MTL - Return of the War God-Chapter 7012 : Boss, you finally made a move!

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Emperor Acacia, finally exiled herself into the chaotic years!

It is tantamount to completely destroying one's last hope.

I would rather have no bones left!

Just to not leave any loopholes for the enemy to exploit!

How decisive and heroic is this?

At this moment, Ye Wuque couldn't hide the sadness in his heart, and felt a kind of suppressed sadness.

"Di Xiangsi...we are here...we are here..."

"Let us collect the body for you..."

"The enemies are dead! They are all dead..."

The old nerve couldn't cry, fell to his knees, covered his face and cried and screamed bitterly.

Even the last bit of ash can't be restrained. For the old nerves, life is worse than death!

Brother Xiao Sa stared at the last ashes, trembling endlessly, but couldn't do anything.

I can only stare like this!

Scattered in the endless chaotic years, it has long been out of reach, how can it be restrained?

You can't even bury your dead comrades in peace!


Brother Xiao Sa muttered to himself, carrying deep resentment towards himself.


Ye Wuque, who was silently mourning, flashed his eyes.

He looked down at himself...

Space-time suit!

At this moment, Ye Wuque suddenly had a strange feeling.

That supreme being left the space-time battle suit to himself, is it just for this moment?

Slowly exhaling a turbid breath, Ye Wuque said in a deep voice: "Let me try to find the ashes of Emperor Acacia."

As soon as these words came out, no matter if it was the old nerve or Brother Xiao Sa, their bodies trembled violently!

But they understood immediately, and looked at the space-time battle suit Ye Wuque was still wearing.

Brother Xiaosa's small eyes are slightly bright!

"That's right! The space-time suit! With the space-time suit, you can really try it!"

"The weaker the cultivation level, the lesser the impact will be when entering the chaotic time and space, and it will be safer!"


Immediately, Brother Xiaosa's whole body glowed, and radiant silk threads emerged out of the sky, covering Ye Wuque in an instant, wrapping around his body fiercely several times.

"Don't worry, with my power attached to you, if there is any crisis, I can pull you back in an instant!"

Brother Xiao Sa said affirmatively.

The old nerve also stood up suddenly at this time.

Ye Wuque nodded slowly.

At this moment, there was no need to say anything more, he turned around directly, looked at Di Xiangsi who was close at hand, and took a step forward!


In an instant, Ye Wuque felt a hindrance, which seemed to be exactly the same as the situation of the old nerve before.


No matter how difficult it is to get an inch.


But immediately, a miraculous scene appeared!

The time-space battle suit on Ye Wuque's body shone with a strange light, and he began to show his power!

His whole body suddenly rippled like ripples.

Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly lit up!

He saw the endless reflections of... the long river of time and space!




But full of rage!

Ye Wuque instinctively felt a terrifying depression.

As if facing Haohao Tianwei!

Emperor Acacia's... Dao Fruit Yuwei!

If he didn't have the space-time battle suit, he would be wiped out in an instant, but at this moment, Ye Wuque took a deep breath and stepped out with a sudden step.

He can move!

Stepped into the reflection of the long river of time and space once again.

But under the vision of Brother Xiaosa and Lao Nervous, Ye Wuque in front of him suddenly disappeared inexplicably!


The original three-foot distance area shone with endless brilliance of time and space, drowning everything.

"Go back!"

Brother Xiao Sa immediately drank loudly.

Back off with old nerves.

"Successful! He, he has really stepped into the aftermath of Emperor Acacia's Dao Fruit!"

The old nerves are a little excited.

Brother Xiaosa felt it carefully.

"Little boy is fine! I can feel it!" Immediately afterwards, Brother Xiao Sa's voice became a little brisk again.

The aftermath of Di Xiangsi's "Dao Fruit" is shaking, and its power has spread through the ages. No matter whether it is Brother Xiao Sa or Lao Shen, they can't see anything at this moment!

Only the vast space-time Guanhui boils and shines in front of his eyes!

At this time, Ye Wuque seemed to be walking in the mud.

