MTL - Return of the War God-Chapter 6473 A true word is passed on, and a thousand volumes are falsely passed on.

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Chapter 6473 A true word, a false rumor

So far, the voice of the scorpion has become more exciting and frenzied than ever before!

What he said was the success of his own lifelong research, with a kind of joy, but also with a kind of excitement and devotion to see the way forward and find a new direction.

Chao Wendao, Xi can die!

It will be so!

And Ye Wuque, who had been listening quietly and listened to all the words of the Katydid, had already heard all the words of the katydid. At this time, the prophet had already set off a mighty wave, it was difficult to calm down, and even inexplicable excitement!

False God!

Is this a brand new level above the "Sacred Soul Saint"?

Yu Shenhun has already thought of the infinite glory and achievement of "becoming a god"!

Become a god!

The meaning of these two words in any age, in the eyes of any creature, has a special meaning that is extremely important!

Who in the boyhood, the childhood, looked at the immortals in the novels flying in the sky, and didn't shout excitedly "I want to be a **** too"?

Even Ye Wuque did not expect that the new level above the Great Soul Saint of Silting is to become a god, to become a... False God!

At this moment, Ye Wuque was also full of emotions!

There, the voice also stopped slightly at this time, and it seemed to be calming down.

It wasn't until after a few breaths that he showed a smile again and said, "How is it? When you hear this, are you feeling overwhelmed and inexplicably excited?"

"Hahahaha! When I was completely certain about all this, I was so excited, but I was so excited for three days and three nights, it was hard to control myself!"

"False God!"

"Become a god!"

"The records from the ancient books, from the existence of real cases of corpses, made me sure of all this, and also understood how splendid the road ahead is! How glorious! How glorious!"

"It took a few months of work for me to completely calm down, make full preparations, and try to make a breakthrough!"

Ji Su's expression became complicated.

"False God!"

"Become a **** with the soul!"

"What a brilliant new level?"

"But the more brilliant the achievement, the more difficult and dangerous it is to make a breakthrough!"

"A little careless, you will die!"

"I was..."

"Despite making perfect preparations and using the corpse to simulate countless times, in the end there is less than half of the success rate."

"But it has come to this point, as if the arrow had to be shot on the string! The accumulation and desire for more than a hundred years is really difficult to suppress!"

"In the end, I chose...Breakthrough!"

"And the way to break through is actually very simple, that is... self-destruction!"

"Exploding the 'extreme black spot'!"

"Extreme Destruction!"

"Let destruction cover everything!"

"Once upon a time, from the great perfection of the transcendent soul saint to the great soul saint of annihilation, it was neither broken nor established, broken and then established!"

"However, it is completely different from the self-destruction of the 'extreme black spot'!"

"And the self-destruction of the extreme black spot is just... one of them!"

"Second, we need to incorporate a little 'soul world aura'!"

"This second point is very important!"

"The spiritual light of the soul world is a spiritual light that only soul cultivators who have achieved the level of 'False God' are qualified to point out."

"If you don't have this bit of aura, then the self-destruction of the 'extreme black spot'... it's really self-destruction, and it will be completely dead, and there will be no scum left!"

"Originally, I thought that I didn't have the spiritual light of the soul world, but there is no way to do it, and there is still a trace of spiritual light in the soul world in the mind of the corpse!"

"This is my chance, my good fortune, so at that time I felt that there was no better opportunity than this!"

"So, I chose to be a breakthrough!"

Speaking of which, Sui's expression became complicated, emotional, and inexplicable, as if with a... wry smile?

But in the next moment, there was a hint of pride and excitement in the eyes of Xie Suan!

"Later, I can tell you that I have successfully made a breakthrough! I have become a false god!"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Wuque was also shocked!

This scorpion, is it successful?

Is this a living False God?

But soon, Sui's expression became sighing and complicated again, showing a touch of helplessness and bitterness.


"Although I succeeded!"

"But when I really succeeded and really opened up my 'soul world', I discovered the fatal point!"

"That's why my 'soul world' is falling into ruin little by little!"

"I did become a False God, but my Soul Realm can't be maintained at all, as if it's just... a one-off!"

"This ending is simply unacceptable to me!"

"You must know that once the soul world cannot be maintained or grown, it will be like a boat sailing against the current without advancing and retreating, and it will bring me death!"

"The soul world, for the False God, think of the things of life. The stronger the soul world, the more vast, the stronger and stronger, the stronger the False God will be! The False God's will will be more powerful!"

"When my 'soul world' is completely destroyed, that is when I die!"

"Hey, I have exhausted all my hardships, paid everything, and finally got what I wanted, but in the end, I still have to draw water from a bamboo basket?"

"I can not be reconciled!"

"I don't even know what's wrong, desperately researching!"

"In the end, it was me who found out the problem..."

Things have become complicated and comical, it seems that he is mocking himself, and there is a kind of helpless bitterness.


"If you want to make yourself enough to carry the 'soul world', you still need a strong enough body!"

"Because at the moment of self-destruction of the limit black spot, which is equivalent to the moment when the world opened up, if there is no strong enough body to carry it, the power of the soul world emitted will be very weak, and finally it will be like a castle in the air, then it is done, it is also It's just a flower in the moon mirror in the water!"

"The stronger the physical body, the stronger the initial soul realm created, and the higher the success rate!"

"God knows how speechless and sad I was when I found this final answer!"

"Riding on a horse! I'm a soul cultivator!"

"Since I was a child, I have been working with the soul! Specializing in the power of the soul, not to mention the physical body, even the Yuanli cultivation base is just a casual and simple deal."

"How weak is my body?"

"In the end, he actually told me that if I want to become a 'False God', I still need a strong physical body??"

"It was only then that I understood that it is the so-called 'fake ten thousand volumes of books, but true one sentence'!"

"At least in ancient times, those who successfully achieved the existence of 'false gods' were all inherited from their teachers and taught by their masters, and the physical body is also a sentence that master has always kept in mind and will never be recorded in the classics. in!"

"But it's such a simple sentence, even a speechless sentence, that actually determines the final achievement of the False God!"

"I don't have a teacher, I rely on my own research. Although I have made everything clear from the ancient books, I also got the greatest chance... corpse and soul world aura!"

"But in the end, I lost in this simple sentence that I could never have imagined."


When he said this, he also laughed in anger.

Let Ye Wuque sigh softly in his heart at this time.