MTL - Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God-Chapter 1945 The miracle is lost

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"How come?"

Silence in March, watching the lifeless value of a thousand miles of nowhere, can not help but both eyes.

The speed of this move is too fast and too sudden!

There is a magical array set up by the escorts. Even in the face of the high lords, you can be trapped in it for a while, but Shifeng not only destroys the magic enchantment, but also kills the vice president. ......

In the major superpowers, being able to be the vice president, not only requires strong management skills, but also requires extremely strong strength to convince people in the guild.

Although it’s said that there’s no limit to sing a spell, it’s impossible for a long-range player’s attack to hit a thousand miles.

But Feng Feng grabbed a thousand miles of boundless guards to unfold a magical array of slack, and fell directly with a sword.

The speed of many magical skills in the gods is very fast. The master wants to dodge. When the magic skill has been sent out, it is too late to dodge. Generally, the attack trajectory should be predicted in advance.

But Fengfeng’s move is silent, quick and incomparable. Even she didn’t see the action of Shifeng’s move, let alone the slack and boundlessness.

The power and speed of thunder and thunder, so that there is a lot of relaxation and reassurance, there is no reaction at all, until the detection is too late to dodge.

There are all the miraculous guilds around you on the spot.

One by one incredulously looked down on the ground for thousands of miles.

Thousands of miles as the vice president of the guild, not only the strength is super strong, the guild also provides a lot of treasures for a thousand miles, even if the super guild wants to kill thousands of miles, it is difficult, or fundamentally Impossible things, even the abyss monsters that are now encountered, they have not thought of a thousand miles without death, but now they are dead.

And it’s not in the hands of the super-power, it’s not being besieged to death, but was killed by a president who was only a short-lived guild.

If this kind of thing is spread out, it will definitely shake the entire domain.

"Black inflammation!" The captain of the **** wearing a silver armor looks pale and blue, and the pinnacle is not far away. "You dare to kill the vice president of our miraculous guild, from now on, even the gods In the big, whether you or your zero-wing guild, there is no place for you! Even if you are behind the Dragon and Phoenix Pavilion, don't want to keep you!"

If you say that the predecessors of Shifeng Pit to kill their miraculous guild will make the miraculous guild feel angry, then now killing a thousand miles, but they beat the face of their miraculous guild.

Because the forces of the same level have done this, other forces will not look down on their miracles because they understand that they will only feel that the superpower that has done this thing has become stronger, but it has been given by a weak force. Killing the vice president who symbolizes the face of the guild, passing it out will definitely cause jokes in the major forces, and will feel that the miraculous guild is weak and weak, and what qualifications are ranked among the super-class guilds.

If the miracle guild does not destroy the zero wing, then in the gods their miracles can not be mixed.

"This doesn't require you to worry about it!" Shi Feng said that he raised the abyss again and waved a sword at the guard.

Thousand-blade streamer!

The countless swords of the time flew to the members of the escorts who were still shocked.

Although some of the members of the Guards reacted very quickly, they escaped the attack range of the Bladeblade in the first place, but more than 70% of the **** members were killed by the slashing of the blade and dropped the items of the land.

"I am fighting with you!"

The Guard Captain Wu Mingqi looked at the members of the Guards who had been killed, and the eyes were splitting, and the explosive skills were directly rushed to Shifeng, and other members of the Guards also followed Shifeng.

Everyone is exposed to fierce light, even if it is dead, it is necessary to kill the stone peak.

"I will help you!"

Silence in March also opened the explosive skills, sang a spell to attack Shifeng, ready to kill the peak.

The Guard Captain’s ignorant hacker, although not comparable to Jiulong Longyun, is also the top master in the vacuum, with other than 20 melee masters, even if they master the domain monsters, they dare not face hard. Not to mention the legal master behind the silence in March, can make up for the lack of melee's power and the inability to attack.


The ignorant hacker rushes to the front of Shifeng, and raises the big sword in his hand and slashes it.

The time of the big sword turned into a rainbow of light, straight into the sky, where the space was faintly broken, directly fell to the pinnacle, and other members of the **** from both sides to the pinnacle, have flocked Out of the hand stunt, do not do any defense at all, intend to hurt with injuries.

The quietness of the back row in March is not polite. After the big hacker used the big move, he followed the second-order curse and died. With the peak of the stone peak, the radius of 30 yards all became dead. The gas of death can continually erode the player, completely treating the ignorant hacker and the entire **** as a bait, just waiting for the outbreak to break out and preparing to kill it together with Shifeng.

The members of the omnipotent hacker and the entire **** did not care. Anyway, they could not escape from the island of Garna. It is not bad to take the pinnacle together and die.

In the face of all kinds of attacks, Shifeng used the dragon's interest and the nine-headed dragonfly. There is no meaning of dodge. At this time, the basic attributes of him are far beyond the ignorant hackers and so on, and they immediately greeted them.


After the dragon touched the rainbow, a loud bang was heard, and the sound echoed the entire valley. Then the rainbow was completely crushed by the dragon, and the unknowing hacker was directly shocked. The micro-masters were also defeated by the Abyss Phantom.

Not waiting for the silence of the silence in March, Shifeng appeared in the front of the quiet March in a momentary opening, the thunder sword in the hand is turned into a green flash, and the quiet March wants to use The staff can resist, but it is still a slow shot. The Qing Mang immediately shatters the magic shield, and passes through the neck of the silence in March, directly taking away all the life values ​​of the silence in March.


This makes the guards' people unable to avoid it.

After a thousand miles have been killed, the silence of March has actually been killed, and even the treatment in the back row has not been able to recover, a move to take away...

Attack and speed are terrible!

There is no silence in March. This fort is on the side. If you want to fight for strength, you will be injured and injured. Even if there is healing, you will be taken away by Shifeng one by one, plus the sky. Killing abyss monsters, less than ten seconds, the escorts were all killed and dropped items.

This made the miraculous masters who had been rushing halfway to prepare for help stop, and turned and fled, one by one without the plan to deal with Shifeng.

The miracle members who want to escape are chased by the abyss monsters in the sky. In less than ten minutes, all the members of the 30,000 miraculous guilds died in the island of Garna. No one survives...