MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 25

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The red color on the moon is not obvious, but compared with the watery blue moonlight just now, it is indeed a bit more chilling.

Mo Ran frowned, she actually forgot about it.

There were originally six continents on the earth, but after the end of the world, the plates of these continents began to move again. Before the death of Mo Ranshang I, there were only four continents on the earth at that time.

The original six continents have gone through several changes in the past ten years, and have been decomposed and reassembled together.

The largest one is full of all kinds of monsters, and the geological environment is really bad. It is a forbidden area for all races. The larger one of the remaining three is the main city built by humans and undead respectively, while the remaining two The smaller ones are occupied by orcs and elves.

Probably because of this division of land, it laid the groundwork for the genocide of the last dead.

Mo Ran turned back and looked in the direction of Fenghuo Forest. The first kill just now brought an unusual excitement to the guild. Those who came out of the dungeon were all grouped together, discussing excitedly, even if Even if he couldn't hear what they were talking about, Mo Ran could feel this kind of excitement just by watching the movements, but Ming Yuechen was incompatible with such excitement.

He stood a little far away from the crowd, and his whole body was shrouded in a sense of alienation and coldness. When Mo Ran looked over, he seemed to have raised his eyes in response, and his gaze directly hit the other person.

Mo Ran felt that her restless heart began to calm down gradually, and the boiling emotions that she had seen when she saw Ming Yuechen also began to slowly return to calm. She began to recover from that subjective emotion. Gradually withdraw and re-examine the current situation rationally.

This is what Mo Ran learned in the long years of the previous life. No matter what time it is, impulsiveness is the devil that destroys everything. Only when you are calmer and more rational, can you find a trace of survival information from the mortal form.

Ming Yuechen has a personal grudge against himself.

To be precise, it was Ming Yuechen from the previous life who had a personal grudge against him.

Objectively speaking, during the destruction of the dead family in the previous life, this incident would have happened regardless of whether there was a Mingyuechen character. Later, the best opportunity for development was lost, so it attracted the siege of humans, orcs and elves.


As for the others, it doesn't matter.

Mo Ran never thought that she was a generous person, nor did she think that the grievances between herself and Ming Yuechen ended here, she just chose a path.

Calmly withdrawing her gaze, Mo Ran turned to He Yu and said, "We are about to leave."

He Yu was originally feeling happy with the Mammoth Brothers because of the first kill of the dungeon, but now he suddenly heard Mo Ran say this, and couldn't help but froze, "Leave? Where are you going?"

This stopped Mo Ran from asking, she thought for a while before saying, "Get out of here."

"Did you say you were leaving City A?"

Mo Ran shook her head, and she looked at He Yu seriously, with a seriousness in her eyes that she had never seen before, and she said slowly, "It's leaving the human settlement."

He Yu was stunned for a moment, and his body shook heavily. Although he knew that he was not human anymore, until this moment, he suddenly had a sense of reality that was completely separated from his original identity. .

For Mo Ran, a reborn person who has long been accustomed to the identity of the dead, it is actually difficult for her to understand the loss and pain of completely stripping her past from human beings. She just looked at He Yu calmly, and then The light in the reader's eyes that was originally excited by the first kill slowly dimmed. After a few seconds, he took a deep breath, lowered his eyes, and slowly said word by word: " I know, I'll come when I go."

After finishing speaking, He Yu turned his head and walked towards Luo Chen.

Saying goodbye to this kind of thing is not a pleasant thing for any race, let alone saying goodbye to the past completely?

In the dark night, the blue moonlight is extraordinarily quiet, but on the edge of the glimmering light, the faint red color seems restless.

Luo Chen only felt that his mind was completely numb now.

This day, no, no, it's only a few hours, and his life is as exciting as a roller coaster.

It was obviously the most common post-apocalyptic day, but it was carried out in such a way of ups and downs. He had just discussed with Fenghuolanlin about the exploration rights of these three dungeons. He absolutely did not Thinking that Mo Ran was going to leave.

Mo Ran

"It's a matter of time."

The dusk grew darker.

In the quiet night of Wan Lai, only the shuffling footsteps of zombies moving slowly on the street can be heard, but there is nothing else. In the night after the end of the world, it seems that even the wind has become the messenger of death.

