MTL - Salted Fish Doesn’t Want to Inherit Hundred of Billion Property-Chapter 105 against

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The customers in the Hanjia cuisine already reacted like this, and the Qibao cafeteria was even more lively.

The aroma floated to the front of Qibao canteen: "Why is the braised vegetables in your house so fragrant, how much is a braised beef?"

"For 40 yuan per pound, just scan this Feige code." Since the last cooperation with Feige, Feige is the preferred payment method for Qibao series, especially other online platforms. Let Tao Mao quite dissatisfied.


It was a young guy who answered him: "Two hours, it's almost time now."

"How delicious is this restaurant, you are lined up one by two."

"Anyway, it's much better than the Korean food on the other side. It's so delicious that my tongue falls off. No wonder there are so many online, and I don't hesitate to buy a plane ticket to Jingzhou to have a meal."

Boss Fan, who is disguised as an inquirer about the enemy:…

If you want to praise, praise, what are you doing!

Boss Fan didn't believe in evil and went in, sat down and opened the menu, his eyebrows suddenly became serious, Han Yuquan went out this time, and he really learned a lot from the master Xiaoqing Means, all the dishes above are aimed at their home.

They have crab meat and shark fin soup, here is Shoubinanshan casserole shark fin; There are braised ones.

It looks different, not like fighting in the arena, but the menu positions correspond one by one, and there are even no substitutes for some.

Boss Fan felt that he was being targeted very strongly. He ordered a few bites of food, but he was even more unhappy: Qibao canteen uses good ingredients. Where did their canteen get the goods from? The quality is even better, but the price is lower than theirs.

In addition, Han Yuquan's culinary talent and attainments are far superior to him, that is, ordinary ingredients can bloom with excellent taste in his hands, not to mention such top ingredients !

Boss Fan was so worried that he packed the food and brought it back to his chef without taking a few bites.

Compared to his worries, the chefs who paid a lot of money ate the dishes and discussed them one by one: "This knife method? Beautiful, stir-fry The requirement of the waist flower is that it is not transparent and even the size is the same, and it can be used as a standard demonstration. Just watching this dish is enough to see the kung fu."

"The cooking of this dish is also very good. I don't know if it is just the inspiration, or it has stabilized to this level."

The last chef said what they thought: "I want to visit this chef now and learn how to make these dishes?"

Boss Fan is a pure businessman, so he doesn't bother to care about the ideals of these cooks to climb to the peak of culinary skills, frowning and urging: "You guys hurry up and think of a way?

"Alright, my orchid braised chicken with tofu is almost ready. I'll add it to the menu next week."

This orchid braised chicken tofu is called tofu. It is actually made of chicken breast and fish.

In the early morning of Monday, Boss Fan, who had noticed the rise of Qibao Canteen, couldn't wait to put a sign in front of the door, highlighting the new dishes in their home.

In order to make sure nothing goes wrong, Boss Fan even called a bunch of old customers and offered a 20% discount and three free dishes, in order to suppress the rising momentum of the opposite side.

He hung up the phone and put out the carefully prepared signboard. I don't believe it anymore. Hanjia cuisine has been rooted in Kyoto for many years, but he still can't do it?

Qing Qin was not at ease, anyway, he had to go to Yunmeng Grassland, and he came to Kyoto on the way. As soon as he woke up that day, he saw the big publicity at their door.

Qing Qin stood in front of the window and commented: "It looks like their tofu looks pretty good."

"Our family has already prepared for it," Han Yuquan just went upstairs, "We can make orchid braised chicken with tofu, Sanmei tofu, and meat tofu."

Qing Qinlue pondered for a while: "No, I don't think these two have enough characteristics, the Wensi tofu that you practiced swordsmanship, it is delicious and delicious, the entrance is delicate, and it is very ornamental. ."

"What do you mean..." Han Yuquan nodded, "I'm still too much? I stick to Shandong cuisine, forget that our Qibao canteen has eight major cuisines, and we can do everything, just give a The principle of homely taste."

When I thought about it, at noon, when the guests were bustling in and out during the winter vacation, a big screen was hung directly in front of the Qibao canteen, which broadcasted the performance of the chefs in the hall.

"Today I'll show you something new. I have a few disciples under my command, and I let them practice swordsmanship before. Today is the time to check the results," Han Yuquan appeared at the scene with a piece of tofu In front of the public, he smiled at the camera and said, "Let each of them make a piece of Vance Tofu, and everyone will comment on the production process and the finished product."

Han Yuquan put the tofu on the table casually, no need to hold his breath, no need to tremble. With one toss, the originally intact tofu turned into countless silver threads, rising and falling in the water.

