MTL - Salted Fish Doesn’t Want to Inherit Hundred of Billion Property-Chapter 153 cheated

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The media are naturally watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal, so they reported this one sentence: "Qibao said that the new material developed by Suiren is useless"

As soon as this report came out, the wind that was still blowing Suiren’s madness changed slightly, and some Qibao Technology fans couldn’t help but speak—

"It's only a three-minute demonstration, who knows how long it will last."

"No? It's just in terms of materials? It's a step ahead, and it's a question of whether the magnetic field can be controlled next."

In addition, the PR department of Qibao Energy also began to exert its efforts, directly revealing the news that the chief engineer of Suiren was suspected of robbing the first work and squeezing the students, and the rumors on the Internet began to become unpleasant.

Qing Baiquan browsed the news one by one, but could not see much emotion on his face.

"Mr. Qing, should we speak up and support our Chief Engineer Mao?" Vice President Wang frowned and said anxiously.

"No use," Qing Baiquan closed the pad, he was standing in the corridor above the research room, overlooking the busy researchers and the heart-like reactor in the center, "The one from Qibao is very good at public opinion warfare, and our energy companies rarely do this kind of work. It is unwise to take advantage of our own shortcomings and attack others' strengths."


Qing Baiquan kneaded the root of his nose: "Accelerate research. The magnetic field control scheme proposed by Qibao is very interesting. We are already talking with an artificial intelligence team in country P, and they can offer high salary. By having them come over to help build further, our experiments can be extended as long as we use magnetic field control."

H energy excitation? Two major problems that cannot be long-term response, one is that the container cannot withstand the impact of long-term plasma flow, and the other is how to control the magnetic field to ensure the stability of the plasma flow and avoid uncontrolled explosions .

Qibao proposed solutions for both, which were affirmed by relevant researchers in the scientific community. Therefore, Suiren, who was in a hurry, also decided to follow this path.

"Okay." Vice President Wang wrote it down immediately, thinking about how much money he should ask from the financial side.

Qing Baiquan continued: "Has the patent number of the new material been applied for?"

"We expedited the completion of this one thing, and now the patent is in our hands? All those who want to take this road will not be able to circumvent our patent barriers, Even the Seven Treasures that have been studied before." Vice President Wang couldn't help showing a triumphant smile.

Scientific research is so cruel at this point, the winner can monopolize the results and grab all the benefits, while the loser, no matter how much investment and effort, wasted.

Fortunately, they were victorious in this war.

"Also," Qing Baiquan decided to leave after handling the affairs here, suddenly remembered something, and stopped, "The six people recruited from the round table energy, give the promised reward to They, but the future promotion and salary increase and entering the core business, you don't have to think about it. Especially Xu Xing, it's just a villain."


Vice President Wang nodded immediately, his back was soaked in cold sweat, he never imagined that this hairy boy had been sitting in the position of the president for several years, and he actually practiced his skills.

Driven by capital and invested by a highly professional top team, the development of technology is always beyond imagination.

After half a year, the team from country P finally debugged the entire magnetic field operation process.

"That's right, you Suiren have made H energy power generation so quickly." David followed the team to visit. As soon as he arrived at Qingbaiquan, he left happily. Came up and hugged each other.

This hug lasted only a few seconds, he knew the character of the president of the Sui Ren family, he immediately released his hand, took a few steps back, and happily made a please gesture: " Would you like to let your old friend come in and visit?"

"Of course." Qing Baiquan nodded and led the people inside.

The team from country P was also invited by this partner in the middle. It is very likely that the output of power generation facilities or technology will depend on this person. He is naturally welcome .

They didn't make much fanfare this time, they changed clothes, swiped their cards and entered the laboratory.

As soon as I entered, I heard that the atmosphere in the laboratory was very depressed.

"No? No, the instrument started to strike after 48 hours of continuous operation."

"The energy is decreasing little by little!"

David raised his eyebrows and let out a wow.

The previous report submitted by the laboratory claimed that the experimental process was smooth sailing. Qing Baiquan couldn't help frowning. The problem.

At this time, the team leader of the laboratory also saw the president silently standing in the corner, his expression froze.

Qing Baiquan put his index finger on his lips and made a silent gesture, then beckoned him to come and explain.

The team leader is also bitter in his heart. He is very clear that this time, the Suiren family has spent billions of dollars in order to make a result. It is best to be one step ahead of Qibao, and they did not produce results.

