MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 193

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The blood ghost spot spreads very fast, and with the rapid spread of the blood ghost spot, Zhao Yan's physique will become weaker and weaker.

In the later stage, she will even lose the ability to move completely, and Ma Yuzhen must carry her on her back.

0??For flowers...

Therefore, Ye Hao didn't stay much in the abyss of ghost qi, and even set off to leave the abyss of ghost qi.

It took a day for Ye Hao to prepare a large amount of dry food supplies.

Then he set off on the road with an off-road vehicle and a few loyal friends of his own.

The speed of the car was very fast. It only took three days for Ye Hao and his group to come to the edge of the desert of death.

The sand in the desert of death belongs to the fine-grained sand-ash type, and even the tires of off-road vehicles cannot walk in this desert. If you want to enter the depths of the desert, you must abandon the vehicle and enter the desert on foot.

The only vehicle that can be used in the desert is the camel.

In the sandstorm on the edge of the desert, Ye Hao spent money to buy eight camels to transport the accompanying supplies. Ma Yuzhen and Zhao Yan's zombie physiques can completely resist the harsh environment in the desert. The arm does not need to ride the camel, and the walking speed is faster.

When buying camels, Ye Hao met another group of people.

The team consisted of three men and four women. One of the three men was an old man in his 60s who wore golden glasses and looked polite. The other two men were fully armed in camouflage and should have been accompanying bodyguards.

The other four girls, all wearing camouflage uniforms and holding long guns, looked very imposing.

However, judging from the appearance of a few of them with thin skin and tender meat, the fighting power may not be much stronger.

"You guys, are you also going to explore the desert of death?"

The old man took the initiative to walk up and greet Ye Hao.

"Yeah, we're going to do something!"

The old man took advantage of the situation and said: "It just so happens that we are going to the desert to experience the desert customs, why don't we go together,

If there is any trouble on the way, we should take care of each other! "

Ye Hao thought for a while and replied, "Why do I want to go to the Black Shark River, that place is very dangerous and there are many black zombie activities!" The old man responded with a smile: "We are going to cross the desert, the Black Shark River. We also have to pass through that place!" Ding.

Chapter 252: I have the final say

Judging from the appearance of this old man, Ye Hao is relying on him.

After thinking briefly, Ye Hao nodded in agreement.

"If that's the case, let's go together!"

"But there is one thing I want to declare in advance. We are going to the Black Shark River, and we have a very important thing to do!"

"We must rush to the Black Shark River within seven days. If you are too slow in the middle, we will not be able to wait!"

"That's natural!" the old man said kindly.

"Everyone is busy, and there is no need to accommodate anyone. If we walk slowly, you can leave us alone and act alone!"

"If that's the case, let's set off immediately!"

"No hurry!" The old man pointed to a pub not far away and said with a smile on his face.

"I just prepared a table of wine and food at the hotel, and now "May 77" should be almost ready!"

"It's not too late for us to eat and drink before we leave!"

"Of course there is no problem!" Ye Hao readily agreed to the old man's request.

It is a good thing for someone to invite a guest to dinner. Ye Hao has been busy on the road these days, and has not eaten a decent meal for a long time.

The dining hall of the hotel is indeed a well-dressed meal.

After eating, Ye Hao communicated briefly with the old man.

The old man's name is Chen Dongkai, the four girls are all his daughters, one of the other two men is his son, and the other is a bodyguard he invited.

Chen Dongkai and the others entered the desert of death this time to find someone.

Chen Dongkai's younger brother, Chen Donglin, entered the desert of death three months ago, and has never been able to get out of the desert since.

In order to find people, Chen Dongkai specially hired an expedition team to enter the desert to find people.

But the expedition team, after collecting 50,000 yuan from Chen Dongkai, never sent back any news.

In the end, there was really no way, Chen Dongkai decided to come to the desert himself to see if he could find Chen Donglin.

After learning about Chen Dongkai's situation, Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "Mr. Chen, I can understand your eagerness to save people, but you still have to think carefully about your abilities!" "The black zombies in the desert of death are very difficult. Tangled character!"

"What are you afraid of!" Chen Meimei said disapprovingly, "We have guns in our hands!"

"If there are zombies who dare to make trouble, I will chug them all in one go!"

"Hey!" Ye Hao shook his head and smiled.

"With all due respect, firearms of your type are no different from toy guns in front of black zombies!"

"You??????" Chen Meimei was not happy, and was about to have an attack on the spot.

Chen Dongkai hurriedly said, "Meimei, don't say a word, this Mr. Chen is right!"

"I've looked up some information about black zombies, and these things are really hard to deal with!"

"I hope we enter the desert this time and don't encounter these evil stars, hey..."

Chen Meimei said softly, "Dad, don't be so pessimistic. Although black zombies are powerful, they are not completely without weaknesses!"

"You can kill black zombies with rooster blood. We have prepared a lot of chicken blood for this trip!"

"When the time comes, as long as the black zombies dare to show their heads, I will let them experience the power of my phantom gun, hum!"

At this time, Ye Hao said:

"It's true that rooster blood restrains black zombies, but you also need to know: you must hit **** blood on the brows of black zombies to cause fatal damage to black zombies!"

"It's not very good if it's just a random spill of rooster blood!"

"If you meet some powerful black zombies, you may even be immune to rooster blood!"

"Huh?" Chen Dongkai suddenly became interested, "I didn't expect Mr. Chen to be a knowledgeable person!"

