MTL - Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child-Chapter 620 Convinced

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  Because the emperor passed away, the whole country mourned.

  All the streets and alleys in Yujing City were hung with white lanterns, the people in the city also changed into plain clothes, and places like brothels and music workshops were temporarily closed.

  The whole city became cold and solemn overnight.

  In the imperial palace, the emperor's body had been put into the coffin. Empress Wen and Prince Shen Zhuo brought a group of concubines and princes to kneel in front of the altar, and eminent monks specially invited from Wanfo Temple were reciting the Sutra of the Past.

  The sound of chanting scriptures, crying, and the knocking of wooden fish are intertwined, as if the clouds are overwhelming, and the atmosphere is extremely depressing.

  It was already time for dinner, but the queen and the crown prince were still kneeling, and no one else dared to mention this matter.

   Finally, Wayne reminded.

   "Empress, Your Highness, it's time to eat."

  Empress Wen wiped the corner of her eyes: "I don't have any appetite, you should go and eat something."

  Shen Zhuo: "If the mother doesn't eat it, how can the son eat it?"

  Queen Wen had no choice but to stand up with the support of others.

   "It's getting late, everyone go eat something to fill your belly, the night is still long, don't burn your body."

  Everyone responded one after another.

  When Shen Zhuo walked out of the mourning hall, he saw the commander of the imperial guards and Wei Liao standing outside waiting, so he paused and asked.

   "Caught someone?"

  The commander of the imperial guards lowered his head and replied: "Not yet."

  Shen Zhuo frowned: "During this day, you didn't even find any clues?"

  The commander of the imperial guards: "Our people once found the whereabouts of the suspected king of Lang County near the city gate, but that person ran very fast, and our people chased him for a while and were thrown off by him."

  Shen Zhuo cursed coldly.


  The commander of the Imperial Guard knelt on one knee: "We are still investigating, and I believe King Lang will be found soon!"

  Shen Zhuo reminded: "He is no longer the king of Lang County, he is now a traitor who assassinated the emperor."

  The commander of the imperial guard immediately changed his words: "We will definitely catch that traitor Xiao Juan and bring him to justice, so as to comfort the emperor's spirit in heaven!"

  Shen Zhuo turned to look at Wei Liao who was standing aside, and asked.

   "You don't have any clues there?"

  Wei Liao: "We checked all the people who went out of the city, but we didn't find Xiao Juan's whereabouts."

  Shen Zhuo was very dissatisfied with the result.

  But the current situation is just when employing people, he can't attack.

  He ordered calmly.

"I'll give you two days. If you still can't find Xiao Juan, you will issue a sea arrest document to all over the country. Xiao Juan is wanted all over the country. As long as you can catch Xiao Juan, you will be rewarded with a thousand taels regardless of life or death. Incumbent officials can still be promoted two levels in a row, if you find that Yu Niaomiao is still following him, try to catch her alive and don't hurt her."


  Wei Liao and the commander of the imperial guards bowed their heads and respectfully sent the prince away.

   After the others walked away, Wei Liao raised his head.

  He saw Wei Wynn standing not far away.

   Wei Wynn looked at him quietly, with very complicated eyes.

  Wei Liao stepped forward and bowed to salute: "Father."

   Wei Wynn said quietly: "Come with me, I have something to ask you."

   After dropping this sentence, he turned and left.

   Wei Liao followed immediately.

  Father and son walked a long way, and finally came to Wei Wynn's residence in the palace.

   Wei Huaien backed away from the left and right, and only their father and son were left in the room.

  There was only one oil lamp lit in the house, and the light was relatively dim.

   Wei Huai'en stared at the adopted son who was taller than him in front of him, and suddenly said two words coldly.

   "Kneel down!"

   Wei Liao lifted the hem of his clothes, and knelt down without saying a word.

   Wayne: "Undress."

  Wei Liao took off his shirt in two or three strokes, revealing his muscular upper body.

   Wei Wynn took out the branches in the vase and asked expressionlessly.

   "Today you led people to guard the city gate, but have you ever found suspicious people among the people who left the city?"

  Wei Liao lowered his eyebrows and said, "I haven't found it yet."

   As soon as the words fell, the branch in Wei Huai'en's hand slammed on his back, leaving a deep red scar immediately.

  Wei Liao tensed his muscles involuntarily, but he still clenched his teeth and did not make a sound.

   Wei Wynn looked at him and continued to ask.

   "I'll ask again, have you found anything?"

  Wei Liao: "No."

  Way Wynn raised his hand, and the branch yanked down violently again.

   With a snap, another scar appeared on Wei Liao's back.

  Way Wynn: "Is there any?"

  Wei Liao: "No."

Snapped! Again.

   Next, Wayne kept asking the same question over and over again.

   But no matter how he asked, Wei Liao insisted on answering no.

  The thumb-thick branch hit Wei Liao's back again and again, and finally the branch was broken due to excessive force.

   Wei Huai'en threw the broken branch to the ground forcefully, looking at Wei Liao with disappointment in his eyes.

   Wei Liao was brought up by him alone. It can be said that he is the person who knows Wei Liao best in the world.

  When the prince asked Wei Liao just now, Wei Huai'en was watching not far away, and he could tell at a glance that Wei Liao was not telling the truth.

   That's why he questioned Wei Liao in private.

  He wanted to give Wei Liao a chance to confess, but Wei Liao would rather be punished and beaten than change his mouth and tell the truth.

   Wei Wynn stared at him, cursing bitterly.

   "Xiao Juan killed the emperor, he is a traitor, you actually helped him hide his whereabouts, do you want to become a gang of traitors?!"

   Wei Liao lowered his head and spoke for a long time.

   "I'm not helping him."

   Wayne: "Then who are you helping?"

   Then he quickly realized and blurted out.

   "Are you helping Yu Niaomiao?"

  Wei Liao did not refute this time.

   Wei Huai'en took two steps back, fell into a chair, pointed at Wei Liao and cursed.

   "You are so confused! If you really like Yu Niaoyou, you should do everything possible to keep her.

  Now they have disappeared without a trace, leaving you alone in Beijing, what should you do?

  You are thankless for doing this! "

   Wei Liao naturally knew this truth.

   But when he saw Yu Niao shed tears, he lost his head all of a sudden, his heart and eyes were full of pity for her.

  At that moment, let alone let Yu Youyou go, even if she wanted the moon in the sky, he had to find a way to take it off for her.

   This is probably what ordinary people call being blinded by sex.

  It's too late to regret now, Wei Liao said almost self-defeating.

   "It's good that she's gone, so I don't get upset when I see her in the future."

   Wei Wynn reprimanded with a sullen face: "You useless thing, for a woman, why do you make yourself like this? If you really like her so much, try to get her back. "

  Wei Liao laughed at himself: "Let's forget it, it's fine for her to follow Xiao Juan."

  Although he was annoyed by Xiao Juan, he had to admire Xiao Juan's courage.

  The courage to give up all wealth, power, and even life for the one you love.

   This is something neither he nor Shen Zhuo can do.

  So he was convinced.