MTL - Rock Sugar And Pear Stew-Chapter 22 the third time

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The members of the roller skating club quickly evacuated the crowd and let the runway open.

The two sides agreed to slide five rounds around the playground, whoever wins the first place.

棠 snow replaced the roller skates and helmet, posing on the starting line, the same is true for the hoe.

More than 90% of the onlookers are students of the school, and some teachers pretending to be students, and now they are silently watching the two people on the runway.

As if the rain was coming, the atmosphere was very depressed for a while.

Liao Zhenyu quietly asked Li Yubing: "You said, can my boss attack?"

He asked this question, and probably only listened to a comfort. I know Li Yubing looked at the back of the snow, and said to himself: "This bastard."

Liao Zhenyu: ==

Xia Menghuan stood on the other side of Liao Zhenyu, Wen Sheng said: "It is still possible, everything is possible."

This is the correct comforting posture. At this moment, Liao Zhenyu felt that Xia Menghuan was the little angel himself.

The president of the roller skating community stood on the grass and leaned up, "prepared - 3, 2, 1 -"

The roller skating movement was developed from skating. Between figure skating and figure skating, due to the friction coefficient of the shoes and the way of stress, etc., the difference is large and cannot be replaced by each other. Therefore, it is said that the president said that they are looking for a flower-sliding team to help.

However, speed skating is not the same as speed skating. These two sports are highly similar and high enough to be used for alternative training. The skating site has a relatively large limit, and the snow has experienced the practice of roller skating before practicing skating.

In other words, if a person slides fast on ice, then ta slides as fast on the ground.

Yan Xue practiced eight years of skating, from the second grade of elementary school to the first year of high school. In the first few years, I was amateur. In the later period, I was basically trained in the direction of professional athletes, but she did not persist.

Even so, it is still a problem with an ordinary person.

Yes, Shantou is an ordinary person in her eyes, amateur in amateur. She checked the propaganda materials of this roller skating club, and all the tricks were drawn, and there was no main skating speed.

Therefore, every one of their people, in her eyes, is a spicy chicken.

The president of the roller skating finished the number, his arm slammed down and blew a whistle.

A sharp whistle cuts through the air and penetrates the eardrum. The two people on the runway were like two shells that were fired, and the "嗖" rushed out.

Liao Zhenyu’s anti-attack scene did not appear.

Because, from the first second, she was ahead of the snow.

There was a silence in the crowd.

The previous silence was due to pessimism, and the silence at this time was shocked.

It was so quietly quiet for a while, and someone shouted the first "slot."

Then the audience was swiped by words like "lying trough", "boss" and "refueling".

Liao Zhenyu's slaps are all red, "Boss cheers!"

The snow is bent over, the front is visible, the legs are alternately slid, and the body and arms are rhythmically oscillating to maximize the conversion of the power chain. In order to reduce the wind resistance, she wore a tight-fitting sportswear, and the two legs looked particularly conspicuous, slender and strong, and the lines were healthy and beautiful.

She ran through a circle. When the crowd passed, the crowd boiled and shouted and shouted. She was unaffected and methodical, and her eyes were as electric.

Li Yubing saw her eyes.

Like an eagle hunted for the first time, quiet, focused, innocent, and sharp.


Five rounds of skating down were just a few minutes. When the snow slid across the finish line, the crowd burst into cheers. Her spring breeze is triumphant. After she slows down, she turns her head back, stretches her hand and clap the crowd, and I don’t know if I know it.

The onlookers also gave face very much, and they reached out and rushed to fight with her.

Li Yubing admire the snow. As for a dish of chickens, she was made as grand as the Olympics.

It’s not enough to smash the snow, and I don’t know who suddenly licked her. It’s not stable when I step on the roller skates. I’m too late to prevent it, my body is slanted and I’m going to fall down.

At this critical moment, someone stretched her hand. The man clung to her hand and tried to pull it back. He took the snow back and took him. He took the opportunity to adjust his posture and the body came back.

She sighed softly and stunned.

Then look up at the owner of the hand.

The line of sight was so unpredictable that it hit the deer eyes.

The third time...

After a slap in the snow, I couldn’t help but laugh.

He laughed too, and this time he smiled openly, his light-colored lips opened, revealing neat white teeth, and the dimple on his left face was more obvious. He smiled and glanced at her eyes, black eyes, his eyes like the dew on the lotus leaf, which was wet and vivid.

He moved a little, and Xue Xue looked down, and then he realized that he still took the hand of others. She was a little embarrassed and quickly released him.

He let go of his hand and licked it from his bag.

Then, in the hands of Yan Xue, there was a bottle of soy milk.

Yu Xue is happy, I thought this person is quite fun.

She was about to talk to him. There was a sudden commotion in the crowd, followed by shouts: "naked-running, naked-running, naked-running!..."

Oh, it’s the **** coming back.

Shantou was unfortunate. Just because he was too anxious, he fell and he finally got to the end with psychological pressure. At the end, no one cheered for his persistence, everyone was waiting for him to run naked.

It’s not the same as watching TV.

Yan Xue stepped on the roller skates and walked to the front of the hoe. He smiled and said: "Isn't it convinced?"

Shantou's face is hard to see, stiff, and does not say a word.

Gray hair is still calm, ask Qi Xue: "Who are you?"



The gray hair was thundered.

"Don't talk nonsense," Yan Xue held his arm and looked at the girl. "Hurry up naked-run, we are still waiting to eat."

When this was said, it immediately attracted an attachment.

I hope that gambling and losing is not a long-faced thing, but if you run away, you don’t even have to do it. Therefore, Shantou finally chose to gamble and lose.

He closed his clothes with his eyes closed and found a pair of bottoms.

Underneath the gimmick coat, a sponge baby underwear is hidden.

Really, Wan Wanmei thought of it...

The **** broke into a jar and walked for dozens of meters in the playground wearing a pair of pants. When he was facing the crowd, as he walked, the buttocks muscles were touched. The sponge baby on his buttocks, his face and eyes were moving, as if he were alive, squeezing his eyes against the crowd.

On this day, the witnesses on the playground left some psychological shadows and felt like they were being teased by a pair of underwear.

After the bare-run, the gray-haired initiative and the roller skating president talked about it. The people who know the time are Junjie. The students are thin and ugly. Now, let’s talk a little better. This storm can be calmed down in a faster and more peaceful way, minimizing the negative impact on their clubs.

Things finally ended, and the crowd gradually dispersed.

Yu Xue held the bottle of soy milk and looked at it for a long time. He didn't see the person.

"I don't know what the name is," she murmured.

Li Yibing asked her to work hard, and she took the soy milk from her hand. When the snow was found, he had quickly unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip.

Don't be an outsider at all.

"Hey!" Yu Xue was a little unhappy.

Li Yubing's mouth contains mouth soy milk, and the gang helps him to bulge. He lowered his eyes and swallowed something in his mouth.


Also special with sound effects.

棠 snow bites his teeth, "you--" finished the word, suddenly slogan.

Li Yinbing’s eyes fell on her face. He looked at her eyes, her clear and calm eyes, and she was as serious as ever.

Qi Xue originally wanted to swear, but he made her very uncomfortable, she did not come out, only hard state said: "What are you doing?"

“Why don’t you skate?” asked Li Yubing.

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