"Your understanding of this black zombie is much deeper than mine!"

"Thanks to Mr. Chen's care this time, our trip to the desert will be a complete success!"

Ye Hao nodded and smiled: "I hope Mr. Chen can find his brother as soon as possible, cheers!"

After a meal was over, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, which was the hottest time of the day.

Standing in front of the hotel, watching the desolate sand dunes in the distance, you can vaguely see the rolling heat waves raging wildly on the sand dunes.

The huge desert, at this time, has completely turned into a huge stove, as if to roast people into jerky.

"Set off!"

Ye Hao said hello, and everyone stared at the scorching heat and entered the desert.

In order to maintain their own state and not suffer from heat stroke, everyone held up umbrellas to block the sun.

Although the umbrella has a certain effect, but the effect is not very good.

The sand under my feet was baked by the hot sun for a long time, and it was hot and hot!

Even riding on the back of a camel, I couldn't bear the heat wave, and it felt like a barbecue.

This is not the way to go. After climbing over a sand dune, Ye Hao found a poplar tree not far away, so he invited everyone to go under the tree to enjoy the shade.

As a result, just as Ye Hao stopped, Chen Lele ran over to provoke him.

"I said, Mr. Ye, what's wrong with you?"

"I just kept saying that I was afraid that we would delay your trip. Now that you have walked less than two kilometers, you can't run anymore?"

"Riding a camel makes you so tired, isn't your little body too fragile?"

Ye Hao said: "The temperature in this desert is too high. Running in the desert during the day will consume a lot of people and camels!"

"The food and water we can carry is limited, there is no need to waste precious water resources in the hot sun!"

"Trimming under the tree for a while, and continue on your way after dark!"

Chen Meimei retorted coquettishly: "If you want to be lazy, just say it, why do you have to go around such a big detour?"

It has to be said that these little sisters of the Chen family have more personalities than each other, "2 hot!

This posture made Ye Hao "unbearable".

But Ye Hao didn't have the same knowledge as their little girls, and said directly to Chen Dongkai:

"Mr. Chen, if you are in a hurry, please do so, we will leave after dark!"

A faint light flashed in Chen Dongkai's turbid eyeballs.

But after some thought, he still decided to act with Ye Hao.

At this time, Chen Dongkai and his daughters all thought that Ye Hao was unable to walk.

But in fact, Ye Hao was in a better state than anyone else at this time, but Ye Hao didn't want to waste limited supplies in unimportant places.

As for the thoughts of Chen Dongkai and the others, Ye Hao would not think so much. ?

Chapter 253: Encountering Black Zombies

The sun is gradually setting, and the scorching temperature in the desert begins to drop rapidly!

Ye Hao greeted everyone at the first time and set off on the road. The temperature of the desert under the night was amazing, and it was not hot at all.

Riding on the back of a camel, with the cold wind blowing beside his ears, Ye Hao could even sense that his body temperature was dropping rapidly.

Ye Hao simply jumped off the camel's back and walked in the desert on foot.

The sand under my feet has been tanned by the scorching sun for a whole day, and still retains a very high temperature. Walking in the desert on foot, you can feel the heat emanating from the dunes, which is much more comfortable than riding a camel. For a whole night, the big guy stopped and walked, and with the help of camels, he went out for a distance of 150 kilometers.

At this time, the team has come to the depths of the desert.

There are undulating sand dunes everywhere, and under the howling wind, the sky is full of swirling yellow sand.

Chen Meimei pouted and muttered, "What the **** is this place, I haven't even seen an oasis after walking all night!"

"Dad, didn't you say that there are many small oases in this desert of death?"

Chen Dongkai replied embarrassedly: "During the rainy season, there are indeed many oases, but 02 is now the dry season!"

"Only those oases with a large area can be preserved, and most of the oases with a smaller area will dry up!"

Ye Hao took out the map and glanced at it and said, "It is marked on the map that there should be an oasis not far from the southeast!"

"We have plenty of supplies now, and there is no need to go to the oasis!" Chen Honghong said.

Ye Hao smiled back faintly: "I think it is still necessary. What we are looking for may be found in the oasis!"

"Aren't you going to the Black Shark River to look for Sunflowers?"

"Anywhere in the desert with a water source, it is possible to find the sunflower, and it is not necessary to go to the Black Shark River!"

"Anyway, after the sun rises during the day, we can't continue our journey. It will be more comfortable to go to the oasis to repair!"

"Okay!" Chen Dongkai nodded and replied, "Then let's go to the oasis in front now!"

Chen Yaya said very unhappily: "Dad, we have the ability to move in the desert, why do we have to follow them? I think it is the safest to travel in the desert during the day!"

"Anyway, we are riding a camel and holding a sun umbrella, and we don't worry about heat stroke. It's very safe!"

"Enough!" Chen Dongkai glared at Chen Yaya and retorted, "What do you know? The situation in the desert is far more complicated than you think!"

"I'll tell you a few, you have to listen to me after entering the desert, otherwise don't blame my family for being ruthless!"

Those little girls were all very young and had no idea how dangerous the desert of death was.

Black zombies, fire ghost kings and so on are just some external factors. What is even more terrifying is that the desert of death is also full of "quicksand", "sandstorms", and even death whirlwinds and other extreme environmental crises! These dangerous situations appear Any of them is enough to take people's lives!

Only about 70% of the 4,000-kilometer journey of the Death Desert can safely pass through.

Nearly 30% of people who enter the desert of death every year stay in the desert forever.