MTL - Rubik’s Cube Heavens-v6 Chapter 32 door to door

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Several sports cars galloped down the road.

The alien invasion war has just passed, and the people are finally taking to the streets again.

Listening to the news broadcast, the entire Manhattan Island suddenly fell into a sea of ​​carnival.

Of course, this is just the carnival of most people, and a small number of people have lost their homes and relatives, and can only wipe away tears.


The harsh tire friction sounded, and several sports cars stopped at the door of the hospital.

In the sports car in the front, Natasha helped Clint Barton, who was a little crippled, to get out of the car.

In the car behind, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner also opened the door.

On the last sports car, Sol jumped out directly from the top of the door, and then looked at the sports car under him and commented: "Listen to Stark, this is the most advanced means of transportation in your atrium? It's too narrow, let I can't turn over, no one wants to make them bigger?"

"It's just for commuting."

Captain America stepped out of the driver's seat and responded with a smile: "If the combat vehicle wants space, we still have tanks, fighter planes and the like."

Sol has no corresponding concept, so he simply doesn't say more.

At this time, Tony Stark opened his mouth.

He looked up at the hospital in front of him, and then said in a slightly strange tone: "Hospital? Shouldn't we go to eat now? And I seem to know this place."

Natasha walked to the hospital gate with Patton and said, "The meal is also here, and I don't know if you know the owner here, Cowen Quinn, who is one of the shareholders of your Stark Industries. "


Tony Stark raised his eyebrows: "I mean, of course I know him, he's the only big retail investor to buy stocks after I announced the closure of the weapons development department, so of course I know him, and... …”

Tony Stark added: "If I remember correctly, at my birthday party, Cowen Quinn here was Natasha your party partner, right?"

"It's rare." Natasha looked back at Tony Stark: "You pay attention to this information and remember it in your heart."

"I've only seen his message twice."

Tony Stark was still wearing that tattered armor, he said as he walked towards the door: "But the special thing is that the two times were in an environment that made me more concerned, so the impression he gave me was rather profound."

"Then you should be impressed again today."

Natasha had already stepped into the hall on the first floor, and said without looking back, "After you have seen the food here and Kewen's medical skills."


Tony Stark walked in and followed, looking at the hall on the first floor and said, "I don't want to eat any dark food after a hard fight."

The voice fell, and the Avengers had all walked into the hall, causing the mop in the hands of the cleaning staff to fall to the ground with a 'click'.

The Avengers ignored it. Natasha quickened her pace and called to the nurse station after walking to the passage: "Where is your boss?"

The figure of Miss 2b stood up from the nurse station.

After seeing the Avengers, she smiled and said, "Good noon, Ms. Romanov, the boss is upstairs at this time, do you need me to inform you?"

"It's inconvenient for him?" Natasha continued to ask, "Can we go up directly?"

"Of course." Miss 2b nodded: "The boss has no patient appointments today."

"OK, thanks."

Natasha turned her footsteps and helped Patton to the elevator.

When everyone entered the elevator, Sol couldn't help but said, "Don't you feel strange?"

He looked around at everyone: "I always feel that something is wrong."

"Little Na."

Barton, who was leaning against the wall of the elevator, opened his mouth and said slightly solemnly: "The response of the nurse is not right, and the cleaning is the normal response. So, have you investigated those newly hired by Kewen?"

"Don't worry, Clint, I've looked into it."

Natasha said indifferently: "The three doctors and two nurses are all medical experts specially recruited by Kewen from the East. They may have a lot of knowledge. It is normal that they are not surprised when they face us. I can only say that Mental health is good."

"Five people? Newly hired?"

Tony Stark interjected, and without waiting for a response, he immediately thought and said, "Jarvis, is there a signal around me?"

"Yes, sir."

Hearing this, Tony Stark's eyebrows were raised again, he hesitated for a while, and finally he couldn't help but ordered: "Invasion."


Captain America felt a little rude and couldn't help reminding him.

Tony Stark raised his hand to signal not to disturb, he turned his head slightly and waited for Jarvis' response.

Soon, the voice of the smart housekeeper sounded in the headset: "Sorry sir, there are more of them."

"Okay! Okay!"

Tony Stark immediately nodded and said, "I understand! The mission is cancelled."

"Yes, the mission is canceled."

Ending the conversation, Tony Stark's eyes quickly flashed with excitement.

He felt very interesting.

