MTL - Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!-Chapter 1310 Scarlett's plan

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On the Red Moon Continent, Zhang Tuohai was squatting next to the landing field he opened up by himself.

"What's the news over there?"

Zhang Tuohai turned his head to look at the captain of the Hongshi.

"It said that the reinforcements would arrive soon, and asked me to hold on."

"Also, the other side said that if possible, expand the landing field as much as possible, because there are many reinforcements, and one landing field may not be enough."

"Not enough? You have so many legions?"

Zhang Tuohai raised his eyebrows.

"Actually, the real core troops have exhausted their main forces during the first assault, and the rest are second-line garrison troops. There may still be some elite troops, but they are all private soldiers of various nobles, and they are generally not thrown into the army. The battlefield of this meat grinder."

"However, who can say for sure?"

"Of course, it's also possible that militiamen were recruited to fill in the line, just make up the head."

"Such a big deal?" Zhang Tuohai looked at the red moon in the sky, waiting for the result.

Sure enough, a moment later, densely packed spaceships were seen descending from the sky.

Like a meteor shower.

"So many? The landing field is not enough. Are they planning to smash the enemy to death with the spaceship?"

Zhang Tuohai didn't expect these people to be so ruthless, throwing down so many spaceships directly.

However, fortunately, he had been prepared long ago, and the chains of condemnation were fully fired, stretched toward the sky, forming a huge net, and surrounded the large number of spaceships.

It was like a school of sardines meeting a trawler.

A large number of spaceships were wrapped in a large net woven by the chains of conviction.

Then, it was absorbed by the chain of conviction.

But then another batch of new spacecraft landed.

The chain of conviction opened again into a big net, covering the past.

Above the sky, an inconspicuous white spaceship flew across the sky.

The high-ranking nobles of the Three-eyed clan are impressively listed.

A nobleman looked at the huge net on the ground and exclaimed: "The omnipotent omniscient eye, what is this thing, why is it so powerful, so many spaceships are gone all at once, fortunately we have prepared for it, Otherwise, I don’t even know how to die.”

"So, I still want to thank Mrs. Scarlett for her vision."

"Thank you Mrs. Scarlett, thank you the all-seeing eye."

Everyone agreed.

Scarlett returned the salutes one by one with a smile on her face, but her eyes were full of coldness, as if she was looking at a group of dead people.

"Do you really think that I built the spaceship for you? If you are still useful, I would have thrown you down long ago."

Scarlett thought to herself.

The white spaceship crossed a trajectory and landed at the southern end of the Red Moon Continent.

This area is full of steep mountains and deep river valleys, rocks everywhere, trees are overgrown, and miasma rises from time to time, it looks like an undeveloped wild land.

The white spaceship circled over this area for a long time before choosing a relatively flat hill and landing.

The hatch of the spacecraft opened and the gangway was lowered.

The three-eyed nobles who stayed in the spaceship for a long time came out of the cabin one after another, looking at the surrounding scenery curiously.

"I finally saw so many plants. The last time I saw so many plants was decades ago. It's a waste to let those inferior creatures occupy such a good place."

"That's right, this kind of place should be handed over to us. Those creatures that can walk upright can only exist as slaves."

"But how to deal with that big net?"

"Why do you have to deal with it? As long as you hide it well, get in and climb to the top of their society. At that time, all the good things will be ours."

"Makes sense."

A group of three-eyed nobles looked around and chatted, while Scarlett came to the edge of the mountain.

This is an open and empty rocky land, and a huge and weird picture is carved on the ground with thick lines.

"That's right here, the ancestor's notes really didn't lie to me, all of this is true."

Scarlett looked at the huge painting on the ground, her body trembling with excitement.

"Mrs. Scarlett, what are you doing here?"

A nobleman came over.

"It turned out to be Mr. Rupert, can you promise me a request?" Scarlett asked, flicking the ends of her hair hanging down to her ears.

"Of course, Mrs. Scarlett can say it." The nobleman said.

"Give me your life."

Madam Scarlet said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Rupert looked terrified, and couldn't help but take a step back.

"Don't you think it's too late now? Remember that cup of mint tea you drank on the spaceship? Do you think there is still a chance now?"

Mrs. Scarlett asked with a smile.


Rupert felt bad and was about to react, but it was too late.

He felt as if his body was out of control, and he came to the giant rock painting step by step, took out a knife from the windbreaker, and stuck it in his chest.

The blood on his body sprayed out and fell on the giant petroglyph.

The blood seemed to fall on the gravel, soaked down in an instant, and disappeared.

Rupert also fell on top of the petroglyph.

"Not enough, not enough at all."

Madam Scarlet looked at the huge petroglyph and shook her head.

"Mrs Scarlett, what are you doing?"

Some nobles saw what happened just now and couldn't help shouting loudly.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and offer your flesh and blood?"

Madam Scarlet shouted to the remaining nobles.

Those nobles originally wanted to resist, but after hearing Mrs. Scarlett's words, they were all uncontrollable and staggered towards the huge rock painting.

One by one, they took out their weapons from the windbreakers and opened their hearts.

A large amount of blood was sprayed on the rock painting.

The pure white lines of the petroglyphs turned red.

"not enough!"

Madam Scarlet frowned, the blood needed for the rock painting exceeded her expectations.

But that's okay, she has a backup plan.

She clapped her hands, and the staff in the spaceship, the private soldiers and guards brought by the nobles, and even the pilot of the spaceship all came out, and uncontrollably came to Scarlett.

"The time has come to offer your allegiance, go, offer your flesh and blood, and you will get everything you need."

Scarlett pointed to the petroglyphs.

These people also staggered towards the rock painting, picked up the sharp knife on the ground, and stabbed their own chest.

A large amount of blood flowed into the grooves of the petroglyphs again.

The lines on the petroglyphs turned black and red.

"That should work, right?"

Mrs. Scarlett knelt down excitedly, pressed her hands on the huge petroglyph, and said: "Great unknown god, please accept my sacrifice, listen to my wish, please come down to the sacred body, let I have seen your glory..."

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