MTL - Salted Fish Doesn’t Want to Inherit Hundred of Billion Property-Chapter 154 epoch

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Qibao was silent for a whole year, and finally handed in a beautiful answer today.

Whether it was the previous overtake of Sui Ren's, or the doubts of netizens about plagiarism, they did not stop them.

In today's 24/7 live broadcast, the reactor in the center was quietly dormant, like a sleeping giant.

The live broadcast room was already crowded with people, and the barrage was densely packed?

"I never imagined that one day, I would be able to witness history."

"Qibao Energy is awesome! Sometimes it's hard to imagine that a group that sells soda can get to where it is today. There is a kind of happiness in raising cubs."

"There are so many data published on this, I suddenly feel that I am reading this? I am also a scholar, but will this kind of thing lead to patent disclosure?"

"No? No, these parameters are irrelevant, just to show the public, ah no?, professionals, that they did get the results."

"The paper published by Sui Ren's is quite interesting, but I suspect that some modifications may have been made to the data. Anyway, a laboratory as large as ours has not done it, and the repetition rate in the world is not now? No? Too high, of course, the real hammer lies in another point. Has the Sui Renshi been doing something small recently, and it seems that he is about to give up this project."

Naturally, there is no lack of some yin and yang weirdness: "Ha ha ha, does Qibao know how filial you are, and they are also doing live broadcasts around the world.

"You're just a thief anyway."

Qing Qin is standing on the high platform, next to the ignition start button. The scientists who have made outstanding contributions in this project, such as Qiao Zixin and Jian Jun, are standing on his left and right, and their faces are full of with a smile.

Behind him are the leaders and a large number of staff, and there are many cameras that have been aimed at him.

Qing Qin has answered all the questions, stretched out a hand and pressed down, announcing the official start of the ceremony.

The lights in the entire venue went out, the live broadcast room was dark, and the barrage on the screen was forcibly stopped, leaving only an exciting silence.

Everyone could not help but hold their breath, widened their eyes, and focused on the center of the screen, waiting for the moment to witness the miracle.

"I am honored to witness the coming of a new era with you today." Qing Qin said.

His heartbeat suddenly accelerated, in fact, the whole process of ignition operation has been done more than once, but when he was put under the camera and really told the people of Huaguo, he still did not consciously tense up.

Nervous and looking forward to it, and it is also the first time for her own child to shine the pride of the world.

Applause resounded in the venue, the shutter was pressed continuously, and there was a continuous click.

The barrage that just released the restrictions passed row after row.

The light on the reactor in the center is on and off, like a heart that is beating constantly.

"The first area test is completed and passed."

"Energy is running normally and passing."

"The product is recovered and qualified."

The qualifications sounded one after another, passed to the entire venue through the microphone, and then passed it to the hearts of everyone who was looking forward to it through the live broadcast.

"Current power generation?" Qing Qin asked in the eyes of everyone's increasing expectations.

"Group A is fully loaded, meeting expectations!" The tester said loudly, full of pride, and the power that followed was the highlight.

This figure means that a small power station is enough to support the electricity consumption of a high energy consumption state capital as big as Jingzhou!

The barrage is also shocked—

"Wait, brothers, me? Did I hear it wrong, so much? Isn't that leap of age an exaggeration of corporate propaganda?"

"That's right, a generator can supply an entire state capital!"

"What a terrible epoch-making invention, I? Feel like me? This energy doctor is going to lose his job!"

The audience burst into applause, even Jian Jun, who has always been dignified and self-controlled, couldn't help but let out a cheer.

Qing Qin didn't have time to control their actions, all the researchers put down their burdens under this success, cheers like a tide, generally coming from all directions.

"We succeeded, we succeeded!" a reporter roared at the camera, jumped upwards, and threw the hat on his head into the sky.

No one will blame him for being crazy, because everyone is immersed in the same emotions as him, and the barrage is even faster. In addition to countless ah ah ah, More passionate words from shaking hands—

"I am so honored to be able to glimpse the dawn of a new era."

"Long live the flower country, this scene will be remembered by history!"

"It's too exaggerated, I always thought the energy revolution was a legend, but in the blink of an eye I've traveled through fifty years."

This scene pierced into the heart of Qing Baiquan who was watching the live broadcast like a sharp arrow. He turned off the live broadcast in vain, and had to admit his complete failure this time.

The live broadcast is not over, this reactor will continue to operate for a week in the eyes of the public, and then enter the next step of research to further open the way for large-scale use.

Of course, it should be held again at this moment? A celebration banquet to celebrate an absolute and complete victory.

Qibao Canteen made preparations early, and the people at the venue poured into the large canteen to get meals made with Chef Han’s secret recipe.

What's more, Qibao Canteen has always had a transparent canteen design, and once you turn around, you can see the chefs handling the ingredients in an orderly manner.

This dish is also worthy of the famous name of Qibao's food: the lion's head is fresh and tender, the soup is delicious; the boiled cabbage is fresh and soft, not oily or greasy; Health care, aroma? tangy nose; king crabs show their teeth and dance claws, and the meat is delicate and delicious...

Each table is filled with a whole table of delicious food, and the service robot walks between the tables, providing high-quality service continuously.

They are all highly intelligent, and they answer the questions of the guests fluently, and the practice of each dish is well-known.

Qing Qin's table is very lively.

The leaders, who were originally just to support the inspection, never expected to receive such a shocking news. The follow-up schedule was cancelled immediately, and whatever they said, they had to stay and talk to Qing Qin more. a few words.

