MTL - Reverend Insanity (Gu Daoist Master)-~ Section 298: Someone has hope

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Sitting on a barren hill, the house is long and silent.

Since the confusion in two days, there is no clear distinction between day and night, and it is replaced by black and white in the sky.

As a result, there is a place where there is a clear distinction between light and dark.

The elders were now in the darkness, and he looked blankly at the barren hills, where there was a desolate Gobi, and the grass was not born.

But because of the confusion in two days, this huge Gobi was also divided into pieces of light and dark.

Here is the tassel Gobi, the super resource point of the house.

Every year, after a certain period of time, there will be a place to grow. The ground must be like straw, as if it are wicker, soft and tough.

The ground must be long and short, from ordinary coffins to eight turns of fairy materials.

When it is flourishing, the ground must be covered with the entire tassel Gobi. Under the strong wind, you can look at it. It is like a sea of ​​mountains that must be "waves". It is magnificent and sullen.

This is the first resource point of the house, and it is the pride of each house.

But now, it has to be sold to Fangyuan.

This sale will never come back, almost a farewell.

The eaves looked long and sorrowful, but the heart was like the Gobi in front of us, a desolate and indifferent.

The figure of Fang Gong came flying, and immediately fell to the barren hill, standing next to the eaves.

"You are really here." Fang Gong sighed.

The eaves sitting on the ground suddenly looked distorted, and the fists clenched: "Fangyuan is deliberate!"

"I am afraid that he has long known the existence of the ancients, but he just does not say, let my family defeat and lose!"

Room power is slight.

The eaves long said: "Even if he does not know the resurrection of the ancient times, he conceals the secret that he can resurrect my clan! As long as he said in advance, even if he gave a half sentence, I will know."

"I know that the sages have the means to easily resurrect the celestial beings, and I will guard against the hidden dangers of the ancients!"

"Well, we will trade in advance for the one that forgets the fairy sorrow. We have the most basic defense ability for the eternal killing of the eternal squad, and we will not be defeated. Instead, the alliance will collapse!"

When the elders said that they were at the end, they almost screamed.

He said nothing wrong.

The situation at the time was actually on the front line.

The victory or defeat of the house and the house association is only a matter of course.

If you know the existence of the ancient times, the house will certainly not have six fairy houses to fight the Long live building. There are also scopes for the killings of the ancient times.

However, at that time, under the unwitting conditions of the house, it was the most profitable measure to suppress the remnants of the family.

"Okay." Fang Gong smiled. "Things have already happened. The two are old. Don't worry about it anymore. We can go back without the Spring and Autumn."

"Before the resurrection of the heavens, the celestial beings were members of the world. The world has speculated that their resurrection was related to the contribution of the fairy tales. In addition, the tomb of the sacred tomb was almost completely destroyed by Fangyuan, and the resurrection of the eternal glory was difficult to estimate."

The eaves looked cold and cold like ice: "No, it is a source, everything is a source. He is the biggest black hand behind the scenes."

"I am very awake now!"

"Our homeowners have defeated the Alliance of Houses, which is not what Heaven wants to see. But it is not what Fangyuan wants to see."

"Because our homes won even the best, we will not invade other superpowers anymore."

"In this case, our home is urgently transferred, and the resources are sold to Fangyuan in exchange for Xianyu, and the resurrection of Zhuxian."

"Next, what do we do?"

"We don't have resources, we can't replenish ourselves, we can only rely more on Fangyuan!"

"We can only constantly invade the resources of other superpowers, and then trade to Fangyuan, in exchange for Xianyu and other spiritual resources."

"Our home has become his pioneer, his robbers, looting the West Desert for him."

"And he is biased, the ancient moon Fangyuan, still in the East China Sea, is the high love fairy!"

"He will declare to the outside world that he does not intervene in the infighting of Xi Mo. All the ugliness and crimes are only carried by my house. His ancient moon is clean!"

"Oh, hahaha..."

"What is a big love alliance? What big love fairy?"

The elders looked up at the sky and made a mocking scream.

His eyes were red, his hair was scattered, and there were tears in his eyes.

"The elders of the house, think about it, don't you think that everyone is too embarrassed to die too much?"

"He died like this, and our house was forced to leave only one way to go."

"This is Fang Yuan, wearing a hypocritical human skin. In fact, it has always been a vicious beast that eats people without spitting bones."

"I hate, I hate it."

The eaves are long and gnashing their teeth.

"I hate my house and I am too involved with him."

"I hate those superpowers in the East China Sea. I am too weak to be deceived. I really want Fang Yuan to be a blessing on their heads!"

"However, what I hate most is myself!"

"I am a wise man, I don't know the tricks of Fang Yuan, and even the whole house has become a chess piece of his source!"

"I was manipulated by him and played by him!"

"My house is a sinner of the house..."