To be precise, it was only the last step. When I vaguely saw the skirt of the Goddess of Victory, the door to the truth closed cruelly and mercilessly.

He said a little frustratedly: "The previous test results were all good, the plasma fluid was stable, and the inner wall of the container was not lost, but after extending the time, we found that the output energy continued to decay, and over time , the power station will go on strike soon."

"Is it a fuel problem?" David asked.

"Increasing fuel will indeed enhance the output energy, but corresponding to it, the higher the fuel concentration, the higher the decay rate. If this continues, the production efficiency of H energy is not even comparable? Coal!" The team leader wiped his face and almost cried.

"We found through the probe that the plasma inside the container was also declining, and then some people began to question the magnetic field..."

Another voice savagely interrupted him: "There is absolutely no problem with the program we arranged. If there is a problem with the algorithm, it is because the information you have given us is insufficient."

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, the system team who was still standing in front of the computer to monitor, also suppressed anger on their faces, obviously displeased with other people's malicious speculation for a long time: " We are all working on this system very seriously, you can watch every change of the magnetic field and use your super calculation to calculate it, there will be no problems!"

At this time, almost everyone noticed the corner where the quarrel was taking place, including Mao Xiaotian who was unknowingly marginalized during this time.

When he saw that Qing Baiquan had already started to frown, the look of boredom showed on his face, he immediately made up his mind to show it in front of the president: "No? During commissioning, your system crashed more than once! Is it normal that the particle flow is depleted internally due to a miscalculation?"

"Ignorance!" The team from country P only felt that they had been insulted. Their particularly violent team leader immediately took off his famous brand and threw it on the ground.

"We are willing to pay all the indemnities, and please do your best." A group of them followed suit and left the famous brand and strode away.

Qing Baiquan felt that it was wrong for the researchers under him to be blamed, but the situation became more and more serious, so he immediately went out, intending to have a good chat with the research team.

Mao Xiaotian didn't expect the other party's reaction to be so intense, he looked embarrassed, and then was glared by Vice President Wang, and even retreated into the corner.

The consequences of this incident were quite bad, and the team of country P bought a ticket to fly back to China on the same day.

David: "Sorry, I can't help you at this point. The officials of country P don't really support their exporting technology."

This is also a risk that must be taken when hiring a team externally. Qing Baiquan nodded: "We will find the reason as soon as possible."

"Hope it," David raised his glass and clinked with him, "I heard from Qibao, there is something wrong with your materials, don't you? Look for it in this direction. In addition, the ones I contacted, and There are no brand requirements, they just want to be able to find the fastest and the best.”

He patted Qing Baiquan on the shoulder: "I hope you can stand out from the crowd."

The Suiren acted immediately, and they had to regret to discover that the problem was indeed the material.

The high strength of this material is completely dependent on the absorption of energy, and even more frightening is that after a series of nuclear reactions, it will naturally make the raw materials stored in the container scrapped.

This? A patent for which they invested hundreds of millions of capital is just a sweet poison sent by the opponent.

Qing Baiquan held the research report, his hand that was always stable trembled slightly, he finally calmed down and asked: "So what is the use of such a patent?"

Tester: "We originally thought that it could be used as an energy storage material, but the ability of this material to release energy is not good. If it is used as a protective material, it has specificity, only For our environment, if it is used as a probe, there is a high-level alternative, plus many factors such as high cost..."

"It's tasteless to eat, it's a pity to abandon it, it's just too tasteless," Qing Baiquan leaned on the chair.

It is no wonder that the person who did not do anything to stop their poaching, and even signed a non-disclosure agreement with many loopholes, in fact, made up his mind from the beginning, using a tasteless material to Consuming their funds, time and energy, Qibao Energy can also take this opportunity to develop rapidly and win this race.

To a certain extent, it is also their fault that they chose to hit the edge ball, so they won such a backlash.

"Resign Mao Xiaotian," he looked at some of the investigation results about the Yizuo incident, "There is no need to keep this kind of scum? Let's make it public and clear the door."

Qing Baiquan arranged a series of measures to stop losses in time and find a way to restart the research on materials again.

The matter just came to an end, and before he could catch his breath, a live broadcast kicked off vigorously—

"Qibao Announces the Creation of the H-Energy Era, the First Small Reactor Operation Test Live"

In this news, Qing Qin was wearing a black suit and dark sunglasses, and a red tie was the only bright color on his body. He was speaking on a high platform.

He turned his head to the side, showing a faint smile to the camera.

That's the smile that only the victor who has planned everything is qualified to show.