MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 221

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Chapter 309: Sweeping the Dark World

Not only did she fail to save Shi Yang, but she also brought herself in.

Ye Hao directly left and right, grabbed the necks of the two zombie kings, and picked them up like chickens.

At this moment, Ye Hao's hands were like iron pincers, holding two zombies tightly.

No matter how they struggled, they couldn't get rid of Ye Hao's control after all!

Shi Yang wanted to continue struggling to get rid of Ye Hao's shackles, but Yin Feng suddenly said: "Master Ye, please let us go, as long as you let us live, we are willing to submit to your command!"

"Really?" Ye Hao frowned and replied, "This deal is very fair, I like it!"

"I just want to know, what should I do if you fool me?"

"You know, I just spent a lot of effort to catch the two of you!"

Yin Feng said in a condensed voice: "I can swear by my corpse pill as a bargaining chip, as long as the adults surround me to survive, I will obediently submit to your command, if I violate my oath, my cultivation will never be saved. Half a step!"

"What about you?" Ye Hao glanced at Shi Yang again!

Shi Yang glanced at Ye Hao with hatred, but was unwilling to compromise.

"Hahaha!" Ye Hao couldn't help but sneered across the corner of his mouth, "Since Lord Corpse King is so stubborn, then I will fulfill you today!"

After he finished speaking, Ye Hao's aura suddenly exploded to a peak, and he was about to kill Shi Yang.

Shi Yang was still unwilling to bow his head to compromise, but Yin Feng said something for him at a critical moment: "Master Ye is merciful, my husband is a bit arrogant by nature, and now he also intends to give it to you, just walk past that one. That's it!"

"I hope that the adults can raise your hand and give him a day to think about it. After that, I promise to let him apologize to you!"

"Okay!" Ye Hao nodded and smiled, "Since you are willing to obey me, then I will naturally give you this face?"! "

"Lord Corpse King's life, keep it for the time being!"

"I'm not afraid of this guy being rebellious. If he is rebellious and wants to continue to oppose me, I will kill him with a slap in the face!"

"I want to see if he still has the courage, hum!"

After speaking, Ye Hao temporarily pushed Shi Yang out.

After Shi Yang regained his freedom, the arrogant aura on his body instantly waned a lot.

It looked like a frosted eggplant.

The world of zombies is also a world with strict hierarchy. Shi Yang has always believed that he is invincible. Even if it is a giant in Mingyue City, it is not easy to defeat him.

Unfortunately, the reality is too cruel!

Ye Hao not only defeated him easily, but almost killed him.

In front of Ye Hao, he was as fragile as a baby, and had no ability to resist at all.

If Yinfeng hadn't pleaded for him, he would be a corpse now.

Shi Yangzhang pulled his head and was taken away by Yinfeng, while Ye Hao once again turned his attention to the patio hole.

At the same time, the desolate voice came from the abyss: "Please, Mr. Ye, give me a day, and I will capture all the traitors who belonged to the Black Mountain Sect and give them to you!"

"I'm just a hermit hiding in a cave, I don't want to make too many enemies, please also ask Lord Ye to give me a little face!"

Just now, Ye Hao fought that giant monster for a long time, and there was no winner!

Later, after Shi Yang and Yinfeng and his wife attacked, the huge monster immediately ran away.

Until the Shi Yang couple was captured alive by Ye Hao, the big monster did not come forward again.

Shi Yang, Yinfeng and his wife shot to help the big monster, but unfortunately the big monster did sell Shiyang and his wife.

Now even Ye Hao is angry for the Shi Yang couple, but things have already become like this, Ye Hao still has to consider the problem from a practical point of view.

Now that the big monster has "subdued", Ye Hao has absolutely no need to dwell on this matter.

Ye Hao left the other party one day to catch the traitor, and then left the Tianjing Cave with everyone.

In the next few days, Ye Hao took his younger brother and swept the 9 powerful forces in Mingyue City with the wind and the clouds.

Among them, the four giants were also killed by Ye Hao.

A week later, all the forces in the entire Mingyue City fell under Ye Hao's control.

