of him, holding two big swords in hand, one is dark blue and bursts of chill, one is shining The golden brilliance of the handsome sword, and behind this shadow, there are sixteen light swords, like a god.

This figure is just the one that has just learned the Titan's grip and is equipped with a glorious will.


The brilliance of the hands of Bai Qingxue will be waved, and the sword of the 16th light will be turned into a black shark.