MTL - Returning From Level 900-Chapter 15 not like a good guy

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Chapter 15 Not like a good person

"Wang Wen." The skinny boy winked quietly and said, "Go back with me, they don't look like good people!"

'What do you need to say about this? ’

Wang Wen clutched his forehead, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

As soon as he entered the small lane, he was hit on the back of the head. I don't know who moved his hand. The strength was as light as a feather. He didn't even feel dizzy.

Looking at the large group of people in the small alley, there is no familiar face.

The mastermind didn't show up?

"Hey, wait, wait." Wang Wen touched the back of his head, and reached out to stop the people who wanted to rush up from all directions: "Can you tell me the reason first? I just finished eating and shouldn't be exercising vigorously!"

"I heard that you are crazy!" A man with the appearance of a small leader stepped forward with his waist on his back.

Wang Wen caught the key point and asked him curiously, "Who said that?"

But the little boss didn't talk anymore, he lifted his leg and threw Tianxiu's high whip towards his head.

"Concentrate on chatting, don't keep your hands and feet." Wang Wen grabbed the thrown foot and pushed it back.

In order to show Gao Whip's center of gravity, this person was extremely unstable, and was directly thrown all over the place by this push.

"Grass! Get him!" The little leader became angry and shouted for his companions to come together. At the same time, he took out a dagger from his arms and stood up gnashing his teeth.

Seeing that Wang Wen was being "surrounded", the skinny boy rushed up with his backpack, "Ah yah", turned his head and shouted "Come and help someone" while trying to knock people away.


The little boss turned his hand and stabbed the boy in the stomach.


The boy fell to the ground, gasping for breath with his mouth open.

The little leader flicked the blood on the dagger, looked at the boy on the ground coldly, and spat, "It's too noisy."

Wang Wen, who was in the melee, just dodged a slow fist, was about to fight back, and glanced at the boy in the pool of blood.


Someone suddenly found that he could kick that loach-slippery guy.

The guy seemed not to feel it, and walked away from the crowd on his own.

The people who were pushed away on both sides were unhappy, and their fists and feet kept greeting Wang Wen's head and face.

Soon he was beaten to the point of bruising his nose and face.

The little leader watched him come over, shook the dagger in his hand, and said with a sneer, "Boy, you are not qualified to touch some women, you know? Be honest with you today, and it will be over, otherwise you will be blocked every day."

As if he hadn't heard it, Wang Wen bit off the slightly clean lining of the clothes and tore it off, pressing down on the wound on the boy's abdomen.

The boy gasped with his mouth open. Breathing would affect the wound. He was breathing hard.

Wang Wen smiled and said, "Don't worry, Xiao Hu, I'll take you to the doctor."

The boy grabbed Wang Wen's arm and said with difficulty, "Quick, run."

Seeing that the two were talking to themselves and ignored him, the little leader was furious, raised his dagger and stabbed Wang Wen in the back.


There was a muffled sound on the ground.

Such as falling rocks in the mountains, winds at sea, thunderstorms on the dome, and subterranean land sinking.

The little leader only felt a tinnitus, and the sound of the whole world disappeared.

Then, his body seemed to be hit by some kind of huge force, and the whole person flew backwards into the air.

Also flying upside down are all the gangsters in the small lane.

A group of people seemed to be hit head-on by a huge train, and smashed into the high wall behind them in groups.

At this time, if someone looked down from above, they would see a fan-shaped crack on the ground in the small alley centered on Wang Wen's location.

Wang Wen turned around, his nose was like a flood that had opened the gate, and he couldn't stop spurting bright red blood out.

He just sprayed nosebleeds and walked up to the little boss and asked, "Who sent you here?"

The little leader was dizzy after being hit against the wall, and he struggled back a few times as if he heard the sound.

Realizing that his back was against the wall and there was no way to retreat, he gritted his teeth and stabbed his neck and called out, "What kind of grass do you have to kill me!"

Wang Wen nodded: "Okay."

"???" The little leader could hardly believe his ears.


It collapsed like an earthquake.

The ground on which the little leader stayed was sunken, as if a transparent prehistoric beast had stepped hard here.

His whole body was embedded in the ground, he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood intermittently, and then went silent.

Wang Wen turned and walked back to the boy. Accompanied by the screams of terror from behind, he hugged the thin boy with both hands, and walked out of the small lane with a nosebleed.

College Infirmary.

The doctor on duty only saw a man with blood on his face and wearing academy clothes, walking in with a boy with a face like golden paper.

"What's the situation?" He got up to check.

"We are students of the Department of Science Deciphering. He is injured, save him." Wang Wen put the boy on the hospital bed and methodically took out his student card for registration.

When the doctor heard that he was a college student, he hurriedly called an assistant to start the machine for emergency treatment.

"This is a stab wound! What's the matter with you? Have you entered the World Tower?" The doctor asked about the situation while dealing with it.

After asking for a long time, I didn't hear an answer.

He turned around and saw that Wang Wen, who insisted on completing the registration, was lying on the table unconscious, with bright red blood all over his face, but the parts of his face that were not stained with blood were pale and scary. Red, white and whiter.

. . .

Wang Wen, who only relaxed after returning to the academy, slept for a long time.

When he woke up, he found himself in a single ward in the hospital.

There are three groups of people guarding the room.

He could easily observe this.

The person who was meticulously guarding the door was a little familiar, very similar to the members of the Intelligence Department of the First Consortium who had been in contact with him some time ago. He should be the representative of the Intelligence Department.

The sleepy person sitting on the sofa was also very familiar. He looked like a dogleg who often swayed around the head of the department. He thought he was a representative sent by the academy.

And then there's the man leaning on the guardrail beside the bed.

Seeing her profile, Wang Wen instantly woke up.

Long eyelashes, small nose wings, supple lips, and skin that seems to glow.

Cheng Queyi!

Seeing her sleeping soundly, Wang Wen unceremoniously stretched out her hand to wake her up.

The sleepy eyes she had just opened, before she had time to rub it, she bent over with a smile, Cheng Queyi said happily, "Senior is awake?"

She got up and pressed the pager to call the doctor to come and check.

Wang Wen asked in a hoarse voice, "Why are you here?"

Cheng Queyi poured a glass of water, cupped the glass with both hands to test the water temperature, made sure it wasn't hot, and handed it to Wang Wen: "Senior is so dangerous around me, I don't worry if others see it, I can only come in person."

The man on the sofa jumped up and hurriedly called the college to inform him.

The people at the door touched and pulled with their hands, and their brains lit up to report to the team leader in time.

The doctor walked into the ward quickly, checked it with various instruments, nodded, and said to the people around him: "The patient is not in serious trouble for the time being, and he will rest for the next half a month, and he will come back for a re-examination in half a month. ."

"Thank you doctor." Cheng Queyi smiled sweetly and thanked her.

The well-informed doctor waved his hand to say you're welcome, and walked out of the ward enduring the dizziness.

The sofa man walked to Wang Wen's side and said with concern, "Student Wang, is there any discomfort in your body?"

After getting a positive answer, the sofa person conveyed on behalf of the academy: "Don't worry, the academy has already asked for a good leave for you, and all courses are recorded to ensure that you can review and study at any time and will not fall behind."

The person at the door walked to the bedside and sent a standard message from the Intelligence Department: "The team leader said that there is no need to worry about all the expenses. The Intelligence Department will take care of it and rest in peace."

Wang Wen thanked the two and the two forces behind them, and worked hard to hold up.

Several people hurriedly reached out to help.

Cheng Queyi said in a consonant voice: "Do you want to know the situation of the boy you sent to the infirmary of the college?"