MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 30

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Fire is probably the warmest gift God bestows on all creatures. In such a strange cold night, as long as there is a bonfire, even life seems to be stable.

As for Mo Ran and He Yu, in such a cold night, finding a shelter from the wind, lighting a bonfire, and roasting the rabbit meat that was cut just now is the happiest thing in life .

The orange flame licked the fat and thin rabbit meat and made the unique "sizzling" sound when the fat is boiling. Along with this sound and the fragrant smell, it continuously penetrated the nasal cavity into the body, stimulating the brain. Let them secrete saliva unconsciously under their tongues.

In the imagination, this should be such a beautiful picture of fireworks in the world, but in fact it is not like this.

"Can you cook?" Mo Ran's hand was stuffed into a branch by He Yu, and she looked at the freshly roasted meat on the branch with a blank expression.

"Yes." He Yu nodded as a matter of course: "I'm really good at cooking! I'm not boasting about my skills, I can open a shop."

Mo Ran's eyes were on the rabbit meat that was scorched on the outside but still oozing blood inside: Hehe, you think I'm blind.

Chatting while eating seems to be the main way for modern people to communicate with each other. After all, everyone is usually very busy, and it seems that it is difficult to find time to smile. Only when enjoying delicious food will you feel relaxed, and only at this time is the most emotional release when.

Although Mo Ran seemed to have lost this habit in the past ten years or so, but now when he was sitting with He Yu, this long-lost sense of familiarity returned to his body.

"Where are we going next? Should we go north?" He Yu also carried a small pocket with him, which contained five-spice chili powder. The delicious barbecue was swallowed, but Mo Ran seemed completely indifferent to the tasteless barbecue.

Speaking of this issue, Mo Ran became a little distressed. At the beginning, she planned to go north, mainly because she remembered that the largest base of the dead in the previous life was in the north before they established the main city. No, to be precise It was City H, the most famous city in the north before the end of the world, so in this life, she directed He Yu to go north.

However, something went wrong now, the movement of the continental plate occurred, which caused a huge earthquake, and even under her eyelids she could see

Can she guarantee that City H is still north?

Of course, the most important question is…

Mo Ran is a road idiot with a very poor sense of direction.

Although she seems to be very prosperous in the dungeon and familiar with the backyard at home, it is simply because she memorized the map, but this function of recognizing the way in the dungeon is obviously not inherited outside the dungeon. Fortunately, since she was reborn, Mo Ran has always been guided by someone around her, which allowed her to perfectly avoid everyone with this shortcoming.

But now...

"Maybe... maybe..." Mo Ran's face was still calm, but the drawn-out tone in her voice had completely revealed her uncertainty.

"What is maybe? Is there anything else?" He Yu paused for a moment while holding the barbecue meat and stuffing his fingers into it, and looked at Mo Ran hesitantly.

Mo Ran suddenly smiled, with a hint of embarrassment in the smile: "These are small problems, don't worry about them."

He Yu: ... =. = Sister, is this still a small problem? You can't even find the direction, where are you going to find the other dead?

Just as the awkward air gradually froze, an extremely high-pitched and loud scream directly cut through the silent night sky, piercing the eardrums of the two people like a sharp knife.

This screaming sound comes from a male, so it is not naturally contagious like a female voice. However, in such an environment, even a man screaming is enough to make people The heart suddenly tightened.

Mo Ran stood up, took a few steps outside, walked out of the small cave that had just been sheltered from the wind, and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

The night is thick and black, thick and sticky, scorching everything in it like asphalt, and I can't tell what it is, even with good eyesight like Mo Ran, it is actually difficult to clearly see it in this sticky black night Distinguish them one by one.

He Yu stood on tiptoe and squinted and looked in the same direction as Mo Ran, but he couldn't see anything clearly. Not only could he see nothing in his eyesight, but there was no sound in his ears, as if he had just heard The screams were just the illusion of two people.

In fact, not only He Yuyou felt that the scream he heard just now was an illusion, but even Mo Ran felt this way. After all, according to common sense, after a person screams, he should make some sounds similar to calling for help. , but now there is nothing.

only around her

Someone was indeed shouting just now, but now there is no sound. Generally, there are only two possibilities for this kind of result. The first is a trap, a trap specially used to lure lonely people like them.

