MTL - Resurrection of Reiki: I Will Win Every Bet-Chapter 15

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You treat it too differently!


"Mr. Liang, didn't you say that there are class rewards for good performance? Well, I am fourth."

Simply say it directly, lest the old man pretend to be stupid.

Only then did Lao Liang suddenly realize that the fat man wanted a reward.

"You performed very well this time! The rewards were originally planned to be distributed together with the class."

"No! This is your reward, I will continue to work hard in the future!"

After speaking, he handed over the two stacks of dragon coins that Yang Fan had just given him.

Ding Jie's face turned dark when he saw the two stacks of cash in front of him...

Is this my reward?

Does the difference need to be that big?

During this short time, Ding Jie had already greeted Lao Liang countless times in his heart.

Seeing Ding Jie's constantly changing expression, Lao Liang also came to his senses.

He was actually quite wronged.

The conscience of heaven and earth, the reward he was going to give was dragon coins!

He gritted his teeth and took out the bottle of elixir for Yang Fan.

It's just given out in the name of class rewards.

You don't think you have it, do you?

Do you think the elixir is Chinese cabbage, so you can give it away as soon as you say it?


The unrealistic fantasies of this little fat man must be dispelled.

He smiled and said, "Ding Jie doesn't want it? It just so happens that the class fees are a little tight, I see you..."

Ding Jie was shocked when he heard this.

"Yes! Who said no?"

Seeing that this stinky and shameless person actually wanted to use his own money as a class fee, he quickly grabbed two stacks of cash.

It's just that I'm depressed, why is there such a big difference between this person and another person!

Even Yang Fan next to him secretly mourned for the fat man...

Teacher Liang stopped talking to Ding Jie, and instead started talking to Yang Fan's parents.

After a long time, Yang Fan used the excuse of asking for leave to go home to practice to avoid Lao Liang's saliva attack.

"Recently, I should be practicing at home. Don't bother me if you have nothing to do. You should work hard."

Ding Jie also knew that his current strength was too weak, so he nodded.

"I also ask for leave to go home and practice penance."

"I'm going back!"

Ding Jie watched his brother's back slowly disappear from his eyes, and was silent for a moment.

Then his eyes gradually became firmer, and he raised his foot and walked to Mr. Liang's office.

After Yang Fan returned home, he ate Lipei Yuandan and began to practice three-point return to vitality, wanting to try the effect.

The result was a bit disappointing, it was completely different from the rough pill like Qi-Entraining Pill.

After using the Entraining Pill and then using the Peiyuan Pill, I feel that the effect of the medicine is too mild.

The effect on the improvement of cultivation is far worse than that of Qi-entraining pills, and it is not a pill of the same level at all.

Sure enough, it is produced by the system, it must be a high-quality product...

Chapter 18 The player who was shot in the head

The effect is much better than nothing else, and the duration is only half of that of Qi-Entraining Pill, and the boosting effect disappears after 12 hours.

Yang Fan opened his eyes with a gloomy expression.

That's it?

The overall effect of Peiyuan Pill, which is treasured by so many people, is less than one-tenth of that of Qi Entraining Pill.

[Entraining Qi Pill is a pill used by the Continent of Chaos to cultivate demon kings, it is not comparable to your inferior pill. 】

At this time, the system jumped out to answer Yang Fan...

In my impression, many big families use Peiyuan Pill to cultivate their offspring.

The materials are obtained from various dimensional spaces, and refined after years of research by Blue Star experts.

It seems that the level of medicinal materials and refining technology cannot compare with that of Chaos Continent.

Perhaps it is only in some [Myriad Realms] experts who draw out the alchemy and alchemy as the basis, and the alchemy that is refined can be compared.

But these are untold secrets, even if it is a finished product, it is difficult for ordinary people to obtain.

People are not short of money, and their lifespan cannot be traded, so they can only barter.

Open a bottle of amethyst honey, drink it in one gulp, and practice...

It is obvious that the spiritual power is dredging a little bit at the meridians.

The effect of amethyst honey is not to directly increase the speed of cultivation.

Instead, it helps to nourish and dredge the meridians, which is convenient for practice and breakthrough.

But the effect is very limited, the effect of a bottle is only about an hour.

This was enough to surprise Yang Fan.

For him, Amethyst Honey is obviously more useful than Peiyuan Pill.

