MTL - Rubik’s Cube Heavens-v3 Chapter 62 compensation

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The latest website: Bisca and Thor have a personal cult, and she respects it more deeply, and even magic wants to learn the same as Erza.

Of course, although they are all 'dressing magic', the 'dressing branches' chosen are not the same due to different combat methods.

Erza's "dressing magic" is the knight series, while the branch chosen by Bisca is the "gunner" series.

The essence of magic is the same, all equipment is stored in a 'coordinate location' in advance, so that the equipment can be 'coordinated replacement' during the battle.

Yes, not a unique space, but a coordinate location.

For example, Erza, before she passed the 'S rank', she always had to carry a lot of suitcases when she went out on a mission to hold her various types of armor and equipment with different functions.

After Mira became an 'S-class', she showed off the neckband that Kewen gave her to Erusa, so Erusa asked Kewen to upgrade her pair of 'fairy earrings', and also opened up an interior. space.

Since then, Erza has put all the equipment into the space of the earrings, and set the coordinates of the 'dressing magic' inside the earrings.

Therefore, the magic of this "dressing magic" is not to make the equipment appear instantly, but to make the equipment automatically fit on the body, eliminating the need to manually wear clothes.

Kewen felt that this magic was very convenient, so he had mastered it, not for fighting, but for changing clothes in an instant.


At this time, Kewen had already come to the library, looked up at the high bookshelf, and then raised his hand to release the 'calling spell'.

Two books flew from the bookshelves and fell into his hands.

One is the 'dressing magic' that Bisca needs, and the other is the 'attribute enchantment' that Arzak needs.

Compared to Biska's fiery worship, Arzak is much more rational.

He did not choose to use the same magic as Bisca, but considered the balance of the team's strength.

Since Biska chose the diversification of firearm functions, he chose the diversification of ammunition functions.

Therefore, the magic of 'attribute enchantment' is the most suitable for Arzak to manufacture various types of ammunition, thus complementing the mutual strength of Bisca...

Not long after, Kewen used magic to copy two books and then returned to the guild hall.

He handed the books to Bisca and Arzak, who were sitting at the bar. After receiving thanks, Cowen asked, "How do you solve the problem of firearms and ammunition? There are very few places in the kingdom that sell firearms and ammunition, right?"

"no problem."

Biska happily held the magic book and explained: "In the past two years, the kingdom and our hometown have gradually increased contact, so magic items such as firearms have gradually appeared in the kingdom."

"I see." Kewen said suddenly: "I didn't pay much attention to the situation in this regard, so now you can buy the special firearms from your mainland in the kingdom?"

"Well, but only a few shops will sell it." Biska nodded and said, "I only know that the 'magic shop' in the capital of the kingdom sells them, but there are very few types of firearms."

"Then what do you do?" Kewen asked: "I mean, without a variety of firearms, won't it affect your strength?"

"It doesn't matter." Arzak interjected, and after sneaking a glance at Bisca, he said with a little longing: "Bisca is a master of firearms, and she knows how to make many kinds of firearms."

"Oh?" Kewen looked at Biska in surprise: "Do you make it yourself?"

"Well, no problem!" Biska nodded confidently with a smile.

"That's it..." Kewen immediately lowered his head and leaned over, took out a stack of manuscript papers from under the bar, and then said, "Wait a moment."

After speaking, Kewen picked up a pen and quickly drew on the manuscript paper. Soon, the pattern of a revolver gradually appeared on the manuscript paper, not only the overall image, but also the detailed data of various parts.

After the drawing, Kewen handed the drawing to Biska, and then said, "Can you do me a favor? Help me make two pistols like this."

"Huh?" Biska frowned slightly after seeing the drawing, and said strangely, "Why are the bullets pointed? Also, why is the structure of the barrel of the gun asymmetrical? Is it a problem with the drawing?"

"No." Cowen explained: "The barrel of the gun is this structure, although it does not allow the bullet to get the ultimate range and damage, but it can make the bullet shoot in an arc."

"Arc shooting?" Biska looked up at Kewen in surprise, but she didn't have the concept.

"Yes, um..." Kewen felt that he couldn't explain it for a short time, so he turned to say: "Well, you help me make the pistol first, and then I will show you."

"Okay." Biska responded while putting away the drawings: "No problem. It will take about a week. I need to get some manufacturing equipment first."

"No problem, please Bisca."

"It's nothing." Biska smiled and waved her hand, then got up and said goodbye: "Then I'll prepare first, see you Kewen."

