MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 26

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Can go far in three days?

Half a month ago, He Yu couldn't answer this question at all, but now He Yu can easily tell you that three days is enough time for him to drive across six provinces along the highway.

The body is taller than ordinary family cars, and the original characteristics of off-road vehicles allow it to easily climb over those small cars lying on the high speed, making the high speed out of the wild, and the vehicles that can be seen everywhere on the road themselves are also Provides an abundance of fuel for off-road vehicles.

After not having to worry about traffic jams, this high-speed highway actually gave off a feeling of loneliness.

"We've been going north, are we going to the north?" After driving for several hours, He Yu and Mo Ran changed hands.

Mo Ran is a quick learner. Even if she didn't know how to drive at first, she actually got used to it within three days. It's just that she drives much more savagely than He Yu, and she has no concept of traffic laws at all. The rampage, the few big dents in front of the front of the car are the glorious achievements of her driving.

"Yes, go to the north." Mo Ran nodded. She has been a little obsessed with vehicles in the past two days. Whenever she has a chance, she will try to play with them. up.

"Do we dead have a gathering place in the north?"

Three days is enough for a person to enter the northern border from the warm and humid city A. Of course, it is also enough for a dead person who always thought he was a human to get used to his current identity.

Although Mo Ran was not a talkative person, as long as it was He Yu's question, she almost always answered it. During the lonely three-day journey, He Yu learned a lot about the dead.

"No, the dead are naturally close to the cold, but in the last days, the cold is the natural enemy of human beings. In the north, it is easier for us to survive." A gathering place was established in the north.

Back then, when Mo Ran came to the gathering place after tossing and turning, it was actually a year later. At that time, the gathering place had developed relatively maturely, but because of one incident, the whole gathering place seemed very depressed.

"The weather is still very hot now. What's the difference between us staying in City A and going to the north?" He Yu was curious.

"How do you know that the weather will continue to be hot?" Mo Ran stepped on the accelerator, leaned on the back of the chair casually, and opened the window with his left hand.

He Yu also followed Mo Ran's gaze and looked outside.

After officially entering the northern boundary, the highways seem to be built on the plains, without too many ups and downs, and there are not too many tunnels and bridges. Looking around, it seems that the richness and prosperity of the past can be seen.

On both sides of the highway, scattered zombies can be seen from time to time. They staggered and staggered. After nearly ten days, the flesh and flesh of these zombies had been corrupted beyond recognition. Even the bare skeleton has been exposed, exuding a strong smell.

When the vehicles roared past them, they ran along with the vehicles as if they had been injected with chicken blood. Of course, they would all be thrown away by the vehicles after a short while.

Every day in the past has been like this.

The sun gradually sank. I don't know if it was an illusion. He Yu always felt that today's sun had a bit of reluctance. It fell and rose again, again and again, as if an old woman kept using a dustpan in her hands. It's like raising and falling grains.

It's just that, every time the sun goes down, the originally dark sky will be dyed a little red. When the sun finally goes down completely for the last time, He Yu realizes that the whole earth seems to be covered with a strange bright red color. Shrouded, a blood-like red appeared everywhere.

However, on the edge of red is aimless black, black so thick that it cannot be melted.

When red and black merge together, it is extremely oppressive and heavy, quietly pressing on everyone's heart, it seems that even panting has become an intolerable luxury.

The vehicle that had been driving smoothly suddenly braked suddenly, making a sharp sound on the highway, and the rough tires drew a long trace on the ground. Even with the protection of seat belts, Mo Ran and He Yu It was still because of the huge inertia that he rushed forward for a while, and then fell heavily on the back of the chair.

"Tired? Let me drive." He Yu was a little dizzy after being bumped back and forth. While rubbing his forehead, he unbuttoned his seat belt and was about to get out of the car to pick up Mo Ran's steering wheel.

Mo Ran didn't move. She lowered her eyes and sat there very quietly. Her gaze fell through the steering wheel and landed on the dashboard behind. All the lights there had disappeared, but her key was still turned to the engine.

"What's wrong?" Mo Ran's stillness suddenly caused a trace of uneasiness in He Yu's heart.

