MTL - Rubik’s Cube Heavens-v6 Chapter 31 Finish

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From the start of the Qitarui invasion to the end of the current battle, the whole process lasted about half an hour.

For half an hour, Kewen didn't watch.

He's been parsing everything.

It is a pity that perhaps he did not have access to the real object of the 'Cosmic Rubik' Cube, so that his analysis work failed to achieve much.

He failed to analyze the energy principle of the 'Cosmic Cube'.

But he also got some 'leftovers', including the coordinates of the Chitauri's main ship in the universe.

Kewen can directly raise his hand and draw a circle to open the portal linking the cosmic coordinates.

But the opportunity is rare, and he naturally wants to experiment with the 'Cosmic Rubik' Cube.

At this time, Kewen took the suitcase containing the 'Cosmic Cube' from Natasha.

Before he could make any movement, Natasha reached out and took off her own headset and handed it over.

Kewen didn't say anything, and reached out again to take the headset and plug it into the ear hole.

"I'm here." Kai said in the communication channel.

Tony Stark's voice immediately sounded: "What cooperation is needed!?"

"You just need to come here with the nuclear bomb." Kewen said, "I will open the portal connecting the alien's position, just send the nuclear bomb in."

"You know the coordinates of the Chitauri!?" Tony Stark was very surprised.

"Are they called Chitarians?" Kewen pretended to be ignorant and continued, "Yes, I've reversed their coordinates."

"What a surprise!"

Tony Stark seemed relieved: "Well, I admit that you have surpassed me a lot in space technology, so I'll leave it to you to play next! It's better as soon as possible, there is less than a minute for the nuclear bomb to explode!"

Kewen looked in the direction of the ocean, and he could already vaguely see the figure flying with the nuclear bomb on his back.

So Kewen is no longer wordy.

He directly reached out and grabbed the universe Rubik's Cube, and grabbed the still somewhat hot Rubik's Cube from the suitcase.

For a moment, he seemed to see the outline of the entire universe.

Nebulae, galaxies, planets, and even scenes within planets.

Cowen even found himself standing on the top of the 'Stark Building' in the mode of God's perspective.

No wonder the 'Infinity Stones' are craved by so many people. Just a space gem can give people a god-like experience.

This feeling was too obsessive, but Kewen was sober, so he immediately got rid of the temptation of the creator.

Looking at the 'Cosmic Cube' in his hand, Kewen secretly said, 'it's not the time' with some regret.

So he cut off the delusion in his heart and stuffed the universe cube back into the suitcase.

"You are..." Natasha didn't know the meaning of Kewen's move.

"It's nothing." Kewen said perfunctorily, then raised his right hand and drew a circle towards the sky.

The portal formed by the blue sparks appeared, at the height of the previous wormhole.

As the portal opened, something unexpected happened.

A large number of Qitarui seemed to have been replaced with new batteries, and they staggered from the ground to get up.

All the humans in the battlefield discovered this and couldn't help but get nervous again.

Captain America notified everyone of the situation on the communication channel.

Tony Stark immediately said: "Hold on for dozens of seconds! These Chitauris may be remotely controlled by the hive terminal! When the portal is closed again, they will fail again!"

When the words fell, Tony Stark raised his voice and commanded: "Jarvis! Use all the energy to turn! Let me send it up!"

The AI ​​immediately followed suit, assisting in controlling the suit and trying to turn upwards.

It almost hit the Stark Building, and at the last moment, the armor finally successfully rose up and flew straight into the sky.

Soon, Tony Stark's figure plunged into the portal and entered the deep space of the universe.

Kewen has always been paying attention with his senses.

With his 'divine sense'-like perception, he saw Tony Stark let go of the nuclear bomb, causing the nuclear bomb to fly to the main ship of the Chitauris.

I saw Tony Stark use the last energy to activate the reverse propulsion system on the suit.

The steel battle suit lost its energy, and with the last reverse thrust, it fell weakly towards the portal in the deep space of the universe.

After a few breaths, the nuclear bomb successfully hit the main ship of the Chitauri, and the nuclear explosion spread rapidly and silently in the deep space of the universe.

And the resurrected Qitarui people on the earth, at the same time, as if the power was cut off again, they fell to the ground and lost their voices.

At this time, Tony Stark flew too 'deep' into the universe, and it would probably take more than ten seconds before he returned to the portal.

These times are enough for the power of the nuclear explosion to engulf him.

As a physics genius, Tony Stark, of course, calculated this result instantaneously.

Although it was a little regretful, he finally realized it and looked away.