Comrade Zhang? He knows how many reports he has made, and his expression is very complicated. When he sits back, his face is a little tired, and he takes the lead in toasting Qing Qin: "Mr. Ah, this time? But you did a big thing quietly."

"Where, where." Qing Qin clinked glasses with him.

Comrade Zhang shook his head, they didn't pay much attention to the development of H energy by private companies before.

After all, technology changes take a certain amount of time. Even if Qibao takes a step first, it is unlikely to surpass the progress they are officially researching.

In addition, the research and development of H energy was stagnant for a long time, especially the idea of ​​​​stimulating energy, which was once regarded as a dead end in the academic world. Who knows that these two private companies have thought of this way, and Qibao also Did you go successfully?

Comrade Zhang, who had the most confidence in Qibao before, only thought that the power generation capacity was comparable to that of hydroelectric power? Several major energy sources are rolling victories.

Energy, especially new energy, is the lifeblood of the country. Once it can be thoroughly promoted, or even export energy to other countries, the control of Huaguo will be greatly improved.

"Mr. Qing, how much is the next research and development of Qibao Energy?" Comrade Zhang asked with a smile, "We have always been very supportive of high-tech enterprises in research and development, especially energy ? Important areas, there is a great need for responsible companies.”

Qing Qin heard his overtones and nodded: "Currently, our energy utilization is still in the initial stage, if we want to expand further, we still need a long research process and a lot of money. put in."

Comrade Zhang smiled and wrote him a number: "Don't worry, the next promotion and expansion will not? Will it? Where is the difference."

Qing Qin nodded: "This is exactly what we need, Qibao Energy is destined to become bigger and stronger, it can be separated from the Qibao Group, and the share structure can also be reorganized."

The two talked casually and immediately settled the tone of the matter.

In the seven days of the live broadcast of energy power generation, everything was in full swing. The brand-new Qibao Power was established, and the state injected a large amount of capital. Announced cooperation with Qibao Electric Power.

All countries all over the world responded a step late. Before the incident, no one thought that H Energy could achieve such a great success.

This is like a black horse that suddenly ran out, a black swan that suddenly took off, and suddenly disrupted the energy deployment and planning of countries around the world.

"How can this technology progress? So fast, those idiots are still dawdling and voting on whether to set up a H energy project team!"

"Why didn't anyone tell me before this? H energy can be put into use!"

"What are the scientists in our country studying!"

"The Flower Country now intends to export energy to other countries, God, I? You can imagine what kind of vampires they are!"

When countries in this country are inquiring about news and officials are practicing Tai Chi everywhere, the research and development process of H energy is also making great strides.

This time, the original research group was further upgraded, and relevant scholars from the official academy of sciences actively signed up to join this project.

Qiao Zixin was also facing such a big scene for the first time. The night before the meeting between the two parties, she was excited and slept all night, and her eyes were black and bright.

Qing Qin just happened to take him to the research institute by the way. Seeing his appearance, he was a little worried: "Didn't you sleep last night?"

"No, I really can't sleep," Qiao patted the back of his head inwardly, his face full of excitement and shyness of the little fanboy seeing his idol, "My God, I? I'm going to meet several big guys today. , I have recited all the papers that have been published by me! I am so excited!"

Qing Qin relieved: "Don't be too nervous, just show your strength and prove yourself."

He remembered Jian Jun's style back then, and showed an evil smile: "You can discuss some difficult problems with them."

"You can rest assured, sir," Qiao Zi suddenly realized, and immediately took out a stack of paper and a pen from his bag, and began to write complicated and incomprehensible symbols, "I? All the issues discussed with them have been written down, and we don’t talk about anything else, just learn from friends!”

Qing Qin: I hope the last person is okay.

For other scholars, it may be a big shock.

No? I have to admit that Qing Qin's advice was quite useful.

A little bit of negativity has all vanished.

Just like the big man with white temples, after listening to a few questions, he immediately took out a notebook to record Qiao Zixin's theory. When he was excited, he couldn't help taking off his glasses. , wiped it with a tissue, and sighed in his mouth: "The future generations are terrible, the future generations are terrible!"

No? There is today's: "Thank you."

Qing Qin understood his mouth shape, nodded slightly, and saw that this new group of researchers made up the class in a daze, and beckoned people to come over.

"Mr. Qing." Joe stood obediently beside the chair.

"Mao Xiaotian's matter has been resolved." Qing Qin turned on his mobile phone to show him the latest news.

The title happens to be "Professor of Shui University? Chief Engineer? fraud! 》

Qing Qin summed up softly: "After investigation, Mao Xiaotian robbed students of as many as 20 articles, and made three academic frauds. Qibao has sued him for stealing trade secrets."

In the photos in the newspaper, the man who had become part of Qiao's psychological shadow suddenly aged a lot.

"The title of the first paper published before will be changed soon, and those who put in the effort will eventually get the reward they deserve," Qing Qin continued to add, "At the same time, the students under Mao Xiaotian also You have found a new mentor, don't you worry too much."

Qiao looked at it for a while, and finally smiled: "Mr. Qing, thank you, I? Thank you so much."

"No? Needless to say, there is nothing in return," Qing Qin shrugged, "Do well with the current project, and prepare to be exploited by a capitalist like me for the rest of your life. How about the brakes and safety measures?"

Qiao became serious: "There is one more key material, which we have compared, which is the one you asked Roundtable Energy to develop."

"This," the young CEO laughed, holding the phone around with his long fingers, "I will give it to you in a month."