The camera zoomed in, Han Yuquan picked up the bean curd and easily passed it through the silver needle: "It's OK if you can achieve this level."

Almost everyone sucked in a breath of cold air: It looks rough, but in fact it is delicate, quite the style of ancient heroes, and Chef Han is so terrifying.

Then they turned their sympathetic (schadenfreude) eyes to the green-faced apprentices, watching the thirty or so apprentices perform.

After a few mouthfuls, he was hooked into the house, and he was amazed at Vance Tofu.

"What would this guest want?"

Old customers still remember the dishes they ordered. Seeing that there are many Shandong dishes on the menu, simply order orchid braised chicken with tofu. This meal is full of delicious fragrance, and it is like flying into a fairyland. It's smooth and delicious, and it slips down your throat before you know it.

When he touched his stomach and put away his chopsticks, he remembered that he had been invited to Hanjia Cuisine. Person: "Why didn't you go to Hanjia cuisine today?"

"Aren't you the same? No way? Their house is so fragrant." The other party sighed again and again.

I feel a little guilty for pigeons alone, but this person becomes more assertive: "Forget it, now you can go to the Korean cuisine and have a look."

When they pass, Boss Fan is still struggling to attract people. He was sitting on the Diaoyutai, waiting to win a group of old customers with new products. Who knows that these old customers have not yet reached the door of the Korean restaurant. He was cut off before, so he had to go into battle himself, hugging people's shoulders as brothers and walking towards his restaurant.

This will see two old customers who are obviously full and well-fed and have not wiped the oil from their mouths. He is like a little daughter-in-law who has been cheated by a scumbag. He has to smile no matter how angry: "Mr. x, Mr. xx, you are here too, come here, your favorite window seat is ready, one is accustomed to drinking liquor, ready, and the other is just lemonade, and the taboos are..."

Seeing his enthusiastic service, the two old guests also looked ashamed, sat down and waited for new dishes with anticipation.

Then these chopsticks went down, the two of them stared at each other, and finally someone couldn't help: "Why do I think their house is a bit fishy."

In the end, the two of them can't grieve their full stomach and eat some garbage, just say a few words and they will escape.

Similar situations happened repeatedly. Boss Fan struggled for a day, and the ominous premonition became heavier and heavier. When he turned on his mobile phone and entered the group of local gluttons, he saw a lot of discussions—

"I think the Korean cuisine seems to want to compete with Qibao Canteen. Today, Qibao Canteen also has that Orchid Braised Chicken with Tofu."

"Korean cuisine is not good, this new dish of theirs is unpalatable."

"After all, I have eaten for several years, and I won't say much. The most important thing in the restaurant is the taste. If you have money and time in the future, you should go to Qibao Cafeteria."

Co-authored, I was busy thinking that I could stabilize my head, but instead, I handed all my old customers to Qibao Canteen!

Boss Fan was so angry that he smashed the teapot beside him. He thought about it again, and he thought about it again. The biggest advantage of their Korean cuisine is not only these old customers, but also the The local roots have been drawn from upstream and downstream for many years.

However? If you go up, Qibao has done too many good things, the official is biased, and there is no chance, then they can only be stuck from the raw material link, there is no excellent food, it is Very good ability should also be reduced to five points.

Boss Fan immediately made several calls and promised several suppliers a lot of profits. The meaning between the words was to make Qibao have no fresh raw materials.

This move very disturbed some local restaurants, and a few who had a good relationship with Father Han called me: "Xiao Fan, if you have difficulties here, you must tell me, I also let suppliers who work well with our family stop their supply."

"Thank you uncle," Boss Fan sighed, "I never thought that Xiaoyu's child would come back, and I was too rude to deal with before..."

"What do you call that rude, he has a problem first, if Lao Han knows about this, he will have to drive the unfilial son out of the house. We chefs must first be individuals, and we are not right I can't make good food!"

Boss Fan nodded again and again: "That is."

This move naturally also alerted the big money owner Mu Hou behind the scenes: "It seems that Qibao Cafeteria is determined to go to war with us."

Boss Fan sighed: "Yes, our Hanjia cuisine has developed well during this period of time. We have opened more than a dozen chain stores nationwide, which are considered to cover half of the northern region.

"It's probably also an old hatred." Mu Hou suddenly remembered the Mu Ye who had to join him before he left. The genius in this family has always been the shadow of his head, but? Forget it, dare to step on his head!

Boss Fan was so frightened that his breathing stopped for a moment, thinking that Mu Hou wanted to hold him accountable, but fortunately, the other party didn’t care: "You have done a good job in this plan, the Mu family will support you, no With my permission, Qibao Cafeteria can't even get a single sea cucumber!"