MTL - Return of the War God-Chapter 6472 The level above the Great Soul Saint

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Chapter 6472 The level above the annihilation of the great soul saint

At the moment, Ye Wuque no longer hesitated, and put the jade slip in his hand on his forehead!

Closing his eyes, the power of the soul suddenly poured into it.


In the next moment, Ye Wuque only felt a chill on his forehead, and then the vision of the whole soul seemed to be spinning, as if he had entered a wonderful world.

This is a strange world.

What came to my face was a hazy meaning, followed by a hazy diaphragm.

Ye Wuque was faintly visible, and behind the diaphragm, a vague figure seemed to be sitting cross-legged.

But because of the existence of this diaphragm, most of the sight is blocked.

But when Ye Wuque wanted to pass this layer of diaphragm, he felt an obstacle!


In the next moment, ripples suddenly appeared on this hazy diaphragm, and finally slowly converged into a line of divine soul branding.

"Those who haven't achieved the 'Black Hole Realm Great Perfection', don't force it, leave immediately."

"Those who achieve the 'Black Hole Realm Great Perfection', please shine on the diaphragm with the power of the soul."

After gaining insight into the imprint of the soul, Ye Wuque suddenly realized that this was obviously a test left by the author of this book.

Are only the creatures of the "Black Hole Realm Great Perfection" qualified to know the contents of this book?

Obviously rigorous.

As soon as his mind moved, Ye Wuque immediately controlled the power of his own soul to diffuse out, shining directly on the diaphragm.


As Ye Wuque's black hole kendo-level divine soul shone, the diaphragm immediately rippled and undulated, and then a strange faint shattering roar was heard. And go.

Naturally proved that Ye Wuque passed the test.

Immediately, the blurred figure that was sitting cross-legged behind the diaphragm now became clear.

It seemed to be a frail old man in his sixties.

Sitting cross-legged, motionless, with a slightly stooped figure, as if he had lost his energy, and more like he had become a statue.

But under the perception of Ye Wuque's divine soul power, he understood that this was a divine soul imprint!

I saw that the old man who was sitting cross-legged suddenly trembled slightly at this moment, and then slowly straightened his waist, as if he had woken up from a deep sleep, and an old voice resounded slowly.

"The years have passed."

"I didn't expect that the little experience I left, I really met a latecomer who met the conditions..."

As the old voice resounded, the old man sat upright completely, revealing his face.

In his sixtieth year, his temples are white, his face is ordinary, and there is nothing to stand out about. He only has a pair of eyes, but it is like a quiet spring in the mountains, exuding a mysterious and soul-shaking atmosphere.

The old man looked forward like this, and Ye Wuque felt that the old man's eyes seemed to be looking at him.

Of course, this is just a kind of staring at each other, not really seeing it.


"You can see the imprint of my divine soul, which shows that you are already a dead soul saint of 'the great perfection of the black hole'."

"It's not easy..."

"Anyone who can get to this step with the soul, the hardships and efforts they put in are not enough for outsiders. Of course, the opportunities and good fortune they have obtained are also beyond imagination!"

The old man's voice seemed to carry a hint of emotion, as if he was praising Ye Wuque, but in fact it was more of a memory of his own past.

"In any case, you can get the experience I left behind and see me, this is fate, or maybe it's destiny."

Immediately, the old man's voice became solemn and solemn.

"Later, my name is... 獥!"

"I used to be like you, and I was a soul cultivator who brought the great soul saint to the end and reached the 'black hole great perfection'."

"The experiences I left behind are the most valuable experiences in the second half of my life, and they are also experiences that I am unwilling to bring into the coffin."

"So I chose to enclose it in the jade slip and stay with the latecomers."

The old man, that is, the scorpion, said his name and expressed his attitude.

Ji Su's voice became deep and powerful, and his eyes seemed to be full of light.

"Later, I believe that you, like me, will have a period of excitement and excitement after breaking through to the great perfection of the black hole realm, and after the black hole primordial spirit has completely collapsed and condensed into a 'limit black spot'. After all, being able to walk At this point, it has proved its own strength!"

