MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 31

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"What's that?" Hidden in the gaps of the construction waste under the ruins of the building, even He Yu himself didn't notice it, his voice was completely trembling with fear and tension.

Mo Ran turned her face and glanced at He Yu, her lips trembled slightly, she just hesitated for half a second, and in the end she still didn't tell He Yu the truth, but shook her head slightly: "I don't know, but I'm sure, It's a very dangerous thing."

Regarding the danger, even if Mo Ran didn't mention it, He Yu knew it.

Just kidding, a big change!

Recall carefully, just now that person did not seem to jump up by himself, but seemed to be lifted up by something, and then disappeared like that. If you compare the pictures before and after, you would really like to see what kind of animal The food was picked up and sent into the mouth.

Before that, He Yu had always thought that horror was the kind of **** and **** scene, but only now did he realize that this kind of quiet disappearance was even more creepy.

"What are we going to do now?" Resisting to keep recalling the chilling scene just now, he hid in the crack with Mo Ran.


There was a sound of falling construction debris and a few hoarse panting sounds, crashing into the ruins. Mo Ran immediately glanced at He Yu, who also consciously closed his mouth, even the sound of breathing pressed down.

"Boss, what is that?" The dark and dead space is not that big, even if you speak in a low voice, any syllable will be sent to every corner of the ruins. Mo Ran only heard a man talking non-stop. Panting heavily, his throat was unbelievably hoarse, and his voice trembled uncontrollably.

"I don't know." The voice that responded to him sounded very young, but at this moment, the young voice was full of fatigue and panic. He seemed to move his body and leaned against the ruins. The fragments of the building began to rustle down, setting off a cloud of smoke and dust.

"Are Feifei and Fatty dead?" After a few seconds of silence, another voice rang out.

But this time, no one is responding to this question, only the death-like silence is constantly indulging in a small space, which is a kind of quietness that people know well.

"Where were those two people just now?"

"I don't know, it seems to have disappeared suddenly."

"How can you be helpless

As they said that, the two people began to complain in a low voice, but without saying a few words, the young voice called the boss sounded again: "At this time, it is out of affection for the other party to extend a hand, and it is normal not to help."

It is obvious that this man speaks a lot of weight, the voice that was full of complaints just now calmed down again, only a low gasp was left in the whole space, but this calm did not last long, a strange voice It came in from outside the ruins.

How to describe this sound?

It was as if the sound of the eager wind whimpered through the extremely small cavity, big or small, fast or slow, rolling around the outside of the ruins in a high and low order.

Mo Ran's muscles tensed all of a sudden, and her concentration from just now became even more intense. She stretched out her hand and gently pulled out the two blades behind her, ready to fight.

The other three people obviously heard this voice, and even the low panting sound disappeared without a trace in the space, as if there was nothing in the ruins.

As he approached, Mo Ran saw a shadow poking in from the narrow entrance of the ruins.

She held her breath, held the double swords in her hands more tightly, squinted her eyes and stared at the shadow, trying hard to distinguish the color of the shadow in the dark environment.

In her last life, Mo Ran had a lot of dealings with things like Yuan. Although most of the final results ended in a tie, it did not hinder her understanding of such things.

She doesn't know whether this thing is a creature that already exists on the earth, she just knows that on a certain day, this kind of weird creature suddenly appeared, and their way of survival is to constantly eat everything from other creatures, and , The way they nibble is terrifying, as long as its tentacles touch the opponent, the opponent will disappear instantly.

There was no blood and flesh, and there was no disgusting picture, but that kind of disappearance made people feel chills through the bones.

It's like, you were talking to someone, but the other person disappeared while you were talking, and when you looked up, you found that he was eaten by Yuan.

The fear of the abyss does not lie in how much pain its devouring will bring to the target, but in that those targets who have not been swallowed have no idea when they will be eaten. The unknown horror is always the most frightening.