"Goodbye Biska." Kewen responded, and nodded to Arzak, who also stood up.

The two of them just left, and not long after, a man in a 'Council' costume walked in from the gate.

Kewen knew each other, because the other party came over often, and he almost became the exclusive liaison between the Council and the guild.

Glancing at the person who was approaching, Kewen sighed helplessly.

Knocking on the table and looking around at all the members who came over, Kewen asked weakly, "Which **** among you is this time again, and what trouble did you cause me outside?"

A giggling response sounded, but no one came forward to admit it.

Helplessly retracting his gaze, Kewen stared at the members of the Council who walked in front of him, and had no choice but to ask without a smile, "Good afternoon, Mr. Dade Leewoods Barbercon."

"Mr. Kewen is still so outspoken." The visitor took out a receipt from his arms and smiled threateningly: "Just call my name Dade."

Kewen looked at the receipt that symbolized 'money' in the other party's hand, and squeezed more smiles on his face: "If you call you Dade, there is always a feeling of being taken advantage of by you, so Mr. Barberken, please Let’s be honest, what happened to the people in our guild this time?”

Baboken handed the receipt directly to Kewen, and said with a chuckle, "This time, it's Miss Kana from your guild. She passed away the fine wine collected in the client's house."

Kewen's eyes twitched, he quickly looked up and scanned the hall, but he didn't see Kana.

Depressedly looking back, Kewen sighed helplessly, and then said, "Okay, I will punish her later, so how much will I have to accompany her this time?"

"Not much." Baboken said with a smile: "It's only 15 million gold."

"How much, how much!?" Ke Wen's eyes widened in disbelief.

"15 million gold." Babeken repeated with a smile, and then explained: "The one that was passed along was an out-of-print fine wine that had been stored in the cellar for more than a hundred years, so..."

Kewen gritted his teeth, this is so much in line with the bounties of the three 'S-rank' missions.

However, thinking of Kana's appearance as a big wine barrel and an old alcoholic, Kewen really didn't doubt that there was any moisture in the compensation amount offered by the Council.

In desperation, Kewen had to pay for himself and took out the purse from his pocket.

Under the simple 'calling spell', a full 1,500 gold coins flew out of the purse, and they pushed them to Barberken with a gloomy face.

Continuing to collect the gold coins with a smile, Barberken didn't count them. After all, he had received too much compensation from Kewen, and they had good credit with each other.

After collecting all the gold coins, Baboken spoke again and said with a smile: "Excuse me, please pay the labor fee and penalty fee again."

Kewen frowned and gave out the banknotes of '150,000 gold' again.

"Okay." Baboken took the money and said goodbye with a smile: "Then don't bother, I hope your guild can make the members more restrained."

"I will, please go!" Kewen smiled falsely, and started chasing guests with a bit of gnashing of teeth.

Baboken was already used to it, and immediately turned away with a smile.

Without waiting for the other party to walk out of the gate of the guild, Kewen immediately summoned the magic screen and sent a communication video to Kana.

It took a long time to be connected. Looking at the scene in the video, Kewen knew where the other party was now. It was in the hot spring bathroom in his home.

"Kana!" Kewen growled depressedly: "You're causing trouble for me again!"

"Hiccup... ah?"

Kana looked drunk, lying naked in the hot spring, surrounded by white mist curling around her body.

After a long hiccup, Kana said with her eyes hazy: "It's Kewen, do you want to come to the hot spring together?"

With a jump in his temples, Kewen couldn't do anything about them, the peas who had grown up under his watch. UU Reading finally sighed and planned to teach him a lesson when the other party sobered up.

"Hey, forget it." Kewen shook his head: "You can soak it first."

When the words fell, Kewen waved his hand to interrupt the video communication.

After canceling the magic screen, Kewen gave a doting chuckle and shook his head again speechlessly.

Speaking of which, he has already lost a lot of money out of his own pocket for those troublemakers in the past few years.

For damage to cities and buildings, the guild will pay the compensation, and for those who eat the overlord's meal or accidentally hurt others, Kewen will maintain his identity as a 'parent' and pay out of his own pocket.

After all, Natsu and the others are not inherently flawed. They just often lack a tendon, and their attention will be suddenly distracted by other things, thus ignoring the environment around them.

Just like Kana this time, she must have treated the client's house as a guild when she was drunk, otherwise she wouldn't steal other people's wine even if she was an alcoholic...