MTL - Revenge of the Sixth Young Lady-Chapter 880 Golden bell dressed as Weiyue dance

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When Wei Yuewu returned to her yard, it happened to be lunch time.

Four vegetarian dishes, one soup, light and delicious.

The wine was set aside on the table like this, Yu Yan poured a glass for Wei Yue Wu, and before drinking, the room was full of wine, and it was indeed a rare good wine.

Someone hurried to knock on the door, and Jin Ling opened it. It happened to be the only girl in the ring, and saw her sweaty: "Did the county drink?"

As soon as the door was opened, she asked quickly.

"Drink, what's wrong?" Jin Ling looked at her in surprise.

"I got it wrong. This is made by Grandpa Wei, that jar is not!" Yahuan stomped and said continuously.

"What then?" Jin Ling was also dumbfounded, and the wine had already been opened.

"This is really ... drinking?" Ya Huan was crying anxiously, and stomped inward.

"Of course I did drink it, you see!" Jin Ling reluctantly turned to the side, so that the girl ring could see the room more clearly along the half-opened door.

In the room, Wei Yuewu was picking up the wine glass at her hand, sipped it carefully, and looked quite satisfied.

"That ... then I will go back and ask my grandfather. I still have to plead guilty to my grandfather." Yahuan burst into tears and wiped her tears with a papa while not forgetting to say to Jin Ling, "Maybe my grandfather In a while, he will be sent over to the Grandpa Wei ’s can of wine, but it ca n’t be me. Do n’t ask me anything. The left is just punished by the grandfather. ”

"You ... nothing big!" Jin Ling asked with concern.

"No ... nothing big! Lord Wang's heart is good!" Yahuan said while wiping her tears, leaving her aggrieved, but she looked very anxious and walked in a hurry before disappearing in Jinling In sight, but also walking the path.

Jin Ling watched her leave, frowned slightly, closed the door, and walked back to the house, only to report to Weiyue Wu, the door was actually knocking again.

Yu Yan was about to come out to open the door, but Jin Ling reached out to stop it, walked to the door again, opened the door, and saw a strange little girl outside the door.

"Will the Lord of Jingde County be here?" Xiaoxi asked politely.

"Our county lord has lunch in it." Jin Ling's eyes slowly shifted down and fell on a wine can held in Xiao's hand.

"This is the wine that our prince promised to give to the county master. It was brewed by Grandpa Wei!" Xiaoxi passed the wine jar in his hand.

"Thank you Prince!" Jin Ling reached out and took the wine can.

"You're welcome!" Xiao Yan said politely, and then turned and left.

"Wait a minute!" Jin Ling said and accepted Xiaoyan.

"What else is happening?" Xiao Yan turned puzzledly.

"How many slaves did your lord bring to the Plum Blossom?" Jin Ling asked extremely unexpectedly, blinking and blinking for a moment, I didn't understand the meaning of Jin Ling's words, but still answered honestly: "It's just me one person!"

"You Lord brought you one while traveling?" Jin Ling asked in surprise, as King Huai Jun's current status, there were many people around him who could serve him.

"Our lord came to talk to the master to talk about the Scriptures. The lord didn't like the number of people our lord brought, so our lord took me up the mountain alone." Xiao Yan explained with a smile.

After speaking, he touched his head again and asked in amazement: "What's wrong!" "It's nothing wrong. I just think it's strange for you to send it. Shouldn't someone let you send it?" Jin Ling didn't care much. Explained.

"Even if there are more people, my grandfather likes to bring a few more sisters-in-law, and he doesn't want to bring a girl ring!" Xiaoxi smiled.

"Thank you, my lord, for my master." Jin Ling laughed with all the inquiries.

"No problem, this was originally brewed by Grandpa Wei." Xiao Yan said politely, then turned and left.

The road is taken, and there is no intention to avoid anyone.

After seeing his back disappear into his sight, Jin Ling closed the door again and came into the room.

The wine glass was not placed in front of Weiyuewu this time, but was placed in front of Yuyan, who was carefully examining it.

"How's it going?" Wei Yuewu had run out of this meeting, leaned back and asked lightly.

"Master, this girl ring was not actually sent by King Huaijun. King Huai county went up the mountain. She did not bring a girl ring around, and this wine was not sent by the master of Huai county." Jin Ling said with a grimace.

Had it not been for the reminder of the master, she would have been fooled by such a coincidence.

"Did you come to see me drink it?" Wei Yuewu's long eyelashes flickered twice, smiling slightly.

"It should be. I deliberately looked into the room, when the master picked up the cup!" Jin Ling nodded. "Master, is this Miss Jing Jing's person?"

Knowing that King Huai Jun was going to give the master and son wine, in addition to King Huai Jun, there was only the lady Jing Jing who had been eavesdropping on the side.

