MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 194

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This includes Chen Dongkai's younger brother Chen Donglin!

Chen Meimei and the others are now full of self-confidence and arrogance. That's because they don't know the horror of this desert of death.

When they truly see the grim side of the desert of death, I am afraid that it will be an expensive luxury to live.

Chen Dongkai could sense a powerful aura from Ye Hao. The most important thing is: Ye Hao's eyes are very pure, and he is not the kind of person who is bloodthirsty and cruel. Therefore, Chen Dongkai believes that walking with Ye Hao in the desert Walking is safer.

In case of danger, perhaps Ye Hao will help them at a critical moment.

Half an hour later, Ye Hao and his party found a sizable oasis.

"Wow, that's great!\" Zhao Yan's mood suddenly became more active, \"The lake water below is so clear, I have to take a good bath!\"

As soon as they heard that Zhao Yan was going to take a bath, the two men behind Chen Dongkai's eyes lit up, and they were elated!

They thought that their "happiness moment" had come, but what they didn't expect was that Zhao Yan jumped into the lake with her clothes on, without taking off her clothes at all.

Zhao Yan jumped into the lake and tossed happily, while Ye Hao and others searched for the sunflowers along the lake.

Regrettably, Zhao Fang searched on the lakeside for several times, but could not find any trace of the sunflower, so she had no choice but to give up.

Ye Hao found a quiet shade and laid a mat to sleep.

At this time, Chen Meimei came up and asked, "Ye Hao, if you lie on the sand and sleep like this, aren't you afraid of encountering black zombies?"

"As far as I know, black zombies can sneak in the sand, and they can suddenly attack from the sand and catch us by surprise!"

\"So what?" Ye Hao tilted his head and glanced at Chen Meimei.

Chen Meimei said sternly: "So the place to camp should be on a solid stone floor, and definitely not lie on the sand!"

"Okay!" Ye Hao nodded and smiled, "Miss Meimei's reminder, I already know, I will pay attention!"

"You...\"Chen Meimei saw Ye Hao still lying on the ground indifferently, gnashing her teeth in anger, \"You are really hopeless!\"

Chen Mei gave Ye Hao a white look and got up to leave, but Ye Hao stood up from the sand without warning.

"Huh?\"Chen Meimei was stunned for a moment, then she shouted vigilantly, \"What do you want to do?\"

Ye Hao took out a dagger from his arms and said in a deep voice: \"There is something under this!"

"There is something, don't alarmist me, hum!"

Chen Meimei thought Ye Hao was joking with her, and her pretty face flushed with anger and was extremely irritable.

When Chen Meimei was in a turbulent mood, Ma Yuzhen and Zhao Fang immediately surrounded Ye Hao's position.

And just at this moment, a commotion suddenly appeared under the calm sand dunes.

Then there was a pitch-black skull that came up from under the dune.

"Ah!\" Chen Meimei screamed loudly, "Black zombies, there are really black zombies!"

While screaming, Chen Meimei first ran back to the camp to get a gun.

Ye Hao immediately took out the chicken blood coagulation powder from his arms and threw it out with one hand towards the back of the head of the black zombie skeleton. The chicken blood coagulation powder was successfully sprinkled on the back of the black zombie's head, but it failed to produce the desired effect.

The black zombie sprang out from the sand pile, covered with thick mud all over. ?


Chapter 254: Means to Heaven

The chicken blood coagulation powder was all blocked by the soil, and it couldn't touch the black zombie body at all, so it couldn't exert any effect.

At this time, several sisters of the Chen family carried automatic rifles and aggressively killed them.

"Come on, I'm going to beat this guy into a sieve!"

Chen Meimei and the others were all loaded, and Ye Hao made way for them immediately.

"Dududu, da da da...?...\" Several automatic rifles fired at the same time, and the bullets slanted on the black zombie like a torrential rain.

According to the predictions of Chen Meimei and the others, the black zombies should have been beaten into a sieve at this time, but what they never expected was that the black zombies actually carried the bullets and climbed completely from the sand dunes. come out O

The sharp bullets swept across the black zombie, and dazzling sparks were scattered.

Standing in Ye Hao's position, it can be clearly seen that all the bullets have been ejected to the ground, unable to cause damage to the black zombies at all.

