MTL - Resurrection of Reiki: I Will Win Every Bet-Chapter 297

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Because when Yang Fan was fighting the giant dragon, the opponent had nothing to show for it, and he gave it away in seconds with one move, and then turned into a big puddle of blood and seeped into the ground.

This death method is exactly the same as that of the Blood Shadow Man, no matter how you look at it, it is not a real dragon, so Yang Fan came to this conclusion...

Murong Shang was still a little worried.

"But Qing Wu's strength is still too low! I'm still a little worried about fighting against mid-level diamond monsters rashly..."

Now Murong Qingwu next to her quit, and said coquettishly with an unhappy face.

"Grandpa! Who's strength is low?? You only ranked more than 900 on the Qianlong list back then! You're ashamed to say that my strength is low??"

Murong Shang: "..."

Yang Fan: "..."

Chapter 547 Murong Shang is the tail of the crane

Yang Fan looked at Murong Shang with strange eyes, thinking: So this little old man used to be at the end of the crane...

Murong Shang said angrily.

"What do you know? Me, me, I'm a late bloomer..."

Yang Fan felt a little funny, but he didn't want to scratch the old man's sore feet, so he explained slowly.

"Father, you don't have to worry too much. When I reported to the chief, I didn't say that the monster I was going to challenge was not a real giant dragon. I just wanted to make the safety of the dragon kingdom's arrogance more secure."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, took a sip of the tea that Murong Qingwu had just poured for him, and continued.

"Now that the chief has decided to organize Qing Wu and the others to go there next month, it proves that there are countermeasures. His old man will not joke about the lives of Tianjiao, so don't worry!"

Murong Shang was stunned when he heard this.

"You mean this operation was organized by the head of our Dragon Kingdom?"

Seeing Murong Shang's appearance like this, Yang Fan also looked puzzled.

"Don't you know, old man?"

Murong Shang slapped the coffee table with a "pop!", stood up and said.

"Old Gu didn't tell me on the phone! Could it be that he wanted to see me laughing??"


Yang Fan was speechless when he saw the broken teacup on the ground...

No wonder Murong Shang was so worried before, but now that he understands the situation, he should be much more at ease, right?

Looking at the broken coffee table, Murong Shang also said in embarrassment.

"Then Qing Wu will trouble you after entering the secret realm, old man, I also want to thank you for taking care of Qing Wu in the secret realm last time..."

Yang Fan gave Murong Shang a white look.

"Isn't this what it should be?? If you want to be thankful, just take out your treasured wine..."

Murong Shang laughed when he heard this, and waved his hand proudly.

"No problem! I'll go get it now, we won't go home today if we're not drunk..."

Afterwards, Yang Fan and Murong Shang began to switch to the dining table, some side dishes were delivered from the takeaway, the two began to chat and drink wine, and Murong Qingwu also drank a few glasses with them.

During this period, Murong Shang had a lot of emotions. He had never heard of Yang Fan's growth rate in just a few months.

He is very self-aware and understands that although Yang Fan's current strength is only mid-level diamond, he has also heard about the fact that the other party has a king-level imperial spirit.

The opponent doesn't need to make a move, once the king-level Yuling is released, ten of them are not enough to fight.

Now he recalled the matter that Yang Fan sent him an old gossip and ace bottle blower to apply for the battle when he first visited him, it was so vivid, as if it happened yesterday.

Fortunately, Yang Fan's attitude towards him has not changed in the slightest, and the two are still good old friends, which makes him very relieved.

As for the matter of Yang Fan and Murong Qingwu, he has not mentioned it for a long time, and he has seen something in such a long time.

But he can't force this kind of thing, it can only be the fate of the young people...

A few hours later, Murong Qingwu helped the drunken Yang Fan to the guest room to sleep.

the next day…

As soon as Yang Fan woke up and saw the surrounding scene, he knew that he had stayed at Murong Shang's place yesterday.

After he washed up, he said goodbye to Murong Shang and Murong Qingwu and returned to his villa.

In the courtyard of the villa, he took out the vibrating gold armor that Megatron made for him and tried it.

The armor was made according to his requirements, and it was not very thick.

Zhenjin's defensive power is amazing, and it doesn't need to be too thick.

The black full-body armor is not colored, but Yang Fan thinks it looks good without coloring. The style is a bit like the armor worn by Lu Bu in a game called Three Kingdoms Warriors that he played in his previous life.

After putting it on, he played a set of three skills in "Three Points Returning to Vitality", and found that Megatron's craftsmanship is very good, and it is very convenient to move around.

So far, the defense ability of him and his imperial spirits must have greatly improved, although there is still no way to compare with Megatron who is full of gold.

Megatron can now block the attacks of most holy-level powerhouses, and even be killed if the opponent is not paying attention, but he doesn't know how to defend against god-level attacks...

Then Yang Fan took out his newly obtained Jai Zi Sword and Zhanlong Sword to practice the Yushuangjian attack together.

Before I knew it, it was almost six o'clock in the afternoon.

Yang Fan stopped practicing, returned to the villa and entered the competition interface of Wanjie.

The battlefield this time is the same as the previous one-on-one competition, it is a sea area, but the area of ​​this competition is many times larger than the previous one.

Blue Star's water friends have already discussed in the speech area...

Chapter 548 Armada VS Redscale Fleet

"Of course it's the Invincible Fleet. The title of Invincible is not like God of War and Sword God. Most of them are not randomly arranged. They have some strength under normal circumstances."

"When you look at the name of the commander of the Armada, Sidonia, you know it's us Westerners, so we must support our friends..."

"As an Easterner, I also want to bet on Armada Smecta..."