"It wasn't Jing Wenyan who brought him up the mountain!" Wei Yuewu shook her head. Jing Wenyan brought up the mountain with two girls, both of whom had taken a picture with herself, and they didn't just pop out. this one.

"Who knows about that?" Jin Ling was also a little dumbfounded. Outsiders at the time were really no one except Jing Wenyan.

"Isn't Jing Wenyan coming back early to rest before that! It should be very early, or just after I have spoken with the host of Huai Jun, at this time I should send a girl ring and a wine can from the foot of the mountain. Of course, this speed must be fast. "Wei Yuewu's eyes fell on this wine can.

Very common wine cans, like the ones sold in ordinary wine shops, are not very eye-catching.

Let's look at the wine can that Jinling just brought in. Although it looks a little different, it is also very inconspicuous. In terms of appearance, I really can't see which one belongs to the King's Mansion in Huai County.

If you think about it, Wang Huaijun and Wei Ziyang are whimpering to make wine, and they will inevitably go to a few wine cans at will.

"The master said that Miss Jing conspired with outsiders and picked up people from the mountain, and then set up such a round?" Jin Ling was a smart man, reminded repeatedly by Wei Yue Wu, and immediately understood, "So this ya Huan Fang just came to see if the lady was drinking, and by the way remedy and explain the reason why she would not come for a while, then even if the King of Huai County sent someone to bring wine, we would not doubt it! "

"It should be like this!" Wei Yuewu said quietly.

"Miss Jing is so vicious!" Jin Ling gritted her teeth and stomped her feet.

"Master, there are some toothless in it, it is very light! And the wine is very fragrant. This is indeed peach blossom. The peach blossom has a delicious flavor. There are few toothless, even if there is a slight odor, for a time I can't find it either. "Yu Yan dipped in chopsticks and drank it, and licked her tongue, surely.

Wei Yuewu's face fell cold, and there was a icy flash in her eyes.

"What is toothless?" Jin Ling froze for the first time, and she heard such a strange name for the first time.

"It's a medicine, and the name doesn't mean much, but this medicine ... the most used is the Qinglou ..." Yu Yan hesitated to look at Wei Yuewu.

"What do you mean?" Jin Ling was startled, and his eyes widened.

Yu Yan coughed uncomfortably, seeing Wei Yue Wu not talking, she said cautiously, "It's the kind of medicine for those young people who use it to force them ..."

"What, it's such a dirty medicine!" Jin Ling immediately understood, and said angrily, "What Miss Jing Jing wants to do? She is now the future concubine, and she has nothing to do with the son, so why can't she live so hard with the master . "

"Some people are like this and don't want to see others do well!" Wei Yuewu said coldly.

For a person like Jing Wenyan, he can no longer use any means to describe it. The vicious nature of his nature is completely self-centered.

"Since this medicine is so pale, its function should be discussed a lot!" Wei Yuewu asked.

"Yes, it's a lot lighter, but Peach Blossom Brew has a lot of wine, so after mixing it without teeth, it's easy to get into trouble with a little drunkness!" Yu Yan said implicitly.

"What are you going to do after lunch?" Wei Yuewu thought about it and turned to Jin Ling.

"Nothing, it should be a nap!" Jin Ling replied.

"Master, this toothless mix with wine is also easy to make people excited, so master will not be able to sleep for a while." Yu Yan reminded that Wei Yue Wu did not really drink the wine in the glass. .

"So ... I have to go shopping ..." Wei Yuewu groaned.

"Master, don't go!" Jin Ling was shocked. "Slave went to see for you!"

"You can't, you will be found!" Wei Yuewu shook her head.

"Master, slaves wear your clothes, and then put on a veil. Anyway, it will be noon. It's a little hot, and it's nothing to wear a veil!"

Jin Ling didn't relax, she suggested.

Wei Yuewu felt quite reasonable about this idea. After looking up and down Jin Ling, she really felt that the two were about the same height. If Jin Ling put on her own clothes and put on a hood, she wouldn't see it.

"Jin Ling, you need to be careful!" Now let out.

"The master is assured, the slaves took Yuyan over, but here ..." Jin Ling hesitated. If he and Yuyan had left more, Wei Yuewu would be left alone, so they were really uneasy.

"I'm not here, I'm going to find someone, I believe that person must not want to see me happen here!" Wei Yuewu smiled, pointing.

Now that it was decided, several people helped dress Jin Ling together.

Put on Wei Yue Wu's clothes. At first glance, Jin Ling, who wore a long draped hat, did not see that it was not Weiyuewu.

After staying well dressed, Jin Ling left with Yu Yan, Wei Yuewu also packed herself, closed the courtyard door, and quietly turned in the other direction.

Since someone counts himself, he doesn't mind finding that person out.

Jing Wenyan, of course, can't escape ...