And at this moment, his eyes happened to meet Natasha.

Finding the depth in Natasha's eyes, Tony Stark immediately avoided his gaze.

But what he didn't find was that at the same time, Natasha also made the same action and turned her eyes away.

Clint Barton may have found something.

But he glanced at Natasha, and then put his doubts behind him.

The other three Avengers were a little dazed.

The super soldier serum that gave Steve Rogers a bright mind.

He noticed the strangeness of the atmosphere, but he didn't have any gossip character, so he insisted on the principle of being a human being and didn't want to delve into anything unrelated.

Bruce Banner is in a weakened state after his transformation, and he has no mind to pay attention to other things.

Only Thor, Han Han, still did not turn around.

He didn't understand, how the topic was talked, and then turned to other things?

Sol, who couldn't figure it out, scratched his head and simply didn't think about it.



The elevator reached the fourth floor and the door opened.

Kewen was standing at the door to greet him. After he saw everyone, he showed a look of surprise at the right time.

Then he looked at Natasha and said, "Albi told you to come up, but Natasha, I didn't expect you to be frightened this time."

"Sorry." Captain America said a little embarrassedly: "I take the liberty to interrupt."

"Do not."

Kewen smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, I'm joking with Natasha."

Saying that, Kewen stretched out his arm and helped Clint Barton over.

Then, he nodded to Tony Stark and others one by one.

"Cowen Quinn."

Tony Stark seems to treat himself as an outsider.

After getting out of the elevator, he looked left and right at the layout of the entire fourth floor, and said at the same time, "Listen to Agent Romanov, do you have the most delicious food here?"

"Take it out for me to see. I just fought a war. If your food can satisfy us all, I can transfer you some shares of 'Stark Industries'."

"I wouldn't dare to do this kind of deal with you."

Cowen gave Tony Stark a meaningful look.

Tony Stark was stunned for a moment, and suddenly came over, his way of giving away shares was indeed very abrupt.

If you want to repay Kewen's help before, you should think of a way later.

So he stopped the topic and said casually: "Don't worry, I'm also joking."

Cowen smiled, then led the Avengers into the living room.

Supporting Clint Barton to sit down, Kewen put his fingers directly on the other's pulse.

Not long after, he withdrew his hand and smiled at Patton: "Fortunately, it's all hard injuries, go downstairs later and ask Dr. Duanmurong to give you acupuncture, and then push the palace massage with medicinal wine to ensure that your injury is within two days. It will heal within days.”

Hearing this, Clint Barton immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He showed a relaxed smile: "This is the best news I have heard in the recent period of time."

Kewen smiled and patted the other person's shoulder, then stretched out his hand to Natasha: "Look at it?"

"Look at it." Natasha stretched out her wrist naturally.

After checking for a while, Kewen smiled and nodded: "No problem, it's also a bruise, and it's not serious, and it can be cured today, but I found that you have some heart season. It'll be fine."

Hearing this, Natasha couldn't help but glance at Bruce Banner.

And Bruce Banner can only cast an apology with a wry smile.

"So these few?" Kewen turned his attention to the others again: "Do you need me to help you take a look?"

"Are you checking your injuries?"

Sol couldn't help but say, "What kind of magic do you have? How can you check it with a scratch of your wrist?"


Kewen pretended not to know, after all Natasha hadn't introduced him yet.

"I'm Thor, Thor Odinson."

Sol stretched out his hand boldly: "I'm the God of Thor of Asgard, is this what your atrium wants to shake hands with?"


Cowen reached out and shook hands, and glanced at Natasha.

Seeing this, Natasha smiled and shrugged: "You are not dreaming, he is indeed a god."

"Although I would love to believe..."

Cowen looked shocked and asked Sol, "Do you mind, Mr. Thor? Can I check your body?"

"Of course!" Sol stretched out his wrist like Natasha: "Let me see what magic you are using."

This made Kewen's movements stop, and he found that he really couldn't use the ability of 'red hand' very well.

Thor is different from other Avengers, he is a true superhuman who can perceive magical energy.

Therefore, Kewen had to put away his methods and pretended to give Thor a pulse.

After a while, he withdrew his hand and said in a shocking tone: "This is really embarrassing for me. For the first time, I have discovered that someone's pulse seems to be beating a drum."

"Your magic is to detect the heartbeat?" Thor lost interest, and explained casually: "The density of our Asgardians' bodies is more than three times that of your Atrium people, so naturally we need a stronger heartbeat."