Having said that, the elders of the eaves have fallen to the ground, looking down at the ground and screaming at the boxing ground.

This proud wisdom and immortality has not been so ruined for hundreds of years, so weeping so much.

Fang Gong sighed and slowly sat down to the side of the room.

"When the family is too old, everyone will die, I will have no doubt?"

"But even if it is a conspiracy of Fangyuan, how can we?"

"Do we have evidence?"

"Oh." Fang Gong showed helpless and humble smile. "Even if there is evidence, what can we do with the Devil?"

Fang Gong will put his hand on the shoulder of the eaves: "Don't be so rude, too old, you are the brain of my house. If you let other housers see it, what do they think? Our house What will the morale be?"

The eaves grow up and bite their teeth, stopping and not crying.

He sat back on the ground and walked side by side with Fang Gong.

Fang Gong continued: "I hate too. I hate heaven, I hate Wanjia, I hate Fangyuan, I hate you. But the same, I hate myself more!"

"As a house, I am too old, but I can only be defeated in the eternal killing. I am like a dog, I am running away, I can't do anything."

"My fist is so weak, my body is so vulnerable."

"The room is long, you are not everyone, I am!"

"Who is the fault of the house?"

"No one has made a mistake, it will be heavier than me!"

"If I can plead guilty to death, I will immediately succumb to the confession alliance. But no! We all know the essence of the right way. Once the homeowner loses my eight turns, those people will become even more intensive."

"I only live, hold my fists, iron my face, and keep my chest alive!"

"I can be more beneficial to the home, I have hope to pay back the sins I am carrying."

"I want to make a sin!"

"I don't want to be an sinner of the ages, I don't want the house to end in my hands!"

"Do you understand? The room is long!"

Fang Gong is screaming.

The eaves gnawed their teeth and took advantage of the room: "I certainly understand!!"

Fang Gong stood up and looked at the Gobi and the sky in front of him. He continued: "Today's tassel Gobi is like a crack in the stone. We should follow the immortal generation of the family, and meet the difficulties."

“What is your home?”

"Not these resources, but ourselves."

"There is hope in someone's place."

"You are right." The elders also stood up and looked firm. "We have hope in our house!"

Taikoo two days.

The ghost demon statue is as large as a mountain body, and it is rushed to the king of the gods and the two tails of the car.

The waves are spewing, and the invisible pressure envelopes the body and mind of the gods and the tail of the car.

"Oops, how did you get him?" Junshen's brow furrowed.

The rear of the car sighed: "Ghost Respect is even if the mind is unclear, we are not his opponent. Withdraw!"

"But, these stars are our hard work, and we can hardly guide them. There is also this sky, but it is given by the stars." Jun Shenguang bit his teeth, and finally chose to avoid it wisely.

The ghosts of the three-headed arm are screaming, lifting hundreds of towering giant wood-like stout black arms and tearing them away from the blank space in front of them.

The bang of the bang, the empty sky suddenly rips open, as if a huge curtain was torn into countless pieces.

And hidden in the curtain is hundreds of thousands of huge stars.


The ghost demon smashed into the star group, and the stars along the way were not crushed by his male body like a mountain, or crushed with hundreds of giant hands.

The two monks in Tianting looked at their hard work and hard work for many days, and they were all angry and indecent.

But fortunately, soon the stars will fly and dance, and the ghosts will not destroy their minds and only destroy a small part.

At the rear of the car, Jun Shenguang negotiated and decided to clean up the sky, and then the remaining stars continued to be wrapped and brought to Zhongzhou.

After all, this is the task that Stars Xianzun personally issued.

"This is the sky?" The bruise suddenly appeared.

At the rear of the car, Jun Shenguang suddenly sinks his heart and is very vigilant. The bruises show the power of Yaxianzun in the battle of the mad cave. For them, it is a strong enemy.

The bruises also collected some skylights. He glanced at the ghosts who were still in the depths of the stars and destroyed them. They laughed at Tianting Erxian: "Can you tell me what do you do in the heavens collecting these stars?"

The tail of the car and the face of the gods are as sinking.

The bruise continued to laugh: "It doesn't matter if you don't tell me. Since you use the sky to gather the you must be secretive and don't want to be disturbed."

"Then I will receive these broken canopies directly, and then publicize your actions."

The rear of the car is cold and cold: "After the injury, you should not do too much. The end of the house is the end of all the superpowers who rely on Fangyuan! The days of your Shen family are not a few days."

The bruises raised their eyes: "I am worried about the things that I have to do with my family. I know more clearly that the good days of both of you are coming to an end!"

"Withdraw!" Jun Shenguang opened and the tail responded immediately.

After the bruises chased for a while, the heavens and the twins were forced to retreat, and they returned to the distance, and all the canopies were collected.

"These skylights are very precious heavenly fairy materials, and it is best for the Fangyuan lord!"

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