MTL - Rubik’s Cube Heavens-v3 Chapter 61 Proud

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The latest website: Ghost Dominator, a 'gray' guild in the kingdom.

Although it is a 'Bright Union' in the records of the 'Council', in fact, their reputation in the entire kingdom is not good.

Because the wizards of the 'ghost' often blackmail their clients when doing tasks, and even cause non-fatal injuries.

However, the president of its guild is also a member of the 'Top Ten Sorcerers', so the 'Council' can only choose to turn a blind eye to the 'Dark Guild' in order to prevent the opponent's powerful power from degenerating to the 'Dark Guild'. Eyes, it is still listed as the 'Bright Union'.

The president of 'Ghost' is called Joseph Paula, and the relationship between him and President Makarov is extremely bad.

The reason came from the year Kewen joined the guild. At the 'President's Gathering' that year, both parties who were drinking high said that their guild was the best in the entire kingdom.

The dispute developed into an all-out martial arts, and in the end Joseph Paula was defeated.

From then on, Joseph Paula, who was careful, never participated in the "President's Party" again, and began to target "Fairy Tail" everywhere.

In the past six years, the 'Ghost Ruler' has carried out many actions against the guild, including but not limited to looting and sabotage missions, spreading rumors in the kingdom, and so on.

However, since the other party didn't cause any harm to the guild members, President Makarov turned a blind eye and didn't bother to pay attention to the other party.

This time, I am afraid that the other party's personnel are spreading rumors, but Laxus happened to bump into it.

And Laxus maintains the guild from the bottom of his heart, and does not allow outsiders to ruin the reputation of the guild.

However, the guild has the rule of 'respecting life', so Laxus could only hold back his anger, and came back to the guild to find Kewen to vent his anger.

Corvin understands the mindset and thinking of Laxus today.

In the past few years, Laxus has become more and more self-conscious. From the other side's point of view, as long as the guild shows absolute strength to suppress, no one will dare to make any small obstacles to the guild.

Therefore, Laxus was very resentful about the 'inaction' of Cowen and Mira all day.

However, as Kewen said, once the guild is too powerful, then the "dark forces" who are tinkering with various conspiracies all day will probably regard the guild as a stumbling block that they must destroy first.

And the 'Council' may also have bad thoughts on the guild.

The original intention of the establishment of the 'Council' was to provide assistance to all the guilds in the kingdom, and was responsible for providing a platform for close contact between the guilds and providing various information and intelligence.

With the development, the weight of the 'Council' has been increased, and it has begun to monitor the dynamics of the 'Dark Trade Union' and pass the information to the various 'Light Trade Unions'.

Later, the "Council" formed an armed force, and began to arrest and try on its own.

Until now, the 'Council' has inflated itself again, believing that they are already high above, and gradually intervening in the affairs of the various 'Bright Unions'.

That's why Kewen said that once the guild became too powerful, it would also create a sense of crisis in the Council, and secretly attack the guild.

All of these situations were learned from Kewen's "Kanban".

As for the members of the guild, it is not clear. Including Laxus and other 'S-class' mages, they are basically only responsible for completing the entrusted work, and they have never thought about the various twists and turns behind the operation of the guild. around.

Today's timing is just right, so, rushing Laxus in the rare mood to listen to his nonsense, Kewen told the other party about the twists and turns...

After listening to Kewen's suggestion, Laxus was silent for a moment.

After finishing a glass of beer again, he placed the glass heavily on the bar.

With a swipe of his mouth, Laxus stubbornly glanced at Kewen, and said in a disdainful tone: "My opinion is correct! As long as the guild shows a formidable strength that is difficult to confront! No matter what 'Dark Guild' or 'Council' Everyone! Don't dare to think about the guild any more!"

Kewen didn't intend to continue to waste his words, he smiled and waved his hand indifferently: "You will understand later, oh yes."

Changing the subject, Kewen took out the seal from under the bar and greeted, "Come on, I'll re-print the emblem for you."

"Why?" Ai Ba Gelin supported her cheeks with her hands on the bar, her delicate body twisted into a very seductive posture, and after hearing the words, she said with some trouble, "Why do you want to re-print the emblem?"

Kewen pointed to the middle of the hall: "Didn't you see it? Everyone can use the 'Personal Fairy Terminal' now, which was newly researched by me more than a month ago. Now, there are only you and Kiel in the entire guild. Darth has not updated the emblem."

"Oh?" Aiba Gelin became interested, put down her arms and sat upright, turned her head to look at the hall, and immediately got up and said, "Then hurry up and get me one."

