MTL - Revenge of the Sixth Young Lady-Chapter 879 Peach blossom wine made by Wei Ziyang

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Wei Yue Wu and Han Ming didn't talk for a long time. After a few words, they separated.

When the two of them left, Jing Wenyan came out of the hiding place, and looked grimly at the back of Wei Yuewu's departure, and commanded: "Let's go!"

"Miss doesn't accompany the queen mother-in-law?" Ya Huan asked in amazement.

"If you're not with me, go and plead guilty to the queen mother-in-law, and we'll go back!" Jing Wenyan said, such a good opportunity, how could she give up!

After Wei Yue Wu and Han Ming were separated, Jin Ling whispered to remind her: "Master, Miss Jing Jing Fang is behind a peach tree, always staring at the master and the county master."

Jing Wenyan thought that no one had found it. In fact, Jin Ling, who was on the side, had already looked straight.

Wei Yue Wu's eyebrows were wrinkled, and Jing Wenyan peeped aside, making people feel very uncomfortable as if stared at by a poisonous snake.

Of course, Jing Wenyan was hiding aside, and she would never miss it.

I do n’t know if it ’s because the queen mother is here, or for other reasons. There are not many pilgrims in Taolin. I only occasionally meet a few. Wei Yuewu took Jin Ling to go out casually. This peach forest, Some of them reached Houshan, and as a result of walking around, they were getting farther and farther away from the Queen Mother.

Almost no one can see this way.

Both Jinling and Jinling talked and laughed, and came to the end of this peach forest without realizing it. They had seen a large red area of ​​Taolin from a different corner.

"Master, let's go back, it's a little far from here!" Jin Ling looked at the road and looked all the way, only to see the layers of peach blossoms, worried.

"Let's go again, this queen mother should talk to the lord of the plum blossoms and talk to Huan Huan, and there is nothing to do when you go back." Wei Yuewu looked at the sky, it was not too late, and the lunch was a little early.

"But you have to go out again, and the master is going to go in another direction!" Jin Ling suggested.

"Okay!" Wei Yuewu looked at Taolin, who was about to end, nodded, turned and was about to leave, and suddenly saw the end of Taolin, hurried over to a person, a middle-aged scribe People, when they saw Weiyuewu's master and servant, they also froze for a while, and they did not expect to see them at this time.

Wei Yue Wu stopped and looked at him. A middle-aged scribe who looks quite a bit elegant, although the material on his body is ordinary, but looks elegant, but looks good, see Wei Yue Wu He stopped and looked at him. As soon as the middle-aged scribe's face changed, he turned and walked in the other direction of Taolin.

Within a few steps it disappeared into the depths of Taolin.

"Master, this person is so rude!" Jin Ling said with wide eyes.

"Maybe something urgent." Wei Yuewu smiled slightly and turned back.

"I thought it was polite to look at him as a scribe. When we saw that we could say nothing, we could walk far away again. It would be like seeing a ghost, and our face would change." Angrily, resentfully looked back at the direction of disappearance of a middle-aged scribe, but no one!

"Maybe I'm so scary, scared him!" Wei Yuewu grinned.

"If the master is long and scary, there is no one who is not scary. The slave feels that he is guilty and sees us startled, so he hides in a hurry and knows that this kind of person is not good!" Guessed.

"Maybe!" Wei Yuewu nodded with a smile, and thought it was possible. The two talked and smiled, and turned back all the way. They didn't care too much about this small episode.

When I turned back, I saw a palace girl staying in the pavilion, saying that the queen mother felt tired, so go back to rest first, and let Weiyuewu take a rest, and don't accompany Weiyuewu during lunch.

She also said that Miss Jing had a bad health and went to rest early.

Will Jing Wenyan's health be bad? Wei Yuewu was rather skeptical. Although Jing Wenyan was thin, she was always in good spirits. When the two people came with the queen mother together before, she also saw that Jing Wenyan was not at all sick, and after a short time, she was already unwell , Rested early.

What is she trying to do? My heart moved slightly.

After saying a few words to the queen maid, Wei Yue Wu went to the Buddhist temple to worship her mother.

The Buddhist temple is also very quiet. Although there were few people in the past, there will always be one or two. Now it seems that there is no one except Wei Yue.


This kind of quietness does not even have a female nun who takes care of the Buddhist temple. Before, there were female nuns from time to time to clean up before each beacon, or to stand aside low chanting, but today it is all quiet.

After worshipping her mother, Wei Yuewu walked in front of Miss Tu Jiaer's long light at will. The Miss Tu Er, who was said to have died because of her mother's death, stood in the name of her father, and lonely guarded Tu. Shi Yimen's clean name seems to be very pathetic, but the death of her mother-in-law is related to her, and it makes people feel no sympathy anyway.

Wei Yuewu confesses that she is not a good person and will not pity someone who has hurt her mother.