Taking a last look at the oncoming explosion, Tony Stark slowly closed his eyes inside the armor.

He calmly prepares for death.

Cowen, of course, found this too.

His views on Tony Stark are a bit mixed.

On the one hand, he is a little tired of Tony Stark, who is always the source of disaster; on the other hand, he appreciates the heroic actions of Tony Stark who have the courage to sacrifice himself.

But no matter what his opinion was, Kewen had to rescue the other party first at this time.

So, he pushed his right hand into the air.

Following his movements, the portal in the sky suddenly began to move into the sky.

Soon, the portal 'swallowed' Tony Stark back in the universe.

Seeing this, Kewen folded his five fingers together and clenched his fists, causing the high-altitude portal to quickly close and disappear.

Tony Stark is still in free fall, not doing anything to save himself.

Seeing that he had already fallen to the height of the roof, Kewen was about to rescue him, but stopped.

Because he saw the Hulk jumping between buildings.

The Hulk successfully took Tony Stark into his arms, slid slowly along the wall of the building, and finally jumped out of the building with Tony Stark in his arms and smashed onto the street.

The Hulk held Tony Stark in his arms, and he used himself as a pad behind his back to prevent Tony Stark from being hit.

On the roof, Kewen walked to the edge of the building and looked down at the 'good' Hulk.

Then he turned to Natasha who was following him and said, "Go down and have a look?"

As he spoke, he waved his hand and opened a portal beside him, and inside the door was the scene of the street below.

Natasha didn't say much, and rushed through the portal, checking Tony Stark's situation with Captain America and Thor who ran over.

Seeing this, Kewen also raised his leg and crossed the portal. After canceling the portal, he opened another one.

Inside the door, the limping Barton stopped in surprise.

He looked towards the street through the portal, and then he got out of the portal.

The portal was cancelled again, and in front of Kewen, the first-generation Avengers had all gathered.

However, the atmosphere at the scene was very solemn.

Thor grabbed the visor of the steel armor, revealing Tony Stark's closed-eyed face.

Natasha knelt down and leaned over, and after checking it, she straightened up a little helplessly, and shook her head to everyone.

Everyone was silent.

Sadness began to rise.

Until the Hulk roared angrily and irritably.

"Hiccup! Ha..."

The instinct to breathe reappeared, and Tony Stark suddenly opened his eyes.

He gasped heavily, his body was trapped inside the armor and couldn't move, but his eyes glanced around.

"what happened?"

Tony Stark asked with an overly frightened look: "I dreamed that I became Sleeping Beauty, so no one kissed me just now?"

Seeing that Tony Stark was joking immediately after waking up, the Avengers finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Captain America and Natasha slumped on the ground, the former heaving a sigh of relief: "We... won..."

"Ah, well done guys."

Tony Stark also relaxed his body, but still couldn't help but said with a broken mouth: "Great, great, long live, everyone don't go to work tomorrow, give yourself a day off."

"Have you ever had Turkish BBQ?"

He reluctantly turned his neck and glanced at everyone's suggestion: "I remember a Turkish kebab shop two blocks away. Of course, I haven't actually eaten it, but I want to try it."

"Eat?" Natasha and looked at Hawkeye Barton.

Barton also laughed: "I know where the best food is."

"That's right." Natasha suggested: "And there is just a chance to treat everyone there. Believe me, the doctors there are very powerful, not ordinary."

"Really?" Tony Stark teased: "It won't be some secret agency of your S.H.I.E.L.D.? Are you actually planning to send everyone to slice?"

Natasha rolled her eyes, too lazy to talk to Tony Stark.

At this time, Kewen, who had been silent for a long time, couldn't stand.

Listening to what Natasha means, are you planning to take these guys to his hospital?

He couldn't stay any longer.

So Cowen made a noise and said to Tony Stark: "It's over, I'm leaving."


Tony Stark reluctantly pursed his lips and smiled: "Thank you Kekekekekekeke..."

Quickly shut his mouth, Tony Stark covered up: "I seem to have hit my lungs, and my throat is so itchy. Cough, thank you man, or you can go to my place later and let me show you a formality. Thanks."

Kewen shook his galaxy-spinning hood slightly.

Then he didn't say more, and opened the portal under his feet.

With a 'huh', Kewen fell directly under the ground, and then the portal quickly closed and disappeared.

This novel way of leaving stunned the Avengers.

However, Natasha was stunned for another thing.

She looked away from where Cowen disappeared and turned to Tony Stark again.

Her eyes pondered and probed, but she finally chose to remain silent...