MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 137

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To be honest, I didn't know until Mo Ran really stood on the high ground of the dead race and observed how Xue Changfeng, He Yu, Xie Lang, Zhang Haoming, Shen Wangshu and other high-level teams managed King's Landing City and other small cities. How important and tedious work is household registration management.

Since the beginning of the construction of Junlin City, the household registration management of the deceased has already begun, but up to now, the existing population of the deceased has not been completely surveyed, and I heard that the basic census work is really a family visit. , Absolutely never let anyone go.

This is a tedious and tiring job, but the benefits are quite obvious. It is very direct and accurate to obtain various data of the entire population of the deceased race, which is crucial to the management of the entire race and various development decisions.

With such sorting and management of household registration, it is not difficult for even Xue Changfeng, Mo Ran and the like at the highest level to know the data and information of the most ordinary deceased.

Just like now, when the deceased who had just been rescued was still in a coma, the information of his eight generations of ancestors had turned into a piece of paper and appeared in front of Mo Ran and Xue Changfeng.

"Xia Yu, twenty-four years old, was supposed to be assigned to live in Cold Wind Fortress, and his main job was to be the garrison guard of Cold Wind Fortress, but he has disappeared since four months ago. According to the memories of a member of the army, he should be in He fell into the bottom of the cliff during the patrol. They searched near the cliff for about two weeks but did not find any news about him, so the default was that he was dead. Later, when the census started, he was reported as a dead population. However, after Zhang Haoming and the others asked to clarify the cause of death and to see the body to confirm his death, they changed him to missing."

Xue Changfeng stood in the tent holding a list full of Xia Yu's information, and said while looking at the unconscious dead man lying on the camp bed.

"Level?" Mo Ran, who had been standing beside the camp bed looking down at Xia Yu since entering the tent, suddenly spoke at this moment.

"Huh?" Xue Changfeng was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Mo Ran was asking about Xia Yu's level, so he looked at the message again: "Less than level four, but soon, level three and nine lights, good at long-range attacks, In the Cold Wind Fortress is to serve as a scout archer."

Mo Ran drooping eyelashes, from

Xia Yu is very thin, and he looks even thinner when he is lying down. His ribs are arched high, like a tube that wraps his internal organs. Every bone is very clear, with sharp and steep branches there. Wrapped in a layer of white leather, it looked very unsuitable, but what was even more unsuitable were the various scars on Xia Yu's body.

Some were tens of centimeters long, while others were only a few centimeters. One was stacked on top of the other, densely covering his open chest, and of course there were some scars that extended into the clothes he hadn’t taken off. , it is conceivable that the bottom of these clothes may not be any better.

As we all know, the body of the deceased will heal itself after being injured. The speed of this self-healing ability is related to the level of the level. No traces could be seen, but Xia Yu in front of him still had all kinds of deep and shallow marks on his body, which only showed one thing, his wound might have been smeared with special medicine.

Mo Ran is very familiar with this potion. She was also smeared in the laboratory at that time. Of course, this potion can't hinder the dead's strong self-healing ability, but it can only make the dead's self-healing ability very weak. , and will leave scars for a period of time, just like ordinary humans, although the effects of these medicines will gradually disappear over time, and these scars will also disappear, but before the scars disappear, there is a very important effect.

"Why are there so many scars on his body?" With those intricate scars appearing in front of his eyes, Xue Changfeng directly asked the first thought that popped up in his head.

"Because the medicine has been applied, it can slow down the speed of self-healing."

"Slow down the speed of self-healing?" Xue Changfeng has never experienced that kind of time, so when Mo Ran told him this, he couldn't imagine why human beings would do this at all. He stretched his head to look at Xia Yu's chest Scar, half joking and half joking: "Why? Observe how fast the scar disappears? Are humans developing medical beauty?"

Mo Ran

Mo Ran didn't answer Xue Changfeng, not because she was angry because of what Xue Changfeng said just now, but because she didn't know how to answer her.