Mo Ran raised her head and shook it slightly at He Yu, her lips suddenly showed a strange arc, and she said slowly to He Yu, "Welcome to the fantasy world."

"What?" He Yu was confused by Mo Ran's inexplicable performance, and his heart jumped wildly, but before he could think about it, or even ask him a word, the ground suddenly began to shake violently up.

At that moment, He Yu felt like a little bug put in a box by a naughty child. The naughty boy held the top and bottom lids of the box and kept shaking crazily. He kept being bumped into the box. Go, dizzy.

Living in the South for so many years, He Yu has experienced several earthquakes, but the magnitude was not large, and the tremors could not be considered strong. At most, the table shook a few times, and the cup on the table was shaken to the ground.

And the shaking at this moment made him not connected with the earthquake at all for a while. When this kind of shaking came, he almost instinctively grabbed Mo Ran, pressed her down tightly, and protected her. under him.

Mo Ran was slightly stunned, she never thought that He Yu would make such a choice, after a long while, she barely smiled, stretched out her hand to untie the seat belt, and grabbed He Yu's arm He said quietly, "Get out of the car."

"Are you crazy!" He Yu's eyes widened: "What's going on outside now, we have to get out of the car!"

"If we don't get out of the car, we are really going to die." Mo Ran's tone was very calm, but her movements were extremely fast. When she was speaking, she had already pushed open the car door, and she was about to be overturned from then on. He climbed out of the off-road vehicle cleanly, and by the way lifted He Yu, who had limp hands and feet, out.

At this moment, the expressway, which was still flat just now, feels like a twisted twist by someone's hands, and it is constantly twisted into different shapes. There are even large and small holes broken in many places, and the wide road surface has also become broken. There are a bunch of folds, of course, this is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is that just less than 500 meters away from them, the earth seems to suddenly open its **** mouth, and it starts to swallow the world continuously .

He Yu only saw the houses, fertile fields, vehicles in the distance, and even the deformed expressway continuously falling into the **** mouth, and he was dumbfounded.

Not to mention He Yu, who saw this situation for the first time, even Mo Ran, who had experienced the previous life for more than ten years, was completely overwhelmed by the current situation. Although Mo Ran in her previous life also experienced such a situation, that time she was hiding in a small house in the outskirts of the city. When the earthquake came, she was directly knocked unconscious by the falling beams. When she woke up, the whole body The world has changed, and I have never seen it with my own eyes.

You must know that knowing many things and seeing with your own eyes are fundamentally two concepts.

The huge hole behind him is still expanding. It seems like a beast exiled from hell. It has been hungry for a long time, and only the instinct of eating is left. Everything it sees will be devoured one by one. Into the belly.

And the only thing Mo Rancha and He Yu could do was to escape quickly before this big mouth opened in front of them.

Until this time, the strengthened physical fitness of the dead finally gave play to its advantages. Their advanced balance allowed the two to walk smoothly on this constantly twisted and torn ground.

All kinds of sounds of landslides and ground cracks came from my ears constantly, and the dust raised by the earth dyed the two people into clay sculptures. Between the turbulent world and the mighty nature, all life seemed so Fragile.

The hole behind him opened wider and wider, and the opening speed became faster and faster. Even if Mo Ran and He Yu ran with all their strength, it seemed that they could not escape the fate of being swallowed.

Finally, He Yu's feet were empty, his hanging heart seemed to be about to jump into his chest, and at the next moment, he felt his hand being grabbed violently.

Raising his eyes, he only saw Mo Ran holding him tightly, and Mo Ran's voice was as tense as the strings of a violin: "If you want to live, shut up."

He Yu immediately closed his mouth, drowning all the pretentious refusals and farewells in his stomach, he raised his other hand hard, and grabbed Mo Ran's arm violently, but at this moment the earth The distance shook again.

He Yu only felt his body fall down uncontrollably, but after a moment, his body stopped again.

He lowered his head and looked down. He could only see the pitch-black abyss. From the void that could not be peeked into, the cold wind whizzed and rolled up with a strange roar...

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-08 17:24:40~2020-10-09 11:45:01~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: one rain stabilizes one;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 1 bottle of hee hee;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!