MTL - Right on Target-Chapter 115 mountain god

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The thrusters of the Ares make a huge roar, and when it appears in the sky, all the thick clouds will dissipate, because it itself represents the endless night. It is like a mechanically made whale, driving away the stars, crushing the battlefield with its incomparably huge body, making the Southern Alliance's counterattack a joke.

Rows of aircraft surrounded the Ares like a school of sardines. Most of them are unmanned and only obey the absolute orders of the Ares. So the merciless bombing followed the train route of the Southern Union, all the way to the city. Like wolves plunging into sheepfolds, they tore apart all the towns along the way.


The ground shook continuously, and the fireball burst. The scarlet liquid splashed on the black soil, but the pure white snow was still falling.

Su Heting galloped through the artillery fire, found the phone booth that hadn't been blown up, and dialed the number just now. He held the microphone and said, "There is no army here, and there are no fighter jets—"

7-004 said: "What are you talking about? Be sober as hell, this is a war, and it is necessary to subdue them, smash them, and break them through. You don't sympathize with the Southern Alliance, do you?"

The bomb landed not far from the phone booth, and Su Heting had to cover his head again to face the deafening explosion.

7-004 said: "Tonight is the first time, there will be a second time and a third time, how about you? Are you going to stop the Ares? The highest order has been issued, when will they surrender, and when will the Ares stop. "

As if to confirm his words, when the Ares passed over the sky, the bombs became denser. The train station has been blown into ruins, and because of the speed of the process, no one even ran out. When the explosion happened again, Su Heting was overturned on the ground, and the flying debris covered him.

7-004's voice was inaudible, and the receiver was suspended in the air and shook violently, and was finally blown to pieces.

The bombing lasted all night, and at dawn the Ares finally left. Su Heting lay unconscious in the rubble until he was dragged out.

"Wake up.


Su Heting clutched his neckline and woke up suddenly. He was lying on his back on the stretcher, panting rapidly, as if he had just escaped from a nightmare. The roof loomed in front of his eyes, and a few seconds later he recognized himself lying on top of an Allied Northern Front armored vehicle.

The intelligence officer in charge of contact said happily: "Team leader!"

Su Heting raised his hand and rubbed his cheek, the wound on it had scabbed over. The pain woke him up. He sat up and asked, "Where is the car going?"

The intelligence agent said: "Go to the city. Team leader, how do you feel? You are covered with wounds."

Su Heting didn't bother to answer, his gaze was attracted by the scene outside the car window.

The fire that was raging last night has not been extinguished, it has only become smaller. Those plantations and pastures were reduced to ashes, billowing black smoke. Corpses lay scattered on the ruins, and a few wounded horses remained, being driven far away.

The armored vehicles of the Northern Front Alliance were driving on the scorched earth, and the roar in the air still existed, which meant that the convoy was following the Ares.

"The plans of the main **** system are exquisite, and their orders are above all else. We are about to usher in the greatest victory of this century..."

The in-vehicle radio was like a charm, and it repeated the speech passionately, playing in all armored vehicles and aircraft. That was Fu Chenghui's voice, not like Fu Chenghui's.

"Fire at the despicable southerners, to get rid of their dirty thoughts, killing them is the best way..."

Su Heting thought he heard it wrong, he frowned and said, "What?"

The broadcast shouted provocatively: "Kill them all! Let the land on the southern front be reborn. Everything is under the responsibility of the Lord God system. We are invincible!"

There was sparse applause in the car, Su Heting turned around and found that everyone in the car was very strange, even if they had worked together before.


The fender of the armored vehicle was removed, revealing a face wearing sunglasses, it was 7-004. He was chewing gum, watching Su Heting rushing towards him, only to be stopped by the iron net again.

7-004 said: "Patients don't get excited."

Su Heting grabbed the iron net tightly and said, "Fuck!"

7-004 blows a bubble, then chews it. He said, "Why are you swearing at people? I saved you, okay?"