Because the existence of these scars is to fill in the experimental data for human beings. Human beings have discovered since the experiment on the dead that the self-healing of the body of all the dead is from the outside to the inside. That is to say, when a wound appears, regardless of the wound inside What kind of condition is it? It must be the skin that recovers first, and then the self-healing in the body.

Humans want to know how the dead body heals itself, so they can only cut the same place again and again, but after a long time they will find that this is a very stupid way, because every time the wound is cut It is brand new, and the body of the deceased will still recover from the outside in as usual, and they will never see the data they want.

In the end, someone thought of a way, that is to let the wounds of the dead recover slowly, but it does not affect the recovery speed of the internal organs. In this way, as long as they want to see, they can pull out those wounds at any time to observe.

Why is Mo Ran so clear?

Because she also lived like this at that time, even after she was taken out by Ming Yuechen, she was actually like a human skin toy that was sewn into a horrible shape. It was not until more than half a year later that the effect of the medicine finally disappeared, and she Only then returned to normal.

Sometimes, Mo Ran often thought that she must not dare to look at the people who came out of the laboratory, because she couldn't face all the days in the laboratory. However, when she saw Xia Yu, she unexpectedly Unusually calm.

Xue Changfeng will probably never understand this kind of pain in his whole life. Even as the lord of the dead, even he can be regarded as loving the people like a son, but some feelings and sorrows and joys are destined not to be sympathized and understood.

Sighing softly, Mo Ran raised his hand and touched Xia Yu's forehead. Unexpectedly, such a bang made Xia Yu seem to have turned on some switch. He struggled on the bed like a monkey, uttering There was a shrill scream.

Mo Ran immediately withdrew her hand, and Xue Changfeng grabbed her

The sun was still shining outside the tent, and it wasn't until the warm light shone on her that she felt alive.

"He must have suffered a lot." Standing behind Mo Ran, Xue Changfeng sighed.

"Yeah." Mo Ran seemed to be immersed in his emotions, and after a while he agreed, as if he was trying to recover his emotions, "I have suffered a lot."

"Looking at him, I suddenly felt that I, the city lord, had failed so badly that I couldn't even protect my own clansmen." Xue Changfeng couldn't help but think of what he saw at the Huangquan Guild's residence, his muscles tensed up suddenly, and his words seemed to come from squeezed through his teeth.

"There's no need to blame yourself. No one would want such a thing to happen. It's just that the opponent is too cunning and vicious." Mo Ran's voice was deep. She stood for a while and then turned around and left. The guards who had been following them wanted to He followed, but was stopped by Xue Changfeng, who shook his head.

Although Xue Changfeng doesn't know what's wrong with Mo Ran, he knows that there is a place in Mo Ran's heart that none of them can walk into. She needs time to ease this emotion, which can only be shared by herself. no.

It didn't take long for a dead person to come back from the camp. All the dead in the camp knew about it, and it didn't take long for Xia Yu to wake up.

Some things, others say, sound like storytelling, but when it is said from the mouth of the person involved, it will really have a sense of substitution, especially Xia Yu spread out his clothes, pointing to the wound on his body and looking into the camp little by little. All the dead narrated the means of human beings, directly engraving that hellish laboratory in the hearts and blood of every dead person.

It is undeniable that the dead are fighting World War II for the race, but most of the dead are still surrounding their home territory for themselves. They don't have such high pursuits, just like every ordinary person.

But once they were introduced to the eerie horror of the human laboratory, they realized the most important point. If the dead lost, they would all become the next Xia Yu.

Once this horrific idea was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it immediately caused a huge backlash. The dead finally realized that the victory or defeat of their battle was not for the righteousness of their family and country, but for themselves. For a while, the morale of the dead rose sharply.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-2016:37:16~2021-02-2116:59:57~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: kkkkkk1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 80 bottles of Yunlu; 10 bottles of Nanmian; 3 bottles of Beishan No Grass;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!