MTL - Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child-Chapter 614 There will be a difference

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  Chapter 614 Finally, there is a difference

  Shen Zhuo hurriedly said: "Father, don't say that, my son is still immature, and I still have to rely on my father to help make up many things."

  The old emperor sighed: "I am tired."

  Shen Zhuo closed his mouth tactfully, bid farewell obediently and left.

   Wei Wynn sent the man to the door of the bedroom: "Your Highness, go slowly."

  Shen Zhuo glanced at him: "Take good care of Father, Gu will come to see him again tomorrow."

   Wayne: "Here."

  Shen Zhuo took two steps and then stopped suddenly: "By the way, how is the queen mother?"

Wei Huai'en replied truthfully: "The empress dowager's condition is not very good. The imperial physician has tried her best to treat her. Whether she can survive this test or not depends on God's will. The empress dowager is taking her concubines to attend to illnesses in Biquan Palace. I hope the empress dowager Your Majesty will be safe and sound."

  Shen Zhuo: "That's it, then Gu also go to Biquan Palace to have a look."

  He got into the sedan chair and drove to Biquan Palace by night.

In fact, what Wei Huai'en said was quite optimistic. The current situation of the Empress Dowager Deng is that she has more air intake and less air output, and she can't even say a word. You can tell from the heavy expressions of the imperial doctors. I'm afraid that the Empress Dowager Deng won't be able to last long. of.

  Shen Zhuo looked at Empress Wen's reddened eyes, feeling a little distressed.

   "Mother, please go back and rest for a while, there are other people here who seem to be fine."

  Empress Wen took a sip of strong tea and said, "I'm fine. You came just in time. I have something to ask you."

  Mother and son went to the side hall.

  After the screen retreated to the left and right, and there were no other people around, Empress Wen asked seriously.

   "Knowledge, do you have something to hide from me?"

  Shen Zhuo lowered his head: "I don't know what the empress is talking about."

  Empress Wen's eyes were sharp: "You don't have to be stupid, today's birthday party, you quietly brought Yu Niaoli into the palace, do you really think that no one knows about this?"

  Shen Zhuo stopped talking immediately.

Empress Wen reprimanded in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, you are confused! Now it is because the emperor and the queen mother are both ill, and no one noticed your little tricks for a while, so you let you get away with it, but there are many eyes and ears in the palace. It might be revealed soon.”

  Shen Zhuo said, "Please rest assured, Queen Mother, this matter will pass soon."

  Queen Wen frowned: "Why are you so confident?"

  Shen Zhuo: "You will know soon."

  Empress Wen looked at the calm Shen Zhuo in front of her, and suddenly realized that this child had really grown up.

  He is no longer the immature child he used to be.

  He became more and more like a true king.

  She couldn't even see what was going on in his heart?


  The next morning.

  Yu Niaoyou and Xiao Juan were about to say goodbye and leave, but Pan Dafu insisted on sending them out of the city himself.

  They refused but had to agree.

  Pan Dafu drove the carriage, and Yu Niaoyou and Xiao Juan were sitting in the carriage.

  While passing the city gate, Yu Niaoyou saw a lot of people gathered on the bulletin board. She followed the trend and saw the notice posted in the middle of the bulletin board at a glance.

  The notice said that Feng Lianghan of Bashu County and the descendants of the Xie family rebelled and rebelled, and the crime was unforgivable. The emperor ordered them to be dug up and whipped, and their bones were beaten, as an example to others!

  Yu Niaoniu's heart suddenly twitched.

  Emperor Dog doesn’t even spare the dead!

  She wanted to jump off the carriage to tear up the notice, but Xiao Juan stopped her.

   "Calm down, it's useless even if you tear up the notice."

  Yu Niaoyou was angry and hated: "Isn't he afraid of retribution?!"

  Xiao Juan hugged her and comforted her in a low voice: "He will have retribution soon."

  Yu Niao has tears in his eyes: "I can't let them disturb the rest of my parents. I'm going to Bashu. I want to hide the bones of my parents before they do anything."

  Xiao Juan: "Okay, leave everything to me."

  The carriage drove out of the city gate smoothly.

  Even though I feel very sad in my heart, there will always be a farewell to sending you a thousand miles away, and Pan Dafu can only be sent here.

  He jumped off the carriage, waved his arms towards the receding carriage, and said loudly.

   "Teacher, have a good trip!"

  The carriage entered the official road and moved forward smoothly.

  For some reason, Yu Youyou suddenly felt dizzy and his vision became a little blurred.

  She didn't want to delay the time on the way, so she refrained from speaking, but Xiao Juan soon noticed it.

   Fortunately, there is a guest house next to the official road.

  Xiao Juan stopped the carriage, and helped you into the guest house.

  He asked Niaoyou to lie down on the bed, and covered her with a quilt, and said in a gentle voice.

   "You take a good rest, I'll find a doctor for you right away."

  Yu Youyou took his hand: "I'm fine, I don't need to see a doctor, let's continue on our way."

  She must feel Bashu quickly, remove the bones of Xie Shi and Feng Lianghan, and hide them in a place that no one will know.

  She couldn't let Emperor Dog disturb Xie Shi and Feng Lianghan's sleep.

Xiao Juan touched her cheek: "I know what you are worried about, don't worry, I'm here, I won't let anyone disturb your father-in-law, I will help you to do what you want to do but can't finish Things get done."

  Yu Niaoyou felt that his words were wrong.

   But she couldn't think about it, because her mind had become more and more drowsy.

  Her thoughts are falling uncontrollably, and her eyelids are closing little by little.

  Xiao Juan leaned over and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

   "Have a good night's sleep, I'm leaving."


  As soon as Xiao Juan left the inn, the troops from the Prince's Mansion surrounded the entire inn.

  A luxurious carriage was parked in front of the guest house, and the emblem representing the Prince's Mansion was hung on the carriage.

  The curtain of the car was raised, and Shen Zhuo stepped on the low stool and stepped out of the car calmly.

  A guard knelt on one knee: "Report to His Royal Highness, King Langjun has left. The subordinates sent someone to follow him all the way to make sure that he has gone back to Yujing."

  Shen Zhuo smiled slightly: "Continue to follow him, no matter what he does, don't stop him."


  Shen Zhuo stepped into this unremarkable guest house.

  Everyone in the guest house has been put under centralized surveillance.

  Shen Zhuo walked in unimpeded all the way, the guards were in charge of leading the way, and finally they stopped in front of a guest room.

  The guard said flatteringly, "This is it."

  Shen Zhuo glanced at him: "Are you sure he's here?"

   The guard hurriedly said: "My subordinates saw with their own eyes that King Lang brought the Princess Princess into this guest room. Prince Lang left alone just now, and the Princess Princess must still be in this room."

  Shen Zhuo lifted his chin slightly: "Open the door."

  The guards immediately pushed them away.

  Shen Zhuo stepped over the threshold and walked in without haste.

  I saw that the bedding on the bed was slightly raised, and you should be lying on the bed.

   Judging by his motionless appearance, he must have fallen asleep.

  Shen Zhuo raised his hand, signaling for everyone else to go out.

  He walked lightly, walked slowly to the side of the bed, and stretched out his hand to lift off the quilt.

   "Niaoyao, see you again..."

  The words stopped abruptly.

  Because he found that there was a pillow stuffed under the quilt. From a distance, it looked like someone was lying in the quilt, but in fact there was no one on the bed!

  He was tricked!

  (end of this chapter)