Ye Hao has become the "king" of Mingyue City. All the creatures in the dark world in Mingyue City must obey Ye Hao's orders. However, at this time, Ye Hao does not want to stay in Mingyue City anymore.

Ye Hao ordered all his subordinates to withdraw from Mingyue City and head towards the desert of death.

All the forces in the entire Mingyue City were unified by Ye Hao, and now Ye Hao ordered that no one would dare to disobey!

Ye Hao left with the mighty creatures of the dark world, and Mingyue City naturally returned to its former tranquility.

And Ye Hao's ultimate goal, of course, is not the desert of death, but the abyss of ghosts.

In the core area of ​​Ghost Qi Abyss, there is a huge heart of the world, which is very important to Ye Hao.

It was nearly two months after leaving the abyss of ghost qi, and when Ye Hao returned to the abyss of ghost qi, the place was once again occupied by the ghost king.

Ye Hao killed the arrogant ghost kings at will, and when he returned to the depths of the ghostly abyss, he found that the barrier around the heart of the world had been corroded and broken by the power of darkness. The periphery of the Heart of the World is also covered with a layer of scarlet blood!

?? is not it? "Seeing this scene, Ye Hao couldn't help frowning," What is attached to the surface of the heart of this world, why is the aura of darkness (the king's) so sturdy? "The protective barrier of the Heart of the World is very sturdy. Before that, Ye Hao tried to break the barrier and came into close contact with the Heart of the World. He tried many times without success.

After leaving for such a short period of time, the barrier was actually broken!

Who was the one who broke the barrier of the Heart of the World? Could it be the ghost kings?

This idea just popped up in Ye Hao's heart, and was quickly rejected by Ye Hao!

With Ye Hao's strength now, if he wants to kill the ghost king, he can easily do it with one finger.

Taste the rich vend silkworm arrogance two and cook it like a silkworm. It is the breath of Jane's longevity chapter. The existence that breaks the barrier and pollutes the heart of the world should be a human being! "good


Chapter 310: Uninvited Guest

Zhao Yan retorted decisively: "How could it be human?"

"The most powerful of all human species is the husband. How can others do things that even he can't do?"

"Okay!" Ye Hao waved his hand and said, "You two should stop fighting!"

"No matter who broke the barrier, the other party's purpose must be to occupy the heart of the world!"

"Now the heart of the world is still in our hands, we just need to stay here and wait for the rabbit, and we will be able to find each other!"

Zhao Yan immediately followed Ye Hao's instructions and sent people to strengthen the alert of the Heart of the World. The entire Heart of the World was surrounded by a large number of zombie soldiers. As long as there was trouble, an alarm would be issued immediately! Zombies are very sensitive to the breath of the surrounding space, and zombies can be on alert 24 hours a day, no need to eat or sleep!

Using these guys as sentinels is the most appropriate.

Sure enough, Ye Hao's plan to wait and see soon paid off!

That night, a bunch of ghost hunters broke into the ghostly abyss.

When Ye Hao heard the news and rushed to the scene, the group of ghost hunters had already killed dozens of zombies who were on guard!

Judging from the breath, the group of people who came here are all normal humans, not creatures from the dark world.

It's just that this group of people are all covered with black big 620 cloaks, so they can't see their true colors clearly.

Ye Hao appeared, blocking the charge of that group of people!

The group of men in black also lifted the black cloaks that were buckled on their heads.

At the forefront of the team was a man with a national character face, with an extremely majestic aura all over his body.

The man with the Chinese character face glanced at Ye Hao from the air, and said in a deep voice, "I thought this place was full of interesting and interesting questions, but I didn't expect you to be a scum among human beings!"

"Scum?" Ye Hao shook his head and sighed, "You came to steal my things, I haven't complained yet, but you are the wicked people who complained first?"

The man with the national character face sternly retorted: "Those who have the ability to obtain the treasures in the world can say that they are yours?"

"It's a good one who can get it. That's why you take it by chance, right?"