"Long experience." Kewen responded indifferently.

Then, he turned his gaze to Captain America again.

Looking at the other party's dress, Kewen said hesitantly, "This gentleman's dress reminds me of the Captain America Museum."

"He is." Natasha laughed softly: "Steve Rogers, the Captain America back then."

"Are you kidding?" Kewen pretended to be stunned and confirmed to Natasha: "Captain America has sacrificed for seventy years, and this young gentleman..."

"I'm frozen."

Steve Rogers smiled calmly and gently: "I was rescued not long ago."

"I see."

Kewen stretched out his hand with a look of respect: "Captain, it's an honor to meet you."

"Thank you." Steve Rogers reached out and shook hands with Cowen.

However, Kewen showed a very hesitant look.

Seeing this, Steve Rogers couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong? What trouble did I cause you..."

"Do not!"

Kewen immediately shook his head, and then said a little embarrassedly, "I just thought of a somewhat rude question."

"It doesn't matter, just say it." Steve Rogers smiled very generously.

"Why did you let the plane crash back then?" Kewen asked.

"I had to do that..."

Steve Roger smiled steadily: "Because there are bombs on it, bombs that can blow up the entire city of New York, so I can only fly the fighter into the sea."

Cowen nodded.

After a moment of silence, another soul question was sent out: "Then... can't you jump off the plane before it crashes?"

The room suddenly fell silent.

As if someone had pressed the pause button, everyone's expressions froze on their faces.


Tony Stark couldn't hold back at first, and suddenly burst out laughing.

Aware of his rudeness to his comrades, he tried his best to put away his smile and turned his face into a blank expression.

But only for a moment.

The next moment, he couldn't help laughing again, and this time he didn't hide it.

Laughter seems contagious.

Except for Thor, who felt inexplicable, the others also kept their last traces of restraint and laughed softly.

Steve Rogers was embarrassed.

But he didn't care about everyone's laughter.

When the laughter faded, he shook his head helplessly and responded: "Forgot... At that time, my mind was full of personal heroism, and I just wanted to use my self-sacrifice to stop the plane from bombing New York."

"Sorry..." Kewen was a little apologetic.

"It's ok."

Steve Rogers smiled generously: "In those days, it would be nice to have someone like you who can remind me."

Kewen stopped the topic at the right time.

Because if you continue, you will expose the other's scars.

After all, Captain America's sweetheart back then has grown old, and time is running out.

If I go on, doesn't it show that Captain America is stupid, which leads to today's regret?

So Cowen turned his attention to the somewhat frail Bruce Banner.

"Do you mind?" Kewen stretched out his hand to the other side.

"of course not."

Bruce Banner was a little shy, and stretched out his wrist after showing a forced smile.

Kewen took the pulse and quickly got the result: "No problem, it's just ordinary weakness, drink some glucose or something, and supplement with high-energy substances."

"Uh, thank you..." Bruce Banner concealed the disappointment in his tone.

Kewen also dresses stupidly.

In fact, of course he could find the other party's neurasthenia.

Bruce Banner and Zhang Chulan are in a similar situation, they both have two consciousnesses in their bodies.

But of course Kewen won't say it, after all, Chinese medicine in this world has not reached that level.

At this time, Tony Stark interjected in time.

He glanced around and said, "Kewen, can I call you that? Do you have a sturdier chair here? My suit is not light."

"Downstairs, I'll go get it for you."

Kewen nodded in response: "Just right, I'm going to notify the assistant to prepare meals for everyone, Natasha and Clint, help me greet the heroes."

"No problem." Natasha waved her hand: "Leave it to us here."

Kewen nodded to everyone, and then stepped out of the living room.

Listening to the sound of the elevator descending from outside the door, Tony Stark couldn't help but ask Natasha, "How did you meet? Agent..."

Pointed to Natasha and Clint, and then pointed to the direction outside the door: "Doctor? How did you meet?"

Hearing this, Natasha couldn't help laughing.

Thinking back on the process of getting acquainted at the beginning, she described Kewen's conversation as a joke.

After listening, Bruce Banner said softly: "It seems that Dr. Quinn should also have some achievements in psychology, otherwise he would not have found out that Agent Romanov is not easy to mess with you in the first place."

Natasha smiled and nodded: "In my opinion, Kewen's medical skills should be called almighty."

This made people a little unbelievable.