And the second is that the person who was screaming just closed his mouth for some reason, for example, died.

Neither of these two reasons is a good thing for the two people who are standing by the fire now. After all, in such a dark night, they are like natural targets by the fire.

Suddenly, Mo Ran felt a slight tremor on the ground under her feet. This kind of tremor could hardly be seen. Probably only a person like her who has rolled from the edge of death for more than ten years would be keenly aware of it. Yu was completely unconscious.

The situation is not good.

"Did someone really yell just now?" He Yu listened for a while, and finally couldn't help but ask Mo Ran beside him.

"Run." When Mo Ran said this, both his body and consciousness had already made the most correct decision.

But the response He Yu got surprised him, "Run?"

The person who said this had already turned around and quickly ran in one direction.

Mo Ran ran very fast, and He Yu was only slightly stunned for a few seconds before seeing that the woman had only one back. Although he didn't know why, He Yu didn't care about other things at all, and instinctively let go He ran after Mo Ran.

He managed to rush to Mo Ran's side, gulping heavily, his voice was intermittent because of the hasty running: "Mo"

There was no need to wait for Mo Ran to answer He Yu, because at the same time as he asked, the two of them heard the high-pitched scream again, but this time it was accompanied by the scream from the ground. slight jitter.

"Is there someone in front!" The voice from behind came from a distance, very penetrating.

"Help us!"

"Hey! Don't run away!"

The high and low staggered cries for help meant that there was more than one person behind, but several people. He Yu looked back while running. After getting out of the firelight, he finally got used to the darkness like thick ink, and was finally able to survive in such darkness. He could vaguely see several running figures.

"Mo Ran, don't we want to save them?" He Yu looked at the people behind

"Nud Bodhisattva still wants to save all sentient beings? Run!" Mo Ran's face was tense, and his expression looked very cold.

He Yu really wanted to ask why, but it was really difficult for him to speak now, and Mo Ran had no intention of explaining at all, so he could only keep his mouth shut.

In the night, there is only a shallow moon, without a single star, the whole land is shrouded in darkness, and it is impossible to tell the direction at all. Mo Ran can only feel the wind whistling from the ground to the mid-air. Hovering, hovering, as if to blow her whole body up.

And behind her, there was a constant cry for help. Of course, for Mo Ran, what attracted her attention more was the thing that was hiding in the dark night and constantly chasing these people.

Although there is still a distance from that thing, the unique smell of it has been permeating in the air, making people shudder.

This kind of smell is very familiar to Mo Ran, and he doesn't want to encounter it at all. This is Yuan's smell.

At twilight, she had already heard the roar of this kind of thing on the crack in the earth. At that time, she deluded herself into thinking that this thing would not come out so quickly, so she ran far away, just in case. Never thought that this thing has crawled out of the ground?

If it is said that the other races in the previous life left Mo Ran with unwilling hatred, then the impression left by "Yuan" on Mo Ran is only terror, the kind of horror that is engraved into the bone marrow.

"Mo Ran, there seems to be something behind them!" He Yu finally noticed the existence of "Yuan", but he didn't know what it was. Subconsciously, he felt that it was another wild boss, and he was even a little eager to try. "Shall we go and kill him?"

Hearing this, Mo Ran turned her head abruptly, looked at He Yu quietly, and the cold wind passed through her teeth continuously: "Then you go by yourself."

Speaking of which, Mo Ran glanced back, just in time to see a person jumping up suddenly, as if he wanted to attack "Yuan" behind him, but in the next second, that person disappeared as if disappeared out of thin air, if not The clothes on his body fell from mid-air, I'm afraid even Mo Ran would feel that the scene just now was a blur.

The eyelids jumped a few times uncontrollably, a long-lost fear rushed into Mo Ran's heart, she swallowed hard, and grabbed He Yu, who was completely stunned by this scene, towards the side of a completely collapsed building. The ruined buildings rushed past.

The author has something to say: I am going to another city today, this is an automatically updated archive~~

Woohoo, my archive...

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-10-1206:44:29~2020-10-1306:50:44~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 3 fat penguins who want to wear jk uniforms;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Fuxue and Anran; 1 bottle of Qinghan Muwan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!