Even though she was only a tool in the hands of the queen.

"Can the Lord of Jingde County be here?" A girl ring appeared at the door of the Buddha Hall, and the probe opened inside, and saw the master and servant of Weiyuewu smiling.

This is an unfamiliar girl ring, which Wei Yue Wu has never seen before, not the Yasukuni Palace.

"What's to do with our master?" Jin Ling got the signal of Weiyuewu and went out to ask.

"This is the peach blossom that our prince sent to the slave." Yahuan reached out and raised the thing she was carrying, and it turned out to be a bottle of wine.

It's not very big, but the volume is not too light. It seems to have four or five pounds!

"Your lord?" Jin Ling raised an eyebrow.

"The lord of slavery is the king of Huaijun!" Yahuan smiled and handed the wine can over. "Please the county owner to take down this peach blossom, and slavery will go back to pay."

"This is the peach blossom brewed by your eldest brother and your grandfather?" Wei Yuewu didn't know when he came over, looked at the wine can in Yahuan's hand, and asked curiously.

Jin Ling reached out and said, "I can't see that the eldest son is still willing to make wine. This kind of delicate work is not like the eldest son would do it."

"The slaves didn't know why Grandpa Wei would be willing to do it. Maybe they would vote with us, the two were together, and they talked a lot, and such things were basically done at will."

The girl ring of the King's Mansion in Huaijun laughed.

"How much has your elder brother made?" Wei Yuewu smiled and asked gently.

"This is not much, actually! The slaves are not clear, but when he went up the mountain, Wang Ye brought a few pots." Yahuan thought and answered.

"This looks very good. Go, let's go to your prince, and ask for one or two more, and go back for Grandma to taste it." Wei Yuewu seems to be intrigued, and she will go out when she lifts the skirt. "The lord, this may not be much, and those jars have been opened." Yahuan said busyly.

"Opened? Didn't you say several cans?" Wei Yuewu stopped and asked in surprise.

"We brought several cans up the mountain, but those cans had already been opened. Before the wind and the master said that I wanted to taste it, but after a careful taste, I felt that the taste was not very strong, so we brought the wine It's all open, "Yahuan said.

"Just open the wine without drinking?" Wei Yuewu's eyes widened, and her look changed.

"Originally it wasn't open, but we had to drink it after it was opened, so our lord would drink it all right. It's not much now." Yahuan's explanation was far-fetched, Wei Yuewu's eyes jumped, no Quietly stopped.

"Nothing left?"

"There is not much left, but ..." Yahuan said hesitantly here, hesitantly watching Wei Yuewu.

"what's up?"

"Just as there is one can, the slaves didn't know if it was brewed by Grandpa Wei. When the prince let the slaves take the wine, we made it clear that it was not the one on the inside. The wind and the master wanted to open that day and the jar was not opened "Yahuan said hesitantly.

"That jar of wine is different?"

"It's nothing different. The slaves looked at them, they were all the same, but they were close to the inside. The slaves didn't know what our grandfather meant!" Ya Huan eyes explained, "Our grandfather always said that the eldest son brewed The wine is very delicious, basically the hands of the king and the eldest son are brewed in the house, otherwise they will be bought directly from the outside. "

Ah ring road.

These words sound like evasive words, but on reflection, they feel very reasonable.

"The elder brother made the wine so well? He was always brought by King Huaijun. I remember the elder brother didn't have much time in Beijing?"

"The eldest son of Wei was not very much in Beijing, but he always made wine with our prince." Yahuan laughed. "If the county master really likes that jar of wine, the slavery will go back and ask our prince for a while. How about another letter to the county owner? "

"Also!" Wei Yuewu nodded.

"However, you may have to wait for the county owner to wait a bit longer, our lord will be at the wind and the master." Yahuan politely explained.

"No problem." Wei Yuewu nodded indifferently.

"Slave resigned first." Yahuan turned to leave, but stopped after a few steps, turned and smiled at Wei Yuewu: "Look at the slave's memory, our lord said, this wine is soft, It is suitable for women in boudoirs, but the wine strength is a little big. If the county owner wants to drink less, the peach blossom is the beauty. "

"Beauty and beauty?" Wei Yuewu became more and more curious about the wine.

"It has this effect, but the county owner should not drink more." Yahuan once again urged.

"Okay!" Wei Yuewu nodded with a smile, and Yahuan performed another ceremony and left in a hurry.

"Let's go, it should be lunch time!" Wei Yuewu looked at the sky outside the hall and said to Jin Ling, "Go back and pour a glass to taste, and see how the elder brother makes the wine, if it is really good When the elder brother returns to Beijing in the future, he must make him a few cans! "

Having said that, go out in steps.

"Master, you can't drink more!" Jin Ling followed the can, holding the wine can.

"Don't worry, just have a drink without getting in the way!" Wei Yuewu said indifferently.

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