MTL - Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!-Chapter 1311 tough monster

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Violent vibrations came from the ground.

There were cobweb-like cracks on the ground, but the petroglyph area was unscathed, and the crack changed direction when it reached the petroglyph-covered area.

Mrs. Scarlett worked harder seeing this situation.

Constantly injecting energy.


Accompanied by loud noises, the surrounding mountains began to collapse, steep peaks began to disintegrate, huge rocks collapsed, and entire mountains and rocks slid down into the abyss.

For a moment, the earth was roaring, smoke and dust rose, and the thick smoke even blocked the sun. The world was shrouded in a layer of khaki-yellow haze, which looked like the end of the world.

Instead of being afraid, Mrs. Scarlet became more excited, constantly injecting her own energy.

The earth trembled more and more frequently, and the shaking became more and more severe. Large areas of surrounding mountains began to collapse, and some mountains even began to collapse as a whole. Thick smoke and dust rose up, making it even more difficult for people to see clearly.

The more this was the case, the more excited Scarlett was. She even pulled out the knife and cut her palm, letting blood flow into the mural.


Accompanied by bursts of loud noises, the surrounding mountains finally collapsed completely, and the ground was full of gravel.

Suddenly, a huge crack appeared on the ground, the crack became wider and wider, and then continued to spread to the distance, forming a huge abyss, a huge hand stretched out from the abyss, grabbed the abyss edge.


There was a roar that pierced people's hearts.

Countless creatures that survived just now either exploded to death after hearing the roar, or bleed to death from their seven orifices.

Countless lives perish in an instant.

Even Mrs. Scarlett was so dizzy from the shock that she fell to the ground.


Another big claw came out of the abyss, and the direction where the huge claw fell was the rock painting area where Mrs. Scarlett was.

"No, great god, I am your faithful believer, you can't do this!"

Mrs. Scarlett shouted.

However, the huge claw fell directly on top of the petroglyph.

The entire petroglyph area was completely annihilated into dust, and even Mrs. Scarlett was wiped out.


With a roar, a huge monster surrounded by flames and lava crawled out of the abyss, and roared towards the sun.

Magma gushes out from the abyss and spreads to the surroundings. The cracks in the ground begin to spread to the surroundings. The ground begins to shatter, and the magma surges outward. Sulfur and poisonous gas emerge from the gaps, and the rising smoke and dust cover the sun's brilliance. Now, the whole world is like the end of the world.

Even Zhang Tuohai, who was thousands of miles away, could see this vision clearly.

Zhang Tuohai, who had just finished the last batch of spaceships, was just about to take a break when he suddenly saw a vision in the distance.

He looked at his main task, but it still didn't show that it was completed.

"Is this also an invasion by the Three-Eyed Clan? How many methods do they have?"

Zhang Tuohai frowned and thought.

However, no matter how bad things were, he had to check it out.

"The Redstone will take off immediately, I'm going to check the situation."

Zhang Tuohai said.


The captain of the Redstone immediately started the spacecraft.

Drive towards the place where the vision occurred.

The Redstone increased its speed to the limit and soon arrived at the scene of the incident.

At this time, the ground in this area has been cracked, the ground is full of red magma and mist that smells of sulfur, yellow smoke and dust enveloped the sun, and a huge monster thousands of meters high stood in the smoke and dust.

At first Zhang Tuohai thought it was a mountain, but he knew that the mountain started to move.

Boom, boom!

Every step of this behemoth is accompanied by shaking of the ground, pieces of land are crushed by it, pieces of forests start to burn, rivers and rivers are evaporated by the high temperature, and even the hills are flattened.

"What is this thing so big?"

Zhang Tuohai raised his head and looked at the huge monster, even though he was well-informed, he didn't recognize what it was.

"It doesn't matter, it's over."

Zhang Tuohai stretched out his hands.

Tens of thousands of chains of condemnation were branched out towards the huge monster.

Seeing the convict chain stretched out, the huge monster burst out with raging flames. The flames were so hot that even Zhang Tuohai was so far away, he could feel the steaming heat waves above.

But the chains of conviction are still entangled.

After the chain of conviction entangled the monster, it continued to entangle, trying to entangle the monster.

However, that monster kept struggling, tearing at the chain of conviction, and even let it remove two chains.

"Huh? Such a powerful thing?"

Zhang Tuohai's eyes froze, and he began to face up to the monster in front of him.

You must know that the chain of conviction is something created by condensing the power of a world. In front of the chain of conviction, there is no monster that cannot be killed.

However, this monster can actually tear off the chain of condemnation from its body. This ability can be said to be unique among all the monsters Zhang Tuohai has seen.

"What the **** is this?"

Zhang Tuohai began to face up to the monster in front of him, continuously injecting power into the chain of conviction, wrapped the chain of conviction around one arm of the opponent, and prepared to remove one arm first.

"Let's go." Zhang Tuohai began to pull back.

The chains of conviction kept tightening.

The chains continued to penetrate deep into the monster's body.


With a muffled sound, one arm of the monster fell down and fell into the abyss.

Before Zhang Tuohai took a breath, the underground magma surged, and countless magma poured into the monster's body, and the monster's lost arm grew back.

Not only did the monster recover from its wounds, but its body even grew two times bigger.

"What the **** is this, why is it so powerful?"

Zhang Tuohai frowned, looked at the monster in front of him, and thought about countermeasures in his mind.

Across so many worlds, he has never seen such a troublesome monster.

With a wave of Zhang Tuohai's hands, thousands of condemnation chains condensed into one, piercing through the monster's chest like a spear.

Afterwards, the chains began to circle around the monster, wrapping the monster tightly from the top of its head to the bottom of its feet, like a mummy.

Subsequently, the chain of conviction began to absorb the energy in the monster's body.

"Is it going to kill you now?"

Zhang Tuohai thought. UU Reading www. uukanshu. com

The Chain of Condemnation is an existence that can absorb even a world, even a monster as big as a star core. There is no reason why a monster cannot be killed.

However, the reality is often unexpected. The monster is constantly being extracted with energy. Instead of shrinking, it has a tendency to grow larger. It seems that the energy is getting more and more, and the chain of condemnation is ringing.

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