MTL - Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child-Chapter 619 Unreliable

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  Xiao Juan secretly clenched the No Return Knife at his waist, fully on guard.

  As soon as Wei Liao called for someone, he would immediately act.

  Although he is seriously injured now, head-to-head confrontation is not good for him, but the matter has come to this point, he can only fight it out, it doesn't matter if he dies, at least he must send you out of the city safely.

  Yu Niao's heart was already hanging in his throat, and his body trembled slightly.

  Now her and Xiao Juan's life and death depend on Wei Liao alone.

  What will he do?

  Given how much he hates Xiao Juan, he will definitely not let go of such a great opportunity to kill Xiao Juan.

   There is also her, who never has a good face towards Wei Liao on weekdays. Wei Liao will not disobey the prince's order because of her, right?

  Liu Sixing's limbs were weak, and he was almost unable to stand.

  Her mind is now filled with only one idea—

   It's over!

  Langjun Wang and his wife were discovered, and they are all finished!

  In comparison, Liu Qirui is quite calm.

  He still had the last hope in his heart, hoping that Wei Liao would give them a break.

  Although Wei Liao always looks like he doesn't care about everything on weekdays, and often quarrels with Yu Niaoyao. The two seem to be at odds with each other, but the reason why Chery Troupe can make a comeback is also due to Wei Liao's help.

  With Wei Liao's wealth and status, he should not care about the income of a small theater troupe.

  He is willing to help, only for Yu Niaomiao.

  Putting away his superficial disguise, no one knows what kind of thoughts he has in his heart towards Yu Niaoyao.

   Liu Qirui just wanted to take a gamble at this time.

  Anyway, he has no better choice in the current situation. The worst result is nothing more than death, so it's better to take a gamble.

  If they were lucky enough to win the bet, they would all be able to leave Yujing alive.

   But if he loses, at least he can take this opportunity to avoid that he and his daughter don't know what's going on in the coffin, and maybe he can save his and his daughter's lives.

  Liu Qirui raised his head cautiously, observed the changes in Wei Liao's expression, and secretly guessed what Wei Liao was thinking at the moment.

  Wei Liao put one hand on the coffin, his eyes wandered over the faces of Yu Youyou and Xiao Juan, and finally settled on Yu Youyou.

  Yu Niaoyou was so nervous that tears fell down.

   Crystal clear tears fell silently down the corners of his eyes.

   Wei Liao tapped the coffin lightly with his fingers, again and again, with a thoughtful expression on his face, as if he was thinking about something.

  A Sirius guard tried to ask: "My lord, is there anything unusual in the coffin? Do you want my subordinates to open all the coffins and examine them carefully?"

   Wei Liao suddenly smiled at Yu Youyou, and withdrew his hand, speaking lazily.

   "There is only a corpse in the coffin, it stinks to death, quickly cover it."

  Hearing this, Liu Qirui hurriedly closed the coffin lid as if he had received an amnesty.

  At the same time, Yu Niaoyou and Xiao Juan in the coffin also heaved a sigh of relief.

  Liu Sixing was taken aback for a moment, then reacted immediately, resisting the urge to laugh out loud, and said in a choked voice: "Thank you, sir, thank you, sir!"

   Wei Liao sat back in the chair, leaned back, and waved his hands: "Hurry up, don't get in the way."

   "Okay, okay, Caomin is leaving now."

  Liu Qirui led the three apprentices to lift the coffin and hurried through the city gate.

  The Sirius Guards continued to check the people behind the team.

   Wei Liao propped his chin with one hand, quietly looking at the direction of the funeral procession with a pair of peach blossom eyes, his thin lips were slightly parted, and he muttered to himself in a low, inaudible voice.

   "Don't even say thank you, you little heartless."


  The funeral procession walked a long way, and after confirming that there were no pursuers behind them, Liu Qirui and his party slowed down.

   They found a time when no one was paying attention, and got into the nearby woods.

  Using the cover of the trees, Liu Qirui and Liu Sixing opened the coffin lid.

  Yu Niaoyou and Xiao Juan finally came out of the stuffy coffin.

  Liu Sixing pressed his heart, with a look of lingering fear: "I was really scared to death just now, I almost thought I was going to explain here today."

   Liu Qirui echoed: "Yes, yes, fortunately we are all safe and sound."

  He realized that King Lang was looking at him with something deep in his eyes, and his heart suddenly jumped. Could it be that the little thought he had just now was discovered by King Lang?

  He didn't dare to say, let alone ask, so he could only lower his head with a guilty conscience.

Xiao Juan still didn't mention what happened just now, he said calmly: "Thank you for your help today, but the court's pursuit of me will definitely not stop, if you still act together with me, you may also be wanted together, Why don't we just say goodbye and see you in the future."

   Liu Sixing hurriedly said: "How can this be done? How can we ignore you for our own safety?"

  Yu Niao first glanced at Liu Qirui, and then said.

   "Si Xing, even if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about your father. He is too old to hide with us."

   Liu Sixing was speechless immediately.

  The father only has her as a daughter, so she has to think more about her father.

  Yu Youyou smiled slightly: "When you have a chance in the future, you can come to Liaodong County to perform, and then I will treat you to delicious food!"

  Liu Sixing pursed his lower lip, feeling very guilty: "Sorry, I..."

  Yu Niaoyou: "Needless to say these things, I have helped you before, and now you have helped me too, we are considered clean, let's not live today, everyone take care."

   Liu Sixing reluctantly said: "Take care, too."

   Wait until the two parties separate.

  Yu Niao and Xiao Juan walked along the mountain road with their bags on their backs.

  The two chatted while driving.

  Yu Niao said: "When he was interrogated at the city gate just now, Liu Qirui probably wanted to sell Wei Liao."

  Xiao Juan: "You can see it too, don't you hate him?"

Yu Niao shook her head and said: "There is disappointment, but hate is not enough. After all, in such a situation that is about life and death, normal people will give priority to themselves, not to mention that he is still a father. He definitely does not want his daughter to be lost. My life."

  Xiao Juan thought the same way.

  Although he can't accept it, he can understand it.

  Yu Youyou looked at him with a smile: "You deliberately proposed to leave, because you don't trust Liu Qirui, right? You are afraid that he will sell us out again."

  Xiao Juan replied lightly: "Yes."

  Since he has seen that Liu Qirui is unreliable, he will naturally not keep this hidden danger by his side.

   It is safer to dismiss people early,

  Yu Niaoyou stretched her waist: "That's fine, it's just the two of us, we can say whatever we want, how comfortable it is!"

  Seeing her leisurely appearance, it doesn't look like she is fleeing, but more like going on an outing.

  Xiao Juan couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "You really have a big heart."

  Yu Youyou corrected: "It's not big-hearted, it's optimism! Anyway, things are already like this, no matter how sad the spring and autumn are, it's meaningless. It's better to calm down and accept everything in front of you."