Surrounded by endless brilliance!

He couldn't see anything.

He couldn't even tell the direction, only the space-time battle suit on his body shone, protecting him as he moved forward.

Fortunately, in the haze, he could see a little trace.

I vaguely remember the direction of Emperor Acacia Jie Hui.

Along this direction, Ye Wuque moved forward with all his strength, even though it was extremely difficult, he was still trying.

But go ahead.

It's getting harder and harder!

Without the protection of the space-time suit, the consequences would be disastrous.

In a trance!

Ye Wuque felt as if he had stepped on endless years.

Incomplete pictures of a period of time!

The rise and fall of each era!

Like a streamer, it surged in front of Ye Wuque's eyes.

Let Ye Wuque suddenly have an illusion of eternity for a moment, this feeling is more strange and indescribable than traveling through time and space.

at the same time!

He even felt a vast, peaceful, sacred, great, ethereal residual breath!

The breath of Emperor Acacia!

Can its remaining "Dao Fruit" power?

I don't know how long it has passed!

Ye Wuque's gaze suddenly froze!

Once again, he saw the pitch-black high platform and the ashes of Di Xiangsi.

It was scattered over the years, but it was found by Ye Wuque!

"There it is!"

Ye Wuque rushed over with all his strength, the brilliance of the space-time battle suit on his body was already boiling.

Ye Wuque seemed to be struck by lightning, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

He can hardly take it anymore!

But Ye Wuque gritted his teeth tightly, and broke out recklessly at this moment, his physical strength boiled!


two steps!

Three steps!

Ye Wuque spat out blood!

But that pitch-black high platform is really close at hand, less than a foot away!

His eyes were bloodshot!

Ye Wuque felt that he would split open at any time!


Let out a low growl!

Ye Wuque abruptly took half a step again!

Click, click!

The flesh began to crack!

Terrifying cracks lay horizontally, dripping with blood!

Ye Wuque instantly turned into a blood man, he suddenly stretched out his right hand, and grabbed the front fiercely.

With a snap, Ye Wuque tried his best and finally grabbed a corner of the pitch-black high platform!

A cold and scorched touch came.

Just move forward two inches more!

He will be able to catch the ashes of Emperor Acacia!

But at this time, Ye Wuque's bloodshot eyes were wide open, and his face was slightly distorted.

Because the last two inches of distance seem to be so close!

Can't get enough!

Ye Wuque's right hand began to tremble crazily!

Slowly and weakly loosen.

The time-space battle suit on his body has boiled to the extreme, Ye Wuque's whole body has stretched to the limit, if he doesn't let go, he will explode into blood mist on the spot!

In the bloodshot eyes, Ye Wuque flashed a touch of unwillingness and sadness.

After all, it's still... a little bit worse...

But the next moment!

Ye Wuque's pupils froze suddenly!


An ancient, mysterious and obscure wave suddenly poured into his body!

Originated from Yuanyang Ring!

Originated from... an ancient bronze mirror!

Ye Wuque's mind was suddenly lifted, and he felt a brand-new power that could not be described!

He leaned forward suddenly, and his right hand, which was about to let go, gained support, and firmly grasped the corner of the pitch-black platform!

The ancient bronze mirror, which had not responded since entering the 33rd floor, finally changed at this moment!

It was as if he was alive again.

As if, just to wait for this critical moment to arrive!

This made Ye Wuque's heart burst into an unconcealable surprise, and he almost couldn't help but growl!

Boss, you finally reacted! It's finally done!

Next moment!

Ye Wuque clearly felt that the ancient bronze mirror originating from the Yuanyang ring had changed, and it was getting bigger and bigger!

Unprecedented... intense!

It seems to be accumulating something!

What happens next?

he does not know.

There is an inexplicable anxiety and tension!

At this moment, Ye Wuque only felt as if his whole body was being electrified!

Trembling slightly!

The whole body is numb!


A strong instinct reminded him that he must firmly hold on to this corner of the pitch-black high platform, and he must never let go!