It was obviously the weather in July, so he didn't feel stunned at all, but Luo Chen felt the cold winter in his life at this moment, there seemed to be a hole in his body, and the bleak and biting chill continuously poured into him.

"I entrusted He Yu to you." Originally, there were thousands of words, but when it came to his lips, Luo Chen only uttered these words.

Mo Ran looked at Luo Chen, his eyes were filled with human emotions that were long and unfamiliar to her, so hot that even she felt glaring, she lowered her eyelashes and looked at the box at He Yu's feet, it was Luo Chen prepared dry food for the two of them along the way.

In fact, for the dead, it is not necessary to eat, they only need to meet the minimum physical consumption, but even so, Luo Chen still prepared these for them like an old mother.

After the word of refusal reached his lips, Mo Ran didn't say it in the end.

The emotional abandonment of a person is the only softness that Mo Ran, as a deceased person, can give to this human being.

The night wind blew Mo Ran's hair up, and she turned around and threw herself into the deep twilight. He Yu took one last look at Luo Chen, and turned around following Mo Ran.

It wasn't until this time that Luo Chen felt a piercing pain. It was different from watching the chicks leave the nest. He had a faint feeling that the separation this time would probably be forever.

Mo Ran walked extremely fast, and He Yu almost exhausted all his strength to keep up. They walked through the streets of the city, brushing past zombies, but those monsters who only knew how to eat people, As if they didn't see them, even if they bumped into them accidentally, they didn't pay any attention to the two of them.

On the way to the dungeon, He Yu followed Mo Ran and attracted a large number of zombies. At that time, he felt that being a dead person was special, but more, he still thought that Mo Ran's positioning was excellent, so

However, until now, he could no longer convince himself like this.

Now Mo Ran is just walking fast, it's a completely reckless run, and he has no intention of dodging zombies at all, which also caused He Yu to bump into those walking in the dark one after another. zombies.

The memory of being eaten by the zombies was so deep that He Yu was almost terrified when he bumped into the zombies at first, but what surprised him was that the zombies didn't respond at all.

The first time is an accident, the second, third time, and repeated many times over the past month is not an accident, it is inevitable.

When the sky was slightly bright, Mo Ran and He Yu were already at the intersection of the highway out of city A.

On the wide expressway, there are clusters of vehicles parked, blocking all four lanes to death.

This was left behind by people who rushed out of the city to escape when the end of the world had just arrived. However, the owners of these vehicles have either disappeared or become members of the zombie army.

He Yu's face turned paler, and his sickly skin showed a faint bluish color. After running around for several hours, his physical strength was severely exhausted, and he followed Mo Ran almost by instinct. go forward.

His footsteps seemed to be filled with lead, and even Venus began to appear faintly in front of his eyes. He stretched out his hand and tore off the mask, panting heavily, and trembling uncontrollably.

Mo Ran finally stopped and looked at an off-road vehicle beside him.

This is not an ordinary urban off-road vehicle, but a real off-road vehicle. Not only is the vehicle wider than ordinary vehicles, but the weight and height of the vehicle are even more exaggerated than ordinary urban vehicles. It can be seen that this The owner of the car once spent a lot of money on this car, and the safety factor of the whole car is very high.

There are two zombies twisting in the cab of this off-road vehicle, and it can be seen that they are the owners of this vehicle. Instead, it is a cage that traps them.

"Can you drive?" Mo Ran looked back at He Yu who was already blue with exhaustion.

He Yu nodded almost subconsciously.

A minute later, He Yu found himself sitting in the big off-road vehicle, and Mo Ran was frowning and pressed the window directly, muttering dissatisfiedly: "This smell..."

Recalling Mo Ran's fierce operation just now, He Yu couldn't find his voice for a long time: "Where are we going now?"

"Who knows."

He Yu: ...

The author has something to say: In the past eight days, I have been tossing at home for eight days. I didn’t write any words. My manuscript is saved...Thank you at 2020-10-06 08:13:50~2020-10-08 17:24 : The little angel who voted for the overlord or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during the 40 period~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: 1 Cocoa;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 3 trouser chains;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Moran Mobai; 5 bottles of Simu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!