"However, with the passage of time, the excitement and excitement gradually recede, and a kind of instinctive reaction will gradually develop, feeling...the road ahead is over!"

"I can no longer see the hope of a breakthrough. It seems that I can only be stuck here, and I can't make progress."

"This feeling will gradually accumulate, gradually deepen, and eventually, it will be enough to drive people crazy!"

"Because, if a soul cultivator finds that there is no road ahead, how desperate will he be?"

"I used to feel this way..."

"But I'm not reconciled!"

"I figured out a little..."

"It's not that Divine Soul has no way forward after the 'Black Hole Realm Great Consummation', but this way forward, I don't know."

"The heaven and the earth are far away. From ancient times to the present, countless creatures have been shocked and brilliant, and countless evil spirits have appeared in the soul. How can it stop at the Great Soul Saint?"

"That's why I started the wandering and learning of a hundred years of growing up."

"I am convinced that I was still insignificant at the time, because everything I could see was just everything within my circle, and I didn't know the vast unknown and profound realm outside the circle."

"Life is alive, live to old age and learn old age."

"Never give up while your heart is still beating."

"Learning never stops, never stops."

"In the past hundred years, I have been wandering constantly, communicating with one soul cultivator after another, and I have also entered dozens of forces under the cloth to study, search, and finally let myself settle down."

"Break into one ancient forbidden place after another, and finally, in an ancient power site, a corpse was found..."

"Although the corpse has long since died, and most of the body has been weathered and turned into a skeleton, only the entire head is still intact and lifelike."

"When I brought it back and studied it in depth, I finally made an amazing discovery!"

"I also finally clarified the new level above the 'Sacred Soul Saint'..."

Said here, the voice of the scorpion became quite excited and emotional.

"The reason why that corpse's head is immortal and lifelike is because in his mind, there is a... world!"

"Although the body has fallen, decayed, weathered, and he has completely died, his head is still lifelike!"

"Just because the 'world' in the head exists, it is still dead and not rotten, and it is still full of vitality!"

"Speaking of this, you may find it strange that there is a 'world' in your head, isn't that the universe within the primordial spirit?"

"In the past, when the Great Soul Saint was annihilated, when it broke through from the Lighting Realm, the Great Sun Realm, and the Dark Star Realm, the inner universe of the primordial spirit formed was not a brand new world?"

"Then I can tell you, it's totally different!"

"The universe within the primordial spirit is illusory after all. It is an evolution of the divine soul space. The fundamental reason for its appearance is actually to serve the 'black hole'."

"Only after going through the evolution of the Illuminating Realm, the Great Sun Realm, and the Dark Star Realm, the creation of this road, and the emergence of the universe within the Primordial Spirit, can the destruction of the 'Black Hole Realm' be prepared!"

"This is a small cycle that exists within the Four Great Realms of the Great Soul Saint."

"However, the 'world' in the corpse's mind is different. It is... real!"

"That's a whole new world that I opened up!"

"At that time, I was extremely excited and researched like crazy, starting with the corpse, combining with countless ancient classics, and finally, it was finally completely determined..."

The hornet's voice became fiery and devout!

"The real world of gods and souls, with oneself as the origin, reached the limit in the destruction of the 'black hole', and then re-created, and gave birth to a 'soul world' of its own, referred to as the 'soul world'. The 'Soul Realm' really exists, but compared to the real world, the 'Soul Realm' is still... illusory!"

"From the real to the virtual, from the virtual to the real."

"From destruction to creation, then from creation to destruction, and finally... the 'soul world' was born!"

"And the brand-new title above the 'Great Soul Saint of Quiet Desolation' can be called... God because it has opened up its own 'soul world'!"

"So, this new level has surpassed all previous realms and can no longer be simply described by realm names. Achievements and realms are integrated. In ancient times, soul cultivators who belonged to their own 'soul realm' were created. They will be Respectfully called…”

"False God!"

"In short, a soul cultivator who is qualified to go this far and succeed, to a certain extent, is equivalent to... becoming a god!"

"Achieve a False God!"

"Illuminate the real world outside with the 'will of the False God', connect the power of the universe, feed back oneself, and continue to grow the 'soul world'. !"