Under normal circumstances, Yuan has three forms of life forms, which can be distinguished from their shadow-like "tentacles". The red ones are juveniles, and the blue ones

Yuan is terrifying, but as long as he knows how to restrain it, with Mo Ran's current strength, juvenile bodies can be dealt with, and semi-mature bodies can barely fight, but the chance of victory is relatively low. However, if there is a mature body If so, don't even think about it, just run away.

The night vision ability of the dead is the best among all races. This probably has something to do with them being born from zombies. Even if they just came out of a bright light, they can see everything in the dark clearly in a very short time.

Of course, this kind of seeing clearly is fundamentally different from seeing clearly under sufficient light. It seems that it is very difficult for Mo Ran to distinguish the color of the shadow tentacles protruding in in a dark environment. up.

is it black?

No, if it was black, it would be completely invisible in the darkness.

After confirming this point, Mo Ran's hanging heart suddenly let go. As long as it is not a mature Yuan, she feels that with her current strength and her understanding of such things, she can survive. once.

For things like Yuan, the most sensitive organ on the whole body is its shadow tentacles. Although they are not eyes, they can capture all living things more accurately than eyes. Although they are not teeth, they are harder than teeth. More importantly, they can Transforming into various shapes and directly becoming the weapon used by Yuan to fight, it is the most troublesome existence in the battle.

Although Abyss is a high-level creature compared to all creatures today, it is still very careful. The shadow tentacles stretching in are cautiously probing and changing, observing everything in this darkness, trying to find a place to hide. All the "food" here.

Mo Ran sometimes feels that her luck is not very good, like when she was still in school, she was always the one called by the teacher, as if she had a strange halo that held all the hatred away , no matter any blow, as long as she is present, she will always be the first to hit her head-on.

Just like now, the hiding place of the three people who came in later was closer to the exit of the ruins, but Na Yuan's shadow tentacles did not swim in the direction where they were hiding, but ran directly in front of Mo Ran coming.

For a long time, Mo Ran has long been used to this situation, but seeing Na Yuan coming straight towards her still made her grit her teeth helplessly.

"right now we

Mo Ran completely ignored the question that popped up from her display panel, she put all her attention on the shadow tentacles that were slowly stretching towards her, and calculated the distance little by little , calculating the range of his attack.

Three meters, two meters, one meter five.

One meter two, one meter one, one meter...

Mo Ran's arm is sixty-two centimeters long, and the single sword in her hand is about forty-five centimeters long. In other words, the opponent must be within one meter of her to enter the attack range, but the best attack distance is To reach ninety or even eighty centimeters.

However, this distance is too close, even if the opponent is a human or a zombie, this distance is too close, let alone Yuan.

He Yu just watched the strange thing like blue smoke slowly extending from the ruins, and approached Mo Ran little by little, his whole body was tense, like a string about to break generally.

Before entering the apocalypse, he always felt a sense of accomplishment because of his small achievements in fighting, but it was not until after the apocalypse, until he met Mo Ran that he knew how far he was from the real battle, just like it is now , both he and Mo Ran tensed their nerves, but he became stiff because of fear, and he couldn't even move.

He could only stare helplessly at the green smoke, watching it approach Mo Ran little by little, watching it gradually show a fierce look, and he couldn't do anything, but at this moment, he lost all breath like death Mo Ran moved violently.

The long blade in her hand seemed to cut through the hope of death in the darkness, she jumped up suddenly, and struck out towards the green smoke.

To be honest, He Yu didn't see clearly what happened just now at all, he only knew that he just blinked, and the shadow like blue smoke suddenly shrank out of the ruins, and Mo Ran seemed to be drawn Generally, following the shadow directly popped out of the ruins.

Yuan's tentacles look like green smoke, but in fact they are not. Under the shadow-like green smoke, there are actually many joints hidden. Any joint is Yuan's weakness, but if you don't know Yuan enough, Had no idea about it, let alone captured any of the joints accurately.

If Yuan’s target today was another person, then its predation was obviously successful today, but it’s a pity—

It chose Mo Ran.

The author has something to say: I am an automatically updated manuscript~~