Kewen leaned back slightly to hide, avoiding the snow-white softness that Aiba Gelin bumped into.

He smiled helplessly, raised the seal, and carefully placed the seal on top of the snow-white hemisphere exposed by Aiba Gelin.

After she was done, Aiba Gelin retracted her body, lowered her head and groped for the mark of the emblem and asked, "How to do it?"

"Enter a little magic power into it, and then read the password." Kewen instructed the other party, and said the pronunciation password of "rune script".

Aiba Gelin immediately followed suit, and then said softly, "Fairy Tail."

A magic screen quickly appeared in front of the other party's eyes, which made Aiba Gelin look surprised, and then began to fiddle with the operation.

"Get it for me too."

After seeing this, Feilid stretched out his left hand and presented the green emblem on the back of his hand in front of Kewen.

"no problem."

While tattooing, Kewen said, "The 'personal terminal' contains a lot of information, which can help you find information easily when doing tasks."

While speaking, Kewen had already 'updated' Feilid, and continued: "And you can also make remote calls like a 'communication crystal', in short, it's all kinds of convenience, you guys should study it slowly. "


Laxus interjected in the side: "I know how to make some useless things!"

"If you have the ability, you don't have to."

Kewen replied with a chuckle, raised his seal, and gestured to Laxus.

Seeing that the other party was unmoved, Kewen raised his eyebrows and reminded with a smirk: "The emblem of Biguslo is on the tongue. Do you want him to lick it before printing it on your chest?"

Laxus froze all over, gritted his teeth and broke the blue veins on his forehead. After giving Kewen a fierce look, he finally quickly opened his shirt to reveal his emblem at the heart.


Kewen chuckled as he updated the emblem imprint on Laxus, the 'tired of rubbing'.

Ignoring Laxus, who immediately got up and walked to the second floor, Kewen looked at Biguslo who was wearing a half metal mask: "Come on, stick out your tongue, don't disturb me."

"Lai Lai Lai..."

Biguslo only worshipped Laxus, so he wouldn't listen to Kewen's words, so after opening his mouth, he kept making faces at Kewen with his tongue.

Kewen rolled his eyes and pointed his left index to the other side: "It's all petrified."

In an instant, Bigusro's entire body suddenly turned gray, and although it was still flesh, it showed the stiffness of petrification.

Identifying the marks on the opponent's tongue, Kewen pressed the seal down, updated Biguslo's emblem, and then clicked again to unlock the 'Petrification Curse' for the opponent.

"Bah! You!"

Biguslow subconsciously 'bah' his tongue twice, then raised his finger to Kewen, but after meeting Kewen's eyes, he obediently quieted down again.

"Okay, now only Gildas is left." Kewen put the seal back under the bar, and after raising his head, Xiang Zheng continued to make faces at him, and Biguslo threatened: "What? Tell Gildas in the future, have you licked the seal before?"


Biguslow hurriedly got up and left, found an empty table and sat down.

Seeing this, Feilid shook his head helplessly, got up and went to accompany his companions. Only Abagnale remained in front of the bar, fluttering her long hair like a joke, and continued to tinker with the virtual screen in front of her.

Not long after, Laxus walked down from the second floor with a task list.

Coming to the bar, Laxus threw the task one-way at Kewen, and said in a disgusting tone: "Register!"

Kewen raised his hand and tapped on the bar, causing a magic screen to rise from the bar. After double-tapping his finger, he took a picture of the task list with the 'photo function'.

"Okay, take it."

Kewen informed, and leaned over to take out the paper registration form from under the bar for filing.

Laxus picked up the task list again, staring at Kewen who started work and wanted to say something, but he gave up in the end.

With a cold snort, Laxus turned and left.

Seeing this, the three Thunder Gods also got up and followed.

It was not until the four of them walked out of the gate of the guild, and after a while, the originally quiet people returned to their previous commotion.

At this time Bisca and her partner Arzac came to the front of the bar.

"Kewen." Biska said with a smile: "Help us check the points to see if we have enough to exchange magic."

"Hold on."

Kewen called up the information in the terminal, and after reading it, he responded, "That's ok, but Arzak is still five mission points away."

Hearing this, Arzak scratched his head shyly, and said to Bisca, "Then you can exchange it first."

Kewen picked up the conversation and said with a smile, "It's okay to be together, just give me more points later."

"Ah?" Arzak was stunned, and said quickly, "Thank you so much, Kewen!"

Waving his hand, Kewen got up and said, "Wait a minute, I'll go to the library to get you the magic book of 'dressing magic'."

After that, Kewen went straight to the back door...