He is selling favors, but the fact is that Su Heting has the location chip of the Panther on his body, which is easy to find when the aircraft is patrolling.

Su Heting's eyes were cold and stern, and he kept tightening his fingers, as if he would break free from the iron net at any time and kill 7-004.

"You're going to the city, right? Why are you going to the city?" 7-004 stretched out his index finger and pushed open his sunglasses, revealing his slender eyes. He looked upright, and was a substitute for 004 after Fox Eye's death. According to the classification, he was also a sniper. But he was much smarter than Fox Eye, and continued, "We can go together, anyway, I'm on my way."

Su Heting squeezed out the words: "Don't worry about my business."

7-004 took off his sunglasses and said, "Okay, who cares about you, but... You have been silent for half a month, almost delayed the bombing, and now you have to go to the city, I have reason to suspect that you have betrayed the North. Therefore, for the safety of the team, you are not allowed to get out of the car without authorization, and you can only stay here until we triumph."

He waved his hand and signaled the Black Panther members in the car to handcuff Su Heting. At the same time, he reminded: "There is a camera, so don't mess around, Teacher Artemis is watching."

The intelligence officer stepped forward nervously and whispered, "I'm sorry, team leader."

He put an induction lock on Su Heting.

Although this kind of induction lock is just two inconspicuous thin rings, it can handcuff hands tightly together by magnetic force. The bright spot above is the sensing device, which will detect the state of the captured target and send an alarm to the surroundings in time.

Su Heting once suggested adding an electric shock effect to this sensor lock, but it was not adopted. Who would have thought that it would be his turn to use it now.

He was dragged back to his fixed seat. The surveillance camera in the car turned around and aimed at his face, as if watching him.

— It’s that feeling again.

Whenever Artemis appears, Su Heting will have the illusion of being observed. It didn't feel good, even a little sick, like he was a guinea pig.

The armored vehicle was driving very fast, and it didn't take long for Su Heting to see the revolving lighthouse in the city. The lighthouse was not lit during the day, and the approach of the Ares made the sirens in the city louder. The people on the southern line may have received the news of the bombing last night, but unfortunately they have nothing to do with these aircraft.

Thank you pillow book.

Su Heting lowered his fingers and silently recited the name. He stuck his finger into the ring of the induction lock, looking for an opportunity.

The Ares stopped over the city, like a floating super turret. The aircraft "buzzed" and landed like flies.

7-004 adjusted the earphone and said, "This time the target is the church."


The aircraft dropped its bombs, which fell directly on the cathedral in the city. The wind blew, and the snow and fog hadn't cleared away. The top of the standing church exploded, and the stained glass shattered instantly.

7-004 looked at the display screen and boasted: "Wow, it's so accurate, it is indeed the aircraft commanded by the Ares system." He tilted his head and said to the officer in the vehicle next to him, "Really, we also have faith. , we believe in the new electronic gods, but they are still doing the old stuff..."

The Ares slides the bottom baffle, extending the new barrel. Those gun barrels were polished brightly, like the sharp teeth of sharks, shining fiercely.

The doorways of various churches in the urban area were crowded with praying people, weeping softly and reciting the teachings given by God.

In the Southern League, leaders are equivalent to priests in other departments. He was standing in the snow, holding the divine book in one hand, stroking the ground, and said: "Don't panic, calm down, we have God's blessing—"

7-004 cheers: "Launched!"

Before he finished speaking, the shells of the Ares roared and hit the city. This time it's not just the church, but other buildings as well.

The screams of the prayers broke out, and they hugged each other, crying out loudly. The church collapsed and slipped, killing many people.

The leader raised the divine book and pressed it to his forehead. He knelt down deeply, crying out in panic, calling out to the gods louder and louder: "Please listen to the crimes of the electronic false gods, God of the mountain, save us..."


Bombs blasted the leaders away, and fire covered the church. The legendary mountain **** who can bring light sleeps underground, covered in heavy snow.