Because the effects of Peiyuan Pill and Entraining Qi Pill overlap.

If others knew what he was thinking, they might exchange a large amount of amethyst honey with him for Peiyuan Pill.

After directly drinking the second bottle, he took out a Qi Entraining Pill and ate it, preparing to practice continuously for 24 hours.

The Peiyuan pill is not used for the time being, unless the Qi-entraining pill is used up and there is no pill available.

After experiencing the rapid development of Entraining Pill, I always feel uncomfortable when using Peiyuan Pill, which affects my mood...

Knowing that Yang Fan was so disgusted by Lao Liang, he would probably spit blood out of his anger...

When he woke up from the practice again, Yang Fan showed a satisfied expression.

This is called cultivation!

The spiritual power has increased a lot, and it is one step closer to breaking through silver.

This time, instead of continuing to practice, he took a shower and climbed into bed to sleep.

Because the one-on-one competition is about to begin...

Yang Fan is still waiting to see the effect of the Spirit Gathering Formation!

Sleep until the alarm clock rings...

After entering [Myriad Realms], wait for the competition to start.

"Mr. Nakata will win! I bet for 80 years, waiting to take off..."

"Those who support my big cherry blossom country will double their wealth..."

"As we all know, the overall winning rate of the strong players in our Sakura Kingdom is very good, you people from Ablong Kingdom just wait and cry!"

"It's not sure who will cry! I just want to know, when will your other demon kings come on stage?"

"I beg the Demon King to come on! I want to take off..."

"I beg the Heavenly Demon King to play... My whole family depends on the Heavenly Demon King for food."

"Don't talk nonsense! After being certified by many experts in my country of Sakura, Nobunaga Oda, the Demon King of the sixth day, is not from my country of Sakura, but from the country of Kimchi!"

"Fart! My kimchi country only produces strong people, and Oda Nobunaga is obviously from the curry country."

"I, the Curry Country, don't take the blame! Think everyone else is a fool? We curry people never name it like this..."

Seeing these water friends, Yang Fan was speechless. As long as the name resembled someone from his own country, would he mindlessly bet?

How many people have been killed by such patriotism!

Shaking his head, it has nothing to do with him anyway, it is enough for him to make a fortune quietly...

There was a flash of light on the ring, and the two people on the left and right stood still, and the image of the two shocked the water friends' jaws.

The person on the left is wearing a white shirt, black suit and a white scarf.

Her hair was combed glossy and black, and with her grim face, she looked extraordinarily eye-catching standing on the stage.

He tilted his head slightly, pursed his lips, lowered his eyes unconsciously, and held a pistol tightly in his hand.

This image is not bad, especially like Xu Wenqiang from Shanghai Bund.

The one on the right is amazing...

I saw that his hair was short and dyed yellow.

The upper body is blue short-sleeved, with a logo hanging on it, and a big number 7 written in the middle.

The lower body is white shorts, stockings and a pair of sneakers.

She was looking at Yan Shuangying opposite with a cute face.

Most importantly, holding a... football?

Is this here for heads-up or to play football?

After seeing him, the water friends broke out with strong enthusiasm...

"Pfft ha ha ha... Why do I feel that this Hidetoshi Nakata seems to be more reliable than the demon king?"

"You don't need to feel it, you can tell at a glance that he is definitely more reliable than the Demon King..."

"Awesome! You are indeed a strong person in the Sakura Kingdom, and you really didn't let me down."

"Please ask an expert to calculate how big the psychological shadow area of ​​the people of Sakura Country is at the moment."

"You can't say that. Others can see that he is a very player! Puff haha..."

"Baga! There are people who are not in the battle order."

"Ya Butterfly! It's over...will they commit seppuku together later?"

"Then you still speak? Wouldn't it be nice to save your life for a few more days?"


People who have been selected for non-combat orders before, but this is rare, once in a few years.

I didn't expect to run into them this time.

The image of Nakata Hidetoshi appeared in the ring, which directly caused the blood pressure of many Sakura nationals to increase rapidly.

Heart disease, asthma, etc. concurrently.

It can be called full of power.

In the field...

Hidetoshi Nakata looked at Yan Shuangying dumbfoundedly and shouted.

"Empty mud digging~"

Yan Shuangying was taken aback!

A trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Made! It's a little devil...