MTL - Return of the War God-Chapter 6959 : One finger... Suppression!

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Understatement, without a hint of pyrotechnics.

But following Ye Wuque's action, the void centered on him seemed to stagnate for an instant!

The sky and the ground are solidified.

Only the nine-colored palm surrounded by auspicious clouds and gold and silver flames became the only light in the universe!

The void stood up!

Fingers open!

Sweep everything!


The terrifying red radiance lit up, like the Excalibur of Dawn piercing through the eternal night, bursting out an unparalleled vast sacred wave!

Destroy the world with your palm!

Ye Wuque slapped a palm of heaven and earth, everything is annihilated!

The second emperor only felt a dazzling brilliance coming, and he could hardly open his eyes!


But the second emperor let out a cold drink.

The Demon Prison behind it also roared, the void expanded, and its full size increased dozens of times, reaching a size of tens of thousands of feet, covering the sky and blocking the sun, descending on the world, dragging out endless black air to suppress leaves Come without any shortage!

One force down ten will!

The second emperor is just one word at this time... Smash!


The earth-shattering roar exploded in an instant, stirring up millions of miles of brilliance, surging up into the sky.

Look far away!

The brilliant giant palm hit the terrifying Demon Prison, setting off an endless turmoil!

"Ye Wuque!"

"Tianmu is by my side, I am invincible!"

"The power I control now is beyond what you can imagine!" The second emperor roared, full of ambition!

Before, it confronted Ye Wuque and was crushed like a rotten one!

But now, it has just shown its strength, and it can already stand up to it!

This shows what? ?

It shows that Ye Wuque in front of him is no longer a big deal in his eyes!

It has gained the power to completely suppress Ye Wuque...


The surging thoughts in the second emperor's heart were dissipated by the sudden terrifying roar, and when it saw the front clearly, its pupils shrank violently, as if struck by lightning!

As far as the eye can see!

It seems to see the mighty and mighty torrent of the ages... the sword light!

Pale yellow knife light!

Overlord the world and be invincible for thousands of years!

It's like splitting from ancient times!


It is no longer the light of the knife, but the torrent of history, the amazing ancient history formed by the light of the knife!

The second emperor almost didn't even have the qualifications to react, so he saw the devil's prison that was dazzled by his eyes...


The devil prison that should be indestructible and destroy everything is now as fragile as tofu and is cut open!

The vast and incomparable sword intent continued unabated, rolling up the darkness of the void in the ten directions and heading straight for this void!


It's not only aimed at the second emperor, but the entire void where it is located!

Cut them all off!

Under the light of the sword, it will disappear into nothingness.


The second emperor immediately let out a wild and unwilling roar!


The chains all over its body jumped out suddenly, rising against the wind, as if turning into roaring snakes!

Shocking blood was still flowing on each chain, as if he had already drunk the blood, it was indescribably vicious!

The chains of the serpent intertwined in the void, forming a huge blood net of chains, which seemed to contain the sky, filled with a kind of aura and blood...

Tear! Click!

Under the horrified eyes of the second emperor, its killer move disappeared just as soon as it opened!

Overwhelmed by the pale yellow knife light!

Annihilated directly into nothingness.

"Why, why??"

The second emperor was full of bitterness and despair. He couldn't figure out why he had already evolved to the end, but why did he still end up in the same way when he met Ye Wuque?

Not really, this time, at least resisted an extra move.


The body of the second emperor suddenly froze in place.

The pale yellow knife light rolled up that void, completely cutting it off from the world!

The second emperor was instantly wiped out, not even a scum left.

The black hole of space emerges, devouring everything in the world, full of visual impact!

Ye Wuque stepped across the black hole of space expressionlessly, and continued to move forward.

The second emperor seems to be much stronger than the last one!

However, for Ye Wuque, there is no difference...

But it's just an extra cut.

Ye Wuque's eyes, from beginning to end, fell on Shen Nanzhi's back, which had gradually become clear.

The closer it was, the more turbulent the terrifying aura reflected by the long river of space at that time, the more surging it was, almost covering the sky and blocking out the sun, completely isolating that void!

It gives people the illusion that they are not in the same world at all.

