MTL - Salted Fish Doesn’t Want to Inherit Hundred of Billion Property-Chapter 126 outage

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Xiaohong's lessons learned are there, and other capitals also choose to stay away from shared bicycles.

The craziest attempt in the history of Internet entrepreneurship finally failed after three years of excitement.

The government also quickly introduced a number of policies. On the one hand, it formulated strict standards for shared bicycles, and cleaned up and Rectification, on the other hand, is the introduction of a ban, a total ban on new shared bicycles.

"gobike is negotiating bankruptcy reorganization plan"

"gobike trying to borrow"

《go orders dropped by 60% in the past three months, account funds are unsustainable》

These news kept appearing in the form of bombing, and it was even frantically searched for several times. Suddenly the whole network was in an uproar, and many customers immediately followed up:

"A few days ago, I found out that the period for his deposit refund has been extended to three months, and the deposit of new users has also increased. It turned out to be using our money to fill the hole in the sky."

"Don't say it, the deposit I wanted to refund last time has been refunded for three days and it has not been refunded. It used to be refunded immediately."

"This must be a real hammer. My sister works in the commercial building near gobike. A few days ago, I saw a large number of layoffs in their company, and it seems that the headquarters will also withdraw the lease."

This person was obviously prepared, and uploaded a picture after posting the news.

In the huge office, garbage is scattered all over the place, cardboard boxes are randomly piled in the corners, black office chairs are scattered, you can vaguely see the icon that has been torn in half, it is a go bicycle symbols of.

This messy scene is far more convincing than other pale words?

Within two hours of the explosion, the number of users requesting refunds in the gobike app increased by 50%.

A large number of refund requests quickly squeezed the already precarious capital chain of Tiangong Technology, and the refund progress of related APPs was quickly stuck.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scene of howling and howling on the Internet:

"I really can't get it back. Before the news of the bankruptcy, I applied for a refund. When I came back, I saw that it was ranked 700th, and I didn't refund it all afternoon."

"The 700-odd man is too early to go, I only got there at night? When I heard the news, as soon as I went up, there are thousands."

"I envy my colleague. When I heard that Tiangong Technology was going to collapse a few days ago, I took out the deposit."

This tense atmosphere quickly swept across the country, and everyone who used go bicycles began to join the team to recover their losses in time.

", "Is misappropriation of deposits a violation of the law? How do customers use legal rights? ” and other articles and videos spread like crazy online.


The president Wu Ren, who was able to appear outside and declare that the go bikes are operating well and everything is OK, don't worry, looked at the empty office and said nothing.

Mr. Guan was sitting opposite him, his whole body was stooped, his eyes were fixed on the various news constantly brushed on the screen, his eyes were full of red blood: "These They don't want to buy it."

"Mr. Guan, our business failed." Wu Ren was the first person who proposed the idea of ​​sharing bicycles. It was only a small campus business at the beginning, but because this business model was quite unique, it quickly A large amount of investment has been collected. Whether it is the beginning of Shuangbei or the current Tiangong, they are extremely confident in this project.

Go was just taken over by Tiangong Technology, this Mr. Guan was at a time when he was full of wisdom. After reading their plan, he made a calculation for them: now he rides every day The number of times has been close to 10,000. After killing all the competitors on the market, the number can reach tens of millions, and the annual turnover can reach tens of billions.

The rhetoric of making tens of billions in one go seems to still ring in my ears, but there is only a piece of chicken feathers in front of my eyes.


"Wait? Wait? There must be a way," Mr. Guan forced himself to be calm, Wu Ren. Although he is the founder and current president of the company, his name is already listed on the company's legal person.

This is what he had to do according to the rules of the richest man when he dropped this piece of meat into his bowl from the hands of Qing Qin.

Now this has become his reminder, and Mr. Guan will no longer be able to throw the pot and get away easily like he did to the public before.

Below? There was a sudden noise.

The panicked little assistant rushed up again, this time his expression was even more broken than when he reported the two previous funerals, almost tears and snot flowing down together: "Mr. Guan, hurry up with me Run, a group of go bike users ran directly to the door to ask for a deposit!"

"What?!" Mr. Guan was so frightened that he quickly stood up, and was pushed by the assistant to the safe passage?

They had just descended a few floors when they heard shouts from below: "Return my deposit, return my hard-earned money!" "Go Bicycle is a liar!" "Return the money There are still more than 10,000 people in line, you tm…”

The few remaining employees were forced to suffer and struggle to maintain the situation.

This terrifying scene saw Mr. Guan terrified. He could no longer maintain his so-called elite demeanor.

However, all his good fortune seemed to be used up in the expansion of the first half of the race, but within a few meters, the noisy crowd behind him, in the long queue, suddenly burst out with a roar: "Go's two liars are right in front!"

The emotional crowd immediately surrounded the two who were about to escape, full of old fists.

Wait? The bodyguards arrived in time, and when they rescued the two, Mr. Guan’s hair was messy, and he didn’t know who was pulling a strand of hair along with his scalp. His eyes were symmetrical on the left and the right. He had blue eyes, and his clothes were scattered. He didn't know how many feet he had been kicked on his legs. He limped when he walked. Wu Ren was not much better.