"Am I the only one who bet on the Red Scaled Fleet? I don't like to bet on the titles of God of War and Invincible. It feels very deceitful. Have you forgotten Miao Renfeng, who was invincible all over the world?"

"Every time it's time to place a bet, I get a headache, but I can't help but feel EUR! Group, stay! Stay 9:8#0>2!0;58/56 can't stop wanting to bet, really speechless..."

"You are not alone. There are countless people who have become addicted to gambling in the Ten Thousand Realms. At the end of the competition, some people from all countries will not die? It's just that more people die and fewer people die..."

"Now our country is encouraging the birth of five and six children..."

"Dude, what are you talking about? According to statistics in our country, a family has an average of eight children..."

"Damn it! A real Nima can give birth..."


The water friends talked about the country's fertility issues while chatting.

At this time, a large white light flashed on both sides of the battlefield.

The communication between the water friends was interrupted only when both sides of the competition came to the scene.

But the water friends were stunned when they saw the two sides in the battle, and many of them felt like crying.

On the left side of the sea is the Spanish Armada, with about forty large warships floating on the sea. These warships have about 1,000 cannons.

Each warship is hundreds of meters long, but the main material of these warships is basically hard wood.

Although it looked quite bluffing, at this moment, the commander Sidonia on the flagship and the soldiers and sailors on the warships all looked at the steel monster in the sky opposite with bewildered faces.

Sidonia held a telescope and looked at the distant sky, muttering to himself with a look of fear.

"Oh! My God! What is that??"

The adjutant next to him also asked in disbelief.

"Tell me, Lord Admiral! Then, those flying steel monsters, no, they can't be the enemies who want to fight us, right? How do we fight?"

Although the distance between the two sides was far, the adjutants, soldiers and sailors could all see it with naked eyes because the Red Scale Fleet was floating in the air.

Suppressing his fear, Sidonia used a telescope to carefully observe in all directions, and found that there were indeed no ships except for the steel giants floating in the sky directly in front of him.

For a while, she wanted to cry without tears.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid our opponents are really them. Isn't this a scam? Pass my order, the enemy army is strong, and when the battleship can move, it will leave the battle line at full speed and retreat!"

Although Sidonia, as the commander of the Spanish Armada, has fought countless naval battles since the formation of this fleet, without a single defeat.

He has already developed an invincible mentality, and his self-confidence is overwhelming.

But this time the opponent he was facing hadn't started a fight yet, he just glanced at him and had the idea of ​​running away.

He never thought that he would also have a time when he was timid before fighting.

At this moment, he was full of bitterness, and he only hoped that his battleship could run faster when he escaped for a while.

He really didn't have the courage to fight against such an unheard of monster, just because his enemy's warships were all made of steel, the key was that they could fly!

Judging from that height, the attack range of our own cannons is definitely not enough, and they can't hit them at all.

And the whole body is covered with metal, God knows if it will be effective even if it is hit by a cannon...

Isn't this a situation of being passively beaten?

His enemy, the Red Scale Fleet, only had one large, four small, and five battleships, but even the small battleships were much larger than their battleships.

It's a giant floating in the air...

The appearance of the Red Scale Fleet is enough to scare the Spaniards. When have they seen anything that can fly? The point is still so big...

It is estimated that there is no need to fight this huge monster, even if it flies down and hits it, it can completely destroy its own side, so the Spaniards have no fighting spirit for a while.

After knowing their admiral's order to escape, they all wanted to shout long live.

The battle goddess Dingyuan on the flagship of the Red Scale Fleet also finished observing the enemy's situation at this moment.

After discovering that the enemies were all foreigners, she felt much better.

Unless it was a last resort, she really didn't want to raise the butcher's knife against the Huaxia people, so she didn't feel too much pressure when she saw that it was a foreigner, just treat the other party as an alien killer from outer space.

So he directly gave orders to his subordinates, to kill each other when the war started, so that he could go back to his own world earlier.

She had some guesses about her opponent's weapons, ships, and why they were so backward, and she guessed that the opponent and herself were definitely not from the same world.

Because the poorest and most backward country in her world is impossible to look like this, it is simply behind hundreds of years of technology...

Chapter 549 The Invincible Armada

Dingyuan didn't expect there to be such a fighting-oriented space in the world.

And being able to send people from different worlds over for a life-and-death battle, she has to go back and report such a strange thing to the manager Mu Siyun...

At this time, Blue Star's water friends have already started frying the pot...

"How the **** do you fight? The Red Scale Fleet is actually this kind of fleet. The two players are not in the same dimension! It's too bullying, pity my lifespan..."

"The technology of the Red Scale Fleet seems to be more advanced than that of our Blue Star! Does anyone know if our Blue Star has this kind of fleet now?"

"Even if there is, it's useless to use it! How can this cumbersome guy have his own strength to fight? Their cannons can't hit the super strong at all."

"Be confident. Extraordinary-level powerhouses can directly blow up these warships, but they are still cool to use as modern infantry tools. You can study and build them."

"Although these warships are not flexible enough, but the technology completely crushes the opponent, this time it is the right bet..."

"That's not necessarily the case. Have you forgotten Jiang Ziya and Xiqi's army? They have no technology, but they are all powerful. It is not yet known who will win the battle."

"Yes, one's own strength is king, and technology is just a floating cloud. In the end, Wanjie Athletic depends on which side is stronger."

"If the people of the Spanish Armada were powerful, why did they install so many small earthen cannons on those dilapidated wooden ships? Fist bombardment is more powerful than the shells of those dilapidated cannons, right? The Red Scale Fleet will definitely win..."

"It seems reasonable to say that..."


【Battle begins】

During the discussion among the water friends, the voice of Wanjie appeared.