Before, when Ye Wuque first entered the Yongyetian Tomb, he encountered the reflection of the long river of time and space, and was involved in it. This is how the hall and nine murals came about, but Ye Wuque at that time was only two people. Bu sage king, his physical body has never broken through, and he has suffered a lot in it. If he hadn't relied on the physical body of time and space to resist, the consequences would be unimaginable!

And even so, the reflection of the long river of time and space at that time is nothing compared to the present one!

The reflection of the long river of time and space in front of him is obviously complete, completely exploded and sublimated.

Undoubtedly, whether it is momentum or strength, it has surpassed the previous countless times!


Ye Wuque at this time has also undergone earth-shaking changes from before.

He has also made unimaginable progress, and he has also been reborn, as if he has been sublimated to the extreme!

Now, just relying on the aura emanating from the reflection of the river in time and space, he is... fearless!

Finally, when Ye Wuque took another step, and his figure straddled a void, he stopped.

Shen Nanzhi in front was only Baizhang away from him.

Almost within reach!

Shen Nanzhi still turned her back, she stood there, motionless, as if staring at the reflection of the long river of time and space, the divine bone scepter in her hand exuded a terrifying aura.

Only the black robe that appeared on her body in the form of the second emperor disappeared.

Buzz buzz!

Suddenly, as the pitch-black smoke surged, countless ashes gathered towards Shen Nanzhi's tender body from all directions in the void, and gradually, they condensed into that complete black robe again!

The second emperor, still alive, turned into clothes and put them on Shen Nanzhi's body.

Everything is peaceful and weird.

Ye Wuque looked at Shen Nanzhi's back, his eyes were deep and sharp, and he opened his mouth lightly.

"Where is Xi Chong?"

In the dead world, Ye Wuque's voice was not high, but it was so clear.

Shen Nanzhi, as if she didn't hear it, didn't turn her head, but her face finally moved, as if she was gently... shaking her head.

"You, you shouldn't have come."

Shen Nanzhi's voice finally sounded.

Floating from the front, it fell into Ye Wuque's ear. It was indeed Shen Nanzhi's voice, but the tone was no longer what it used to be.

Indifferent, numb.

There is also a hint of hoarseness.

"You, you should go."

Shen Nanzhi spit out another sentence, as if...sighing?

Ye Wuque's face remained unchanged, but from Shen Nanzhi's body, he felt a huge strangeness!

She is obviously still her, but it seems that she is no longer her.

"so what?"

Ye Wuque responded.

Shen Nanzhi, who had been turning his back to him, finally turned around slowly at this moment!

A majestic jet-black radiance surged across that beautiful pretty face, like a flash of surprise.

But those eyes, which have been submerged by endless pitch-black light, are so majestic and strange.

She was staring at Ye Wuque, and behind her was the reflection of the mighty river of time and space, full of the distortion and horror of the years!

"Fate finally made a choice."

"Everything cannot be changed."

"No matter who it is, they can only obey the... arrangement of fate!"


The moment the last two words fell, a mask slowly covered Shen Nanzhi's face, covering her face.

The black mask!

Like the face of a devil!

It is full of an indescribable austerity and antiquity.

At the same time, Shen Nanzhi gently stretched out a finger, pointing towards Ye Wuque...a finger!

Ye Wuque's eyes froze in the void!


He was struck by lightning in an instant, and was flooded by endless pitch-black radiance. There seemed to be some kind of terrifying and ancient supreme fluctuation in the seven surroundings that flashed away. He didn't have any reaction or counterattack power at all. It hit the ground, and finally a deafening shattering roar erupted, smashing out a huge pit tens of thousands of feet in size, bottomless!

An understatement…

Shen Nanzhi pointed!

It seems to have suppressed Ye Wuque!

Above the void, Shen Nanzhi really stood like the supreme Heavenly Mother, with the devil's face covering his face, and the finger was still stretched out, giving people an indescribable majesty and majesty.


In the next moment, a weak but cruel and happy woman's strange laughter came from Shen Nanzhi's body, which originated from the black robe that Shen Nanzhi had returned... the second emperor!

"Things that don't know life and death, and don't know dignity!"

"Did you really think you could reach the so-called friendship with the great Heavenly Mother?"

"As great as you, what you showed before was nothing more than a faint pity for him."

"This ant doesn't know how to cherish it..."

"There is... Yu Gu!"

"Death is not a pity!"