MTL - Return of the War God-Chapter 7004 :gone

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"To see this situation...even if you die a hundred thousand times...what's the problem?"

As if the Ziyang God had come back to life, he muttered to himself.

"Four Extreme Realm Creatures..."

"Four Extreme Realm Creatures..."

"Throughout the the extreme can be called...invincible!"

Ziyang God looked at Ye Wuque again, he seemed to have no extra expressions now, and his tone became indifferent instead.

This is a kind of calm after the emotions boiled to the extreme, after the complete collapse.

It can be seen from the slight trembling of Ziyang God at this moment.

But facing Ziyang God's gaze, Ye Wuque smiled slightly again.

"Remember the last words you said before you died?"

Ziyang God was taken aback.

Subconscious memories began in my mind.

Thinking of all the things that happened before I died in the Extreme Realm of Human Kings, and the last words I said...

"I don't know... In this world..."

"Throughout the ages..."

"Are there any creatures from the 'Ultimate Realm'..."

"Even the body-forging state can be forged... the extreme state..."

"I'm afraid... there won't be... and it's impossible..."

"But... if there is really..."

"What would it be like...great achievement...what kind of...prestige..."

"That creature... would it be... what... a monster..."

"I'm really...envious...ah..."


The moment Ziyang God remembered all of this!

Buzz buzz!

Ye Wuque's two extreme realms disappeared, and his fighting spirit surged all over his body!

The body shines!

Ninety-two golden springs in the body!

At this moment, it was born out of nowhere, lingering behind him, and everything manifested!

The cultivation base of the three-step saint king is displayed without reservation, which is clear to the world!

The breath of Ziyang God, instantly...


The pupil shrank to the size of a pinhead again!

He froze in place as if he had been hit by a hold spell!

Looking at Ye Wuque, as if looking at an indescribable... monster!

"Three-step sage king..."

"Is this your true cultivation realm?"

"You, you are not... a creature of the four extremes! You, you are..."

"All extremes... creatures!"

The last word, Ziyang God yelled out again!

Ye Wuque, with fluttering hair and deep and bright eyes, nodded slightly and smiled lightly.

"as you wish…"

"The current me is the 'Full Extreme Realm'."

Ziyang God, it seems that he can't say a word anymore!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

He raised his head violently and laughed wildly!

There is endless joy, excitement and happiness in the laughter!

That's right!

It is happiness!

Even the Purple Yang God shed tears!

This is not the hypocrisy of a child's love, but the moving tears of "I am one, I can see the truth of the Dao, and I am moved by my belief and perseverance"!

He understood what Ye Wuque meant!

Through his blood, Ye Wuque saw everything before his death and knew his last words before his death.

Body forging extreme!

Creatures from all extremes!

This is his last and greatest obsession and desire before he dies!


Ye Wuque in front of him... fulfilled him!

Completed his real last regret!

In order to repay the cause and effect.

"I heard about can die in the evening!"

"I heard about can die in the evening!"


Ziyang God kept laughing and tears poured down like rain!

After a full seven or eight breaths, Ziyang God wiped away his tears.

He stared at Ye Wuque, took a deep breath, trembling extremely, the voice sounded again!

"Your achievement! I can't describe it anymore!"

"Even, I am not qualified to evaluate and estimate at all."

"And I also understand your ambition!"

"The whole world..."

"You will definitely persevere!"

"So, Human King Ultimate Realm, you will definitely break through!"

"please remember!"

"Absolutely don't worry!"

"You are countless times more enchanting than me!"

"If the Dragon Gate Extreme Realm fails, the Human King Ultimate Realm must fail!"

"But your Longmen Ultimate Realm has been achieved! Then, the Human King Ultimate Realm is not a luxury for you!"

"please remember!"

"Don't worry!"

"We must try our best to go as far as possible on the road of the saint king, as far as possible! After we have really reached the limit, we will consider the extreme state of the king!"

"I am a living example!"

"You, don't make the same mistakes as me!"

"At least a five-step saint king will never be able to bear the extreme realm of a human king!"


"Of course, throughout the ages, you have been unquestionably respected and absolutely invincible in the extreme realm!"

"It's not something I can say just in case!"

Ye Wuque listened quietly, and when he heard this, he nodded with a smile and said, "Don't worry."

"Extreme King Realm, I won't be in a hurry."

"Because my goal is to open up all the divine springs, and after reaching the 'Ultimate Saint King', I will go to achieve the Ultimate Realm of Human King!"

"I also want to see what a scene it will be!"

As soon as these words came out, Ziyang God was stunned!



"As expected of you!"

"Worthy of being a creature from the entire extreme realm!"

"Is it the Ultimate Realm of the Human King built on the basis of the Ultimate Saint King... Such a scenery, such a scenery..."

Ziyang God seems to be in a trance!


"Originally, I have nothing to worry about."

Ziyang God seemed to have a rare humorous smile.

"But now, I suddenly don't want to die."

"I want to continue to live, I want to see you who are in the extreme realm, when you reach the end of the peak of the avenue of cultivation, what kind of invincible demeanor will you have?"

"Don't worry, I will work hard."

Ye Wuque said with a smile.

Ziyang God also laughed.

Then, the two laughed louder and louder!

Laughter echoed throughout the thirty-third floor!

Filled with a kind of pride!

Chi Chi Chi!

Until the gray smoke on Ziyang God's body became thicker and thicker, his physical body began to collapse again.

"I have to go now."

After taking a look at his own body that had started to be ashes again, the Ziyang God who regained his composure spoke.

"The ominous occupancy of my body, I can feel it has been wiped out, don't worry, it won't come back!"

"Hmph! Occupy my body?"

"Then you have to pay the price!"

"There is only one dead end!"

Ziyang Shen's tone was serious, with a kind of bloodthirsty coldness.

"You, is there anything you can't let go of?"

In the end, Ye Wuque still spoke like this and asked Ziyang God.

Ziyang God, his expression seemed to move slightly.

It was as if his lips moved, and he stopped talking.

But in the end, he slowly shook his head.

"there is none left."

"I don't regret my death, thanks to you, I don't have any regrets anymore!"

"You don't owe me any karma anymore."

"Thank you for helping me, goodbye, Ye Wuque."


Ziyang God, after finishing his clean last words, waved his hand at Ye Wuque, then raised his head, as if he was looking at the nine heavens, and he didn't know where he was looking in the distance.


The next moment.

Ziyang God was completely wiped out!

Walk freely.

Go simply.

Walking without sloppy.

This is the Ziyang God.

Different, paranoid.

Seeing the ashes dissipate in the void, Ye Wuque, who was standing in the void, also spoke softly.

"Bye now…"

"The Purple Sun God."

But this moment!

Gazing at the last sliver of ashes.

The most inconceivable special power of faith in the body of Ziyang God originated from the "Lisheng Temple" in his mind!

Ye Wuque couldn't stop a seemingly absurd idea from appearing in his mind...

The Purple Sun God, who is a creature in the extreme realm...

This time, is it really completely dead?