MTL - Return of the War God-Chapter 6474 open up the world

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Chapter 6474 Open up the world

This scorpion can be said to be a genius of the sky, at least in terms of spirit and soul, he is absolutely amazing, completely relying on himself, coupled with good luck, he just found the level of "false god", and finally succeeded The breakthrough!

However, this kind of breakthrough is only equivalent to the "Void God One-time Experience Voucher", and finally lost to the "flesh".

Even Ye Wuque felt a little speechless.

Thousands of fake books!

True word!

But it is often such a simple sentence that determines the ultimate fate.

This is the benefit of having teachers and experienced elders.

This is also impossible.

Ji Su, lost in the absence of a teacher, in the end can only drink hatred.

"Hey, if the destiny is not mine, who can I blame?"

"No matter how helpless or unwilling, you can only accept it."

Ji Su's voice sounded again, but it became calm again. He looked forward and seemed to be looking at Ye Wuque.


"You are lucky!"


"Before breaking through, you must strengthen your physical strength to be as powerful as possible."

"I left this experience because I was unwilling, and I hope that some latecomers can succeed."

"Why do I say you're lucky?"

"Because I left you with a soul world aura! Although I will eventually die, when I die, I will die as a 'False God', that's enough!"

"Later, come on!"

"If the day comes for you to break through, I hope you will succeed."

"Don't be like me and die suffocated."

The last word fell, and the imprint of the scorpion's soul disappeared!

Ye Wuque opened his eyes.

At this time, his expression was also filled with a hint of emotion.

But at this moment, he could feel that in this jade slip, along with the manifestation of the imprint of the divine soul, there was a mysterious aura...

Soul world aura!

In addition, Ye Wuque also found that the imprint of the divine soul of the scorpion has not completely disappeared, and it seems that there is still a trace left.

This trace of divine soul brand seems to have the last bit of obsession.

Looking at Yu Jian, Ye Wuque's eyes gradually became firm and calm.

Will the tragedy of Ji Suan be repeated in him?

of course not!

If you say anything else, it's fine, but in the "power of the flesh", who is Brother Ye afraid of?

If the physical strength of the physical body at the enlightenment level can't carry the "soul world", then it will break through a hook, it is better to kill it with one head!

"Choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun!"

"Since everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng!"

"Then... let's get started!"

Without hesitation, Ye Wuque directly chose to start a breakthrough.

With this detailed introduction of the scorpion, do I need to say more?

As for true or false.

The reward from the trial of the God of Heaven and Desolation, according to his personal order, will naturally not be a problem.

Ye Wuque put Yujian in front of him, slowly exhaled, and then closed his eyes.

In the soul space.

The extreme black spot is throbbing!

It seems like it has been standing here forever!

Ye Wuque glanced at his limit black spot, and then issued an order without hesitation...

Blow up!

boom! !

The extreme black spot exploded instantly!

Ye Wuque's soul space immediately fell into a big explosion!

An aura of destruction suddenly rippling!

Ye Wuque became extremely uncomfortable, and the whole person was about to split!

If it were any other creature, he would think that Ye Wuque had lost his mind!

Click, click!

At this moment, one shocking crack after another appeared on Ye Wuque's face!

His whole person is like a broken porcelain doll, very scary!


Ye Wuque complained about the unity, carefully felt the limit of destruction, and found the point of balance...

After destruction, there is rebirth!


It is also the beginning of rebirth!

Just when Ye Wuque was about to explode completely...

"found it!"

That point of balance, Ye Wuque knew!

"This is the moment!"

Ye Wuque's mind moved, and the spiritual light of the soul world left by the jade slip in front of him was instantly captured and melted into Ye Wuque's mind!

boom! !

At the moment of fusion, Ye Wuque felt as if he had come to a place of gray chaos.

The sky and the earth were chaotic, there was nothing, and nothing could be seen.

Like scorched earth after destruction.

Only his own aura shines!

In a trance, Ye Wuque is blessed to the soul...

"Open the sky... open up the earth!"

With a loud roar, Ye Wuque turned into a little spiritual light with the power of his soul, piercing this chaotic world!


Immediately, the chaos disappeared, and a new shining world was born, extremely brilliant.

"This is... Soul Realm?"

"Belonging to my soul world?"

Ye Wuque was also amazed at this moment.

next moment...


Ye Wuque suddenly felt that his body was heavy, and it seemed that some power was carried on his body.

It is the original and most important bearing of the "Soul World"!

But how powerful is Ye Wuque's physical power?

He doesn't even have to do anything.

The Soul Realm immediately felt strong support from Ye Wuque's powerful physical strength.

Immediately, the supported soul world seemed to have found the cornerstone. It was no longer boundless water, and began to radiate out with the help of the power of the flesh, and settled in Ye Wuque's head!

This is a backfeeding process and an important evolutionary process.

Because the power of the body is not strong enough, the scorpion failed in the process, which led to the final tragic fate.

Soon, the spirit space in Ye Wuque's mind had disappeared, replaced by...

Soul world!

I don't know how long this process lasted.

until a certain moment...


In Ye Wuque's mind, there was suddenly a sound of closing that seemed to fit tightly!

Ye Wuque's eyebrows suddenly shone with a dazzling brilliance!

"The soul world has become..."


A faint smile appeared on the corner of Ye Wuque's mouth.

He suddenly opened his eyes!

In the eyes, there seems to be endless brilliance shining, piercing the sky and the ground!

Ye Wuque's entire soul, at this time, has fallen into a comprehensive evolution of rebirth!

The soul world is shining!

Yu Ye Wuque's mind continued to shine!

A new attitude is revealed!

When the brilliance in Ye Wuque's eyes dissipated, and everything returned to calm...

Ye Wuque once again showed a sincere smile.

"From now on, together with the soul, I will be... False God!"

An indescribable mysterious pressure rippled from Ye Wuque's body, and his whole person and the whole world seemed to undergo an unprecedented mysterious change.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque's expression suddenly changed slightly.

"This breakthrough..."

"It's too smooth, too simple, isn't it?"

This is a false god!

A breakthrough in becoming a god!

It would be so smooth, without the slightest accident and difficulty, and it was such a simple success?

It was so simple that Ye Wuque felt a little unreal!

You must know that even if it was the breakthrough from the extraordinary soul saint to the great soul saint of annihilation, the scene and process were much more earth-shattering than this!