Seeing this, Natasha simply continued to talk about her several treatment processes and effects.

Clint Barton also added a few words on the side.

Not long after, Kewen returned with a metal chair, and then everyone entered the chat mode.

About half an hour later, Erina Nakiri announced with a blank expression, "It's time to start dinner."

After he finished speaking, he ignored the crowd and turned around and went downstairs.

Natasha introduced Nakiri Erina's character to everyone at the right time, and everyone expressed their understanding one after another.

Next, except for Clint Barton, who was somewhat inconvenient, everyone else helped set the tableware and serve the dishes.

No one chose to drink, so Kewen took out the juice.

While pouring juice for everyone, Kewen said, "This is the juice I prepared with Chinese herbal medicine for more than 100 years. In Oriental words, it is 'big tonic'. Let's try it out."

"I still like wine." Sol raised his glass and glanced at it, then raised his head and drank it.

Then he froze.

Slightly widening his eyes, he looked down at the wine glass and said in surprise, "Magic energy?"

"I know you are a god."

Tony Stark rolled his eyes: "So can you not bring everything to inexplicable things?"

"I'm serious!"

Sol emphasized seriously, he raised his glass and gestured: "This juice is really full of energy!"

"Perhaps Mr. Saul is right."

Kewen laughed and interjected: "Treasures of heaven and earth, in the East, are used to replenish 'Qi', perhaps it is really related to energy."

"Alright, alright."

Tony Stark raised his glass to his lips indifferently, and said casually: "Give me a glass when I leave, and I will take it back and test it to see if I can find new energy elements."

When the words fell, he raised his glass and drank the juice.

After smacking his lips, Tony Stark curled his lips and commented: "It's delicious, and it made me have some expectations for these meals."

"What can be specially emphasized by Cowen must be a good thing."

Natasha quipped to Tony Stark: "I hope you can keep your gentleman's attitude when you wait to eat."

Cowen smiled and filled the cup for Sol and Tony Stark.

Then he raised his cup: "To you heroes who saved New York!"

"That's what it's supposed to do." Captain America toasted.

The others also raised their glasses and touched the glasses together.

After drinking the juice, dinner is the beginning.

Everyone turned their knives and forks and put the food into their mouths.

Natasha and Clint Barton had been prepared, so as soon as they started eating, they increased their speed.

Others remain reserved, but when the food is in the mouth...

All the brewing topics disappeared in an instant.

What is modesty? never heard of that!

Jingle, the sound of the collision of the knife and fork and the plate hurriedly sounded.

If it wasn't necessary to keep the face of an adult, I'm afraid everyone would have started to grab the plate long ago.


In less than ten minutes, all the plates seemed to have been brushed, and there was not even a trace of the soup base.

Captain America, Tony Stark, and Bruce Banner's cheeks were slightly After recovering from the food, they were ashamed of their previous performance.

This makes Natasha and Clint happy.

Sol, on the other hand, showed a straightforward and greedy look, and asked Kewen unabashedly: "Can you have more? Unexpectedly, the food here is even more delicious than ours in Asgard!"

"Sorry for the poor reception."

Kewen shook his head apologetically: "Natasha didn't notify in advance, so the ingredients prepared today are not enough. Now that the chaos outside is not over, I'm afraid I won't be able to buy ingredients."

"Are the recipes for sale?"

Tony Stark raised the napkin over his mouth.

He used the gesture of wiping his mouth to hide his licking his lips, and asked at the same time, "Or let me meet the lady just now?"

"Stark." Natasha immediately refused for Kewen: "Kowen used the secret recipe of medicated food before he switched to Nakiri Erina's service."

After understanding Natasha's reminder, Tony Stark could only shrug his shoulders.

He put down the napkin, revealing a clean and oil-free lip rim, and then said to Kewen: "One thousandth of the shares, I can come over at any time in the future, and make a deal?"

"It doesn't have to be."

Kewen looked around at everyone: "Everyone is welcome to come over at any time in the future."

"Okay! We are friends!" Tony Stark snapped his fingers immediately.


Clint Barton leaned back on the back of the chair and raised his hand: "Can you help me arrange treatment? I move now, and my whole body hurts."

"No problem, let's all go together."

Kewen got up and greeted with a smile: "I'll arrange a treatment for everyone, so you can relieve your fatigue if you don't get hurt."

Everyone got up and followed Kewen down to the treatment room on the first floor...