The man with the national character face on the opposite side has no idea how powerful he is in combat, and which mouth is really eloquent!

"The word plundering is not appropriate for me. If I plunder items from my fellow human beings, it can be regarded as cannibalism and plundering. How can I plunder items from the hands of zombie evil spirits?"

"While I obtained treasures, I also eliminated harm for the people. What's wrong with me?"

"Really?" Ye Hao was really amused by what the other party said. "I'm obviously a human being. You plundered items from my hands, and you still want to talk about it?"

"You don't admit that you are taking advantage of yourself, don't you want to be a man?"

"Humph!" The man with the face of the Chinese character refuted sharply, "You sharp-toothed boy, you are an evil Taoist when you are in the company of zombie evil spirits.

"A degenerate guy like you is not worthy of being a human at all!"

"I'm going to kill you today. If you still have any questions, go to the underworld and ask!"

Regarding the strength of the national character face, Ye Hao is not weak at all!

"Since you are so eager to seek death, then I will fulfill you!"

The national character face backhanded a short knife in his hand, and threw it towards Ye Hao from a distance.

When Ye Hao was dodging the attack of the flying knife, the man with the national character face directly spread his feet and ran away.

This guy just made a loud noise, saying that he was going to fight Ye Hao to the death. When Ye Hao really started to fight, this guy immediately turned into a big coward and ran away. The speed at which he changed his face made Ye Hao stunned and unbearable.

Although the character of the national character face is not very good, the combat power of this guy is still quite powerful.

The group of zombies from the rear flanked him, and he killed seven or eight zombies in an instant.

After that, the face of the national character directly bit his fingers, and hurriedly threw out a smear of blood with one hand.


After this smear of blood was thrown out, Guozilian and his younger brothers left the abyss of ghostly energy directly by teleportation.

"Blood escape?"

Of course, Ye Hao could see that this powerful technique displayed by the national character face.

It's just that Ye Hao never dreamed that the legendary means of blood escape actually existed in reality.

"Forget it, don't go after it!"

Ma Yuzhen and the others had to continue chasing, but Ye Hao also stopped him: "These guys have now escaped to a place 50 miles away!"

"What?" Ma Yuzhen couldn't believe her ears. "In the blink of an eye, they ran out 50 miles away. Could these guys be on rockets?"

"Okay, don't worry about the whereabouts of these guys for now, strengthen the guard of the heart of the world, and don't let these guys drill Confucius!"

"Ordinary little zombies can't stop these masters at all. Send some red-clothed ghosts as sentries, and report to me immediately if there is any trouble!"

In addition to strengthening the defense work, Ye Hao personally took action to arrange a layer of defense formation on the periphery of the Heart of the World cave!

This layer of defensive formation, although the defensive power is not as strong as the original barrier of the Heart of the World, but the defensive power of the formation is definitely several times more effective than that of the red-clothed Specter.

When encountering thieves invasion, it can play a great role.

Deep in the valley and jungle!

The man with the national character face hurriedly rushed out of the bushes, slumped on the ground with a puff, panting heavily.

A chubby man from the back came up and asked, "Brother, why don't we get rid of that Ye Hao in one go, that kid Ye Hao is so arrogant, I can't bear it anymore!"

The man with the national character face said in a loud voice, "No matter how powerful Ye Hao is, he is nothing but the bravery of a man!"

"The point is, the sorcery mastered by this kid is really powerful!"

"In the abyss of ghost energy, there are not only a large number of ghosts, but also a large number of zombies and demon spirits!"

"Harmony guys, all obey Ye Hao's command. Once we are in a hard fight and cannot escape, Ye Hao doesn't even need to take action himself. Let the minions under his command attack us with wheel warfare, which is enough to wipe out our entire army!"

"Uh." The words of the national character face came out, and the fat-loving man simply closed his mouth and stopped talking.

The chunky man just walked out of the Devil May Cry abyss with the national character face, and he is not completely ignorant of the situation there!

It's so dangerous!

There are dark world creatures everywhere, and the number is too many, too many to make people desperate!

There is absolutely no hope in sight, so what? .