"It's useless!" Chen Kaidong shouted loudly, "The only way to kill black zombies is rooster blood!"

Chen Meimei hurriedly took out a glass bottle from her satchel, and saw the chicken blood in the bottle splashed on the black zombie.

The position where she is now is more than ten meters away from the position of the black zombie. At such a long distance, the chicken blood cannot be spilled on the body of the black zombie, and it is all spilled on the sand.

It must be that Chen Dongkai's own psychological quality is high, and he poured chicken blood on the body of the black zombie at close range.

His bottle of chicken blood had actually hit the black zombie, but the black zombie's body was twisting so hard that it was easier said than done to accurately pour it on the back of the black zombie's head?

If the chicken blood cannot be splashed in the key positions, the zombies cannot be completely subdued!

The black zombie's shoulder was eroded by chicken blood, and black smoke came out. After it suffered from pain, it stepped back and retreated several steps.

But after this guy got his footing, the second round of attacks rushed towards Chen Meimei and the others.

At this time, Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "Ma Yuzhen, stop this guy?"! "

Ma Yuzhen and Zhao Yan rushed forward one by one and grabbed the Black Zombie's two arms.

The black zombie struggled with all its might, and the brute force of its body dragged the two women to keep spinning.

Seeing that the situation was about to be brought under control, Zhao Fang stepped up immediately and hugged the black zombie's head with both hands.

The three of them worked together to temporarily suppress the restless black zombie.

Seizing this rare and precious opportunity, Ye Hao took out some chicken blood coagulation powder from his pocket again, and stabbed the black zombie on the back of the head with a shot from the rear.

"Ouch!" The black zombie suddenly let out a heart-piercing scream, and then he brazenly released a huge force, which directly threw all the enemies that were fighting on him and flew out more than ten feet away.

"Boil!" The black zombie screamed again and again, trying to pounce and kill Ye Hao!

But at this moment, a sharp fire suddenly burned from the black zombie's forehead!

Then, a fire more than ten feet high rose from the ground, instantly igniting the black zombie into a super-large fireball.

"Quick!\" Ye Hao shouted loudly, "Everyone step back and stay away from this guy!"

After the black zombie's body caught fire, it ran around like an out-of-control car, frightening the onlookers who all retreated dozens of meters away, and finally the black zombie plunged itself into the lake.

"Oops, the zombies dived into the water and the flames went out. Will this guy escape?"

Ma Yuzhen's mood began to become anxious.

Ye Hao said calmly: "You don't have to worry, the flame burning on the black zombie is not an ordinary flame, it is the fire of ignorance!"

"If you don't completely burn the black zombies to ashes, they will never go out!"

At first glance, Ye Hao's remarks are a bit exaggerated, but in fact, Ye Hao is really right!

Even if the black zombie jumped into the lake, the fire on his body was still raging, and the fierce flames pierced the water surface.

Five minutes later, the movement in the water completely disappeared, Ye Hao jumped into the water for the first time, and picked up a dark stone from the bottom of the water.

This piece of "black stone" is oval in shape, like a goose egg.

Ma Yuzhen came up and asked, "Boss, what is this?"

"This is the original nucleus of a zombie!" Ye Hao said in a low voice, "It will be of great benefit to your strength improvement!"

"Give him that piece, I...?"

"Hey, there are guests present, don't scare them!"

Ye Hao looked back at Chen Dongkai and the others, and put this thing in a plastic bag.

Chen Dongkai hurried up and asked: \"Mr. Ye, is the black zombie dead or has it escaped?"

?? Black zombies have been wiped out! \" Ye Hao said solemnly, "As far as I know, black zombies have a very strong sense of territory. Since there is already a black zombie in this oasis, there will be no second one! \"

"We can have a good day off here today, no more trouble!"

The place where Ye Hao rested just now was already tossed by the black zombies. Ye Hao could only re-select a shady place, put a mat on it and continue to sleep.

Chen Meimei ran over again and asked, "Ye Hao, how did you know that there are zombies below?"

"The zombies attacked from the ground, and there will definitely be some movement. I detected the movement in advance, and I knew it was not peaceful below!"