Two brothers in distress went to the hospital with sullen eyes. The situation has become irreversible, and it has progressed to the end of official capital, while General Guan is restricted from spending and is destined to repay huge debts.

Several official capitals will take over and repay all deposits. At the same time, a large number of unqualified bicycles will be cleaned up, and bicycles will be re-laid in the city as a systematic and planned public welfare project.

This is the last negotiation with the official before quitting go. Mr. Guan was supported by his assistant and walked towards the office building like a corpse.

Soon, Mr. Guan saw a familiar Mercedes-Benz parked in front of the building.

He suddenly became motivated, and he didn't even need the help of his assistant. He dragged his injured leg and rushed to the front of the car, just in time to see Qing Qin who got off the car.


"Did you do it on purpose?" Mr. Guan rarely lost his temper, and he stretched out his hand to grab Qing Qin's collar, "You must have done it on purpose, I know, if you really care about this shared bicycle Otherwise, it would not be so easy for me to fight for the contribution of killing Shuangbei!"

The one who slapped me in the last round! If I had known earlier, I had to settle the account with you from the very beginning!

He easily dodged the opponent's hand and grabbed his wrist with a backhand: "I don't care, sharing a bicycle so much? Losing money, I really want it."

In the eyes of General Manager Guan, this is an absolute sarcasm. He pointed at Qingqin for a long time, but he couldn't think of what to use to scold this brazen guy.

Qing Qin simply leaned on the car and put his arms around his chest: "To be honest, my biggest ideal in life is to do a project that loses money, the kind that can pay off the principal. What? It has never been successful, I have to learn from you, brother."

Seeing that Mr. Guan's chest was up and down, and his face was flushed, he raised his eyebrows: "When you are short, the stock goes up, and when you go long, the stock goes down? Down, what to invest in? , what? The project exploded, and I really envy you with my wealth-raising physique."

Mr. Guan, who had just been discharged from the hospital in frail health, was sent to the ambulance again.

Qing Qin sighed, with a face full of the whole world that doesn't understand my loneliness: "I don't really want to be offended, I just told the truth, but some people really can't listen to their hearts. talk."

Jian Jun keeps smiling: take the bamboo shoots.

Qing Qin finally let out a sigh of relief during this period of time, Shi Shiran walked into the building, he came here today, it was Jian Jun's match, to introduce him to a government project.

"Come here, Mr. Qing is here too."

"Boss Qing really is a talented person?"

"The development of Qibao has been really good recently. We have also operated several dairy processing companies in country L, so you may wish to exchange ideas afterwards."

Qing Qin: =_=

He was surrounded by people and sat close to the center, nodding to the other business leaders who were over fifty years old.

It was the middle-aged man who was sitting next to him with a very serious expression.

No wonder, I've seen the photos when? I just don't know what the legendary protagonist is doing now? Don't plan to cause a **** storm in the mall.

Shortly after being seated, Yan Shen also came here with several other famous scientists recently.

Then the PPT was put up, Jian Jun was still not good at popular science, as always, he started to write advanced theories on the whiteboard, thanks to others who came on in time and made a concluding statement: " To put it simply, Huaguo plans to use Jingzhou as a pilot project to build a smart city, the construction of 5G base stations has been completed, and the big data center and artificial intelligence technology have been basically perfected, so the goal of the next stage is to build the Internet of Things."

Everyone below looked blank.

Another comrade next to him explained?: "This is a requirement for new infrastructure in the new era, and I hope to gain the support of private entrepreneurs."

Hearing this familiar Mandarin, many entrepreneurs present immediately grimaced.

"It's another indicator." Qing Qin heard people complaining.

He coughed dryly: "How much do you want?" Spend money as you spend, anyway, to contribute to the country.

"Several billions is almost the same. I hope the representatives of the company can go back and discuss?"

The result of the negotiation was that Qibao came out on top, throwing out 1.5 billion in one breath, and receiving a lot of awe-inspiring eyes.

Qing Qin said: "I don't care about money, I only care if the money can do something for the country."

Mr. Lou cast an approving look at him, secretly? There are not many young people with a sense of social responsibility now, not like this stinky boy from their family: "Our Lou family will also invest 1.5 billion ."

Although there are doubts and complaints, the rest of the people have not been too wordy about the investment incident. Basically, they have spent more than 100 million yuan, and they have made up 6 billion yuan.

Jian Jun watched all of their entrepreneurs bleed for money, and suddenly woke up: wait? Wait?, I haven't said that this is a big treasury!

But he turned to see Qingqin, who was calm and even a little happy: Forget it, forget it, the Qibao Smart Factory uses mature IoT technology, and Xiaoqing, who has no other options, may have already deduced Come out, that needless to say, to save you always worry about accidentally revealing secrets.

Not knowing that a wave of backstabs was ready to go, Qing Qin smiled and agreed to Mr. Lou's invitation, wondering if he should be reminded so as not to repeat the words set in the book? ?road.