7-004 swipe the screen and say, "Two teams parallel, ready to move forward...Hello? Why is there noise?"

At the same time, the display screen also began to flicker, as if it was disturbed by something.

"Command...received... hear please...detected in the area..."

7-004 was heartbroken, and he asked, "What did you receive? What happened to the Ares? Why didn't it move! Hello? Ares, Ares, what are you doing?"

Ares is one of the main **** systems and the leader of the Civil War. It is closely related to Fu Chenghui, and the orders for this war are all issued from it.

The Ares stopped after firing its first shell, and it hung there as if at rest. A few minutes later, something weird happened, and the aircraft stopped moving.

-what happened?

The induction lock on Su Heting's wrist suddenly failed, and he looked at the surveillance camera, and at this moment, the red light on the camera's display went out.

All communication equipment was paralyzed, and everything controlled by the system also failed.


The ground shook.


This sound seemed to be the heartbeat of something, it was not urgent, it was very slow, but very powerful.

Su Heting was the first to realize that the sound came from below. He moved one foot slightly and looked down the aisle.


The armed box in the aisle overturned and hit the ground. At the moment when everyone was calm and concentrated, the train track suddenly bulged, the snow and clods cracked, and the crimson body protruded out, just like the sentence that the people on the southern line shouted when they prayed—

"God of the Mountain!"

The system device in the armored vehicle exploded suddenly, a piercing noise pierced into the communicator, and it exploded in 7-004's ear like a sonic bomb, causing him to cry out in pain.

7-004 took off the seat belt, took off the communicator, and said anxiously: "There is an ambush!"

Su Heting stood up, picked up the kettle they put aside, and smashed the surveillance camera inside the car.

The intelligence officer said: "Group—"

Su Heting knocked over the intelligence agent with an elbow, and then took away the intelligence agent's gun. He raised the gun on the boom, and one shot broke the switch of the lifting iron net.

7-004 held his head in embarrassment, grabbed the gas mask on the seat, erected the bulletproof plate, and said, "I warn you, you will suffer-"


Su Heting shot the back of 7-004's seat. If 7-004 hadn't been able to hide quickly, he would have died.

7-004 didn't dare to stay in the car, he opened the door, rolled down, and shot at the window of the armored car the moment he got up.

The bullet broke the car window, Su Heting squatted down to avoid it. He grabbed the car door, wanting to rush out in one go and finish off 7-004. However, at this time, the armored vehicle was suddenly overturned.

Su Heting tilted his body and slammed into the car door. The entire armored vehicle was turned upside down, and the scene in front of him also rotated for a while. Immediately afterwards, he heard the sound of 7-004 firing a gun.

But instead of hitting him this time, he was hitting something else.

After a burst of ejaculation, 7-004 said: "What!"

Su Heting unlocked the car door, then kicked the car door open with all his strength. He didn't know what he hit, and there was blood on his head. When he rolled out of the armored vehicle, blood dripped down to his chin.

It's annoying.

Su Heting wiped his face so that he could see his surroundings clearly. But when he saw it clearly, he couldn't help but say, "What!"

The crimson body crawling out of the ground is extremely huge, it is thicker than a train, and it grows outrageously, making it impossible for people to see its entirety.

Because of the close distance, Su Heting could even see the infusion tube under the skin of this thing, in which a special liquid with a rancid smell flows.

7-004 finished firing ammunition at it, and the seemingly thin skin was amazingly resistant, not only did it not break open, it was not even scratched by the bullet.

The officers on the northern front who ran away shouted in horror: "Head!"

Su Heting raised his head, looked towards the city along the crimson red, and finally saw the head of the thing under the Ares.

It was a head beyond Beixian's imagination, shining with a special mechanical luster, in the shape of a human face. It closed its giant eyes tightly and looked angry.

Prayers in the city kneel and worship, they call the name of the **** of the mountain. This name came from a long time ago, so long that Su Heting felt strange.

It's called Candle Yin.