"I just encountered a black zombie, you dare to lie down on the sand dune and sleep, aren't you afraid that the evil black zombie will come out and make trouble again?"

Regarding Chen Meimei's body temperature, Ye Hao could only respond to her with a faint wry smile: "As the saying goes, it's a blessing not a disaster, and a disaster can't be avoided (Li Qian's). Refreshing energy is the best way to deal with a crisis!"

Chen Meimei seemed to say a few more words to Ye Hao, and Chen Dongkai shouted loudly, "Come here, Meimei, I have something to tell you!"

Watching Chen Meimei's retreating back, Ye Hao couldn't help shaking his head Qin.

At this time, Ma Yuzhen came up and asked, "Boss, if you want me to say that this girl Chen Meimei is too arrogant, I must give her some color first!"

"Forget it!" He shook his head and sighed, "That's just a girl's film, why do you need to know her in general?"

On the other side, Chen Dongkai also told Chen Meimei: "Meimei, why are you always eyeing Mr. Ye!" "He is a very powerful person, we all have to respect him!"

"Respect?" Chen Meimei said angrily, "Why do I think this guy is a weirdo!

almost I*

Chapter 255: Challenge the Limit

Chen Dongkai had an old face, and said sternly: "In short, if you have nothing else to do, go and rest!"

"Don't let me see you provoke Mr. Ye again!"

"Yeah!\" Chen Lele also echoed, "This Ye Hao is really amazing, I still don't understand, how could he predict that there are black zombies underground in advance?"

"Moreover, our automatic rifles can't kill these black zombies. The little girls around him can actually hold the black zombies on the ground and can't move. It's unimaginable!" The flesh and blood of normal people, how is it possible and zombies?

Even a strong and strong man can't do this.

Not to mention, Ma Yuzhen, Zhao Yan, and Zhao Fang are all girls.

Whether it's Ye Hao or Ma Yuzhen, they all have daunting strengths.

Chen Meimei provoking Ye Hao at this time, in Chen Dongkai's opinion, is no different from courting death.

Ma Yuzhen went into the water to catch a few fish, and lit a bonfire by the river to torture the fish.

In this way, the big guys don't have to eat dry food.

The day spent by the oasis lake was quite pleasant for Ye Hao.

However, when he thought of the blood ghost spot on Zhao Yan's neck, Ye Hao's heart would be filled with anxiety.

The time of the day passed in a hurry, and before sunset, the big guy finally had enough to eat and drink, and he was full of energy.

In order to speed up the journey, Ye Hao also put on a set of thick clothes at night, and rode on the back of a camel at full speed.

Everyone rode on camels and drove at full speed. The speed of this day was 200 kilometers faster than the previous day!

As the morning approached, Ye Hao and his party came to a swamp.

The swamps in the desert are completely different from the swamps in the outside world. The swamps here are all silted and rancid mud!

Moreover, the quagmire here is bottomless. Once the lady slips into the quagmire, she will soon be deeply immersed in it and unable to extricate herself.

Standing on the edge of the swamp, even Ye Hao was a little helpless: "This swamp is too dangerous, how can I get past it?"

Zhao Yan suggested: \"We can increase our buoyancy by increasing the area of ​​our body in contact with the ground, lying on the ground and crawling forward, we should be able to get through this swampy land safely!" Chen Meimei decisively rejected: "You Are you crazy, this place is full of mud, it's just stinky!"

"Climb out of this (acbc) mud pit, I will be smoked to death by this mud, let's take a detour!"

Ye Hao waved his hand and said: "Zhao Yan, you go to the swamp and crawl for a while and try it out. If it is feasible, we will use your method!"

"Remember to tie a rope to your body, if you sink into the mud, we will use the rope to pull you out!"

"Hao Li, I'll do it right away!\"

Zhao Yan's movement speed was very fast. She tied one end of the rope around her waist, Zhao Fang pulled the rope on the other side, and then, under the surprised eyes of everyone, Zhao Yan really climbed into the quagmire.

At the very beginning, Zhao Yan was indeed very successful in climbing out a distance.

It is almost four meters long. Just when Zhao Yan was complacent and ready to report the victory to Ye Hao, she suddenly discovered that her body had fallen into the quagmire without warning.